source: AE/packages/Globalize/bsl/manplant/manplant_cutscene.bsl@ 518

Last change on this file since 518 was 495, checked in by iritscen, 15 years ago

Adding first cutscene fixed for 16:10 and 16:9 screens.

  • Property svn:executable set to *
File size: 10.3 KB
2# manplant_cutscene.bsl
5func void
12func void intro(void)
14 fade_out 0 0 0 0
15 #cm_interpolate Camout01 0
16 env_show 561 0
17 sleep f14
18 begin_cutscene
19 sleep f30
20 #Outside shot of cops walking in
21 ai2_spawn partner_cop_1
22 ai2_spawn partner_cop_2
23 ai2_spawn Recep
24 ai2_takecontrol 1
26 chr_envanim Recep IntroSecBox01 norotation
27 chr_animate Recep SECRETsit_prehello 300
28 chr_envanim Recep IntroSecBox01 norotation
30 sleep f2
31 chr_focus 3
32 cm_distance = 300
33 cm_orbit 0.07 720
35 playback 0 IntroKonoko01
36 playback partner_cop_1 IntroCop01
37 playback partner_cop_2 IntroCop02
38 #cm_interpolate Camout01 0
41 sound_music_start mus_ambgrv1b 0.90
42 #music_script_start();
44 fade_in 120
46 sleep f240
47 #cops enter building, shot behind the receptionist
48 cm_anim both Camin02
49 chr_envanim Recep IntroSecBox01 norotation
50 chr_animate Recep SECRETsit_prehello 540
51 chr_lock_active Recep
52 chr_lock_active partner_cop_1
53 chr_lock_active partner_cop_2
54 #receptionist looks up and Cop introduces himself
55 cm_interpolate_block Camin03 0
56 chr_envanim Recep IntroSecBox01 norotation
57 chr_animate Recep SECRETsit_prehello 120
58 chr_animate_block Recep SECRETsit_hello 90
60 sound_music_volume mus_ambgrv1b 0.6 1
62 chr_animate_block Recep SECRETsit_talk 600
63 chr_envanim Recep IntroSecBox01 norotation
65 sound_dialog_play c01_04_01receptionist
66 cinematic_start (RECEPtalking, 180, 180, 20, 9, 20, true)
67 sound_dialog_play_block pause
68 cinematic_stop (RECEPtalking, 20, 20)
69 cinematic_start (TCTFtalking, 180, 180, 19, 7, 20, false)
70 sound_dialog_play c01_04_02tctfag1
71 chr_envanim Recep IntroSecBox01 norotation
72 #Konoko interrupts Cop guy
73 playback 0 IntroKonokoInt
74 sleep f100
75 #sound_dialog_play_block pause
76 chr_envanim Recep IntroSecBox01 norotation
77 cm_interpolate IntroCamInterrupt 0
78 cinematic_start (KONpsychedup, 180, 180, 20, 7, 20, false)
79 playback partner_cop_1 IntroCopInt
80 sound_dialog_play_interrupt c01_04_03konoko
81 cinematic_stop (TCTFtalking, 19, 20)
82 sound_dialog_play_block pause
83 cinematic_stop (KONpsychedup, 19, 20)
84 #Receptionis says ok officer
85 cm_interpolate Camin03 0
86 chr_envanim Recep IntroSecBox01 norotation
87 chr_animate Recep SECRETsit_talk 400
88 sleep f30
89 cinematic_start (RECEPtalking, 180, 180, 20, 9, 20, true)
90 sound_dialog_play c01_04_04receptionist
91 sleep f90
92 #Restore original values after cutscene
93 chr_focus 0
94 ai2_takecontrol 0
95 cm_distance=33
96 #Receptionis hits alarm
97 cm_anim both IntroCamAlarm
98 chr_envanim Recep IntroSecBox01 norotation
99 chr_animate Recep SECRETsit_alarm 400
100 sleep f110
101 particle IntroLight01 create
102 particle IntroLight01 do start
103 cinematic_stop (RECEPtalking, 20, 20)
104 #Bad guys see alarm is hit
105 cm_wait
106 chr_create 1050 start
107 ai2_spawn Barabus
108 chr_neutral 1050 1
109 #chr_neutral 1051 1
110 playback 1050 IntroMuroSet
111 playback Barabus IntroBossSet
112 cm_interpolate IntroCamBadGuys00 0
114 sound_ambient_start alarm_loop
116 cm_interpolate_block IntroCamBadGuys01 240
117 sleep f120
118 cinematic_start (BOSS1nametag, 180, 180, 16, 3, 20, false)
119 sound_dialog_play c02_05_01barabas
121 sound_ambient_volume alarm_loop .35 1.0
123 sound_dialog_play_block pause
124 #Muro turns to Bossman
125 playback 1050 IntroMuro01
126 cm_interpolate IntroCamMuro01 0
127 cinematic_start (MUROnametag, 180, 180, 15, 1, 20, false)
128 sound_dialog_play c02_05_02muro
129 sound_dialog_play_block pause
