[1029] | 1 | -- Run AE Installer
| 2 | -- for Anniversary Edition Seven
| 3 | -- by Iritscen
| 4 | -- Serves as a forking alias which opens either the AE Installer, or, if the AEI is
| 5 | -- not found, the AEI Updater so it can install the Installer. Used as both a
| 6 | -- shortcut for the user and as a part of the AE Setup process.
| 7 | -- History:
[1065] | 8 | -- 1.1.0 - Now looking for Mono in the /Library/Frameworks path that it's actually
| 9 | -- installed in, as 10.13 does not seem to be registering the paths.d
| 10 | -- extension to $PATH and it's more foolproof to just get to it directly.
[1042] | 11 | -- 1.0.9 - No code changes, but needed to re-build in 10.12 in order for it to work
| 12 | -- in 10.12.
[1030] | 13 | -- 1.0.8 - Now that Mono is installed in /usr/local/bin/ in 10.11, we need to add
| 14 | -- that path to PATH when invoking Java.
[1029] | 15 | -- 1.0.7 - Now an AppleScriptObjC application to ensure signing integrity and OS
| 16 | -- compatibility for 10.6 through 10.11.
| 17 | -- 1.0.6 - The previous method fails sometimes, e.g. in 10.7 with Apple Java
| 18 | -- installed, so now we are just looking in either place and calling Java
| 19 | -- when we find it.
| 20 | -- 1.0.5 - Removing "which java" as "smart" method for finding Java, as it can now
| 21 | -- return a value like "/usr/bin/java" even when Java is not really
| 22 | -- there; now calling Java using a fixed path for 10.6 and another fixed
| 23 | -- path for 10.7+.
| 24 | -- 1.0.4 - Calling Java through command-line again before falling back to Internet
| 25 | -- Plug-Ins location, to restore 10.6 compatibility.
| 26 | -- 1.0.3 - Instead of escaping only space characters in paths, put paths in quotes
| 27 | -- to avoid need for escaping entirely.
| 28 | -- 1.0.2 - Calling Java at Internet plug-in location instead of using basic command-
| 29 | -- line "java", as only the JDK installs command-line Java.
[1042] | 30 | -- 1.0.1 - Now setting environment to UTF-8 in order to avoid 'Ä' problem in Java 7.
[1029] | 31 | -- 1.0 - Initial release.
| 32 |
| 33 | script AppDelegate
| 34 | property parent : class "NSObject"
| 35 | global parentPathUnixNS
| 36 | global parentPathUnixStr
| 37 | global parentPathASAlias
| 38 | global parentPathASStr
| 39 |
| 40 | -- IBOutlets
| 41 | property theWindow : missing value
| 42 |
| 43 | on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
| 44 | tell application "Finder"
| 45 | tell current application's class "NSBundle"
| 46 | tell its mainBundle()
| 47 | set parentPathUnixNS to bundlePath()'s stringByDeletingLastPathComponent
| 48 | set parentPathUnixStr to parentPathUnixNS as string
| 49 | end tell
| 50 | end tell
| 51 | set parentPathASAlias to POSIX file parentPathUnixStr as alias
| 52 | set parentPathASStr to parentPathASAlias as string
| 53 | set success to true
| 54 |
| 55 | -- Test for Java at the two standard locations
| 56 | set javaPath to "/Library/Internet\\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java"
| 57 | set javaExistsTest to ("if [ -f " & javaPath & " ]; then echo okay; fi") as string
| 58 | set javaExists to do shell script javaExistsTest without altering line endings
| 59 | if (javaExists is "") then
| 60 | -- Test for Java at old location (Apple Java)
| 61 | set javaPath to "/usr/bin/java"
| 62 | set javaExistsTest to ("if [ -f " & javaPath & " ]; then echo okay; fi") as string
| 63 | set javaExists to do shell script javaExistsTest without altering line endings
| 64 | if (javaExists is "") then
| 65 | display alert "Could not find Java!"
| 66 | set success to false
| 67 | end if
| 68 | end if
| 69 |
| 70 | if (success is true) then
[1065] | 71 | set run_prefix to "export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/bin:${PATH};export LC_CTYPE=\"UTF-8\";"
[1029] | 72 | set AEIUfolder to parentPathASStr & "AEInstaller"
| 73 | set AEIU to AEIUfolder & ":AEInstaller2Updater.jar"
| 74 | set AEIU_CLI to POSIX path of AEIU
[1030] | 75 | set run_AEIU to run_prefix & javaPath & " -jar \"" & AEIU_CLI & "\" &> /dev/null &"
[1029] | 76 |
| 77 | set AEIfolder to parentPathASStr & "AEInstaller:bin"
| 78 | set AEI to AEIfolder & ":AEInstaller2.jar"
| 79 | set AEI_CLI to POSIX path of AEI
[1030] | 80 | set run_AEI to run_prefix & javaPath & " -jar \"" & AEI_CLI & "\" &> /dev/null &"
[1029] | 81 | if not (parentPathUnixNS's lastPathComponent as string is "AE") then
| 82 | display alert "Please put \"Run AE Installer\" in the AE/ folder so I can find the Installer."
| 83 | else if (AEI exists) then
| 84 | do shell script run_AEI
| 85 | else if (AEIU exists) then
| 86 | do shell script run_AEIU
| 87 | else
| 88 | display alert "Could not find AE Installer *or* AE Installer Updater! You may need to re-install the AE."
| 89 | end if
| 90 | end if
| 91 | end tell
| 92 | tell me
| 93 | quit
| 94 | end tell
| 95 | end applicationWillFinishLaunching_
| 96 |
| 97 | on applicationShouldTerminate_(sender)
| 98 | -- Insert code here to do any housekeeping before your application quits
| 99 | return current application's NSTerminateNow
| 100 | end applicationShouldTerminate_
| 101 |
[1065] | 102 | end script