1 | package net.oni2.aeinstaller.backend.oni;
2 |
3 | import java.io.File;
4 | import java.io.FileFilter;
5 | import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
6 | import java.io.FilenameFilter;
7 | import java.io.IOException;
8 | import java.io.PrintWriter;
9 | import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
10 | import java.util.Date;
11 | import java.util.List;
12 | import java.util.Scanner;
13 | import java.util.TreeMap;
14 | import java.util.TreeSet;
15 | import java.util.Vector;
16 |
17 | import net.oni2.aeinstaller.backend.Paths;
18 | import net.oni2.aeinstaller.backend.Settings;
19 | import net.oni2.aeinstaller.backend.Settings.Platform;
20 | import net.oni2.aeinstaller.backend.mods.Mod;
21 | import net.oni2.aeinstaller.backend.mods.ModManager;
22 |
23 | import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
24 |
25 | /**
26 | * @author Christian Illy
27 | */
28 | public class Installer {
29 | /**
30 | * @return Is Edition Core initialized
31 | */
32 | public static boolean isEditionInitialized() {
33 | return Paths.getVanillaOnisPath().exists();
34 | }
35 |
36 | private static void createEmptyPath(File path) throws IOException {
37 | if (path.exists())
38 | FileUtils.deleteDirectory(path);
39 | path.mkdirs();
40 | }
41 |
42 | /**
43 | * @return list of currently installed mods
44 | */
45 | public static Vector<Integer> getInstalledMods() {
46 | File installCfg = new File(Paths.getEditionGDF(), "installed_mods.xml");
47 | return ModManager.getInstance().loadModSelection(installCfg);
48 | }
49 |
50 | /**
51 | * @param tools
52 | * Tools to install
53 | */
54 | public static void installTools(TreeSet<Mod> tools) {
55 | for (Mod m : tools) {
56 | File plain = new File(m.getLocalPath(), "plain");
57 | if (plain.exists()) {
58 | if (m.hasSeparatePlatformDirs()) {
59 | File plainCommon = new File(plain, "common");
60 | File plainMac = new File(plain, "mac_only");
61 | File plainWin = new File(plain, "win_only");
62 | if (plainCommon.exists())
63 | copyToolsFiles(plainCommon);
64 | if (Settings.getPlatform() == Platform.MACOS
65 | && plainMac.exists())
66 | copyToolsFiles(plainMac);
67 | else if (plainWin.exists())
68 | copyToolsFiles(plainWin);
69 | } else {
70 | copyToolsFiles(plain);
71 | }
72 | }
73 | }
74 | }
75 |
76 | /**
77 | * @param tools
78 | * Tools to uninstall
79 | */
80 | public static void uninstallTools(TreeSet<Mod> tools) {
81 | // TODO: implement this!
82 | }
83 |
84 | private static void copyToolsFiles(File srcFolder) {
85 | for (File f : srcFolder.listFiles()) {
86 | try {
87 | if (f.isDirectory())
88 | FileUtils.copyDirectoryToDirectory(f,
89 | Paths.getEditionBasePath());
90 | else
91 | FileUtils
92 | .copyFileToDirectory(f, Paths.getEditionBasePath());
93 | } catch (IOException e) {
94 | // TODO Auto-generated catch block
95 | e.printStackTrace();
96 | }
97 | }
98 | }
99 | /**
100 | * Install the given set of mods
101 | *
102 | * @param mods
103 | * Mods to install
104 | * @param listener
105 | * Listener for install progress updates
106 | */
107 | public static void install(TreeSet<Mod> mods,
108 | InstallProgressListener listener) {
109 | try {
110 | createEmptyPath(Paths.getEditionGDF());
111 | } catch (IOException e) {
112 | e.printStackTrace();
113 | }
114 |
115 | File installCfg = new File(Paths.getEditionGDF(), "installed_mods.xml");
116 | ModManager.getInstance().saveModSelection(installCfg, mods);
117 |
118 | Vector<File> folders = new Vector<File>();
119 | folders.add(Paths.getVanillaOnisPath());
120 |
121 | for (Mod m : mods) {
122 | File oni = new File(m.getLocalPath(), "oni");
123 | if (oni.exists()) {
124 | if (m.hasSeparatePlatformDirs()) {
125 | File oniCommon = new File(oni, "common");
126 | File oniMac = new File(oni, "mac_only");
