[1029] | 1 | -- Anniversary Edition Setup
| 2 | -- for Anniversary Edition Seven
| 3 | -- by Iritscen
| 4 | -- For installing the Anniversary Edition Seven's AEI Updater. This script looks for an existing Oni
| 5 | -- installation, places the AEInstaller2Updater into a new AE/ folder, and runs it. It also makes sure
| 6 | -- that the user has Java installed so he can run the Updater and Installer. It does not check for Mono
| 7 | -- because that would be redundant of the Installer itself.
| 8 | -- History:
[1030] | 9 | -- 1.1.8 - Updated "Run AE Installer" script for Mono in 10.11.
[1029] | 10 | -- 1.1.7 - Now an AppleScriptObjC application to ensure signing integrity and OS compatibility.
| 11 | -- 1.1.6 - Now testing for Java's existence before talking to it, because it seems that simply calling
| 12 | -- "java -version" now causes the script to fail with an error dialog instead of invoking
| 13 | -- OS X's Java installation prompt. Setup app now uses the standard icon name "applet" so
| 14 | -- that Info.plist does not have to be edited, since that invalidates the code signature
| 15 | -- applied by OS X 10.6's Script Editor. Some dialog text has been made clearer. Fixed a
| 16 | -- weird bug that cropped up for the first while testing this script, which was breaking
| 17 | -- GDF validation.
| 18 | -- 1.1.5 - Now using fixed paths for Java for 10.6 and for 10.7+ because "which java" is not reliable.
| 19 | -- 1.1.4 - Now attempting to call Java through "java" again before falling back to looking in Internet
| 20 | -- Plug-Ins, because 10.6 has Java installed differently.
| 21 | -- 1.1.3 - No longer supplying link to MacUpdate page for Apple Java because it is out of date; only
| 22 | -- supplying link to java.com.
| 23 | -- 1.1.2 - Calling Java at Internet plug-in location instead of using basic command-line "java", as
| 24 | -- only the JDK installs command-line Java.
| 25 | -- 1.1.1 - Changed the "Run AE Installer" script to set environment to UTF-8 in order to avoid 'ƒ'
| 26 | -- problem in Java 7.
| 27 | -- 1.1 - Updated bundled AEI Updater to 1.1, which supports proxies.
| 28 | -- 1.0 - Initial release.
| 29 |
| 30 | script AppDelegate
| 31 | property parent : class "NSObject"
| 32 | global pathToMe
| 33 | global sosumi
| 34 | global gNeedsJavaVersionMajor
| 35 | global gNeedsJavaVersionMinor
| 36 |
| 37 | -- IBOutlets
| 38 | property theWindow : missing value
| 39 | property aesIcon : missing value
| 40 |
| 41 | on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
| 42 | -- Set globals
| 43 | set gNeedsJavaVersionMajor to 1
| 44 | set gNeedsJavaVersionMinor to 6
| 45 |
| 46 | -- Set "pathToMe" for various future uses; its value will be "/path/to/Anniversary Edition Setup.app/Contents/Resources"
| 47 | tell current application's class "NSBundle"
| 48 | tell its mainBundle()
| 49 | set pathToMe to resourcePath() as string
| 50 | end tell
| 51 | end tell
| 52 |
| 53 | -- Draw the AE Setup icon in the window
| 54 | set iconPath to POSIX path of ((pathToMe & "/AppIcon.png") as string)
| 55 | set aesIconImg to current application's NSImage's alloc's initWithContentsOfFile_(iconPath)
| 56 | aesIcon's setImage_(aesIconImg)
| 57 |
| 58 | -- Set up "sosumi" with the Sosumi sound
| 59 | tell current application's NSSound to set thisSound to soundNamed_("Sosumi")
| 60 |
| 61 | -- Bring self to front in case something else stole focus
| 62 | tell me
| 63 | activate
| 64 | end tell
| 65 | end applicationWillFinishLaunching_
| 66 |
| 67 | on applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed_(sender)
| 68 | return true
| 69 | end applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed_
