1 | /***************************************************************************\
2 | | Project: AE Installer |
3 | | By: Gumby & Iritscen |
4 | | File: Installer.cpp |
5 | | Function: Contains the real meat of the installation process. Mm, beefy. |
6 | | Created: 24/05/2009 19:39:00 |
7 | \***************************************************************************/
8 |
9 | // TODO: Load credits from text resource file
10 | // TODO: Clear mod info fields when mod is de-selected
11 |
12 | //#define DEBUG
13 | #ifdef WIN32
14 | //#include <windows.h>
15 | #define popen _popen
16 | #endif
17 | #include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp"
18 | #include "boost/date_time/date_parsing.hpp"
19 | #include "boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp"
20 | #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
21 | #include "installer.h"
22 | #include "aeinstallerapp.h"
23 |
24 | using namespace boost::gregorian;
25 | using namespace boost::posix_time;
26 |
27 | // externs declared in installer.h
28 | string strInstallCfg = "../GameDataFolder/Add.cfg";
29 | string strEUFN = "Edition"; // GetUpdateStatus() may set this to "Edition-patch" later, but this is the assumed name of the new Edition folder in Updates/
30 | extern MainWindow* TheWindow;
31 |
32 | int globalizeData(void)
33 | {
34 | busy = 1;
35 | using boost::lexical_cast;
36 | using boost::bad_lexical_cast;
37 | using namespace boost::gregorian;
38 | using namespace boost::posix_time;
39 | ptime start_time(second_clock::local_time());
40 |
41 | setStatusArea("Globalizing!");
42 | int err = 0;
43 | int parts_done = 0;
44 | remove("Globalize.log");
45 | ofstream logfile("Globalize.log");
46 | logfile << "Globalization started " << to_simple_string(start_time) << endl;
47 |
48 | try { // the levels Oni has...probably should have made a string array. Oops.
49 | char levels_cstr[15][3] = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "6", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "18", "19"};
50 | vector<string> levels;
51 | for (int f = 0; f < 15; f++) {
52 | levels.push_back(levels_cstr[f]);
53 | }
54 |
55 | path Characters = "../GameDataFolder/level0_Characters";
56 | path Particles = "../GameDataFolder/level0_Particles";
57 | path Archive = "../GameDataFolder/Archive";
58 | path Textures = "../GameDataFolder/level0_Textures";
59 | path Sounds = "../GameDataFolder/level0_Sounds";
60 | path Animations = "../GameDataFolder/level0_Animations";
61 | path TRAC = Animations / "level0_TRAC";
62 | path TRAM = Animations / "level0_TRAM";
63 |
64 | vector<path> GDFPaths;
65 | GDFPaths.push_back(Particles);
66 | GDFPaths.push_back(Textures);
67 | GDFPaths.push_back(Sounds);
68 | GDFPaths.push_back(TRAC);
69 | GDFPaths.push_back(TRAM);
70 |
71 | path VanillaCharacters = "VanillaDats/level0_Final/level0_Characters/level0_Characters.oni";
72 | path VanillaParticles = "VanillaDats/level0_Final/level0_Particles/level0_Particles.oni";
73 | path VanillaTextures = "VanillaDats/level0_Final/level0_Textures/level0_Textures.oni";
74 | path VanillaSounds = "VanillaDats/level0_Final/level0_Sounds/level0_Sounds.oni";
75 | path VanillaAnimations = "VanillaDats/level0_Final/level0_Animations/level0_Animations.oni";
76 | path VanillaTRAC = "VanillaDats/level0_Final/level0_Animations/level0_TRAC.oni";
77 | path VanillaTRAM = "VanillaDats/level0_Final/level0_Animations/level0_TRAM.oni";
78 |
79 | vector<path> VanillaPaths;
80 |
81 | VanillaPaths.push_back(VanillaParticles);
82 | VanillaPaths.push_back(VanillaTextures);
83 | VanillaPaths.push_back(VanillaSounds);
84 | VanillaPaths.push_back(VanillaTRAC);
85 | VanillaPaths.push_back(VanillaTRAM);
86 |
87 | setStatusArea("Removing old GameDataFolder...\n");
88 | logfile << "Removing old GameDataFolder...\n";
89 | remove_all( "../GameDataFolder/" );
90 | setStatusArea("Creating needed directories...");
91 | logfile << "Creating needed directories...\n";
92 | create_directory( "../GameDataFolder/" );
93 |
94 | create_directory( "packages" );
95 |
96 | if (exists("VanillaDats")) remove_all("VanillaDats");
97 | create_directory( "VanillaDats" );
98 | create_directory( "VanillaDats/level0_Final/" );
99 | create_directory( Characters );
100 | create_directory( Particles );
101 | create_directory( Archive );
102 | create_directory( Textures );
103 | create_directory( Sounds );
104 | create_directory( Animations );
105 | create_directory( TRAC );
106 | create_directory( TRAM );
107 | int num_levels = 0;
108 | for(int i = 1; i < 15; i++)
109 | {
110 | if (exists("../../GameDataFolder/level" + levels[i] + "_Final.dat")) {
111 | num_levels++;
112 |
113 | }
114 | }
115 | logfile << "Exporting and moving...\n\n";
116 | int total_steps = 8 + 2 * num_levels;
117 |
118 | for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
119 | {
120 | if (exists("../../GameDataFolder/level" + levels[i] + "_Final.dat")) {
121 | logfile << "level" << levels[i] << "_Final\n";
122 | logfile << "\tExporting level" << levels[i] << "_Final.dat\n";
123 | setStatusArea("Step " + lexical_cast<std::string>(parts_done + 1) + "/" + lexical_cast<std::string>(total_steps) + " exporting level" + levels[i]+"_Final.dat");
124 | create_directory( "../GameDataFolder/level" + levels[i] + "_Final" );
125 | system((strOniSplit + " -export ../GameDataFolder/level" + levels[i] + "_Final ../../GameDataFolder/level" + levels[i] + "_Final.dat").c_str());
126 | create_directory( "VanillaDats/level" + levels[i] + "_Final" );
127 | create_directory( "VanillaDats/level" + levels[i] + "_Final/level" + levels[i] + "_Final" );
128 |
129 | //Moves the AKEV and other files into a safe directory so that level specific textures are not globalized...
130 | if ( strcmp(levels[i].c_str(), "0") ){
131 | create_directory( "../GameDataFolder/level" + levels[i] + "_Final/AKEV" );
132 | system((strOniSplit + " -move:overwrite ../GameDataFolder/level" + levels[i] + "_Final/AKEV ../GameDataFolder/level" + levels[i] + "_Final/AKEV*.oni").c_str());
133 |
134 | }
135 |
136 | directory_iterator end_iter;
137 | for ( directory_iterator dir_itr( "../GameDataFolder/level" + levels[i] + "_Final" ); dir_itr != end_iter; ++dir_itr )
138 | {
139 | if ( is_regular_file( dir_itr->status() ) )
140 | {
141 | if ( dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,8) == "TXMPfail" ||
142 | dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,9) == "TXMPlevel" ||
143 | ( dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TXMP" && dir_itr->path().filename().find("intro")!=string::npos) ||
144 | dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TXMB" ||
145 | dir_itr->path().filename() == "M3GMpowerup_lsi.oni" ||
146 | dir_itr->path().filename() == "TXMPlsi_icon.oni" ||
147 | ( dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TXMB" && dir_itr->path().filename().find("splash_screen.oni")!=string::npos) )
148 | {
149 | cout <<dir_itr->path().filename() << "\n";
150 | create_directory( dir_itr->path().parent_path() / "NoGlobal");
151 | if(!exists( dir_itr->path().parent_path() / "NoGlobal" / dir_itr->filename())) rename(dir_itr->path(), dir_itr->path().parent_path() / "NoGlobal" /
152 | dir_itr->filename());
153 | else remove(dir_itr->path());
154 | }
155 | else if (dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TRAC"
156 | ) {
157 | cout <<dir_itr->path().filename() << "\n";
158 | if(!exists( TRAC / dir_itr->filename())) rename(dir_itr->path(), TRAC / dir_itr->filename());
159 | else remove(dir_itr->path());
160 | }
161 | else if (dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TRAM") {
162 | cout <<dir_itr->path().filename() << "\n";
163 | if(!exists( TRAM / dir_itr->filename())) rename(dir_itr->path(), TRAM / dir_itr->filename());
164 | else remove(dir_itr->path());
165 | }
166 | else if (dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "ONSK" ||
167 | dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TXMP") {
168 | cout <<dir_itr->path().filename() << "\n";\
169 | create_directory( dir_itr->path().parent_path() / "TexFix");
170 | if(!exists( Textures / dir_itr->filename())) rename(dir_itr->path(), Textures / dir_itr->filename());
171 | }
172 | else if (dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "ONCC"
173 | || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TRBS"
174 | || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "ONCV"
175 | || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "ONVL"
176 | || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TRMA"
177 | || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TRSC"
178 | || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TRAS") {
179 | cout <<dir_itr->path().filename() << "\n";
180 | if(!exists( Characters / dir_itr->filename())) rename(dir_itr->path(), Characters / dir_itr->filename());
181 | else remove(dir_itr->path());
182 | }
183 | else if (dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "OSBD"
184 | || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "SNDD") {
185 | cout << dir_itr->path().filename() << "\n";
186 | if(!exists( Sounds / dir_itr->filename())) rename(dir_itr->path(), Sounds / dir_itr->filename());
187 | else remove(dir_itr->path());
188 | }
189 | else if (dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,5) == "BINA3"
190 | || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,10) == "M3GMdebris"
191 | || dir_itr->path().filename() == "M3GMtoxic_bubble.oni"
192 | || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,8) == "M3GMelec"
193 | || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,7) == "M3GMrat"
194 | || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,7) == "M3GMjet"
195 | || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,9) == "M3GMbomb_"
196 | || dir_itr->path().filename() == "M3GMbarab_swave.oni"
197 | || dir_itr->path().filename() == "M3GMbloodyfoot.oni"
198 | ){
199 | cout <<dir_itr->path().filename() << "\n";
200 | if(!exists( Particles / dir_itr->filename())) rename(dir_itr->path(), Particles / dir_itr->filename());
201 | else remove(dir_itr->path());
202 | }
203 | else if (dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "AGDB"
204 | || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TRCM") {
205 | cout <<dir_itr->path().filename() << "\n";
206 |
207 | if(!exists( Archive / dir_itr->filename())) rename(dir_itr->path(), Archive / dir_itr->filename());
208 | else remove(dir_itr->path());
209 | }
210 | else if (dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "ONWC") { //fix for buggy ONWC overriding
211 | cout <<dir_itr->path().filename() << "\n";
212 |
213 | if(!exists( "VanillaDats/level0_Final/level0_Final/" + dir_itr->filename()))
214 | rename(dir_itr->path(), "VanillaDats/level0_Final/level0_Final/" + dir_itr->filename());
215 | else remove(dir_itr->path());
216 | }
217 |
218 | if (exists(dir_itr->path())) {
219 |
220 | }
221 | else {
222 | //logfile << "\tMoved file: " << dir_itr->path().filename() << "\n";
223 | }
224 | }
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 | }
229 |
230 | logfile << "\tCleaning up TXMPs...\n";
231 | system( (strOniSplit + " -move:delete " + Textures.string() + " ../GameDataFolder/level" + levels[i] + "_Final/TXMP*.oni").c_str());
232 |
233 |
234 | if ( strcmp(levels[i].c_str(), "0") ){
235 | system((strOniSplit + " -move:overwrite ../GameDataFolder/level" + levels[i] + "_Final ../GameDataFolder/level" + levels[i] +
236 | "_Final/AKEV/AKEV*.oni").c_str());
237 | remove( "../GameDataFolder/level" + levels[i] + "_Final/AKEV" );
238 | }
239 |
240 | parts_done++;
241 |
242 | setProgressBar( (int)(1000 * (float)(parts_done) / (float)(total_steps) ));
243 |
244 | }
245 | }
246 | logfile << "Reimporting levels\n";
247 | for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
248 | {
249 | logfile << "\tReimporting level" << levels[i] << "_Final.oni\n";
250 | setStatusArea("Step " + lexical_cast<std::string>(parts_done + 1) + "/" + lexical_cast<std::string>(total_steps) + " reimporting level" +
251 | levels[i] + "_Final.oni");
252 | logfile << (strOniSplit + " " + strImportOption + " ../GameDataFolder/level" + levels[i] + "_Final VanillaDats/level" + levels[i] + "_Final/level"
253 | + levels[i] + "_Final/level" + levels[i] + "_Final.oni >> Globalize.log").c_str() << '\n';
254 | string sys_str = (strOniSplit + " " + strImportOption + " ../GameDataFolder/level" + levels[i] + "_Final VanillaDats/level" + levels[i] + "_Final/level"
255 | + levels[i] + "_Final/level" + levels[i] + "_Final.oni");
256 | system(sys_str.c_str() );
257 | setProgressBar( (int)(1000 * (float)(parts_done) / (float)(total_steps) ));
258 | parts_done++;
259 | }
260 | create_directory( VanillaParticles.parent_path() );
261 | create_directory( VanillaTextures.parent_path() );
262 | create_directory( VanillaSounds.parent_path() );
263 | create_directory( VanillaAnimations.remove_filename() );
264 |
265 | for(unsigned int j = 0; j < GDFPaths.size(); j++) {
266 | logfile << "\tReimporting " << GDFPaths[j].filename() << ".oni\n";
267 | setStatusArea("Step " + lexical_cast<std::string>(parts_done + 1) + "/" + lexical_cast<std::string>(total_steps) + ": reimporting " + GDFPaths[j].filename() );
268 | system((strOniSplit + " " + strImportOption + " " + GDFPaths[j].string() + " " + VanillaPaths[j].string()).c_str());
269 | parts_done++;
270 | setProgressBar( (int)(1000 * (float)(parts_done) / (float)(total_steps) ));
271 | }
272 | logfile << "\nMoving level0_Characters\n";
273 | setStatusArea("Step " + lexical_cast<std::string>(parts_done + 1) + "/" + lexical_cast<std::string>(total_steps) + ": moving level0_Characters" );
274 | copy((path)"../GameDataFolder/level0_Characters", (path)("VanillaDats/level0_Final"));
275 | GDFPaths.push_back( Characters );
276 | //concactates level0....
277 | for(int i = 0; i < GDFPaths.size(); i++)
278 | {
279 | directory_iterator end_iter;
280 | for ( directory_iterator dir_itr( GDFPaths[i] ); dir_itr != end_iter; ++dir_itr )
281 | {
282 | try
283 | {
284 | rename(dir_itr->path(), "../GameDataFolder/level0_Final/" + dir_itr->path().filename() );
285 | }
286 | catch(exception &ex) {
287 |
288 | }
289 | }
290 | }
291 | //?: syntax is fun.
292 | //condition ? value_if_true : value_if_false
293 | (is_empty(Characters) ? remove( Characters ) : 1);
294 | (is_empty(Particles) ? remove( Particles ) : 1);
295 | (is_empty(Textures) ? remove( Textures ) : 1);
296 | (is_empty(Sounds) ? remove( Sounds ) : 1);
297 | (is_empty(TRAC) ? remove( TRAC ) : 1);
298 | (is_empty(TRAM) ? remove( TRAM ) : 1);
299 | (is_empty(Animations) ? remove( Animations ) : 1);
300 |
301 | create_directory((path)"../GameDataFolder/IGMD");
302 | copy((path)"packages/VanillaBSL/IGMD", (path)"../GameDataFolder");
303 | setProgressBar( 1000 );
304 |
305 | if(exists("../../persist.dat") && !exists("../persist.dat")) copy("../../persist.dat","..");
306 | if(exists("../../key_config.txt")&& !exists("../key_config.txt")) copy("../../key_config.txt","..");
307 |
308 | #ifndef WIN32
309 | /* On Mac only, set the current GDF to the AE GDF by writing to Oni's global preferences file (thankfully a standard OS X ".plist" XML file).
310 | Tests for presence of prefs with [ -f ] before doing anything so it doesn't create a partial prefs file -- just in case user has never
311 | run Oni before :-p */
312 | string fullAEpath = escapePath(system_complete(".").parent_path().parent_path().string()); // get full path for Edition/ (Oni wants folder that *contains* the GDF)
313 | //bad Iritscen, bad! fixed buffers can cause crashes.
314 | /*char prefsCommand[300] = "[ -f ~/Library/Preferences/com.godgames.oni.plist ] && defaults write com.godgames.oni RetailInstallationPath -string '";
315 | strcat(prefsCommand, fullAEpath.c_str());
316 | strcat(prefsCommand, "'"); // path string is enclosed in single quotes to avoid the need to escape UNIX-unfriendly characters
317 | */
318 | string prefsCommand = "[ -f ~/Library/Preferences/com.godgames.oni.plist ] && defaults write com.godgames.oni RetailInstallationPath -string '"
319 | + fullAEpath + "'";
320 | system(prefsCommand.c_str());
321 |
322 | #endif
323 |
324 | setStatusArea((string)"Done! Now select your mod packages and click install.");
325 | }
326 | catch (exception & ex) {
327 | setStatusArea("Warning, handled exception: " + (string)ex.what());
328 | }
329 |
330 | ptime end_time(second_clock::local_time());
331 | time_period total_time (start_time, end_time);
332 | logfile << "\n\nGlobalization ended " << to_simple_string(end_time) << "\nThe process took " << total_time.length();
333 | logfile.close();
334 | busy = 0;
335 | return err;
336 | }
337 |
338 | vector<ModPackage> getPackages(string packageDir)
339 | {
340 | vector<ModPackage> packages;
341 | ModPackage package;
342 | packages.reserve(256);
343 | fstream file;
344 | string filename = "\0";
345 | string MODINFO_CFG = "Mod_Info.cfg";
346 |
347 | try
348 | {
349 | for (directory_iterator dir_itr(packageDir), end_itr; dir_itr != end_itr; ++dir_itr)
350 | {
351 | file.open((dir_itr->path().string() + "/" + MODINFO_CFG).c_str());
352 |
353 | if (!file.fail())
354 | {
355 | package = fileToModPackage(file, dir_itr->path().filename());
356 | if (package.installerVersion.compare(INSTALLER_VERSION) < 1) // if mod requires newer version of the Installer, we won't add it to the list
357 | {
358 | #ifdef WIN32
359 | if (!package.platform.compare("Windows") || !package.platform.compare("Both")) // don't show package if it's not for the right OS
360 | #else
361 | if (!package.platform.compare("Macintosh") || !package.platform.compare("Both"))
362 | #endif
363 | packages.push_back(package);
364 | }
365 | }
366 | file.close();
367 | file.clear();
368 | }
369 | sort(packages.begin(), packages.end());
370 | }
371 | catch (const std::exception & ex)
372 | {
373 | cout << "Warning, something odd happened!\n";
374 | }
375 |
376 | return packages;
377 | }
378 |
379 | ModPackage fileToModPackage(fstream &file, string modName)
380 | {
381 | ModPackage package;
382 | string line;
383 | const string AEInstallVersion = "AEInstallVersion"; // used for comparing to the current token...
384 | const string NameOfMod = "NameOfMod";
385 | const string ARROW = "->";
386 | const string ModString = "ModString";
387 | const string ModVersion = "ModVersion";
388 | const string Platform = "Platform";
389 | const string HasOnis = "HasOnis";
390 | const string HasDeltas = "HasDeltas";
391 | const string HasBSL = "HasBSL";
392 | const string HasDats = "HasDats";
393 | const string IsEngine = "IsEngine";
394 | const string Readme = "Readme";
395 | const string GlobalNeeded = "GlobalNeeded";
396 | const string Category = "Category";
397 | const string Creator = "Creator";
398 | package.modStringName = modName;
399 | while (!file.eof())
400 | {
401 | getline(file,line);
402 | vector<string> tokens;
403 | vector<string>::iterator iter;
404 | tokenize(line, tokens);
405 | if (tokens.capacity() >= 3)
406 | {
407 | iter = tokens.begin();
408 |
409 | if (!AEInstallVersion.compare(*iter))
410 | {
411 | iter++; iter++;
412 | package.installerVersion = *iter;
413 | }
414 | else if (!NameOfMod.compare(*iter))
415 | {
416 | for ( ; iter !=tokens.end() && SLASHSLASH.compare(*iter); iter++) // iterates through the words, ends if it reaches the end of the line or a "//" comment
417 | {
418 | if (ARROW.compare(*iter) && NameOfMod.compare(*iter)) // ignores "->" and "NameOfMod"
419 | package.name += *iter + " ";
420 | }
421 | }
422 | else if (!ModString.compare(*iter))
423 | {
424 | iter++; iter++;
425 | //package.modStringName = *iter;
426 | iter++;
427 | package.modStringVersion = atof((*iter).c_str());
428 | }
429 | else if (!ModString.compare(*iter))
430 | {
431 | iter++; iter++;
432 | package.modStringVersion = atof((*iter).c_str());
433 | }
434 | else if (!Platform.compare(*iter))
435 | {
436 | iter++; iter++;
437 | package.platform = *iter;
438 | }
439 | else if (!HasOnis.compare(*iter))
440 | {
441 | iter++; iter++;
442 | if (boost::iequals(*iter, "Yes")) package.hasOnis = 1;
443 | }
444 | else if (!HasBSL.compare(*iter))
445 | {
446 | iter++; iter++;
447 | if (boost::iequals(*iter, "Yes")) package.hasBSL = true;
448 | else if (boost::iequals(*iter, "Addon")) package.hasAddon = true;
449 | }
450 | else if (!HasDeltas.compare(*iter))
451 | {
452 | iter++; iter++;
453 | if (toupper((*iter)[0]) == 'Y' && toupper((*iter)[1]) == 'E' && toupper((*iter)[2]) == 'S') package.hasDeltas = 1;
454 | }
455 | else if (!HasDats.compare(*iter))
456 | {
457 | iter++; iter++;
458 | if (toupper((*iter)[0]) == 'Y' && toupper((*iter)[1]) == 'E' && toupper((*iter)[2]) == 'S') package.hasDats = 1;
459 | }
460 | else if (!IsEngine.compare(*iter))
461 | {
462 | iter++; iter++;
463 | if (toupper((*iter)[0]) == 'Y' && toupper((*iter)[1]) == 'E' && toupper((*iter)[2]) == 'S') package.isEngine = 1;
464 | }
465 | else if (!GlobalNeeded.compare(*iter))
466 | {
467 | iter++; iter++;
468 | if (toupper((*iter)[0]) == 'Y' && toupper((*iter)[1]) == 'E' && toupper((*iter)[2]) == 'S') package.globalNeeded = 1;
469 | else if (toupper((*iter)[0]) == 'N' && toupper((*iter)[1]) == 'O') package.globalNeeded = 1; // only place where checking for "No" is important atm
470 | }
471 | else if (!Category.compare(*iter))
472 | {
473 | for ( ; iter !=tokens.end() && SLASHSLASH.compare(*iter); iter++)
474 | {
475 | if (ARROW.compare(*iter) && Category.compare(*iter)) // ignores "->" and "Category"
476 | package.category += *iter + " ";
477 | }
478 | }
479 | else if (!Creator.compare(*iter))
480 | {
481 | for ( ; iter !=tokens.end() && SLASHSLASH.compare(*iter); iter++)
482 | {
483 | if (ARROW.compare(*iter) && Creator.compare(*iter)) // ignores "->" and "Creator"
484 | package.creator += *iter + " ";
485 | }
486 | }
487 | else if (!Readme.compare(*iter))
488 | {
489 | for ( ; iter !=tokens.end() && SLASHSLASH.compare(*iter); iter++)
490 | {
491 | if (ARROW.compare(*iter) && Readme.compare(*iter)) // ignores "->" and "Readme"
492 | {
493 | if (!(*iter).compare("\\n")) package.readme += '\n';
494 | else package.readme += *iter + " ";
495 | }
496 | }
497 | }
498 | }
499 | }
500 |
501 | return package;
502 | }
503 |
504 | void recompileAll(vector<string> installedMods)
505 | {try {
506 | busy = 1;
507 | using namespace boost::gregorian;
508 | using namespace boost::posix_time;
509 | using boost::lexical_cast;
510 | using boost::bad_lexical_cast;
511 | path vanilla_dir = "./VanillaDats/";
512 | string importCommand = "";
513 | int numberOfDats = 0;
514 | int j = 1;
515 | string datString;
516 |
517 | setStatusArea("Importing levels...");
518 |
519 | std::stringstream out;
520 |
521 | ptime start_time(second_clock::local_time());
522 | clearOldDats();
523 |
524 | if(exists("Install.log")) remove("Install.log");
525 | ofstream logfile("Install.log");
526 | logfile << "Mod Installation started " << to_simple_string(start_time) << endl;
527 | logfile.close();
528 |
529 | if(splitInstances == true)
530 | {
531 | recursive_directory_iterator end_iter;
532 |
533 | for ( recursive_directory_iterator dir_itr( vanilla_dir );
534 | dir_itr != end_iter;
535 | ++dir_itr )
536 | {
537 | try{
538 | if ( is_directory( dir_itr->status() ) && dir_itr.level() == 1)
539 | {
540 | numberOfDats++;
541 | }
542 | }
543 | catch(exception & ex) {
544 | remove("Install.log");
545 | ofstream logfile("Install.log");
546 |
547 | logfile << "Warning, exception " << ex.what() << "!";
548 | setStatusArea("Warning, exception " + (string)ex.what() + "!");
549 | logfile.close();
550 | }
551 | }
552 | try {
553 | out << numberOfDats;
554 | datString = out.str();
555 | for ( recursive_directory_iterator dir_itr( vanilla_dir );
556 | dir_itr != end_iter;
557 | ++dir_itr )
558 | {
559 | try
560 | {
561 | if ( is_directory( dir_itr->status() ) && dir_itr.level() == 1)
562 | {
563 | importCommand = strOniSplit + " " + strImportOption + " " + dir_itr->path().parent_path().string() + '/' + dir_itr->path().filename();
564 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < installedMods.size(); ++i) {
565 | if (exists("packages/" + installedMods[i] + "/oni/" + dir_itr->path().parent_path().filename() + '/' + dir_itr->path().filename() ))
566 | importCommand += " packages/" + installedMods[i] + "/oni/" + dir_itr->path().parent_path().filename() + '/' + dir_itr->path().filename();
567 | }
568 | importCommand += " ../GameDataFolder/" + dir_itr->path().filename() + ".dat >> Install.log";
569 |
570 |
571 | setProgressBar( (int)(1000 * (float)(j-1) / (float)numberOfDats) ); //100% * dat we're on / total dats
572 | setStatusArea("Step " + lexical_cast<std::string>(j) + '/' + lexical_cast<std::string>(numberOfDats)+ ": Importing " +
573 | dir_itr->path().filename() + " ");
574 |
575 | system(importCommand.c_str());
576 | j++;
577 | }
578 | }
579 | catch ( const std::exception & ex )
580 | {
581 | remove("Install.log");
582 | ofstream logfile("Install.log");
583 | logfile << "Warning, exception " << ex.what() << "!";
584 | setStatusArea("Warning, exception " + (string)ex.what() + "!");
585 | logfile.close();
586 | }
587 | }
588 | }
589 | catch( const std::exception & ex ) {
590 | remove("Install.log");
591 | ofstream logfile("Install.log");
592 | logfile << "Warning, exception " << ex.what() << "!";
593 | setStatusArea("Warning, exception " + (string)ex.what() + "!");
594 | logfile.close();
595 | }
596 | }
597 | else if(splitInstances == false){
598 | directory_iterator end_iter;
599 |
600 | for ( directory_iterator dir_itr( vanilla_dir );
601 | dir_itr != end_iter;
602 | ++dir_itr )
603 | {
604 | if ( is_directory( dir_itr->status() ) )
605 | {
606 | numberOfDats++;
607 | }
608 | }
609 |
610 | out << numberOfDats;
611 | datString = out.str();
612 |
613 | for ( directory_iterator dir_itr( vanilla_dir );
614 | dir_itr != end_iter;
615 | ++dir_itr )
616 | {
617 | try
618 | {
619 | if ( is_directory( dir_itr->status() ) )
620 | {
621 | importCommand = strOniSplit + " " + strImportOption + " " + vanilla_dir.string() + dir_itr->path().filename() + " ";
622 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < installedMods.size(); ++i) {
623 | if (exists("packages/" + installedMods[i] + "/oni/" + dir_itr->path().filename() ))
624 | importCommand += " packages/" + installedMods[i] + "/oni/" + dir_itr->path().filename();
625 | }
626 | importCommand += " ../GameDataFolder/" + dir_itr->path().filename() + ".dat >> Install.log";
627 |
628 | setProgressBar( (int)(1000 * (float)(j-1) / (float)numberOfDats) ); //100% * dat we're on / total dats
629 | setStatusArea("Step " + lexical_cast<std::string>(j) + '/' + lexical_cast<std::string>(numberOfDats)+ ": Importing " +
630 | dir_itr->path().filename() + " ");
631 | system(importCommand.c_str());
632 | j++;
633 | }
634 | }
635 | catch ( const std::exception & ex )
636 | {
637 | remove("Install.log");
638 | ofstream logfile("Install.log");
639 | logfile << "Warning, exception " << ex.what() << "!";
640 | setStatusArea("Warning, exception " + (string)ex.what() + "!");
641 | logfile.close();
642 | }
643 | }
644 | }
645 |
646 | vector<string> BSLfolders;
647 | vector<string> skippedfolders;
648 |
649 | ofstream BSLlog("BSL.log");
650 | if(exists("../GameDataFolder/BSLBackup/")) {
651 | remove_all("../GameDataFolder/BSLBackup/");
652 | }
653 | else {
654 | create_directory("../GameDataFolder/BSLBackup/");
655 | }
656 | copy("../GameDataFolder/IGMD/", "../GameDataFolder/BSLBackup/");
657 | for ( directory_iterator dir_itr( "../GameDataFolder/IGMD/" ), end_itr;
658 | dir_itr != end_itr;
659 | ++dir_itr ) {
660 | if( exists(dir_itr->path().string() + "/ignore.txt") ){
661 | BSLfolders.push_back(dir_itr->path().filename());
662 | skippedfolders.push_back(dir_itr->path().filename());
663 | }
664 | }
665 |
666 | for (int i = installedMods.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //Iterates through the installed mods (backwards :P)
667 | for (unsigned int j = 0; j < globalPackages.size(); ++j) { //looking in the global packages
668 | if (globalPackages[j].modStringName == installedMods[i]) { //for a mod that has BSL in it
669 | if(globalPackages[j].hasBSL) break; //skip non-BSL
670 | if( exists( "packages/" + globalPackages[j].modStringName + "/BSL/" ) ) {
671 | copyBSL("packages/" + globalPackages[j].modStringName + "/BSL", BSLfolders, globalPackages[j] );
672 | BSLlog << "Copied " << globalPackages[j].modStringName << "!\n";
673 | }
674 | }
675 | }
676 | }
677 |
678 |
679 |
680 | ModPackage emptyPackage;
681 | emptyPackage.modStringName = "VanillaBSL";
682 | emptyPackage.hasBSL = 1;
683 | copyBSL("packages/VanillaBSL/IGMD", BSLfolders, emptyPackage);
684 | BSLlog.close();
685 |
686 | for (int i = installedMods.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //Iterates through the installed mods (backwards :P)
687 | for (unsigned int j = 0; j < globalPackages.size(); ++j) { //looking in the global packages
688 | if (globalPackages[j].modStringName == installedMods[i]) { //for a mod that has BSL in it
689 | if(!globalPackages[j].hasAddon) break; //skip non-BSL
690 | if( exists( "packages/" + globalPackages[j].modStringName + "/BSL/" ) ) {
691 | copyBSL("packages/" + globalPackages[j].modStringName + "/BSL", BSLfolders, globalPackages[j] );
692 | BSLlog << "Copied " << globalPackages[j].modStringName << "!\n";
693 | }
694 | }
695 | }
696 | }
697 |
698 | logfile << "Writing config file";
699 | writeInstalledMods(installedMods);
700 | setProgressBar(1000);
701 |
702 | string finallyDone = "Done! You can now play Oni.";
703 | setStatusArea(finallyDone);
704 |
705 | ptime end_time(second_clock::local_time());
706 | time_period total_time (start_time, end_time);
707 | ofstream logfile2("Install.log", ios::app | ios::ate);
708 | string outstring = (string)"\n\nGlobalization ended " + to_simple_string(end_time) + "\nThe process took ";// + (string)total_time.length();
709 |
710 | logfile2 << "\nInstallation ended " << to_simple_string(end_time) << "\nThe process took " << total_time.length();
711 | logfile2.close();
712 |
713 | Sleep(1000);
714 | setProgressBar(0);
715 | }
716 | catch(exception & ex) {
717 | remove("Install.log"); //why did we do this? :|
718 | ofstream logfile("Install.log");
719 | logfile << "Warning, exception " << ex.what() << "!";
720 | setStatusArea("Warning, exception " + (string)ex.what() + "!");
721 | logfile.close();
722 | }
723 | busy = 0;
724 | }
725 |
726 | void copyBSL(string copypath, vector<string>& BSLfolders, ModPackage pkg)
727 | {
728 | ofstream BSLlog("BSL.log", ios::app );
729 |
730 | try {
731 | for ( directory_iterator dir_itr( copypath ), end_itr;
732 | dir_itr != end_itr;
733 | ++dir_itr ) {
734 |
735 | if ( is_directory( dir_itr->path() ) && dir_itr->path().string() != ".svn" ) {
736 | BSLlog << "Testing " << dir_itr->path().string() << " HasBSL: " << pkg.hasBSL << " HasAddon: " << pkg.hasAddon << "\n";
737 | int skip_folder = 0;
738 | if(!pkg.hasAddon) {
739 | for(unsigned int k = 0; k < BSLfolders.size(); k++) {//iterate through already found BSL folders
740 | BSLlog << "testing " << dir_itr->path().filename() << " vs " << BSLfolders[k] << "\n";
741 | if(dir_itr->path().filename() == BSLfolders[k]) {
742 | skip_folder = 1;
743 | BSLlog << "skipping " << BSLfolders[k] << " in " << pkg.modStringName << "\n";
744 | break;
745 | }
746 | }
747 | }
748 | if (!skip_folder && !exists("../GameDataFolder/IGMD/" + dir_itr->path().filename() + "/ignore.txt")) {
749 | remove_all( "../GameDataFolder/IGMD/" + dir_itr->path().filename() );
750 | Sleep(100);
751 | create_directory( "../GameDataFolder/IGMD/" + dir_itr->path().filename());
752 | BSLlog << "Copied " << dir_itr->path().string() << " in " << pkg.modStringName << "!\n";
753 | for ( directory_iterator bsl_itr( dir_itr->path() );
754 | bsl_itr != end_itr;
755 | bsl_itr++ ) {
756 | if ( bsl_itr->path().extension() == ".bsl" ) {
757 | copy_file(bsl_itr->path(), "../GameDataFolder/IGMD/" + dir_itr->path().filename() + "/" + bsl_itr->path().filename());
758 | }
759 | }
760 | if( !pkg.hasAddon ) {
761 | BSLfolders.push_back( dir_itr->path().filename() ); //add back check for addon
762 | BSLlog << "Pushing " << dir_itr->path().filename() << "\n" ;
763 | }
764 | }
765 | }
766 | }
767 | }
768 | catch ( const std::exception & ex )
769 | {
770 | setStatusArea("Warning, exception " + (string)ex.what() + "!");
771 | while(1) Sleep(1000);
772 | }
773 | BSLlog.close();
774 |
775 | }
776 |
777 |
778 | void writeInstalledMods(vector<string> installedMods)
779 | {
780 | if ( exists( strInstallCfg ) )
781 | {
782 | remove( strInstallCfg );
783 | }
784 |
785 | ofstream file(strInstallCfg.c_str());
786 |
787 | vector<string>list = installedMods;
788 | vector<string>::iterator begin_iter = list.begin();
789 | vector<string>::iterator end_iter = list.end();
790 |
791 | sort( list.begin(), list.end() );
792 |
793 | for( ; begin_iter != end_iter; ++begin_iter) {
794 | file << *begin_iter << " ";
795 | }
796 |
797 | file.close();
798 | file.clear();
799 | }
800 |
801 | vector<string> getInstallString(string Cfg)
802 | {
803 | vector<string> returnval;
804 | string line;
805 | fstream file;
806 |
807 | if (exists( Cfg ))
808 | {
809 | file.open(Cfg.c_str());
810 | getline(file, line);
811 | tokenize(line, returnval);
812 | file.close();
813 | file.clear();
814 | sort(returnval.begin(), returnval.end());
815 | }
816 | else cout << "fail";
817 |
818 | return returnval;
819 | }
820 |
821 | /* GetUpdateStatus determines whether there is an update available. It is called once, *\
822 | | on launch, by AEInstallerApp::OnInit(), and not only passes back a #defined result |
823 | | code, but also oversees the setting of data in the global structures currentAE and |
824 | | updateAE, which tell the Installer all the version information it needs to know. |
825 | | ---Return Values--- |
826 | | UPDATE_LOG_READ_ERR -- A log file could not be opened |
827 | | UPDATE_INST_REPL_ERR -- The Installer self-updating process failed |
828 | | UPDATE_MNTH_REQD_ERR -- The update is a patch, and the monthly release it |
829 | | patches is not installed |
830 | | UPDATE_NO_UPD_AVAIL -- Either there isn't an update in place, or it's not |
831 | | newer than what's installed |
832 | | UPDATE_SIMP_AVAIL -- An update is available |
833 | | UPDATE_GLOB_AVAIL -- An update is available that requires re-globalization |
834 | | afterwards (because of some notable change in the AE) |
835 | | UPDATE_INST_AVAIL -- An update is available that first requires the |
836 | | Installer to be replaced (when the new Installer |
837 | | launches, this function will be called again but will |
839 | | UPDATE_PKG_AVAIL -- A newer version of individual package(s) is available |
840 | \* UPDATE_CONT_UPD -- Currently unused */
841 | int GetUpdateStatus(Install_info_cfg *currentAE, Install_info_cfg *updateAE, bool *installerJustUpdated)
842 | {
843 | fstream currentAECfg, updateAECfg, updateLog;
844 | string strInstaller = "Installer";
845 | string strBeing = "being";
846 | string strWas = "was"; // lol
847 | #ifdef WIN32
848 | string strInstallerName = "AEInstaller.exe";
849 | #else
850 | string strInstallerName = "Installer.app";
851 | #endif
852 |
853 | // Try to get current AE's version info; if it doesn't exist, then the default version data for 2009-07 remains in place
854 | if (exists("packages/Globalize/Install_Info.cfg"))
855 | {
856 | currentAECfg.open("packages/Globalize/Install_Info.cfg");
857 | if (!currentAECfg.fail())
858 | {
859 | if (!ReadInstallInfoCfg(¤tAECfg, currentAE))
860 | return UPDATE_LOG_READ_ERR;
861 |
862 | currentAECfg.close();
863 | currentAECfg.clear();
864 | }
865 | else
866 | return UPDATE_LOG_READ_ERR;
867 | }
868 |
869 | // Is there an update in the updates/ folder, and is it a monthly release or a patch?