130 #Bossman and Muro talk
131 cm_interpolate IntroCamBothLt 0
132 cm_interpolate_block IntroCamBothRt 500
133 sound_dialog_play c02_05_03barabas
134 sound_dialog_play_block pause
135 sound_dialog_play c02_05_04muro
136 sound_dialog_play_block pause
137 sound_dialog_play c02_05_05barabas
138 sound_dialog_play_block pause
139 #Muro talks
140 cm_interpolate IntroCamMuro02 0
142 sound_ambient_volume alarm_loop 0.0 1.0
143 sound_ambient_stop alarm_loop
145 sound_dialog_play c02_05_06muro
146 sound_dialog_play_block pause
147 #Bossman and Muro talk
148 cm_interpolate IntroCamBothRtHigh 0
149 cm_interpolate_block IntroCamBothLtHigh 500
150 sound_dialog_play c02_05_07muro
151 sound_dialog_play_block pause
152 sound_dialog_play c02_05_08barabas
153 sound_dialog_play_block pause
154 sound_dialog_play c02_05_09muro
155 sound_dialog_play_block pause
156 sound_dialog_play c02_05_10barabas
157 sound_dialog_play_block pause
158 #Muro talks
159 cm_interpolate IntroCamMuro01 0
160 sound_dialog_play c02_05_11muro
161 sound_dialog_play_block pause
162 cinematic_stop (MUROnametag, 15,20)
163 cinematic_stop (BOSS1nametag, 16,20)
164 #Receptionist says hold on
165 cm_interpolate Camin03 0
166 chr_envanim Recep IntroSecBox01 norotation
167 chr_animate Recep SECRETsit_unalarm 180
168 chr_animate_block Recep SECRETsit_talk 500
169 sound_dialog_play c02_05_12receptionist
170 cinematic_start (RECEPtalking, 180, 180, 20, 9, 20, true)
171 sound_dialog_play_block pause
172 cinematic_stop (RECEPtalking, 20,20)
173 #Strikers Rush in
175 sound_ambient_volume mus_ambgrv1b 0 .5
177 music_script_start();
179 ai2_spawn ambush_striker_3
180 ai2_spawn ambush_striker_2
181 #chr_neutral ambush_striker_3 1
182 #chr_neutral ambush_striker_2 1
184 door_open 21
185 door_jam 21
187 playback ambush_striker_3 IntroStrikerRight01
188 playback ambush_striker_2 IntroStrikerRight02
189 cm_interpolate IntroCamDoorRight01 0
190 sleep f180
191 #Cop says what the?
192 playback partner_cop_2 IntroCop02Surprise
193 chr_envanim 1003 IntroSecBox01 norotation
194 chr_animate Recep SECRETsit_talk 400
195 cm_interpolate IntroCamSurprise 0
196 cm_interpolate_block IntroCamSurprise02 90
197 sound_dialog_play c02_05_13tctfag1
198 ai2_spawn ambush_striker_1
199 #chr_neutral ambush_striker_1 1
201 door_unlock 4
202 door_open 4
203 door_jam 4
205 playback ambush_striker_1 IntroStrikerLeft01
206 sleep f60
207 #Konoko looks around
208 chr_envanim Recep IntroSecBox01 norotation
209 chr_animate Recep SECRETsit_talk 180
210 cm_reset
211 playback 0 IntroKonokoLook
212 sleep f30
213 cinematic_start (KONangryfront, 180, 180, 20, 7, 10, false)
214 sleep f170
215 #Konoko says we got company
216 playback Recep IntroRecepRun
217 cm_interpolate IntroCamCompany 0
218 sound_dialog_play c02_05_14konoko
219 sleep f30
220 playback Recep IntroRecepRun
221 sound_dialog_play_block pause
222 cinematic_stop (KONangryfront, 19 ,20)
223 #gameplay resumes
224 cm_reset
225 env_show 561 1
226 env_show 560 0
227 end_cutscene
229 ai2_attack partner_cop_1 ambush_striker_1
230 ai2_attack partner_cop_2 ambush_striker_3
232 chr_delete 1050
233 chr_delete Barabus
234 particle IntroLight01 kill
235 sleep f90
236 #chr_delete Recep
238 door_lock 1
239 door_unjam 4
240 door_lock 4
241 door_unjam 21
242 set_objective_1
244 save_point_1
247func void
249 void)
251 sleep 60
252 begin_cutscene jello
253# sleep f10
254# cm_orbit .1
255 sleep f30
256 chr_animate 0 KONOKOwatch_start 60
257 sleep f40
258 cinematic_start (KONtalking, 180, 180, 15, 1, 20, false)
259 cinematic_start (GRIFtalking, 180, 180, 16, 3, 20, true)
260 sleep f19
261 chr_animate 0 KONOKOwatch_idle 3000
263 sound_music_volume atm_low_perc1 0.35 1.0
265 sound_dialog_play c02_06_01konoko
266 sound_dialog_play_block pause