127 | File oniWin = new File(oni, "win_only");
128 | if (oniCommon.exists())
129 | folders.add(oniCommon);
130 | if (Settings.getPlatform() == Platform.MACOS
131 | && oniMac.exists())
132 | folders.add(oniMac);
133 | else if (oniWin.exists())
134 | folders.add(oniWin);
135 | } else {
136 | folders.add(oni);
137 | }
138 | }
139 | }
140 |
141 | combineBinaryFiles(folders, listener);
142 |
143 | // TODO: bsl()
144 | }
145 |
146 | private static void combineBinaryFiles(List<File> srcFoldersFiles,
147 | InstallProgressListener listener) {
148 | TreeMap<String, Vector<File>> levels = new TreeMap<String, Vector<File>>();
149 |
150 | for (File path : srcFoldersFiles) {
151 | for (File levelF : path.listFiles()) {
152 | String fn = levelF.getName().toLowerCase();
153 | String levelN = null;
154 | if (levelF.isDirectory()) {
155 | levelN = fn;
156 | } else if (fn.endsWith(".dat")) {
157 | levelN = fn.substring(0, fn.lastIndexOf('.'));
158 | }
159 | if (levelN != null) {
160 | if (!levels.containsKey(levelN))
161 | levels.put(levelN, new Vector<File>());
162 | levels.get(levelN).add(levelF);
163 | }
164 | }
165 | }
166 |
167 | int totalSteps = 0;
168 | int stepsDone = 0;
169 |
170 | for (@SuppressWarnings("unused")
171 | String s : levels.keySet())
172 | totalSteps++;
173 |
174 | SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
175 |
176 | File logFile = new File(Paths.getInstallerPath(), "Installation.log");
177 | PrintWriter log = null;
178 | try {
179 | log = new PrintWriter(logFile);
180 | } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
181 | e.printStackTrace();
182 | }
183 |
184 | Date start = new Date();
185 | log.println("Installation of mods started at " + sdf.format(start));
186 |
187 | log.println("Importing levels");
188 | for (String l : levels.keySet()) {
189 | log.println("\tLevel " + l);
190 | listener.installProgressUpdate(stepsDone, totalSteps,
191 | "Installing level " + l);
192 | for (File f : levels.get(l)) {
193 | log.println("\t\t\t" + f.getPath());
194 | }
195 |
196 | Vector<String> res = OniSplit.packLevel(levels.get(l), new File(
197 | Paths.getEditionGDF(), l + ".dat"));
198 | if (res != null && res.size() > 0) {
199 | for (String s : res)
200 | log.println("\t\t" + s);
201 | }
202 |
203 | log.println();
204 | }
205 |
206 | Date end = new Date();
207 | log.println("Initialization ended at " + sdf.format(end));
208 | log.println("Process took "
209 | + ((end.getTime() - start.getTime()) / 1000) + " seconds");
210 | log.close();
211 | }
212 |
213 | /**
214 | * Initializes the Edition core
215 | *
216 | * @param listener
217 | * Listener for status updates
218 | */
219 | public static void initializeEdition(InstallProgressListener listener) {
220 | File init = new File(Paths.getTempPath(), "init");
221 |
222 | int totalSteps = 0;
223 | int stepsDone = 0;
224 |
225 | SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
226 |
227 | for (@SuppressWarnings("unused")
228 | File f : Paths.getVanillaGDF().listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
229 | @Override
230 | public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
231 | return name.endsWith(".dat");
232 | }
233 | })) {
234 | totalSteps++;
235 | }
236 | totalSteps = totalSteps * 2 + 2;
237 |
238 | try {
239 | File logFile = new File(Paths.getInstallerPath(),
240 | "Initialization.log");
241 | PrintWriter log = new PrintWriter(logFile);
242 |
243 | Date start = new Date();
244 | log.println("Initialization of Edition core started at "
245 | + sdf.format(start));
246 | log.println("Cleaning directories");
247 |
248 | listener.installProgressUpdate(stepsDone, totalSteps,
249 | "Cleaning up directories");
250 | createEmptyPath(Paths.getVanillaOnisPath());
