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Results (40 - 42 of 105)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#71 fixed Wrong element name can cause segmentation fault s10k Iritscen
Description For instance:
@ADD_INSIDE_NODES ElementName "Animations"
for a standard TRAM XML file where there is no such element, only "Animation", will cause this crash. XmlTools will not report an explicit error like "That element does not exist". In the AE mod installation process, this crash of XmlTools will cause all subsequent patches to fail silently, with no indication of what went wrong.
#78 fixed Run Oni buttons bypass launch_args.txt in Intel Mac build Alloc Iritscen
Description When Feral added launch_args.txt to the Intel Oni build that most Mac users are using now (1.1b5), they made it so that it serves as an alternative to having to launch the Oni binary from the CLI in order to pass it launch arguments. This became useful because a number of args were added to Mac Oni for things like FSAA, and we can use the .txt file to basically "save our preferences" by storing the launch args in there.

Now if we want to temporarily bypass the contents of launch_args.txt, we can still launch Oni from the CLI, and if any args are passed in, Oni will use those and ignore launch_args.txt (in the case of no CLI args, launch_args.txt will still be read during a CLI launch of Oni). While this makes sense, it causes a problem for the AEI's Run Oni buttons because any settings the user is storing in launch_args.txt are ignored when the AEI launches Oni.

This is because the AEI is launching Oni CLI-style, and passing it -debugfiles, and -noswitch if the "windowed" button is clicked. Now, I don't know what -debugfiles does in Windows, but it seems to be useless on Macs. If you were not passing that, then at least the "fullscreen" button would work properly, allowing Oni to read launch_args.txt, but clicking the "windowed" button would still bypass launch_args.txt because of that -noswitch.

I don't want to suggest anything too complicated; I think the simplest solution is just to give us one Run Oni button on the Mac (no "fullscreen" or "windowed"), since the player already has launch_args.txt at his disposal in order to set windowed mode on/off.

Slightly more complicated (if you wanted) would be to read launch_args.txt and look for "-noswitch", and if the user clicks the "windowed" button but launch_args.txt does not have -noswitch, warn the user that he has to choose whether to launch Oni with -noswitch and none of his launch_args.txt args, or else launch Oni fullscreen with his saved args.
#85 fixed Plus sign in path to Oni causes AE to fail Alloc Iritscen
Description Sorry for the vagueness of the summary, but it's based on this post: Probably you can figure the rest out from here? I actually thought the AEI supported Unicode, so a '+' should be no problem, but it seems this is an issue that happens in Setup.exe or the Updater.
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