267 sound_dialog_play c02_06_02griffin
268 sound_dialog_play_block pause
269 sound_dialog_play c02_06_03konoko
270 sound_dialog_play_block pause
271 sound_dialog_play c02_06_04griffin
272 sound_dialog_play_block pause
273 sound_dialog_play c02_06_05konoko
274 sound_dialog_play_block pause
275 sound_dialog_play c02_06_06griffin
276 sound_dialog_play_block pause
277 sound_dialog_play c02_06_07konoko
278 sound_dialog_play_block pause
279 cinematic_stop (KONtalking, 15,20)
280 cinematic_stop (GRIFtalking, 16,20)
281 chr_animate 0 KONOKOwatch_stop
282 sleep f15
283 cm_reset
284 end_cutscene
286 sound_music_volume atm_low_perc1 .90 1.0
288 striker_counter = striker_counter + 2
289 particle save1b_locklight01 do start
290 door_unlock 11
291 console_deactivate 15
293 if (alarm_counter eq 1)
294 {
295 ai2_spawn hall_striker_2
296 ai2_tripalarm konoko 1
297 }
301func void
303 void)
305 begin_cutscene jello
306 sound_ambient_stop alarm_loop
307 sleep f30
308 chr_animate 0 KONOKOwatch_start 60
309 sleep 40
310 cinematic_start (KONtalking, 180, 180, 15, 1, 20, false)
311 cinematic_start (GRIFtalking, 180, 180, 16, 3, 20, true)
312 sleep f19
313 chr_animate 0 KONOKOwatch_idle 3000
314 sound_dialog_play c02_07_01griffin
315 sound_dialog_play_block pause
316 sound_dialog_play c02_07_02konoko
317 sound_dialog_play_block pause
318 chr_animate 0 KONOKOwatch_stop
319 cinematic_stop (KONtalking, 15,20)
320 cinematic_stop (GRIFtalking, 16,20)
321 sleep f15
322 cm_reset
323 end_cutscene
327func void
329 void)
331 begin_cutscene
332 env_show 555 1
333 env_show 556 0
334 #Konok talks on watch radio to Griffin
335 #playback 0 OutroKonokoSet
336 ##cm_interpolate OutroCam00 0
337 ##cm_interpolate_block OutroCam01 180
338 fork soundplay
339 gl_fog_blue=0
340 gl_fog_red=0
341 gl_fog_green=0
342 gl_fog_end=.999
343 gl_fog_start_changeto 0.92 60
344 sleep f60
345 sleep f30
346 playback 0 OutroKonokoRun
347 cm_interpolate OutroCam00 0
348 cm_interpolate_block OutroCam01 180
349 sleep f120
350 #Konoko jumps out of room
351 playback 0 OutroKonoko01
352 cm_interpolate OutroCam02 0
353 sleep f60
354 #cm_interpolate_block OutroCam03 180
355 sleep f40
356 particle OutroCharge do explode
357 sleep f200
358 #Konoko runs out of room
359 playback 0 OutroKonoko02
360 door_open 4
361 door_jam 4
362 cm_interpolate OutroCam04 0
363 sleep f90
364 cm_interpolate_block OutroCam05 180
365 sleep f180
366 #Konoko runs out of front door
367 cm_interpolate OutroCam06 0
368 cm_interpolate_block OutroCam07 180
369 sleep f100
370 door_open 1
371 door_jam 1
372 sleep f140
373 fade_out 0 0 0 120
374 #win
377func void
379 void)
381 cinematic_start (GRIFtalking, 180, 180, 15, 1, 20, false)
382 sound_dialog_play c02_09_01griffin
383 sleep f60
384 sound_dialog_play_block pause
385 sound_dialog_play c02_09_02kerr
386 cinematic_start (KERRtalking, 180, 180, 16, 3, 20, true)
387 sound_dialog_play_block pause
388 sound_dialog_play c02_09_03griffin
389 sound_dialog_play_block pause
390 sound_dialog_play c02_09_04kerr
391 sound_dialog_play_block pause
392 sound_dialog_play c02_09_05griffin
393 sound_dialog_play_block pause
394 sound_dialog_play c02_09_06kerr
395 sound_dialog_play_block pause
396 sound_dialog_play c02_09_07griffin
397 sound_dialog_play_block pause
398 cinematic_stop (KERRtalking, 16,20)
399 cinematic_stop (GRIFtalking, 15,20)
400 sleep f100
401 gl_fog_end=1
402 gl_fog_start=.975
403 win
408func void
410 void)
412 env_anim 1101 1
413 env_anim 1102 1
414 env_anim 1103 1
415 env_anim 1104 1
416 env_anim 1105 1
417 env_anim 1106 1
418 env_anim 1107 1
419 env_anim 1108 1
420 env_anim 1109 1
421 env_anim 1110 1
422 env_anim 1111 1
423 env_anim 1201 1
424 env_anim 1202 1
425 env_anim 1203 1
426 env_anim 1204 1
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