| 70 |
| 71 | on applicationShouldTerminate_(sender)
| 72 | -- Insert code here to do any housekeeping before your application quits
| 73 | return current application's NSTerminateNow
| 74 | end applicationShouldTerminate_
| 75 |
| 76 | -- IBActions
| 77 | on clickStart_(sender)
| 78 | set installPath to my find_Oni_folder()
| 79 | tell me
| 80 | activate
| 81 | end tell
| 82 | if (installPath is "Gave up") then
| 83 | display dialog "Sorry, the AE currently requires a retail Oni installation." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "AE Setup"
| 84 | else if (installPath is "AE exists") then
| 85 | display dialog "If you are sure you want to start over with a new AE installation in this location, then you should delete the existing AE/ folder and then run this Setup app again." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "AE Setup"
| 86 | else if (installPath is "") then
| 87 | display dialog "Unknown error encountered while choosing Oni installation. Please ask for help in the Anniversary Edition sub-forum of the Oni Central Forum." buttons {"Go to forum", "OK"} default button 2 with title "AE Setup"
| 88 | set quitOrForum to button returned of the result
| 89 | if (quitOrForum is "Go to forum") then
| 90 | open location "http://oni.bungie.org/community/forum/index.php"
| 91 | end if
| 92 | else
| 93 | set installResult to my install_AEI_Updater(installPath)
| 94 | tell me
| 95 | activate
| 96 | end tell
| 97 | if (installResult is 0) then
| 98 | display dialog "Updater installed. AE Setup will now continue the installation by running the Updater." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "AE Setup"
| 99 | set runResult to my run_AEIU(installPath)
| 100 | tell me
| 101 | activate
| 102 | end tell
| 103 | -- Quit if running Run AE Installer seems to have been successful
| 104 | if (runResult is 0) then
| 105 | tell me
| 106 | quit
| 107 | end tell
| 108 | else if (runResult is 1) then
| 109 | display dialog "Script copy error. Please ask for help in the Anniversary Edition sub-forum of the Oni Central Forum." buttons {"Go to forum", "OK"} default button 2 with title "AE Setup"
| 110 | set quitOrForum to button returned of the result
| 111 | if (quitOrForum is "Go to forum") then
| 112 | open location "http://oni.bungie.org/community/forum/index.php"
| 113 | end if
| 114 | else if (runResult is 2) then
| 115 | display dialog "Could not run AEI Updater. Please ask for help in the Anniversary Edition sub-forum of the Oni Central Forum." buttons {"Go to forum", "OK"} default button 2 with title "AE Setup"
| 116 | set quitOrForum to button returned of the result
| 117 | if (quitOrForum is "Go to forum") then
| 118 | open location "http://oni.bungie.org/community/forum/index.php"
| 119 | end if
| 120 | end if
| 121 | else if (installResult is 1) then
| 122 | display dialog "Could not install the AEI Updater because Java was not installed or new enough. Please obtain a Java installer from Java.com." buttons {"Go to Java.com", "OK"} default button 2 with title "AE Setup"
| 123 | set quitOrJava to button returned of the result
| 124 | if (quitOrJava is "Go to Java.com") then
| 125 | open location "http://www.java.com/"
| 126 | end if
| 127 | else if (installResult is 2) then -- file operation failure
| 128 | display dialog "Could not install the AEI Updater. Please ask for help in the Anniversary Edition sub-forum of the Oni Central Forum." buttons {"Go to forum", "OK"} default button 2 with title "AE Setup"
| 129 | set quitOrForum to button returned of the result
| 130 | if (quitOrForum is "Go to forum") then