251 | createEmptyPath(init);
252 | File level0Folder = new File(init, "level0_Final");
253 | createEmptyPath(level0Folder);
254 |
255 | stepsDone++;
256 |
257 | log.println("Exporting levels and moving files to level0");
258 |
259 | for (File f : Paths.getVanillaGDF().listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
260 | @Override
261 | public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
262 | return name.endsWith(".dat");
263 | }
264 | })) {
265 | String levelName = f.getName().substring(0,
266 | f.getName().indexOf('.'));
267 | Scanner fi = new Scanner(levelName);
268 | int levelNumber = Integer.parseInt(fi.findInLine("[0-9]+"));
269 |
270 | log.println("\t" + levelName + ":");
271 | log.println("\t\tExporting");
272 | listener.installProgressUpdate(stepsDone, totalSteps,
273 | "Exporting vanilla level " + levelNumber);
274 |
275 | // Edition/GameDataFolder/level*_Final/
276 | File tempLevelFolder = new File(init, levelName);
277 |
278 | // Export Vanilla-Level-Dat -> Temp/Level
279 | Vector<String> res = OniSplit.export(tempLevelFolder, f);
280 | if (res != null && res.size() > 0) {
281 | for (String s : res)
282 | log.println("\t\t\t" + s);
283 | }
284 |
285 | log.println("\t\tMoving files");
286 | handleFileGlobalisation(tempLevelFolder, level0Folder,
287 | levelNumber);
288 | stepsDone++;
289 | log.println();
290 | }
291 |
292 | log.println("Reimporting levels");
293 |
294 | for (File f : init.listFiles()) {
295 | String levelName = f.getName();
296 |
297 | log.println("\t" + levelName);
298 | listener.installProgressUpdate(stepsDone, totalSteps,
299 | "Creating globalized " + levelName);
300 |
301 | Vector<File> folders = new Vector<File>();
302 | folders.add(f);
303 |
304 | Vector<String> res = OniSplit.importLevel(folders, new File(
305 | Paths.getVanillaOnisPath(), levelName + ".dat"));
306 | if (res != null && res.size() > 0) {
307 | for (String s : res)
308 | log.println("\t\t" + s);
309 | }
310 |
311 | log.println();
312 | stepsDone++;
313 | }
314 |
315 | listener.installProgressUpdate(stepsDone, totalSteps,
316 | "Copying basic files");
317 | // Copy Oni-configs
318 | File persistVanilla = new File(Paths.getOniBasePath(),
319 | "persist.dat");
320 | File persistEdition = new File(Paths.getEditionBasePath(),
321 | "persist.dat");
322 | File keyConfVanilla = new File(Paths.getOniBasePath(),
323 | "key_config.txt");
324 | File keyConfEdition = new File(Paths.getEditionBasePath(),
325 | "key_config.txt");
326 | if (persistVanilla.exists() && !persistEdition.exists())
327 | FileUtils.copyFile(persistVanilla, persistEdition);
328 | if (keyConfVanilla.exists() && !keyConfEdition.exists())
329 | FileUtils.copyFile(keyConfVanilla, keyConfEdition);
330 |
331 | FileUtils.deleteDirectory(init);
332 |
333 | Date end = new Date();
334 | log.println("Initialization ended at " + sdf.format(end));
335 | log.println("Process took "
336 | + ((end.getTime() - start.getTime()) / 1000) + " seconds");
337 | log.close();
338 | } catch (IOException e) {
339 | e.printStackTrace();
340 | }
341 | }
342 |
343 | private static void moveFileToTargetOrDelete(File source, File target) {
344 | if (source.equals(target))
345 | return;
346 | if (!target.exists()) {
347 | if (!source.renameTo(target)) {
348 | System.err.println("File " + source.getPath() + " not moved!");
349 | }
350 | } else if (!source.delete()) {
351 | System.err.println("File " + source.getPath() + " not deleted!");
352 | }
353 | }
354 |
355 | private static void handleFileGlobalisation(File tempFolder,
356 | File level0Folder, int levelNumber) {
357 | // Move AKEV and related files to subfolder so they're not globalized:
358 | if (levelNumber != 0) {
359 | File akevFolder = new File(tempFolder, "AKEV");
360 | akevFolder.mkdir();
