Custom Query (105 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 105)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#113 s10k s10k fixed Vago fixes and suggestions
Description Some suggestions by paradox:

* 1 - "Here's an idea: since you introduced project workflow it might be nice to be asked on next app start to continue last project or not. Settings: Project reminder: on/off"

Some fixes to do:

* 2 - Add new project to file menu
* 3 - Maybe ask to save a project which was modified?
#114 s10k Paradox-01 fixed Vago suggestions: wizard for impulse sound
Description This might be a bit unfair to request because there's no .imp documentation on XML:SNDD. But for sake of completeness there should be .imp generation.
#124 s10k s10k invalid Can't disable last item in a table until it changes position
Description what the title say, happens when the numbers of items is 3.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.