| 131 | open location "http://oni.bungie.org/community/forum/index.php"
| 132 | end if
| 133 | else
| 134 | display dialog "Unknown error returned from install_AEI_Updater()! Please ask for help in the Anniversary Edition sub-forum of the Oni Central Forum." buttons {"Go to forum", "OK"} default button 2 with title "AE Setup"
| 135 | set quitOrForum to button returned of the result
| 136 | if (quitOrForum is "Go to forum") then
| 137 | open location "http://oni.bungie.org/community/forum/index.php"
| 138 | end if
| 139 | end if
| 140 | end if
| 141 | end clickStart_
| 142 |
| 143 | -- The user must pick an acceptable folder to install the AE in, or die trying (or give up)
| 144 | -- Returns "Gave up" if user clicked Quit after being told his choice was not the Oni folder,
| 145 | -- "AE exists" if user clicked Quit after being told that the AE folder was already present, and
| 146 | -- returns the user's chosen path if validation was successful
| 147 | -- Called by clickStart_()
| 148 | on find_Oni_folder()
| 149 | tell me
| 150 | tell me
| 151 | activate
| 152 | end tell
| 153 | set tryAgain to true
| 154 | set isOniRetail to false
| 155 | set pathProblem to ""
| 156 | set folderTest to 0
| 157 | repeat while (tryAgain is true)
| 158 | set chosenPath to (choose folder with prompt "Please locate your Oni installation.")
| 159 | if (chosenPath is "") then
| 160 | display dialog "There was an error in choosing the Oni folder." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "AE Setup"
| 161 | return chosenPath
| 162 | end if
| 163 | set folderTest to my validate_Oni_folder(chosenPath)
| 164 | tell me
| 165 | activate
| 166 | end tell
| 167 | if (folderTest is 1) then
| 168 | display dialog "This doesn't seem to be your Oni installation. Click \"Try again\" to locate another folder." buttons {"Cancel", "Try again"} default button 2 with title "AE Setup"
| 169 | set cancelOrTryAgain to the button returned of the result
| 170 | if (cancelOrTryAgain is "Cancel") then
| 171 | set tryAgain to false
| 172 | set pathProblem to "Gave up"
| 173 | end if
| 174 | else if (folderTest is 2) then
| 175 | display dialog "This Oni installation already has an AE/ folder! This means that you've probably already run this Setup app, and now you should be opening the \"Run AE Installer\" script in the AE/ folder. You can also click \"Try again\" to find another Oni installation in which to install the AE." buttons {"Cancel", "Try again"} default button 2 with title "AE Setup"
| 176 | set cancelOrTryAgain to the button returned of the result
| 177 | if (cancelOrTryAgain is "Cancel") then
| 178 | set tryAgain to false
| 179 | set pathProblem to "AE exists"
| 180 | end if
| 181 | else
| 182 | set tryAgain to false -- we got it, let's get out of this loop
| 183 | end if
| 184 | end repeat
| 185 | if (folderTest is 0) then
| 186 | return chosenPath
| 187 | else
| 188 | return pathProblem
| 189 | end if
| 190 | end tell
| 191 | end find_Oni_folder
| 192 |
| 193 | -- Returns 0 if this is a valid target for the AE installation,
| 194 | -- 1 if this is not a valid target, and
| 195 | -- 2 if the AE is already here
| 196 | -- Called by find_Oni_folder()
| 197 | on validate_Oni_folder(folderPath)
| 198 | tell application "Finder"
| 199 | tell me
| 200 | activate
| 201 | end tell
| 202 | -- Is the GDF here?
| 203 | if not (exists folder "GameDataFolder" in folder folderPath) then
| 204 | display dialog "GameDataFolder not detected here." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "AE Setup"
| 205 | return 1
| 206 | end if
| 207 | -- Is the AE folder here? Because we won't install over it.
