Daodan\MacEngine Globalization TRAM (Animation) packages: (Attacks) 1. Andrashi + Unlock 2. Unlock 3. None TRAM (Animation) mods II: (Knockdowns) 1. Shoot-while-down + Improvements 2. Improvements 3. None TRAM (Animation) mods III: Glass ~!~ 1. All moves break glass 2. Some moves break glass (?) 3. No moves break glass Dashing 1. AI autodash 2. AI+Konoko autodash ONCCs (Glass+AE\AE\Glass+Vanilla) Particle mods blood glass, damaging general *rain decal increase something else I'm forgetting New Characters Bugfixes *Doctor *Interpolation fixes *bomber New weapons Scripting Cutscene script Widescreen fixes * = Bundled ~!~ Glass breaking TRAMs and ONCCs will be installed. Either include a "dummy" particle or no particle at all if they dont actually want the breaking. OTHER: Fix Comguy TRAC