Custom Query (105 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 105)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#108 invalid Mono not detected when installed on Mac Alloc Iritscen
Description Over the last few months, there were various issues with Mono installing in 10.11. I believe all those have been cleared up by the developers. However, the AEI is now failing to detect Mono when it is installed. The install directory was moved from /usr/bin/ to /usr/local/bin/ to work with 10.11, but that shouldn't make a difference.

I see that the AEI is simply running "which mono" and checking the output to see if it looks like a path. This should work; on my Macs, I can run "which mono" in Terminal and get "/usr/local/bin/mono" as output, but the AEI does not seem to be getting this output when it runs the command. The result is that it tells the user to install .NET and quits.

This bug seems to be occurring in not just 10.11, but also 10.9 (therefore probably all OS versions).
#109 fixed Architecture is reported incorrectly in log Alloc Iritscen
Description On a PPC Mac (G5), this is the beginning of aei_output.log:

AE Installer 2.25
Time: 2016-03-15 19:40:56
Java: "OpenJDK Runtime Environment" v. 1.7.0-internal by "Oracle Corporation" (spec. 1.7)
Java home: /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.7.0/Home/jre
Command: /Applications/Oni/AE/AEInstaller/bin/AEInstaller2.jar
Platform: Darwin detected as MACOS
Architect: X86

This is the same output on my Intel iMac:

AE Installer 2.25
Time: 2016-03-16 10:48:57
Java: "Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment" v. 1.8.0_74 by "Oracle Corporation" (spec. 1.8)
Java home: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home
Command: /Games/Oni/AE/AEInstaller/bin/AEInstaller2.jar
Platform: Mac OS X detected as MACOS
Architect: AMD64

I think you see the issues ;-)
#112 fixed Do not list core mods as tools Alloc Iritscen
Description I thought this had been reported before, or even fixed, but maybe my memory is faulty. Currently, the AEI prints the core mod packages twice at the top of Installation.log:
AEI2 version: .26
Installed tools:
- OniSplit (AEI) (
- XmlTools (2.0b)
- XmlToolsDependencies (1.2)
- AE Read-Me (2015-03)
- Oni game app (Mac OS X, Intel) (1.2.1) (! LOCALLY MODIFIED !)
- Menu Fixes (AE) (1.1)
- Globalization Fixes for Characters (1.2)
- Custom Character Variants (1.1)
- Airport Vehicle Fix (1.0)
- Bomber Fix (1.0)
- Widescreen Fixes (1.11)
- Unlock All Moves (1.3)
- Vanilla BSL (1.1)
- Missing Sounds (1.0)
Installing mods:
- Menu Fixes (AE) (1.1)
- Globalization Fixes for Characters (1.2)
- Custom Character Variants (1.1)
- Airport Vehicle Fix (1.0)
- Bomber Fix (1.0)
- Widescreen Fixes (1.11)
- Unlock All Moves (1.3)
- Vanilla BSL (1.1)
- Missing Sounds (1.0)
- Smart Barabas (1.2)

It helps readability if we can remove those core mods from under "Installed tools", but I'd like to suggest going a little further and breaking the installed packages into three groups, "Installed tools", "Core mods", and "Optional [or "Selected"] mods" so that we can quickly see just what the user has selected for installation.
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