offlineMode.title=Offline mode offlineMode.text=AEI is running in offline mode.\n\ No updates or downloads of new mods are possible.\n\ Please restart AEI when you have internet connection to update or download new packages. invalidPath.title=Wrong directory invalidPath.text=This program has to be placed in the subfolder Edition/AEInstaller inside a vanilla Oni folder.\n\ The full path of the .jar-file has to be:\n\ OniFolder/Edition/AEInstaller/AEInstaller2.jar dotNetMissing.title=.NET is not installed dotNetMissing.text=.NET, which is required to use this tool, is not installed on this machine.
Please download and install it:
%1 offlineModeStartup.title=Offline mode offlineModeStartup.text=Connection to the ModDepot could not be established.\n\ AEI will run in offline mode.\n\ Updates or installation of mods not already downloaded will not be possible. lblTitle.text=Name: lblCreator.text=Creator: lblTypes.text=Types: lblPlatform.text=Platform: lblPackageNumber.text=Package number: lblVersionNumber.text=Version number: lblFiles.text=Number of files: lblLastChange.text=Last change: lblDescription.text=Description: