/* AE/Mod Installer v1.0 by Gumby and Iritscen */ #define DEBUG #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "boost/filesystem.hpp" // includes all needed Boost.Filesystem declarations #include "methods.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include #else // assume we're on Mac #include #include #endif #ifdef WIN32 const string strOniSplit = "Onisplit.exe"; const string strImportOption = "-import:nosep"; const char* strClsCmd = "cls"; const char* strPauseCmd = "PAUSE"; #else // set up Mac equivalents since we're in Mac OS const string strOniSplit = "mono Onisplit.exe"; const string strImportOption = "-import:sep"; const char* strClsCmd = "clear"; const char* strPauseCmd = "read -n 1 -p \"Press any key to continue\""; #endif using namespace boost::filesystem; using namespace std; const string strInstallerVersion = "1.0"; const bool SPLIT = 1; const bool NOT_SPLIT = 0; bool splitInstances = SPLIT; int main(void) { // SetConsoleTitle("AE Installer"); windows junk, convert to SDL // system("color 0A"); cout << "\nWelcome to the AE installer!\n"; cout << "\nWhat would you like to do?\n"; return mainMenu(); } int mainMenu(void) { char choice = '0'; bool exit = false; int err = 0; do { cout << "\n1. Globalize data\n"; cout << "2. Install new packages\n"; cout << "3. Uninstall packages\n"; cout << "4. See what is installed\n"; cout << "5. About AE\n"; cout << "6. Quit\n\n"; choice = cin.get(); cin.ignore(128, '\n'); switch(choice) { case '1': err = globalizeData(); break; case '2': err = installPackages(); break; case '3': err = uninstallPackages(); break; case '4': err = listInstalledPackages(); break; case '5': err = printInstallerInfo(); break; case '6': exit = true; break; default: cout << "Please choose one of the above numbers, and press Enter.\n\n"; } if (err) // if something fatal happened exit = true; } while(!exit); return err; } int globalizeData(void) { int err = 0; try { int levels[15] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19}; // the levels Oni has char choice = 0; //SetCurrentDirectory("C:/Program Files/Oni/edition/install"); char levelnum[3]; path Characters = "../GameDataFolder/level0_Characters"; path Particles = "../GameDataFolder/level0_Particles"; path Archive = "../GameDataFolder/Archive"; path Textures = "../GameDataFolder/level0_Textures"; path Sounds = "../GameDataFolder/level0_Sounds"; path Animations = "../GameDataFolder/level0_Animations"; path TRAC = Animations / "level0_TRAC"; path TRAM = Animations / "level0_TRAM"; if (exists("../GameDataFolder/")) { cout << "\nIt looks like you've already globalized Oni's data.\nDo you want to re-globalize?\n(This will erase existing mods installed to the AE's game data.)" << "\n1. Re-globalize" << "\n2. Return to main menu\n"; choice = cin.get(); cin.ignore(128, '\n'); if (choice == '1') remove_all("../GameDataFolder"); // remove AE GDF if (choice == '2') return 0; } create_directory( "../GameDataFolder/" ); create_directory( "packages" ); if (exists("packages/VanillaDats")) remove_all("packages/VanillaDats"); create_directory( "packages/VanillaDats" ); create_directory( "packages/VanillaDats/level0_Final/" ); create_directory( Characters ); create_directory( Particles ); create_directory( Archive ); create_directory( Textures ); create_directory( Sounds ); create_directory( Animations ); create_directory( TRAC ); create_directory( TRAM ); for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { sprintf(levelnum,"%d",levels[i]); // int to char array exists("../../GameDataFolder/level" + (string)levelnum + "_Final"); system((strOniSplit + " -export ../GameDataFolder/level" + (string)levelnum + "_Final ../../GameDataFolder/level" + (string)levelnum + "_Final.dat").c_str()); create_directory( "packages/VanillaDats/level" + (string)levelnum + "_Final" ); //remember to cast your arrays as strings :) create_directory( "packages/VanillaDats/level" + (string)levelnum + "_Final/level" + (string)levelnum + "_Final" ); directory_iterator end_iter; for ( directory_iterator dir_itr( "../GameDataFolder/level" + (string)levelnum + "_Final" ); dir_itr != end_iter; ++dir_itr ) { //cout << dir_itr->path().filename(); if ( is_regular_file( dir_itr->status() ) ) { if ( dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,8) == "TXMPfail" || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,9) == "TXMPlevel" || ( dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TXMP" && dir_itr->path().filename().find("intro")!=string::npos) || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TXMB" || dir_itr->path().filename() == "M3GMpowerup_lsi.oni" || dir_itr->path().filename() == "TXMPlsi_icon.oni" || ( dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TXMB" && dir_itr->path().filename().find("splash_screen.oni")!=string::npos) ) { cout <path().filename() << "\n"; create_directory( dir_itr->path().parent_path() / "NoGlobal"); if(!exists( dir_itr->path().parent_path() / "NoGlobal" / dir_itr->filename())) rename(dir_itr->path(), dir_itr->path().parent_path() / "NoGlobal" / dir_itr->filename()); else remove(dir_itr->path()); } else if (dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TRAC") { cout <path().filename() << "\n"; if(!exists( TRAC / dir_itr->filename())) rename(dir_itr->path(), TRAC / dir_itr->filename()); else remove(dir_itr->path()); } else if (dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TRAM") { cout <path().filename() << "\n"; if(!exists( TRAM / dir_itr->filename())) rename(dir_itr->path(), TRAM / dir_itr->filename()); else remove(dir_itr->path()); } else if (dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "ONSK" || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TXMP") { cout <path().filename() << "\n";\ create_directory( dir_itr->path().parent_path() / "TexFix"); if(!exists( Textures / dir_itr->filename())) rename(dir_itr->path(), Textures / dir_itr->filename()); //rename(dir_itr->path(), dir_itr->path().parent_path() / "TexFix" / dir_itr->filename()); } else if (dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "ONCC" || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TRBS" || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TRMA" || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TRSC" || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TRAS") { cout <path().filename() << "\n"; if(!exists( Characters / dir_itr->filename())) rename(dir_itr->path(), Characters / dir_itr->filename()); else remove(dir_itr->path()); } else if (dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "OSBD" || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "SNDD") { cout << dir_itr->path().filename() << "\n"; if(!exists( Sounds / dir_itr->filename())) rename(dir_itr->path(), Sounds / dir_itr->filename()); else remove(dir_itr->path()); } else if (dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,5) == "BINA3" || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,10) == "M3GMdebris" || dir_itr->path().filename() == "M3GMtoxic_bubble.oni" || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,8) == "M3GMelec" || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,7) == "M3GMrat" || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,7) == "M3GMjet" || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,9) == "M3GMbomb_" || dir_itr->path().filename() == "M3GMbarab_swave.oni" || dir_itr->path().filename() == "M3GMbloodyfoot.oni" ){ cout <path().filename() << "\n"; if(!exists( Particles / dir_itr->filename())) rename(dir_itr->path(), Particles / dir_itr->filename()); else remove(dir_itr->path()); } else if (dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "AGDB" || dir_itr->path().filename().substr(0,4) == "TRCM") { cout <path().filename() << "\n"; if(!exists( Archive / dir_itr->filename())) rename(dir_itr->path(), Archive / dir_itr->filename()); else remove(dir_itr->path()); } } } system( (strOniSplit + " -move:delete " + Textures.string() + " ../GameDataFolder/level" + (string)levelnum + "_Final/TXMP*.oni").c_str()); } for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { sprintf(levelnum,"%d",levels[i]); system( (strOniSplit + " " + strImportOption + " ../GameDataFolder/level" + levelnum + "_Final packages/VanillaDats/level" + levelnum + "_Final/level" + levelnum + "_Final/level" + levelnum + "_Final.oni").c_str()); } path VanillaCharacters = "packages/VanillaDats/level0_Final/level0_Characters/level0_Characters.oni"; path VanillaParticles = "packages/VanillaDats/level0_Final/level0_Particles/level0_Particles.oni"; path VanillaTextures = "packages/VanillaDats/level0_Final/level0_Textures/level0_Textures.oni"; path VanillaSounds = "packages/VanillaDats/level0_Final/level0_Sounds/level0_Sounds.oni"; path VanillaAnimations = "packages/VanillaDats/level0_Final/level0_Animations/level0_Animations.oni"; path VanillaTRAC = "packages/VanillaDats/level0_Final/level0_Animations/level0_TRAC.oni"; path VanillaTRAM = "packages/VanillaDats/level0_Final/level0_Animations/level0_TRAM.oni"; create_directory( VanillaCharacters.parent_path() ); create_directory( VanillaParticles.parent_path() ); create_directory( VanillaTextures.parent_path() ); create_directory( VanillaSounds.parent_path() ); create_directory( VanillaAnimations.remove_filename() ); system((strOniSplit + " " + strImportOption + " " + Characters.string() + " " + VanillaCharacters.string()).c_str()); system((strOniSplit + " " + strImportOption + " " + Particles.string() + " " + VanillaParticles.string()).c_str()); system((strOniSplit + " " + strImportOption + " " + Textures.string() + " " + VanillaTextures.string()).c_str()); //system((strOniSplit + " " + strImportOption + (string)" " + Animations.string() + (string)" " + VanillaAnimations.string()).c_str()); system((strOniSplit + " " + strImportOption + " " + TRAC.string() + " " + VanillaTRAC.string()).c_str()); system((strOniSplit + " " + strImportOption + " " + Sounds.string() + " " + VanillaSounds.string()).c_str()); system((strOniSplit + " " + strImportOption + " " + TRAM.string() + " " + VanillaTRAM.string()).c_str()); create_directory("../GameDataFolder/IGMD"); copy_file("packages/VanillaBSL", "../GameDataFolder/IGMD"); } catch (exception ex) { cout << ex.what(); } return err; } int installPackages(void) { int err = 0; ModPackage package; vector installed_packages; vector packages; vector::iterator iter; vector installString; iter = packages.begin(); packages = getPackages(); vector installedMods = getInstallString(); if (packages.empty()) { cout << "Error: You have no packages!\n"; return 0; } cout << "Detecting installed packages...\n"; int index = 1; char choice = '0'; for (vector::iterator package_iter = packages.begin(); package_iter != packages.end(); ++package_iter) { if (!binary_search(installedMods.begin(), installedMods.end(), package_iter->modStringName)) { //package_iter->isInstalled :< I forgot about this... //cout << index << " "; system(strClsCmd); cout << (*package_iter).name << "\n"; for (int character = 1; character <= (*package_iter).name.length() - 1; character++) cout << char(196); //does extended ASCII work in UNIX? cout << "\n" << (*package_iter).readme << "\n\n" << "Please enter a number choice\n" << " 1. Install\n" << " 2. Don't Install\n" << ""; index++; choice = 0; do { choice = cin.get(); cin.ignore(1280, '\n'); } while(choice == 0); if (choice == '1') { cout << "\nInstalling...\n\n"; if (package_iter->hasOnis || (package_iter->hasDeltas /*(*package_iter).isUnpacked */ )) { installedMods.push_back(package_iter->modStringName); system(strPauseCmd); } } } } if (index == 1) { cout << "Error: All packages are already installed\n"; return 0; } sort(installedMods.begin(), installedMods.end()); //system(Onisplit.c_str()); recompileAll(installedMods); system(strPauseCmd); return err; } int uninstallPackages(void) { cout << "\nThis feature not yet implemented.\n\n"; return 0; } int listInstalledPackages(void) { cout << "\nThis feature not yet implemented.