Custom Query (24 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Created
#35 artifacts in TRAC files should be removed defect trivial Packages 11 years
#1 Pause dialog not closing on Linux/Wine defect minor Daodan/Win 11 years
#2 Outro is only playing audio defect minor Daodan/Win 11 years
#58 -noanim checkbox for extracting models s10k enhancement major Vago 11 years
#111 %2F in filename causes error s10k defect major Vago 8 years
#124 Can't disable last item in a table until it changes position s10k defect minor Vago 7 years
#148 Reflective texture conversion fails s10k defect major Vago 4 years
#26 After updating to 2.04 info on Installed mods gone Alloc defect major AEI2/Updater 11 years
#29 Improve State for core packages Alloc defect trivial AEI2/UI 11 years
#47 Do not overwrite locally-newer package Alloc defect major AEI2 11 years
#48 AEI 2.0.6's launch hangs at update check Alloc defect critical AEI2 11 years
#82 SPAM Alloc defect major AEI2 10 years
#83 SPAM Alloc defect major AEI2 10 years
#84 SPAM Alloc defect major AEI2 10 years
#86 SPAM Alloc defect major AEI2 10 years
#87 SPAM Alloc defect major AEI2 10 years
#88 SPAM Alloc defect major AEI2 10 years
#93 SPAM Alloc defect major AEI2 10 years
#94 SPAM Alloc defect major AEI2 9 years
#95 SPAM Alloc defect major AEI2 9 years
#96 SPAM Alloc defect major AEI2 9 years
#97 SPAM Alloc defect major AEI2 9 years
#98 SPAM Alloc defect major AEI2 9 years
#108 Mono not detected when installed on Mac Alloc defect critical AEI2 8 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.