361 | OniSplit.move(akevFolder, tempFolder.getPath() + "/AKEV*.oni",
362 | "overwrite");
363 | }
364 |
365 | for (File f : tempFolder.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
366 | @Override
367 | public boolean accept(File pathname) {
368 | return pathname.isFile();
369 | }
370 | })) {
371 | // Move matching files to subfolder NoGlobal:
372 | if (f.getName().startsWith("TXMPfail")
373 | || f.getName().startsWith("TXMPlevel")
374 | || (f.getName().startsWith("TXMP") && f.getName().contains(
375 | "intro"))
376 | || f.getName().startsWith("TXMB")
377 | || f.getName().equals("M3GMpowerup_lsi.oni")
378 | || f.getName().equals("TXMPlsi_icon.oni")
379 | || (f.getName().startsWith("TXMB") && f.getName().contains(
380 | "splash_screen.oni"))) {
381 | File noGlobal = new File(tempFolder, "NoGlobal");
382 | noGlobal.mkdir();
383 | File noGlobalFile = new File(noGlobal, f.getName());
384 | moveFileToTargetOrDelete(f, noGlobalFile);
385 | }
386 | // Move matching files to level0_Animations/level0_TRAC
387 | else if (f.getName().startsWith("TRAC")) {
388 | File level0File = new File(level0Folder, f.getName());
389 | moveFileToTargetOrDelete(f, level0File);
390 | }
391 | // Move matching files to level0_Animations/level0_TRAM
392 | else if (f.getName().startsWith("TRAM")) {
393 | File level0File = new File(level0Folder, f.getName());
394 | moveFileToTargetOrDelete(f, level0File);
395 | }
396 | // Move matching files to level0_Textures
397 | else if (f.getName().startsWith("ONSK")
398 | || f.getName().startsWith("TXMP")) {
399 | File level0File = new File(level0Folder, f.getName());
400 | moveFileToTargetOrDelete(f, level0File);
401 | }
402 | // Move matching files to *VANILLA*/level0_Characters
403 | else if (f.getName().startsWith("ONCC")
404 | || f.getName().startsWith("TRBS")
405 | || f.getName().startsWith("ONCV")
406 | || f.getName().startsWith("ONVL")
407 | || f.getName().startsWith("TRMA")
408 | || f.getName().startsWith("TRSC")
409 | || f.getName().startsWith("TRAS")) {
410 | File level0File = new File(level0Folder, f.getName());
411 | moveFileToTargetOrDelete(f, level0File);
412 | }
413 | // Move matching files to level0_Sounds
414 | else if (f.getName().startsWith("OSBD")
415 | || f.getName().startsWith("SNDD")) {
416 | File level0File = new File(level0Folder, f.getName());
417 | moveFileToTargetOrDelete(f, level0File);
418 | }
419 | // Move matching files to level0_Particles
420 | else if (f.getName().startsWith("BINA3")
421 | || f.getName().startsWith("M3GMdebris")
422 | || f.getName().equals("M3GMtoxic_bubble.oni")
423 | || f.getName().startsWith("M3GMelec")
424 | || f.getName().startsWith("M3GMrat")
425 | || f.getName().startsWith("M3GMjet")
426 | || f.getName().startsWith("M3GMbomb_")
427 | || f.getName().equals("M3GMbarab_swave.oni")
428 | || f.getName().equals("M3GMbloodyfoot.oni")) {
429 | File level0File = new File(level0Folder, f.getName());
430 | moveFileToTargetOrDelete(f, level0File);
431 | }
432 | // Move matching files to Archive (aka delete them)
433 | else if (f.getName().startsWith("AGDB")
434 | || f.getName().startsWith("TRCM")) {
435 | f.delete();
436 | }
437 | // Move matching files to /level0_Final/
438 | else if (f.getName().startsWith("ONWC")) {
439 | File level0File = new File(level0Folder, f.getName());
440 | moveFileToTargetOrDelete(f, level0File);
441 | }
442 | }
443 | }
444 |
445 | /**
446 | * Verify that the Edition is within a subfolder to vanilla Oni
447 | * (..../Oni/Edition/AEInstaller)
448 | *
449 | * @return true if GDF can be found in the parent's parent-path
450 | */
451 | public static boolean verifyRunningDirectory() {
452 | return Paths.getVanillaGDF().exists()
453 | && Paths.getVanillaGDF().isDirectory();
454 | }
455 | }