Custom Query (105 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 105)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#85 fixed Plus sign in path to Oni causes AE to fail Alloc Iritscen
Description Sorry for the vagueness of the summary, but it's based on this post: Probably you can figure the rest out from here? I actually thought the AEI supported Unicode, so a '+' should be no problem, but it seems this is an issue that happens in Setup.exe or the Updater.
#89 fixed On Macs, intro/ need copying too Alloc Iritscen
Description Since Oni for Mac no longer supports the Bink movies, but rather plays QuickTime versions that come with the app, the AEI needs to apply its "Copy intro" and "Copy outro" settings to and as well, which reside in the GDF like the .bik movies (in fact, the .bik movies do not need to be copied as they are useless to us now).
#90 fixed Gestalt selector error in Console Iritscen Iritscen
Description When testing the AE in the upcoming OS X 10.10 Yosemite, I got the follow message in Console:

XmlTools: WARNING: The Gestalt selector gestaltSystemVersion is returning 10.9.0 instead of 10.10.0. Use NSProcessInfo's operatingSystemVersion property to get correct system version number. Call location:
XmlTools: 0 CarbonCore 0x00007fff94d08dc3 !___Gestalt_SystemVersion_block_invoke + 113
XmlTools: 1 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff9395ec13 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
XmlTools: 2 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff9395eb26 dispatch_once_f + 117
XmlTools: 3 CarbonCore 0x00007fff94cb14da _Gestalt_SystemVersion + 987
XmlTools: 4 CarbonCore 0x00007fff94cb10c7 Gestalt + 144
XmlTools: 5 QtCore 0x0000000100257836 _ZN9QInternal17activateCallbacksENS_8CallbackEPPv + 2582
XmlTools: 6 ??? 0x00007fff62f25ceb 0x0 + 140734853438699

I don't know why or when this is being called. Are you calling the Gestalt() function directly or is Mono doing that for you? I also don't know if this affects anything adversely because I don't know if you are actually looking at the OS version.

The program still seemed to work fine in 10.10, so I'm just filing this as a trivial bug so that you're aware of it. I suspect it's actually a Mono bug that we can't do anything about.
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