Custom Query (105 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 105)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#110 s10k edt fixed ONI FILES to DAT - Add button does not select folder containing the files
Description When converting Oni files to DAT, the user is unable to select the folder containing the files using the Add button. The Add button will only open the folder. If all the files are selected, the user get the message “Only folders are allowed for this operation”
#111 s10k edt invalid %2F in filename causes error
Description -create "/Users/EKT2014/Games/Oni/AE/Tools/VagoGUI/VagoWorkspace/XML/XML - ONI/" "/Users/EKT2014/Desktop/TXMPIteration001%2FKS_chestpack.xml"
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path "/Users/EKT2014/Desktop/TXMPIteration001/KS_chestpack.xml".

It has been such a long time having to deal with %2F in a filename I forgot the solution :(

Edit: You mean "%2F" --Iritscen
#116 s10k Paradox-01 fixed Vago suggestions: TXMB editor
Description - Choose an image. (Vanilla standard or AE HD. See XML:TXMB for pixel values.)
- GUI cuts image into pieces automatically and adds "_NN" to the names. Done.
- Reminder showing BSL code for calling the splashscreens/winlevel/loselevel images.
- Non-TXMB splitter. Might be useful for oversized billboards. (Same procedure. Just no TXMB file in the end, only TXMPs are created.)
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