| 208 | if (exists folder "AE" in folder folderPath) then
| 209 | return 2
| 210 | end if
| 211 |
| 212 | -- Now see if this is the full installation or demo
| 213 | set retailLevelList to {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19}
| 214 | set demoLevelList to {0, 1, 4} -- there's also a separate demo release of just level 2 to be dropped into the demo's GDF, but 1 and 4 were the only core demo levels
| 215 | set isRetail to true
| 216 | set isDemo to true
| 217 | -- Look for levels until one is missing and we know this isn't a complete retail release
| 218 | repeat with thisLevel in retailLevelList
| 219 | if not (exists file ((folderPath & "GameDataFolder:level" & (thisLevel as string) & "_Final.dat") as string)) then
| 220 | set isRetail to false
| 221 | exit repeat
| 222 | end if
| 223 | end repeat
| 224 | if (isRetail) then
| 225 | -- Don't return here if we add demo support below
| 226 | return 0
| 227 | end if
| 228 | -- Look for levels until one is missing and we know this isn't a complete demo release
| 229 | repeat with thisLevel in demoLevelList
| 230 | if not (exists file ((folderPath & "GameDataFolder:level" & (thisLevel as string) & "_Final.dat") as string)) then
| 231 | set isDemo to false
| 232 | exit repeat
| 233 | end if
| 234 | end repeat
| 235 | if (isDemo) then
| 236 | -- Insert handling of demo status here if we ever support a demo AE
| 237 | return 1
| 238 | else
| 239 | return 1
| 240 | end if
| 241 | end tell
| 242 | end validate_Oni_folder
| 243 |
| 244 | -- If Java is found, creates the AE/ folder with the Updater
| 245 | -- Returns 0 if the Updater was installed (which will install the Installer itself afterward),
| 246 | -- 1 if Java fails verification, and
| 247 | -- 2 if a file operation or other error occurs
| 248 | -- Called by clickStart_()
| 249 | on install_AEI_Updater(pathToOni)
| 250 | tell me
| 251 | set javaResult to my verify_Java()
| 252 | if (javaResult is 1) then
| 253 | return 1
| 254 | end if
| 255 | end tell
| 256 | -- Make "Oni/AE" folder
| 257 | tell application "Finder"
| 258 | if ((pathToOni & "AE") exists) then -- shouldn't happen because we already looked for it in validate_Oni_folder()
| 259 | display alert "AE folder already present!"
| 260 | return 2
| 261 | end if
| 262 | try
| 263 | make new folder at pathToOni with properties {name:"AE"}
| 264 | delay 0.5
| 265 | make new folder at ((pathToOni as string) & "AE") with properties {name:"AEInstaller"}
| 266 | on error
| 267 | display alert "Couldn't make AE or AEI folder!"
| 268 | return 2
| 269 | end try
| 270 |
| 271 | -- Copy AEI Updater into "AE/"
| 272 | set AEIU to POSIX file (pathToMe & "/AEInstaller2Updater.jar") as alias
| 273 | if (AEIU exists) then
| 274 | set AEIfolder to (pathToOni & "AE:AEInstaller" as string)
| 275 | try
| 276 | duplicate file AEIU to folder AEIfolder
| 277 | on error copyError
| 278 | return 2
| 279 | end try
| 280 | else
| 281 | display dialog "AE Installer Updater is not present in the Setup app!"
