Line | |
1 | # Main Frame
2 | buttonExit.title=Exit
3 |
4 | menu.main=&Main
5 | menu.settings=&Settings
6 | menu.settingsTooltip=Settings
7 | menu.about=&About
8 | menu.aboutTooltip=About
9 | menu.exit=&Exit\tCtrl+Q
10 | menu.exitTooltip=Exit
11 |
12 | menu.file=&File
13 | menu.loadConfig=&Load configuration...
14 | menu.loadConfigTooltip=Load configuration
15 | menu.saveConfig=&Save configuration...
16 | menu.saveConfigTooltip=Save configuration
17 |
18 | menu.reglobalize=&Rebuild Core Data
19 | menu.reglobalizeTooltip=Rebuild Core Data
20 |
21 | btnRevertSelection.text=Revert selection
22 | btnRevertSelection.tooltip=Select mods which are currently installed
23 | lblModTypes.text=Mod types:
24 |
25 | lblSubmitter.text=Submitter:
26 | lblCreator.text=Creator:
27 | lblId.text=NodeID:
28 | lblFiles.text=Number of files:
29 | lblDescription.text=Description:
30 |
31 | updateDepot.title=Updating Mod Depot cache
32 |
33 | updatesAvailable.title=Updates available
34 | updatesAvailable.text=Some mods have newer versions available.
35 |
36 | askClose.title=Confirm close request
37 | askClose.text=Are you sure you want to close the program?
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