Custom Query (105 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 105)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#35 invalid artifacts in TRAC files should be removed Paradox-01
Description [ticket:33 Edt said] that Kon's Trac file misses some animations. Apparently those artifacts don't harm the game. But when we extract character animations errors pop up and that's simply irritating/annoying.

Do you agree in removing them?
#43 duplicate xmlTools feature request: conditions-based replace command s10k Paradox-01
Description Sometimes the replace command is not precise enough.

We had two incidents where it would be useful to have a more powerful version of that command.

1) Incoming from the [ wiki]. (Changing content in object collection(s).)
2) And ticket:41. (Changing content in ONGS.)

There are probably many more situations you can think of, like in particle where you can have multiple emitter, etc.

@ReplaceValueInSection Section "name" ParentTag "name" Tag "tame" ConditionParentTag "name" ConditionTag "name" ConditionValue "name/value"

Note 1: Section is here just another word for GrandparentTag.
Note 2: Maybe the ConditionValue should also allow for a "*" to replace any old content.


Using the examples again, that's how I imagine the solution for ...

Example 1

@ReplaceValueInSection Section "CHAR" ParentTag "Scripts" Tag "Spawn" ConditionParentTag "OSD" ConditionTag "Flags" ConditionValue "IsPlayer"


Example 2
@ReplaceValueInSection Section "AutoPrompts" ParentTag "ONGSAutoPrompt" Tag "LastAutopromptLevel" ConditionParentTag "ONGSAutoPrompt" ConditionTag "SubtitleName" ConditionValue "autoprompt_weapon"


Is that feature desirable and possible to create?

.. edit test ..
#68 wontfix Number of polygons that can be rendered simultaneously should be increased Alloc Paradox-01
Description Currently the camera can look at 8192 (2^13^) env polygons.
That sounds much but isn't.
It's like 7 lowpoly trees, a ground to stand on and a lot of ... empty space ... to look at.

For nice nature levels it would nice to have a bigger limit like 32768. If the performance doesn't go down maybe even more.

I think it should be within reach for you guys to find the data type or variable in the engine that is to blame and add a more powerful version to the daodan.

{{{So, plz? ^_^}}}
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.