Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#92 reopened defect

Installation fails when Java is on different drive than Oni — at Initial Version

Reported by: Iritscen Owned by: Christian
Priority: critical Component: AEI2
Keywords: Cc:


As seen in our latest support request, when Java was installed on C:\ and Oni on D:\, something failed in the installation process. We know that XmlTools failed to patch properly, which might mean that this is an XmlTools bug, or perhaps the path was not passed properly to it? It doesn't seem possible that a failed XML patch would ruin the whole installation, so a deeper problem must be present.

I don't have time to investigate this right now myself, but perhaps the first thing we need to do is figure out what exactly failed. The level data seems to be about the right size (though smaller than what I see on my Mac, perhaps owing to more compressed textures). Oni's debugger.txt reported that ONGS could not be found, which indicates that the level file was built incorrectly (ONGS is the first instance in level0_Final.dat).

We might want to ask the affected fan to upload his level files for us to examine, but perhaps for a level besides zero since level0 is so large (this is assuming that the other levels also have the problem).

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