Line | |
1 | offlineMode.title=Offline mode
2 | offlineMode.text=AEI is running in offline mode.\nNo updates or downloads of new mods are possible.\nPlease restart AEI when you have internet connection to update or download new packages.
3 |
4 | invalidPath.title=Wrong directory
5 | invalidPath.text=This program has to be placed in the subfolder Edition/AEInstaller inside a vanilla Oni folder.\nThe full path of the .jar-file has to be:\nOniFolder/Edition/AEInstaller/AEInstaller2.jar
6 |
7 | dotNetMissing.title=.NET is not installed
8 | dotNetMissing.text=.NET, which is required to use this tool, is not installed on this machine.<br>Please download and install it:<br>%1
9 |
10 | offlineModeStartup.title=Offline mode
11 | offlineModeStartup.text=Connection to the ModDepot could not be established.\nAEI will run in offline mode.\nUpdates or installation of mods not already downloaded will not be possible.
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