\n\n"; return 0; } int printInstallerInfo(void) { cout << "\nAE/Mod Installer\n"; cout << "version " << strInstallerVersion << "\n"; cout << "by Gumby & Iritscen\n"; cout << "see http://oni.bungie.org/community/forums for more info\n\n"; return 0; } vector getPackages(void) { vector packages; packages.reserve(65536); // come on, we shouldn't need this much space...right?! fstream file; string filename = "\0"; string MODINFO_CFG = "Mod_Info.cfg"; try { directory_iterator end_iter; for (directory_iterator dir_itr("./packages"); dir_itr != end_iter; ++dir_itr) { file.open((dir_itr->path().string() + "/" + MODINFO_CFG).c_str()); //cout << filename << "\n"; if(!file.fail()) { cout << dir_itr->path().string() + MODINFO_CFG; //would prefer to push a pointer to a package, but this will do for now packages.push_back(fileToModPackage(file)); } file.close(); file.clear(); } } catch (const std::exception & ex) { cout << "Warning, something odd happened!\n"; } return packages; } ModPackage fileToModPackage(fstream &file) { /* This converts a file to a ModPackage struct. A few notes... "iter" is the current word we are on. I should have named it "token" or something, but I don't have multiple iterators, so its ok. I refer to (*iter) at the beginning of each if statement block. I could probably store it as a variable, but I'm pretty sure that dereferencing a pointer\iterator isn't much slower than reading a variable. */ ModPackage package; string line; static string NameOfMod = "NameOfMod"; //used for comparing to the current token... //I could have done it in reverse (*iter).compare("ModString") or static string ARROW = "->"; //did something like "ModString".compare(*iter), and it would have been static string ModString = "ModString"; //functionably the same. static string HasOnis = "HasOnis"; static string HasDeltas = "HasDeltas"; static string HasBSL = "HasBSL"; static string HasDats = "HasDats"; static string IsEngine = "IsEngine"; static string Readme = "Readme"; static string GlobalNeeded = "GlobalNeeded"; static string Category = "Category"; static string Creator = "Creator"; while (! file.eof() ) { getline (file,line); vector tokens; vector::iterator iter; tokenize(line, tokens); //string to vector of "words" if (tokens.capacity() >= 2) { //make sure they are using enough stuff iter = tokens.begin(); //what word we are on, starts at first word /* if (!AEInstallVersion.compare(*iter)) If mod is too old, skip this mod. */ /*else*/if (!NameOfMod.compare(*iter)) { //if it contains the name for ( ; iter !=tokens.end() && SLASHSLASH.compare(*iter); iter++) { //interates through the words, ends if it reaches the end of the line or a "//" comment if (ARROW.compare(*iter) && NameOfMod.compare(*iter)) { //ignores "->" and "NameOfMod" //cout << *iter; //cout << " "; package.name += *iter + " "; } } } else if (!ModString.compare(*iter)) { iter++; iter++; package.modStringName = *iter; iter++; package.modStringVersion = atoi((*iter).c_str()); } else if (!HasOnis.compare(*iter)) { iter++; iter++; if (toupper((*iter)[0]) + toupper((*iter)[1]) + toupper((*iter)[2]) == 'Y' + 'E' + 'S') package.hasOnis = 1; //Gotta love c++'s lack of a standard case-insensitive else if (!HasBSL.compare(*iter)) { // string comparer...I know my implementation here sucks. I need to change it to check each character one by one. At the moment, iter++; iter++;} // using "YFR" would probably set it off. :< if (toupper((*iter)[0]) + toupper((*iter)[1]) + toupper((*iter)[2]) == 'Y' + 'E' + 'S') package.hasBSL = 1; } else if (!HasDeltas.compare(*iter)) { iter++; iter++; if (toupper((*iter)[0]) + toupper((*iter)[1]) + toupper((*iter)[2]) == 'Y' + 'E' + 'S') package.hasDeltas = 1; } else if (!HasDats.compare(*iter)) { iter++; iter++; if (toupper((*iter)[0]) + toupper((*iter)[1]) + toupper((*iter)[2]) == 'Y' + 'E' + 'S') package.hasDats = 1; } else if (!IsEngine.compare(*iter)) { iter++; iter++; if (toupper((*iter)[0]) + toupper((*iter)[1]) + toupper((*iter)[2]) == 'Y' + 'E' + 'S') package.isEngine = 1; } else if (!GlobalNeeded.compare(*iter)) { iter++; iter++; if (toupper((*iter)[0]) + toupper((*iter)[1]) + toupper((*iter)[2]) == 'Y' + 'E' + 'S') package.globalNeeded = 1; else if (toupper((*iter)[0]) + toupper((*iter)[1]) == 'N' + 'O') package.globalNeeded = 1; //Really the only place where checking for "No" is important atm. } else if (!Category.compare(*iter)) { for ( ; iter !