870 | bool firstParty = 0;
871 | // First create the folder if it's missing, so users are never left wondering where updates are supposed to be put
872 | if (!exists("../updates"))
873 | create_directory("../updates");
874 | if (exists("../updates/Edition"))
875 | {
876 | firstParty = 1;
877 | }
878 | else {
879 | strEUFN = "Edition-patch";
880 | if (exists("../updates/Edition-patch")) {
881 | firstParty = 1;
882 | }
883 |
884 | }
885 |
886 | if(firstParty) {
887 | // Unlike the current AE's version info, we *need* to find the update's version info or we won't continue
888 | string updateCfgPath = ("../updates/" + strEUFN + "/install/packages/Globalize/Install_Info.cfg");
889 | updateAECfg.open(updateCfgPath.c_str());
890 | if (!updateAECfg.fail())
891 | {
892 | if (!ReadInstallInfoCfg(&updateAECfg, updateAE))
893 | return UPDATE_LOG_READ_ERR;
894 |
895 | updateAECfg.close();
896 | updateAECfg.clear();
897 | }
898 | else
899 | return UPDATE_LOG_READ_ERR;
900 |
901 | // Now we check for an Installer update in progress
902 | if (exists("Update.log"))
903 | {
904 | updateLog.open("Update.log");
905 | if (!updateLog.fail())
906 | {
907 | vector<string> lines;
908 | string line;
909 | int num_lines = 0;
910 | bool readingInstallerVersion = false, doneReadingFile = false;
911 |
912 | while (!updateLog.eof() && !doneReadingFile)
913 | {
914 | getline(updateLog, line);
915 | lines.push_back(line);
916 | num_lines++;
917 | vector<string> tokens;
918 | vector<string>::iterator iter;
919 | tokenize(line, tokens);
920 | iter = tokens.begin();
921 | if (!readingInstallerVersion && tokens.capacity() >= 4)
922 | {
923 | if (!strInstaller.compare(*iter))
924 | {
925 | if (!strBeing.compare(*++iter))
926 | readingInstallerVersion = true;
927 | else if (!strWas.compare(*iter))
928 | *installerJustUpdated = true; // our third indirect return value after currentAE and updateAE
929 | }
930 | }
931 | else if (readingInstallerVersion && tokens.capacity() >= 3)
932 | {
933 | readingInstallerVersion = false;
934 | string installerVersion = INSTALLER_VERSION;
935 | if (installerVersion.compare(*iter)) // then the shell script-powered replacement failed
936 | return UPDATE_INST_REPL_ERR;
937 | else
938 | {
939 | updateLog.close();
940 | updateLog.clear();
941 | Sleep(1000);
942 | remove("Update.log");
943 | ofstream newUpdateLog("Update.log");
944 | if (!newUpdateLog.fail())
945 | {
946 | // Write over old log with updated information
947 | ptime startTime(second_clock::local_time());
948 | string strStartTime = to_simple_string(startTime);
949 | string newUpdateLine = installerVersion + " on " + strStartTime;
950 | for (int a = 0; a < lines.capacity() - 2; a++) // if there were even lines in the log before this at all
951 | {
952 | newUpdateLog << lines[a].c_str();
953 | newUpdateLog << "\n";
954 | }
955 | newUpdateLog << "Installer was updated to:\n";
956 | newUpdateLog << newUpdateLine.c_str();
957 | *installerJustUpdated = true; // this value is indirectly returned to AEInstallerApp::OnInit()
958 | doneReadingFile = true;
959 | newUpdateLog.close();
960 | newUpdateLog.clear();
961 | //return UPDATE_CONT_UPD; // as noted above, we are not using this return value; in fact, we want...
962 | // ...the code to continue running down through the Edition version check
963 | }
964 | else
965 | return UPDATE_LOG_READ_ERR;
966 | }
967 | }
968 | }
969 | updateLog.close();
970 | updateLog.clear();
971 | }
972 | else
973 | return UPDATE_LOG_READ_ERR;
974 | }
975 |
976 | if (updateAE->AEVersion.compare(currentAE->AEVersion) >= 1) // is the release update newer than what's installed?
977 | {
978 | if (!strEUFN.compare("Edition-patch")) // if update is a patch...
979 | {
980 | if (currentAE->AEVersion.compare(updateAE->AEVersion.substr(0, updateAE->AEVersion.length() - 1))) // ...is it for a different month?
981 | return UPDATE_MNTH_REQD_ERR;
982 | }
983 | string strNewInstallerPath = "../updates/" + strEUFN + "/install/" + strInstallerName;
984 | string installerVersion = INSTALLER_VERSION;
985 | if (updateAE->InstallerVersion.compare(installerVersion) >= 1)
986 | {
987 | if (exists(strNewInstallerPath))
988 | return UPDATE_INST_AVAIL;
989 | }
990 | else if (updateAE->globalizationRequired)
991 | return UPDATE_GLOB_AVAIL;
992 | else
993 | return UPDATE_SIMP_AVAIL;
994 | }
995 | }
996 | try
997 | {
998 | directory_iterator end;
999 | if (exists("../updates"))
1000 | {
1001 | for (directory_iterator install_iter("../updates"); install_iter != end; ++install_iter)
1002 | {
1003 | ModPackage installedPackage, updatePackage;
1004 | if (is_directory(install_iter->path()) && exists(install_iter->path().string() + "/Mod_Info.cfg"))
1005 | {
1006 | fstream file;
1007 | file.open((install_iter->path().string() + "/Mod_Info.cfg").c_str());
1008 | if (!file.fail())
1009 | updatePackage = fileToModPackage(file, install_iter->path().filename());
1010 | else
1011 | {
1012 | file.close();
1013 | continue;
1014 | }
1015 | if (exists("packages/" + install_iter->path().filename() + "/Mod_Info.cfg"))
1016 | {
1017 | file.close();
1018 | file.clear();
1019 | file.open(("packages/" + install_iter->path().filename() + "/Mod_Info.cfg").c_str());
1020 | if (!file.fail())
1021 | installedPackage = fileToModPackage(file, install_iter->path().filename());
1022 | file.close();
1023 | if (updatePackage.modStringVersion > installedPackage.modStringVersion)
1024 | {
1025 | if (updatePackage.installerVersion <= INSTALLER_VERSION)
1026 | return UPDATE_PKG_AVAIL;
1027 | }
1028 | }
1029 | else
1030 | {
1031 | file.close();
1032 | return UPDATE_PKG_AVAIL;
1033 | }
1034 | }
1035 | }
1036 | }
1037 | }
1038 | catch (exception & ex) {
1039 | // setStatusArea("Warning, handled exception: " + (string)ex.what());
1040 | }
1041 |
1042 | return UPDATE_NO_UPD_AVAIL;
1043 | }
1044 |
1045 | bool ReadInstallInfoCfg(fstream *fileHandler, Install_info_cfg *info_cfg)
1046 | {
1047 | vector<string> tokens;
1048 | vector<string>::iterator iter;
1049 | string line;
1050 | string strAEVersion = "AE_Version";
1051 | string strInstallerVersion = "Installer_Version";
1052 | string strDaodanVersion = "Daodan_Version";
1053 | string strOniSplitVersion = "OniSplit_Version";
1054 | string strGUIWinVersion = "GUI_Win_Version";
1055 | string strGUIMacVersion = "GUI_Mac_Version";
1056 | string strReglobalize = "Reglobalize";
1057 | string strDeleteList = "Delete_List";
1058 | string strArrow = "->";
1059 | string strDoubleSlash = "//";
1060 | string strYes = "Yes"; // this is getting silly
1061 |
1062 | while (getline(*fileHandler, line))
1063 | {
1064 | StripNewlines(&line);
1065 | tokenize(line, tokens);
1066 | iter = tokens.begin();
1067 |
1068 | if (tokens.size() >= 3)
1069 | {
1070 | if (!strAEVersion.compare(*iter))
1071 | {
1072 | if (!strArrow.compare(*++iter))
1073 | info_cfg->AEVersion = *++iter;
1074 | else
1075 | return false;
1076 | }
1077 | else if (!strInstallerVersion.compare(*iter))
1078 | {
1079 | if (!strArrow.compare(*++iter))
1080 | info_cfg->InstallerVersion = *++iter;
1081 | else
1082 | return false;
1083 | }
1084 | else if (!strDaodanVersion.compare(*iter))
1085 | {
1086 | if (!strArrow.compare(*++iter))
1087 | info_cfg->DaodanVersion = *++iter;
1088 | else
1089 | return false;
1090 | }
1091 | else if (!strOniSplitVersion.compare(*iter))
1092 | {
1093 | if (!strArrow.compare(*++iter))
1094 | info_cfg->OniSplitVersion = *++iter;
1095 | else
1096 | return false;
1097 | }
1098 | else if (!strGUIWinVersion.compare(*iter))
1099 | {
1100 | if (!strArrow.compare(*++iter))
1101 | info_cfg->WinGUIVersion = *++iter;
1102 | else
1103 | return false;
1104 | }
1105 | else if (!strGUIMacVersion.compare(*iter))
1106 | {
1107 | if (!strArrow.compare(*++iter))
1108 | info_cfg->MacGUIVersion = *++iter;
1109 | else
1110 | return false;
1111 | }
1112 | else if (!strReglobalize.compare(*iter))
1113 | {
1114 | if (!strArrow.compare(*++iter))
1115 | {
1116 | if (!strYes.compare(*++iter))
1117 | info_cfg->globalizationRequired = true;
1118 | }
1119 | else
1120 | return false;
1121 | }
1122 | else if (!strDeleteList.compare(*iter))
1123 | {
1124 | // We need to perform a totally customized parsing process on this data
1125 | if (!strArrow.compare(*++iter))
1126 | {
1127 | vector<string> tokens2;
1128 | tokenize(line, tokens2, ","); // the paths on this line are comma-delimited, so we parse it again
1129 | vector<string>::iterator iter2 = tokens2.begin();
1130 | string finalPath = "";
1131 | for (; iter2 != tokens2.end(); iter2++)
1132 | {
1133 | finalPath = finalPath + *iter2;
1134 |
1135 | string::size_type loc = finalPath.find("->", 0); // the first word will have "Delete_List ->" at the front, so let's cut that off
1136 | if (loc != string::npos)
1137 | finalPath = finalPath.substr(loc + 3, finalPath.size());
1138 |
1139 | // If a path has '//' in it, it must contain some optional comments that were at the end of the Delete_List line
1140 | loc = finalPath.find("//", 0);
1141 | if (loc != string::npos)
1142 | finalPath = finalPath.substr(0, loc);
1143 |
1144 | // Trim a single space if it exists at the start or finish; putting more than one space after a comma will break this
1145 | if (finalPath.at(0) == ' ')
1146 | finalPath = finalPath.substr(1, finalPath.size());
1147 | if (finalPath.at(finalPath.size() - 1) == ' ')
1148 | finalPath = finalPath.substr(0, finalPath.size() - 1);
1149 |
1150 | // If the tokenized path ends with a '\', then we assume it was followed by a comma
1151 | if (finalPath.at(finalPath.size() - 1) == '\\')
1152 | {
1153 | finalPath = finalPath.substr(0, finalPath.size() - 1); // clip the '\' off the end of the string now that it served its purpose...
1154 | finalPath = finalPath + ","; // ...and add the actual comma back at the end
1155 | }
1156 | else // we can add the path to deleteList, and clear the path; otherwise it will be added to on the next iteration
1157 | {
1158 | if (StringIsLegalPathForDeletion(finalPath)) // ...and it's not violating any of our security rules as to what can be deleted...
1159 | info_cfg->deleteList.push_back(finalPath); // ...then add it to our deleteList in memory
1160 | finalPath.clear(); // clear the token we were building up before the next pass
1161 | }
1162 | }
1163 | }
1164 | else
1165 | return false;
1166 | }
1167 | }
1168 | tokens.clear();
1169 | }
1170 |
1171 | return true;
1172 | }
1173 |
1174 | // TODO: Fix security holes here
1175 | /* There is currently a security hole in this function; the first occurrence of a '.' not followed by a second '.' will prevent the function from
1176 | noticing an actual occurrence of '..' later in the string; iow, it only looks after the first period it finds for a second period.
