{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg932\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Helvetica;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green0\blue128;} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\lang1033\b\f0\fs24 Seventh Anniversary Edition\par Release of July 2009\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\b0\par \pard\qc\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ul About the AE\par \pard\ulnone\fs22\tab The Seventh Anniversary Edition ("Edition" or "AE" for short) is a modding framework and set of mods for the action game Oni, released in 2001. You need a retail version of Oni to play the Edition (for now). Full documentation for this release can be found at \lang255{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://wiki.oni2.net/AE"}}{\fldrslt{\ul\cf1 http://wiki.oni2.net/AE}}}\lang1033\f0\fs22 .\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\par \pard\tab You will also need \b .NET\b0 installed, if you use Windows, or \b mono\b0 installed if you use a Mac, in order for the AE installation to work. Click {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=0856eacb-4362-4b0d-8edd-aab15c5e04f5&displaylang=en" }}{\fldrslt{\cf2\lang255\ul HERE}}}\cf0\lang1033\ulnone\f0\fs22 if you need \b .NET\b0 , or {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.go-mono.com/mono-downloads/download.html" }}{\fldrslt{\cf2\lang255\ul HERE}}}\cf0\lang1033\ulnone\f0\fs22 (OS X 10.4+) or {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://edt.oni2.net/AE/MonoFramework10.3.dmg" }}{\fldrslt{\cf2\lang255\ul HERE}}}\cf0\lang1033\ulnone\f0\fs22 (OS X 10.3) if you need \b mono\b0 .\par \par \par \pard\qc\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ul\fs24 Installation\par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ulnone\fs22\tab The Edition does not replace your existing game installation. To install, simply place the \ldblquote edition\rdblquote folder inside your \ldblquote Oni\rdblquote folder, then run the Installer. You will have to globalize before you can install mods for the first time, which could take up to half an hour. \ul Note: At this point, AE Oni is not playable. You must install at least one mod before you can play the copy of Oni inside \ldblquote edition\rdblquote .\ulnone Simply check the boxes of the mods you want, and press the \ldblquote Install\rdblquote button. This process could take up to 5 minutes, but will be faster on most computers.\par \pard\par \tab To play AE, you open the Oni application inside the \ldblquote edition\rdblquote folder, and to play \ldblquote vanilla\rdblquote (unmodded) Oni, you open the original Oni application in the \ldblquote Oni\rdblquote folder*. If you do not see a modified Main Menu that says \ldblquote Anniversary Edition\rdblquote , you are not playing the Edition. Have fun! For support, visit \lang255{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://oni.bungie.org/community/forum"}}{\fldrslt{\ul\cf1 http://oni.bungie.org/community/forum}}}\lang1033\f0\fs22 .\par \par \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\fs18\tab *This is how it works for Windows users. \i Note for Mac users: The Oni application remembers the last active Oni installation. This means that opening the Oni.app in one location could load an Oni installation in another folder. The Installer automatically alters Oni's preferences to use the Edition installation when you globalize. That means that opening the Oni.app in your vanilla installation will also load the Edition. To switch between active installations, simply change the name of the GameDataFolder in the active Oni installation and launch any copy of Oni.app. It will ask for a retail installation of Oni, at which point you navigate to the Oni installation of your choice (the folder that contains the GameDataFolder) and hit \ldblquote OK\rdblquote . Remember to look for the modified Main Menu screen to tell whether you are playing the original Oni or the AE Oni. A tool should be coming soon to make this process easier!\i0\par \fs22\par \pard\par \pard\qc\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ul\fs24 Anniversary Edition Credits\par \pard\ulnone\fs22 EdT: BGI troops, additional weapons\tab \tab\tab ONIrules: Additional weapons\par geyser: Original creator of the Edition\tab\tab Paradox: Documenting Oni\par Gumby: Installer and Framework\tab\tab\tab RossyMiles: Daodan DLL port to C\par Iritscen: Installer (Mac)\tab\tab\tab\tab SFeLi: Original Daodan DLL\par Loser: Improved animation and AI\tab\tab\tab ssg: Documenting Oni\par Neo: OniSplit, documenting Oni, tech support\tab\par \par \pard\qc And thanks to Bungie for making Oni!\par }