| 282 | return 2
| 283 | end if
| 284 | end tell
| 285 | return 0
| 286 | end install_AEI_Updater
| 287 |
| 288 | -- Checks for an acceptable Java installation
| 289 | -- This function was going to support a bundled JRE for those without Java,
| 290 | -- but it adds too many complications, so just make the user install it himself
| 291 | -- Returns 1 if Java is not found or too old, and
| 292 | -- 0 if Java is found and the version is acceptable
| 293 | -- Called by install_AEI_Updater()
| 294 | on verify_Java()
| 295 | tell me
| 296 | set origDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
| 297 | set OSversion to (system version of (system info) as string)
| 298 | set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
| 299 |
| 300 | -- Java's location is different in 10.6 than in 10.7+
| 301 | if ((second text item of OSversion) as number > 6) then
| 302 | set javaPath to "/Library/Internet\\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java"
| 303 | else
| 304 | set javaPath to "/usr/bin/java"
| 305 | end if
| 306 |
| 307 | -- Test for Java before talking to it
| 308 | set javaExistsTest to ("if [ -f " & javaPath & " ]; then echo okay; fi") as string
| 309 | set javaExists to do shell script javaExistsTest without altering line endings
| 310 | if (javaExists is "") then
| 311 | return 1
| 312 | end if
| 313 |
| 314 | -- Get Java's version
| 315 | set javaVersionCmd to ((javaPath & " -version 2>&1") as string) -- Java's version output is sometimes on stderr, not stdout :-/
| 316 | set javaVersionText to do shell script javaVersionCmd without altering line endings
| 317 | if (javaVersionText is "") then
| 318 | return 1
| 319 | end if
| 320 |
| 321 | -- Isolate version number from output with format:
| 322 | (* java version "1.7.0_17"
| 323 | Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_17-b02)
| 324 | Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode) *)
| 325 | -- Get first line
| 326 | set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "
| 327 | "
| 328 | set javaVersionText to first text item of javaVersionText
| 329 | -- Get text after first quote mark
| 330 | set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\""
| 331 | set javaVersionText to second text item of javaVersionText
| 332 | -- Get first and second version numbers, third doesn't matter
| 333 | set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
| 334 | set versionMajor to first text item of javaVersionText
| 335 | set versionMinor to second text item of javaVersionText
| 336 | set AppleScript's text item delimiters to origDelimiters
| 337 | -- Inform user if Java is too old
| 338 | if (versionMajor ≥ gNeedsJavaVersionMajor) then
| 339 | if (versionMinor < gNeedsJavaVersionMinor) then
| 340 | display dialog (("Sorry, Java v" & gNeedsJavaVersionMajor & "." & gNeedsJavaVersionMinor & " is required; found v" & versionMajor & "." & versionMinor & " instead.") as string) buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "AE Setup"
| 341 | return 1
| 342 | end if
| 343 | else
| 344 | display dialog (("Sorry, Java v" & gNeedsJavaVersionMajor & "." & gNeedsJavaVersionMinor & " is required; found v" & versionMajor & "." & versionMinor & " instead.") as string) buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with title "AE Setup"
| 345 | return 1
| 346 | end if
| 347 | end tell
| 348 | return 0
| 349 | end verify_Java
| 350 |
| 351 | -- Drops an applet into the new "AE/" folder and runs it;
| 352 | -- the applet will try to run the AEI, but if it's not found,
| 353 | -- it runs the AEI Updater, which is what we want to happen
| 354 | -- so that the AEI can be installed.
| 355 | -- Returns 0 if this is a valid target for the AE installation,
| 356 | -- 1 if the applet cannot be dropped, and
| 357 | -- 2 if the applet cannot be run
| 358 | -- Called by clickStart_()
| 359 | on run_AEIU(pathToOni)
| 360 | tell application "Finder"
| 361 | -- Copy applet to AE/ that opens AEI or AEIU if AEI is not around
| 362 | set RAEI to POSIX file (pathToMe & "/Run AE Installer.app") as alias
| 363 | set pathToAE to alias ((pathToOni & "AE") as string)
| 364 | try
| 365 | duplicate RAEI to pathToAE
| 366 | on error copyError
| 367 | return 1
| 368 | end try
| 369 | set RAEI to ((pathToAE as string) & "Run AE Installer.app")
| 370 | try
| 371 | open RAEI
| 372 | on error runError
| 373 | return 2
| 374 | end try
| 375 | end tell
| 376 | return 0
| 377 | end run_AEIU
| 378 |
| 379 | on play_error_sound()
| 380 | tell sosumi
| 381 | play()
| 382 | end tell
| 383 | end play_error_sound
| 384 | end script