1177 | A second hole is that the last slash will be trimmed from the path, but one could still use ".//" and it would get past this function, and
1178 | possibly be interpreted by the Boost file functions as "the current directory". Iow, both of these checks need to be iterative, not one-time.
1179 | Not too concerned about this at the moment, as only we of the AE Team are supplying the install_info file that this function is connected to. -I */
1180 |
1181 | /* This function serves as a barrier against the Installer deleting files it shouldn't. *\
1182 | | It tests for each of the following conditions in the path it is passed: |
1183 | | A. '..' as the whole path or '/..', '\..' anywhere in the path |
1184 | | Reason: Moving up from the parent directory, the Edition folder, would allow one |
1185 | | to delete anything on the hard drive, so all "parent path" references are illegal. |
1186 | | B. '/' at the beginning of the path |
1187 | | Reason: In Unix, this means the path starts from root level, as opposed to the |
1188 | | directory we will evaluate these paths as being relative to, which is Edition/. |
1189 | | C. '.' as the whole path |
1190 | | Reason: This would mean "the Edition folder", which is not allowed to be deleted. |
1191 | | D. 'GameDataFolder' at the end of the path |
1192 | | Reason: We don't allow the entire GDF to be deleted, only specific files in it. |
1193 | | E. '*' anywhere in the path |
1194 | | Reason: We don't want this interpreted as a wildcard; it's best to only delete |
1195 | *\ files by name. */
1196 | bool StringIsLegalPathForDeletion(string word)
1197 | {
1198 | string::size_type loc1, loc2;
1199 |
1200 | // Trim ending slashes in order to simplify the test
1201 | // Note that we're only altering the local copy of the string here
1202 | loc1 = word.find_last_of("\\", word.size());
1203 | if (loc1 == word.size() - 1)
1204 | word.resize(word.size() - 1);
1205 | loc1 = word.find_last_of("/", word.size());
1206 | if (loc1 == word.size() - 1)
1207 | word.resize(word.size() - 1);
1208 |
1209 | // Test B
1210 | loc1 = word.find_first_of("\\", 0);
1211 | if (loc1 == 0)
1212 | return false; // path begins with a slash, meaning root level of HD in Unix, an illegal path
1213 | loc1 = word.find_first_of("/", 0);
1214 | if (loc1 == 0)
1215 | return false; // path begins with a slash, meaning root level of HD in Unix, an illegal path
1216 |
1217 | // Test E
1218 | loc1 = word.find("*", 0);
1219 | if (loc1 != string::npos) // if we found our character before reaching the end of the string
1220 | return false; // path cannot contain the '*' character
1221 |
1222 | // Tests A (part 1) and C
1223 | loc1 = word.find(".", 0);
1224 | if (loc1 != string::npos)
1225 | {
1226 | if (word.size() == 1)
1227 | return false; // path cannot be simply '.', referring to Edition folder itself
1228 | loc2 = word.find(".", loc1 + 1);
1229 | if (loc2 == loc1 + 1) // make sure this second period comes after the first one
1230 | if (word.size() == 2)
1231 | return false; // not allowed to reference a parent directory
1232 | }
1233 |
1234 | // Test A (part 2)
1235 | loc1 = word.find("/..", 0);
1236 | if (loc1 != string::npos)
1237 | return false; // not allowed to reference a parent directory
1238 | loc1 = word.find("\\..", 0);
1239 | if (loc1 != string::npos)
1240 | return false; // not allowed to reference a parent directory
1241 |
1242 | // Test D
1243 | loc1 = word.find("GameDataFolder", 0);
1244 | if (loc1 == word.size() - 14) // if "GameDataFolder" is the last 14 characters of the string...
1245 | return false; // not allowed to delete the GDF
1246 |
1247 | return true;
1248 | }
1249 |
1250 | bool ProcessInstallerUpdate(Install_info_cfg *currentAE, Install_info_cfg *updateAE)
1251 | {
1252 | ofstream file;
1253 | string shellScript;
1254 |
1255 | ptime startTime(second_clock::local_time());
1256 | string strStartTime = to_simple_string(startTime);
1257 | string progressMsg = "Installer being updated to:\n" +
1258 | updateAE->InstallerVersion + " on " + strStartTime;
1259 | file.open("Update.log");
1260 | if (!file.fail())
1261 | file << progressMsg.c_str();
1262 | file.close();
1263 | file.clear();
1264 |
1265 | string popenCommand = "../updates/" + strEUFN + "/install/";
1266 | #ifdef WIN32
1267 | popenCommand = "replace_installer.bat";
1268 | #else
1269 | // We can't just use '~' to mean "the home directory" because we need to check the path in C...
1270 | // ...so we actually get the current user's shortname and manually construct the path to home
1271 | FILE *fUserName = NULL;
1272 | char chrUserName[32];
1273 | fUserName = popen("whoami", "r");
1274 | fgets(chrUserName, sizeof(chrUserName), fUserName);
1275 | pclose(fUserName);
1276 | string strUserName = (string)chrUserName; // stringsblaaarrrgggghhhh
1277 | int endOfName = strUserName.find("\n", 0);
1278 | string pathToTrash = "/Users/" + strUserName.substr(0, endOfName) + "/.Trash/";
1279 | tm tmStartTime = to_tm(startTime);
1280 | pathToTrash = pathToTrash + "Old_Edition_files_" + currentAE->AEVersion + "_" + boost::lexical_cast<string>(tmStartTime.tm_hour) + "-" +
1281 | boost::lexical_cast<string>(tmStartTime.tm_min) + "-" + boost::lexical_cast<string>(tmStartTime.tm_sec); // lol
1282 | create_directory(pathToTrash);
1283 | // The script takes as a parameter the path the old Installer should go to, in quotes
1284 | popenCommand = "bash " + popenCommand + "replace_installer.sh " + pathToTrash + "/Installer.app";
1285 |
1286 | #endif
1287 | file.close();
1288 | file.clear();
1289 | #ifdef WIN32
1290 | system(popenCommand.c_str());
1291 | #else
1292 | popen(popenCommand.c_str(), "r");
1293 | #endif
1294 | return true; // returning 'true' tells the Installer to quit itself ASAP so it can be replaced by the process that is now running
1295 | }
1296 |
1297 | bool ProcessAEUpdate(Install_info_cfg *currentAE, Install_info_cfg *updateAE, bool *installerJustUpdated)
1298 | {
1299 | try {
1300 | fstream file;
1301 | string line;
1302 | vector<string> tokens, updateStarted;
1303 | string strInstaller = "Installer";
1304 | string strWas = "was";
1305 | string strPathToEUFN = ("../updates/" + strEUFN + "/"); // strEUFN is set by GetUpdateStatus()
1306 | string strPathToEUFNInstall = ("../updates/" + strEUFN + "/install/");
1307 | string strPathToEUFNPackages = ("../updates/" + strEUFN + "/install/packages/");
1308 | string strPathToPackages = "packages/";
1309 | string strGlobalize = "Globalize/";
1310 | string strOniSplit = "OniSplit.exe";
1311 | string strDaodan = "binkw32.dll";
1312 | string strWinGUI = "onisplit_gui.exe";
1313 | string strWinGUILang = "ospgui_lang.ini";
1314 | string strMacGUI = "AETools.app";
1315 | #ifdef WIN32
1316 | string strOniApp = "Oni.exe";
1317 | #else
1318 | string strOniApp = "Oni.app";
1319 | bool needNewTrashDir = false;
1320 | #endif
1321 |
1322 | bool readingVerAndDate = false;
1323 |
1324 | #ifdef WIN32
1325 | //string strTrashDir = "Trash\\"; // string unused in Windows because files are simply deleted
1326 | #else
1327 | FILE *fUserName = NULL;
1328 | char chrUserName[32];
1329 | fUserName = popen("whoami", "r");
1330 | fgets(chrUserName, sizeof(chrUserName), fUserName);
1331 | pclose(fUserName);
1332 | string strUserName = (string)chrUserName; // stringsblaaarrrgggghhhh
1333 | int endOfName = strUserName.find("\n", 0);
1334 | string strTrashDir = "/Users/" + strUserName.substr(0, endOfName) + "/.Trash/";
1335 | #endif
1336 |
1337 | // Write to log that we are beginning the update process
1338 | ptime startTime(second_clock::local_time());
1339 | string strStartTime = to_simple_string(startTime);
1340 | string progressMsg = "\nEdition being updated to:\n" +
1341 | updateAE->AEVersion + " on " + strStartTime;
1342 | file.open("Update.log");
1343 | if (!file.fail())
1344 | file << progressMsg.c_str();
1345 |
1346 | if (*installerJustUpdated) // then we want to know what folder in the Trash the Installer was placed in...