=tokens.end() && SLASHSLASH.compare(*iter); iter++) { //interates through the words, ends if it reaches the end of the line or a "//" comment if (ARROW.compare(*iter) && Category.compare(*iter)) { //ignores "->" and "Category" //cout << *iter; //cout << " "; package.category += *iter + " "; } } } else if (!Creator.compare(*iter)) { //if it contains the name for ( ; iter !=tokens.end() && SLASHSLASH.compare(*iter); iter++) { //interates through the words, ends if it reaches the end of the line or a "//" comment if (ARROW.compare(*iter) && Creator.compare(*iter)) { //ignores "->" and "Category" //cout << *iter; //cout << " "; package.creator += *iter + " "; } } } else if (!Readme.compare(*iter)) { //if it contains the name for ( ; iter !=tokens.end() && SLASHSLASH.compare(*iter); iter++) { //interates through the words, ends if it reaches the end of the line or a "//" comment if (ARROW.compare(*iter) && Readme.compare(*iter)) { //ignores "->" and "Category" //cout << *iter; //cout << " "; package.readme += *iter + " "; } } } } } package.doOutput(); return package; } void recompileAll(vector installedMods) { cout << "Recompiling Data...\n"; path vanilla_dir = "./packages/VanillaDats/"; string importCommand = ""; if(splitInstances == SPLIT){ recursive_directory_iterator end_iter; try { for ( recursive_directory_iterator dir_itr( vanilla_dir ); dir_itr != end_iter; ++dir_itr ) { try { if ( is_directory( dir_itr->status() ) && dir_itr.level() == 1) { importCommand = strOniSplit + " " + strImportOption + " " + dir_itr->path().parent_path().string() + '/' + dir_itr->path().filename(); for (int i = 0; i < installedMods.size(); ++i) { if (exists("packages/" + installedMods[i] + "/oni/" + dir_itr->path().parent_path().filename() + '/' + dir_itr->path().filename() )) importCommand += " packages/" + installedMods[i] + "/oni/" + dir_itr->path().parent_path().filename() + '/' + dir_itr->path().filename(); //else cout << " packages/VanillaDats/" + installedMods[i] + "/oni/"; } importCommand += " ../GameDataFolder/" + dir_itr->path().filename() + ".dat"; system(importCommand.c_str()); //cout << importCommand << "\n"; } } catch ( const std::exception & ex ) { cout << "Warning, exception " << ex.what() << "!"; } } } catch( const std::exception & ex ) { cout << "Warning, exception " << ex.what() << "!\n" << "You probably need to re-globalize."; create_directory( "./packages/VanillaDats" ); } } else if(splitInstances == NOT_SPLIT){ directory_iterator end_iter; for ( directory_iterator dir_itr( vanilla_dir ); dir_itr != end_iter; ++dir_itr ) { try { if ( is_directory( dir_itr->status() ) ) { system((strOniSplit + " " + strImportOption + " " + vanilla_dir.string() + dir_itr->path().filename() + " " + "../GameDataFolder/" + dir_itr->path().filename() + ".dat").c_str()); } } catch ( const std::exception & ex ) { cout << "Warning, something odd happened!\n"; } } } } vector getInstallString(void) { system(strPauseCmd); vector returnval; string file_name = "../GameDataFolder/ImportList.cfg"; string line; fstream file; if (exists(file_name)) { file.open(file_name.c_str()); getline(file, line); tokenize(line, returnval); file.close(); file.clear(); sort(returnval.begin(), returnval.end()); } else cout << "fail"; return returnval; } //stolen token function... void tokenize(const string& str, vector& tokens, const string& delimiters) { // Skip delimiters at beginning. string::size_type lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, 0); // Find first "non-delimiter". string::size_type pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos); while (string::npos != pos || string::npos != lastPos) { // Found a token, add it to the vector. tokens.push_back(str.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos)); // Skip delimiters. Note the "not_of" lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delimiters, pos); // Find next "non-delimiter" pos = str.find_first_of(delimiters, lastPos); } }