source: AE/Setup/Mac/Run AE Installer/Run AE Installer/AppDelegate.applescript

Last change on this file was 1065, checked in by iritscen, 7 years ago

Updated AE Setup to v1.2.0 to ensure Mono and macOS 10.13 compatibility.

File size: 5.2 KB
[1029]1-- Run AE Installer
2-- for Anniversary Edition Seven
3-- by Iritscen
4-- Serves as a forking alias which opens either the AE Installer, or, if the AEI is
5-- not found, the AEI Updater so it can install the Installer. Used as both a
6-- shortcut for the user and as a part of the AE Setup process.
7-- History:
[1065]8-- 1.1.0 - Now looking for Mono in the /Library/Frameworks path that it's actually
9-- installed in, as 10.13 does not seem to be registering the paths.d
10-- extension to $PATH and it's more foolproof to just get to it directly.
[1042]11-- 1.0.9 - No code changes, but needed to re-build in 10.12 in order for it to work
12-- in 10.12.
[1030]13-- 1.0.8 - Now that Mono is installed in /usr/local/bin/ in 10.11, we need to add
14-- that path to PATH when invoking Java.
[1029]15-- 1.0.7 - Now an AppleScriptObjC application to ensure signing integrity and OS
16-- compatibility for 10.6 through 10.11.
17-- 1.0.6 - The previous method fails sometimes, e.g. in 10.7 with Apple Java
18-- installed, so now we are just looking in either place and calling Java
19-- when we find it.
20-- 1.0.5 - Removing "which java" as "smart" method for finding Java, as it can now
21-- return a value like "/usr/bin/java" even when Java is not really
22-- there; now calling Java using a fixed path for 10.6 and another fixed
23-- path for 10.7+.
24-- 1.0.4 - Calling Java through command-line again before falling back to Internet
25-- Plug-Ins location, to restore 10.6 compatibility.
26-- 1.0.3 - Instead of escaping only space characters in paths, put paths in quotes
27-- to avoid need for escaping entirely.
28-- 1.0.2 - Calling Java at Internet plug-in location instead of using basic command-
29-- line "java", as only the JDK installs command-line Java.
[1042]30-- 1.0.1 - Now setting environment to UTF-8 in order to avoid 'Ä' problem in Java 7.
[1029]31-- 1.0 - Initial release.
33script AppDelegate
34 property parent : class "NSObject"
35 global parentPathUnixNS
36 global parentPathUnixStr
37 global parentPathASAlias
38 global parentPathASStr
40 -- IBOutlets
41 property theWindow : missing value
43 on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
44 tell application "Finder"
45 tell current application's class "NSBundle"
46 tell its mainBundle()
47 set parentPathUnixNS to bundlePath()'s stringByDeletingLastPathComponent
48 set parentPathUnixStr to parentPathUnixNS as string
49 end tell
50 end tell
51 set parentPathASAlias to POSIX file parentPathUnixStr as alias
52 set parentPathASStr to parentPathASAlias as string
53 set success to true
55 -- Test for Java at the two standard locations
56 set javaPath to "/Library/Internet\\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java"
57 set javaExistsTest to ("if [ -f " & javaPath & " ]; then echo okay; fi") as string
58 set javaExists to do shell script javaExistsTest without altering line endings
59 if (javaExists is "") then
60 -- Test for Java at old location (Apple Java)
61 set javaPath to "/usr/bin/java"
62 set javaExistsTest to ("if [ -f " & javaPath & " ]; then echo okay; fi") as string
63 set javaExists to do shell script javaExistsTest without altering line endings
64 if (javaExists is "") then
65 display alert "Could not find Java!"
66 set success to false
67 end if
68 end if
70 if (success is true) then
[1065]71 set run_prefix to "export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/bin:${PATH};export LC_CTYPE=\"UTF-8\";"
[1029]72 set AEIUfolder to parentPathASStr & "AEInstaller"
73 set AEIU to AEIUfolder & ":AEInstaller2Updater.jar"
74 set AEIU_CLI to POSIX path of AEIU
[1030]75 set run_AEIU to run_prefix & javaPath & " -jar \"" & AEIU_CLI & "\" &> /dev/null &"
77 set AEIfolder to parentPathASStr & "AEInstaller:bin"
78 set AEI to AEIfolder & ":AEInstaller2.jar"
79 set AEI_CLI to POSIX path of AEI
[1030]80 set run_AEI to run_prefix & javaPath & " -jar \"" & AEI_CLI & "\" &> /dev/null &"
[1029]81 if not (parentPathUnixNS's lastPathComponent as string is "AE") then
82 display alert "Please put \"Run AE Installer\" in the AE/ folder so I can find the Installer."
83 else if (AEI exists) then
84 do shell script run_AEI
85 else if (AEIU exists) then
86 do shell script run_AEIU
87 else
88 display alert "Could not find AE Installer *or* AE Installer Updater! You may need to re-install the AE."
89 end if
90 end if
91 end tell
92 tell me
93 quit
94 end tell
95 end applicationWillFinishLaunching_
97 on applicationShouldTerminate_(sender)
98 -- Insert code here to do any housekeeping before your application quits
99 return current application's NSTerminateNow
100 end applicationShouldTerminate_
[1065]102end script
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