1347 | {
1348 | while (!file.eof()) // ...so we read the log to get the timestamp so we know the name of the folder that should be in the Trash
1349 | {
1350 | getline(file, line);
1351 | tokenize(line, tokens);
1352 |
1353 | if (tokens.capacity() >= 4)
1354 | if (!strInstaller.compare(tokens[0]))
1355 | if (!strWas.compare(tokens[1]))
1356 | readingVerAndDate = true;
1357 | if (readingVerAndDate && tokens.capacity() >= 3)
1358 | tokenize(tokens[2], updateStarted, "-");
1359 | }
1360 | #ifndef WIN32
1361 | if (updateStarted.capacity() < 3)
1362 | needNewTrashDir = true;
1363 | else
1364 | {
1365 | strTrashDir = strTrashDir + "Old_Edition_files_" + currentAE->AEVersion + "-" +
1366 | updateStarted[0] + "-" + updateStarted[1] + "-" + updateStarted[2] + "/";
1367 | if (!exists(strTrashDir))
1368 | needNewTrashDir = true;
1369 | }
1370 | #endif
1371 | }
1372 | #ifndef WIN32
1373 | if (!*installerJustUpdated || needNewTrashDir) // prepare a new directory for deleted files to go to
1374 | {
1375 | tm tmStartTime = to_tm(startTime);
1376 | strTrashDir = strTrashDir + "Old_Edition_files_" + currentAE->AEVersion + "_" + boost::lexical_cast<string>(tmStartTime.tm_hour) + "-" +
1377 | boost::lexical_cast<string>(tmStartTime.tm_min) + "-" + boost::lexical_cast<string>(tmStartTime.tm_sec) + "/";
1378 | create_directory(strTrashDir);
1379 | }
1380 | #endif
1381 | file.close();
1382 | file.clear();
1383 |
1384 | // Special code to replace our special files -- the Oni app, OniSplit, the Daodan DLL, and the GUI for OniSplit
1385 | if (exists(strPathToEUFN + strOniApp))
1386 | {
1387 | if (exists("../" + strOniApp))
1388 | #ifdef WIN32
1389 | remove((path)("../" + strOniApp));
1390 | #else
1391 | rename((path)("../" + strOniApp), (path)(strTrashDir + strOniApp));
1392 | #endif
1393 | rename((path)(strPathToEUFN + strOniApp), (path)("../" + strOniApp));
1394 | }
1395 | if (updateAE->OniSplitVersion.compare(currentAE->OniSplitVersion) >= 1)
1396 | {
1397 | if (exists(strPathToEUFNInstall + strOniSplit))
1398 | {
1399 | if (exists(strOniSplit))
1400 | #ifdef WIN32
1401 | remove((path)strOniSplit);
1402 | #else
1403 | rename((path)strOniSplit, (path)(strTrashDir + strOniSplit));
1404 | #endif
1405 | rename((path)(strPathToEUFNInstall + strOniSplit), (path)strOniSplit);
1406 | }
1407 | }
1408 | #ifdef WIN32
1409 | if (updateAE->DaodanVersion.compare(currentAE->DaodanVersion) >= 1)
1410 | {
1411 | if (exists(strPathToEUFN + strDaodan))
1412 | {
1413 | if (exists(("../" + strDaodan)))
1414 | remove((path)("../" + strDaodan));
1415 | rename((path)(strPathToEUFN + strDaodan), (path)("../" + strDaodan));
1416 | }
1417 | }
1418 | if (updateAE->WinGUIVersion.compare(currentAE->WinGUIVersion) >= 1)
1419 | {
1420 | if (exists(strPathToEUFNInstall + strWinGUI))
1421 | {
1422 | if (exists((path)strWinGUI))
1423 | remove((path)strWinGUI);
1424 | if (exists(strWinGUILang))
1425 | remove((path)strWinGUILang);
1426 | rename((path)(strPathToEUFNInstall + strWinGUI), (path)strWinGUI);
1427 | rename((path)(strPathToEUFNInstall + strWinGUILang), (path)strWinGUILang);
1428 | }
1429 | }
1430 | #else
1431 | if (updateAE->MacGUIVersion.compare(currentAE->MacGUIVersion) >= 1)
1432 | {
1433 | if (exists(strPathToEUFN + strMacGUI))
1434 | {
1435 | if (exists(("../" + strMacGUI)))
1436 | rename((path)("../" + strMacGUI), (path)(strTrashDir + strMacGUI));
1437 | rename((path)(strPathToEUFN + strMacGUI), (path)("../" + strMacGUI));
1438 | }
1439 | }
1440 | #endif
1441 |
1442 | // Now we trash whatever's in DeleteList; this allows us to clear out obsolete files in the previous AE install
1443 | // Before moving a file to the Trash, we need to make sure each of the file's parent paths exists in the Trash...
1444 | // ...so we iterate through the hierarchy of the file path, checking for each one and creating it if necessary
1445 | for (vector<string>::iterator iter = updateAE->deleteList.begin(); iter != updateAE->deleteList.end(); iter++)
1446 | {
1447 | string thePath = *iter;
1448 | if (exists((path)("../" + thePath)))
1449 | {
1450 | string aParentPath;
1451 | string::size_type curPos = thePath.find("/", 0);
1452 | if (curPos != string::npos)
1453 | aParentPath = thePath.substr(0, curPos);
1454 | string::size_type lastPos = curPos;
1455 | while (curPos != string::npos && curPos < thePath.size())
1456 | {
1457 | aParentPath = aParentPath + thePath.substr(lastPos, curPos - lastPos);
1458 | #ifndef WIN32
1459 | if (!exists(strTrashDir + aParentPath))
1460 | create_directory(strTrashDir + aParentPath);
1461 | #endif
1462 | lastPos = curPos + 1;
1463 | curPos = thePath.find("/", lastPos);
1464 | aParentPath = aParentPath + "/";
1465 | }
1466 | #ifndef WIN32
1467 | rename((path)("../" + thePath), (path)(strTrashDir + thePath));
1468 | #else
1469 | remove((path)("../" + thePath));
1470 | #endif
1471 | }
1472 | }
1473 |
1474 | ProcessPackageUpdates(strPathToEUFNPackages, strPathToPackages);
1475 |
1476 | // Next, we get a list of which files and folders in the update's Globalize folder to move over; all files not starting with '.' will be moved...
1477 | // ...and folders which do not exist in the current AE will be created there
1478 | vector<string> foldersToMake, filesToMove;
1479 | string thePath;
1480 | for (recursive_directory_iterator dir_itr(strPathToEUFNPackages + strGlobalize), end_itr; dir_itr != end_itr; ++dir_itr)
1481 | {
1482 | thePath = dir_itr->path().string();
1483 | MakePathLocalToGlobalize(&thePath);
1484 | if (is_regular_file(dir_itr->status()))
1485 | {
1486 | if (dir_itr->filename().at(0) != '.') // skip over dot-files, which are invisible in Unix
1487 | filesToMove.push_back(thePath);
1488 | }
1489 | else if (is_directory(dir_itr->status()))
1490 | {
1491 | if (!exists(strPathToPackages + strGlobalize + thePath))
1492 | foldersToMake.push_back(thePath);
1493 | }
1494 | }
1495 | // Sort the foldersToMake strings by length, which is a fast solution to the problem of "How do we make sure we create folder 'parent/'...
1496 | // ...before folder 'parent/child/'"?
1497 | sort(foldersToMake.begin(), foldersToMake.end(), SortBySize); // SortBySize is a custom comparison function found later in this source file
1498 | // First make the folders that don't exist in the current AE, so all the files have a place to go
1499 | for (vector<string>::iterator iter = foldersToMake.begin(); iter != foldersToMake.end(); iter++)
1500 | {
1501 | create_directory(strPathToPackages + strGlobalize + *iter);
1502 | }
1503 | for (vector<string>::iterator iter = filesToMove.begin(); iter != filesToMove.end(); iter++)
1504 | {
1505 | if (exists(strPathToPackages + strGlobalize + *iter))
1506 | #ifdef WIN32
1507 | remove((path)(strPathToPackages + strGlobalize + *iter));
1508 | #else
1509 | rename((path)(strPathToPackages + strGlobalize + *iter), (path)(strTrashDir + *iter));
1510 | #endif
1511 | rename((path)(strPathToEUFNPackages + strGlobalize + *iter), (path)(strPathToPackages + strGlobalize + *iter));
1512 | }
1513 |
1514 | // Clean up after ourselves, trashing any packages or programs in the update package that are not newer than the current AE
1515 | #ifdef WIN32
1516 | remove_all((path)strPathToEUFN);
1517 | #else
1518 | create_directory(strTrashDir + "Unneeded update files");
1519 | rename((path)strPathToEUFN, (path)(strTrashDir + "Unneeded update files/" + strEUFN));
1520 | #endif
1521 | // Write to log that we are finished with update
1522 | ptime end_time(second_clock::local_time());
1523 | string progressMsg2 = "Edition was updated to:\n" +
1524 | updateAE->AEVersion + " on " + to_simple_string(end_time);
1525 |
1526 | file.open("Update.log");
1527 |
1528 | if(!file.fail())
1529 | file.write(progressMsg2.c_str(), sizeof(progressMsg2.c_str()));
1530 |
1531 | file.close();
1532 | file.clear();
1533 |
1534 | if (updateAE->globalizationRequired)
1535 | CheckForGlobalization(true); // the 'true' value forces re-globalization
1536 |
1537 | globalPackages = getPackages(); // refresh the list in memory
1538 | wxCommandEvent e;
1539 | TheWindow->OnRefreshButtonClick( e );
1540 | return true;
1541 | }
1542 | catch (exception & ex)
1543 | {
1544 | setStatusArea("Warning, handled exception: " + (string)ex.what());
1545 | return false;
1546 | }
1547 |
1548 | }
1549 |
1550 | void ProcessPackageUpdates(string pathToUpdate, string strPathToPackages)
1551 | {
1552 | ptime startTime(second_clock::local_time());
1553 | #ifdef WIN32
1554 | string strTrashDir = "Trash\\"; // string unused in Windows because files are simply deleted
1555 | #else
1556 | FILE *fUserName = NULL;
1557 | char chrUserName[32];
1558 | fUserName = popen("whoami", "r");
1559 | fgets(chrUserName, sizeof(chrUserName), fUserName);
1560 | pclose(fUserName);
1561 | string strUserName = (string)chrUserName; // stringsblaaarrrgggghhhh
1562 | int endOfName = strUserName.find("\n", 0);
1563 | string strTrashDir = "/Users/" + strUserName.substr(0, endOfName) + "/.Trash/";
1564 | bool needNewTrashDir = true;
1565 | tm tmStartTime = to_tm(startTime);
1566 | #endif
1567 |
1568 | try
1569 | {
1570 | directory_iterator end;
1571 | for (directory_iterator update_iter(pathToUpdate); update_iter != end; ++update_iter)
1572 | {
1573 | ModPackage installedPackage, updatePackage;
1574 | string updtPath = update_iter->path().string();
1575 | string updtFolder = update_iter->path().filename();
1576 | string updtModInfo = updtPath + "/Mod_Info.cfg";
1577 | string instModInfo = strPathToPackages + "/" + updtFolder + "/Mod_Info.cfg";
1578 | if (!boost::iequals(updtFolder, "Edition")
1579 | && !boost::iequals(updtFolder, "Edition-patch")
1580 | && is_directory(update_iter->path())
1581 | && exists(updtModInfo))
1582 | {
1583 | fstream file;
1584 | file.open((updtModInfo).c_str());
1585 | if (!file.fail())
1586 | updatePackage = fileToModPackage(file, updtFolder);
1587 | else
1588 | {
1589 | file.close();
1590 | continue;
1591 | }
1592 | if (exists(instModInfo))
1593 | {
1594 | file.close();
1595 | file.clear();
1596 | file.open(instModInfo.c_str());
1597 | if (!file.fail())
1598 | {
1599 | installedPackage = fileToModPackage(file, updtFolder);
1600 | }
1601 | file.close();
1602 | }
1603 | file.close();
1604 | if (updatePackage.modStringVersion > installedPackage.modStringVersion)
1605 | {
1606 | if (updatePackage.installerVersion <= INSTALLER_VERSION)
1607 | {
1608 | if(exists(strPathToPackages + "/" + updatePackage.modStringName)) {
1609 | #ifdef WIN32
1610 | remove_all((path)(strPathToPackages + "/" + updatePackage.modStringName));
1611 | #else
1612 | if (needNewTrashDir)
1613 | {
1614 | strTrashDir = strTrashDir + "Old_packages_" + boost::lexical_cast<string>(tmStartTime.tm_hour) + "-" +
1615 | boost::lexical_cast<string>(tmStartTime.tm_min) + "-" + boost::lexical_cast<string>(tmStartTime.tm_sec) + "/";
1616 | create_directory(strTrashDir);
1617 | needNewTrashDir = false;
1618 | }
1619 | rename((path)(strPathToPackages + "/" + updatePackage.modStringName), (path)(strTrashDir + updatePackage.modStringName));
1620 | #endif
1621 | }
1622 | rename((path)(pathToUpdate + "/" + updatePackage.modStringName), (path)(strPathToPackages + "/" + updatePackage.modStringName));
1623 | }
1624 | }
1625 | }
1626 | }
1627 | }
1628 | catch (exception & ex)
1629 | {
1630 | setStatusArea("Warning, handled exception: " + (string)ex.what());
1631 | }
1632 | wxCommandEvent e;
1633 | TheWindow->OnRefreshButtonClick( e );
1634 | }
1635 |
1636 | /* MakePathLocalToGlobalize is a function used once by ProcessAEUpdate() that takes a file in an \
1637 | | update's Globalize folder and changes its path, originally relative to the Installer, to be |
1638 | | relative to the structure of the Globalize folder; this makes it easier to have the Installer |
1639 | \ move said file from an update's Globalize folder to the current Globalize folder. */
1640 | void MakePathLocalToGlobalize(string *installerBasedPath)
1641 | {
1642 | int deleteToHere = 0;
1643 | deleteToHere = installerBasedPath->find("Globalize/");
1644 | if (deleteToHere != 0)
1645 | {
1646 | deleteToHere += strlen("Globalize/");
1647 | installerBasedPath->erase(0, deleteToHere);
1648 | }
1649 | }
1650 |
1651 | /* SortBySize is a custom comparison function that we call when using the C++ sort() function in \
1652 | \ ProcessAEUpdate() on some strings that we want to sort by length. */
1653 | bool SortBySize(string a, string b)
1654 | {
1655 | return (a.size() < b.size());
1656 | }
1657 |
1658 | //stolen token function...
