Custom Query (105 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 105)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#21 fixed Remove himynameisalex easter egg alloc Iritscen
Description Since it's based on a misunderstanding in the first place, and can only confuse users, please combine the "kangaroo" cheat code with the message "Kangaroo Mode Enabled/Disabled" like it used to be, removing the cheat code himynameisalex and the "Okita Mode Enabled/Disabled" message.
#22 fixed Loading mod selection does not update "to download" text Alloc Iritscen
Description After loading an .xml of mods to install, you'll see in attached picture that there are mods that are not already downloaded, but the total data to be downloaded is still "0.0 B".
#23 fixed Add Help option to Installer menu Alloc Iritscen
Description Underneath "About" would be good. The Help item can simply open up (it might be better to use the "AEI" redirect though, it's less likely to ever change).
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.