1659 | void tokenize(const string& str, vector<string>& tokens, const string& delimiters)
1660 | {
1661 | // Skip delimiters at beginning.
1662 | string::size_type lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, 0);
1663 | // Find first "non-delimiter".
1664 | string::size_type pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);
1665 |
1666 | while (string::npos != pos || string::npos != lastPos)
1667 | {
1668 | // Found a token, add it to the vector.
1669 | tokens.push_back(str.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos));
1670 | // Skip delimiters. Note the "not_of"
1671 | lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, pos);
1672 | // Find next "non-delimiter"
1673 | pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos);
1674 | }
1675 | }
1676 |
1677 | /* StripNewlines() gets rids of any linebreaks that come from text returned by getline(); \
1678 | | getline() should be stripping those out, but Windows CR/LF files seem to be sneaking |
1679 | \ some extra return characters into strings in the ReadInstallInfoCfg() function. */
1680 | void StripNewlines(string *theLine)
1681 | {
1682 | int deleteFromHere = 0;
1683 | deleteFromHere = theLine->find("\r");
1684 | if (deleteFromHere > 0)
1685 | theLine->erase(deleteFromHere, theLine->size());
1686 | }
1687 |
1688 | void clearOldDats(void) {
1689 | directory_iterator end_iter_gdf;
1690 | for ( directory_iterator dir_itr_gdf( "../GameDataFolder" );
1691 | dir_itr_gdf != end_iter_gdf;
1692 | ++dir_itr_gdf )
1693 | {
1694 | if ( dir_itr_gdf->path().extension() == ".dat" || dir_itr_gdf->path().extension() == ".raw" || dir_itr_gdf->path().extension() == ".sep" ) {
1695 | remove( dir_itr_gdf->path() );
1696 | }
1697 |
1698 | }
1699 |
1700 | }
1701 |
1702 | // this function copies files and directories. If copying a
1703 | // directory to a directory, it copies recursively.
1704 |
1705 | //pardon the mess, I did this at midnight, and had to fix a bug
1706 | void copy( const path & from_ph,
1707 | const path & to_ph )
1708 | {
1709 | cout << to_ph.string() << "\n";
1710 | // Make sure that the destination, if it exists, is a directory
1711 | if((exists(to_ph) && !is_directory(to_ph)) || (!exists(from_ph))) cout << "error";
1712 | if(!is_directory(from_ph))
1713 | {
1714 |
1715 | if(exists(to_ph))
1716 | {
1717 | copy_file(from_ph,to_ph/from_ph.filename());
1718 | }
1719 | else
1720 | {
1721 | try{
1722 |
1723 | copy_file(from_ph,to_ph);
1724 | }
1725 | catch (exception ex){
1726 | cout << from_ph.string() << " to " << to_ph.string() << "\n";
1727 | }
1728 | }
1729 |
1730 | }
1731 | else if(from_ph.filename() != ".svn")
1732 | {
1733 | path destination;
1734 | if(!exists(to_ph))
1735 | {
1736 | destination=to_ph;
1737 | }
1738 | else
1739 | {
1740 | destination=to_ph/from_ph.filename();
1741 | }
1742 |
1743 | for(directory_iterator i(from_ph); i!=directory_iterator(); ++i)
1744 | {
1745 | //the idiot who coded this in the first place (not me)
1746 | //forgot to make a new directory. Exception city. x_x
1747 | create_directory(destination);
1748 | copy(*i,destination/i->filename());
1749 | }
1750 | }
1751 | }
1752 |
1753 | void copy_directory( const path &from_dir_ph,
1754 | const path &to_dir_ph)
1755 | {
1756 | if(!exists(from_dir_ph) || !is_directory(from_dir_ph)
1757 | || exists(to_dir_ph))
1758 | cout << !exists(from_dir_ph) << " " << !is_directory(from_dir_ph)
1759 | << " " << exists(to_dir_ph);
1760 |
1761 | # ifdef BOOST_POSIX
1762 | struct stat from_stat;
1763 | if ( (::stat( from_dir_ph.string().c_str(), &from_stat ) != 0)
1764 | || ::mkdir(to_dir_ph.native_directory_string().c_str(),
1765 | from_stat.st_mode)!=0)
1766 | # endif
1767 | }
1768 |
1769 | string escapePath(string input)
1770 | {
1771 | string output;
1772 | string escape_me = "& ;()|<>\"'\\#*?$";
1773 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < input.size(); i++)
1774 | {
1775 | for (unsigned int j = 0; j < escape_me.size(); j++)
1776 | if (input[i] == escape_me[j])
1777 | output += '\\';
1778 | output += input[i];
1779 | }
1780 | return output;
1781 | }
1782 |
1783 | Install_info_cfg::Install_info_cfg()
1784 | {
1785 | AEVersion = "2009-07b";
1786 | InstallerVersion = "1.0.1";
1787 | DaodanVersion = "1.0";
1788 | OniSplitVersion = "";
1789 | WinGUIVersion = "0";
1790 | MacGUIVersion = "0";
1791 | patch = false;
1792 | globalizationRequired = false;
1793 | deleteList.reserve(255);
1794 | }
1795 |
1796 | ModPackage::ModPackage()
1797 | {
1798 | isInstalled = true; // replace with function
1799 | name = "";
1800 | modStringName = "";
1801 | modStringVersion = 0;
1802 | platform = "Both";
1803 | hasOnis = false;
1804 | hasDeltas = false;
1805 | hasBSL = false;
1806 | hasAddon = false;
1807 | hasDats = false;
1808 | category = "";
1809 | creator = "";
1810 | isEngine = false;
1811 | readme = "";
1812 | globalNeeded = true;
1813 | }
1814 | #ifndef WIN32
1815 | void Sleep(int ms)
1816 | {
1817 | sleep(ms / 1000);
1818 | }
1819 | #endif
1820 | #ifdef WIN32
1821 |
1822 | void RedirectIOToConsole()
1823 | {
1824 | int hConHandle;
1825 | long lStdHandle;
1827 | FILE *fp;
1828 |
1829 | // allocate a console for this app
1830 | AllocConsole();
1831 |
1832 | // set the screen buffer to be big enough to let us scroll text
1833 | GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),
1834 | &coninfo);
1835 | coninfo.dwSize.Y = MAX_CONSOLE_LINES;
1836 | SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),
1837 | coninfo.dwSize);
1838 |
1839 | // redirect unbuffered STDOUT to the console
1840 | lStdHandle = (long)GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
1841 | hConHandle = _open_osfhandle(lStdHandle, _O_TEXT);
1842 | fp = _fdopen( hConHandle, "w" );
1843 | *stdout = *fp;
1844 | setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0 );
1845 |
1846 | // redirect unbuffered STDIN to the console
1847 | lStdHandle = (long)GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
1848 | hConHandle = _open_osfhandle(lStdHandle, _O_TEXT);
1849 | fp = _fdopen( hConHandle, "r" );
1850 | *stdin = *fp;
1851 | setvbuf( stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0 );
1852 |
1853 | // redirect unbuffered STDERR to the console
1854 | lStdHandle = (long)GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
1855 | hConHandle = _open_osfhandle(lStdHandle, _O_TEXT);
1856 | fp = _fdopen( hConHandle, "w" );
1857 | *stderr = *fp;
1858 | setvbuf( stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0 );
1859 |
1860 | // make cout, wcout, cin, wcin, wcerr, cerr, wclog and clog
1861 | // point to console as well
1862 | ios::sync_with_stdio();
1863 | }
1864 | #endif