source: AE/packages/VanillaBSL/IGMD/power_II/powerII_cutscene.bsl@ 588

Last change on this file since 588 was 407, checked in by gumby, 16 years ago

rename ahoy

File size: 14.1 KB
3# power_cutscene.bsl
6func void
8 void)
10 ai2_passive ShinShin 1
11 ai2_makeblind ShinShin 1
12 ai2_makedeaf ShinShin 1
13 chr_lock_active ShinShin
14 chr_unstoppable ShinShin 1
15 fade_out 0 0 0 0
16 cm_interpolate IntroCam01 0
17 sleep f14
18 begin_cutscene
19 sleep f60
20 #Konoko in big space
21 playback 0 IntroKonoko01
23 sound_music_start mus_trt
24 music_script_start
26 cm_interpolate IntroCam01 0
27 fade_in 60
28 sleep f60
29 cm_interpolate IntroCam02 300
30 sleep f400
31 cm_reset
32 letterbox 0
33 chr_nocollision ShinShin 1
34 sleep f10
35 playback ShinShin ShinShinSet
36 end_cutscene
37 sleep f90
38 ai2_setmovementmode ShinShin creep
43func void
45 void)
47 sleep 60
48 begin_cutscene
50 sound_music_stop atm_cl09
51 sound_music_start mus_xtr2 0.50
53 #Shinatama sitting in chair
54 chr_envanim ShinShin ShinBox01 norotation
55 chr_animate ShinShin SHINATlev10_sit 1000 12
56 cm_interpolate ShinCam00 120
57 sleep f180
58 #Konoko kneels next to Shinatama
59 chr_envanim 0 ShinKonBox01 norotation
60 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev10_Kneel
61 cm_anim both ShinCam01
62 cm_wait
63 sound_dialog_play c09_31_01konoko
64 cinematic_start (KONtalking, 180, 180, 20, 9, 20, true)
65 chr_envanim 0 ShinKonBox02 norotation
66 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev10_Kneeling 1000
67 sound_dialog_play_block
68 #Konoko kneeling next to Shinatama
69 cm_interpolate ShinCam02 0
70 cm_interpolate_block ShinCam03 1200
71 chr_envanim ShinShin ShinBox01 norotation
72 chr_animate ShinShin SHINATlev10_sit 1000
73 chr_envanim 0 ShinKonBox02 norotation
74 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev10_Kneeling 1000
75 sound_dialog_play c09_31_02shinatama
76 cinematic_start (SHINdamaged, 180, 180, 19, 7, 20, false)
77 sound_dialog_play_block
78 sound_dialog_play c09_31_03konoko
79 sound_dialog_play_block
80 sound_dialog_play c09_31_04shinatama
81 sound_dialog_play_block
82 sound_dialog_play c09_31_05konoko
83 sound_dialog_play_block
84 #Camera showing both of them
85 cm_interpolate ShinCamBoth01 0
86 chr_envanim ShinShin ShinBox01 norotation
87 chr_animate ShinShin SHINATlev10_sit 1000
88 chr_envanim 0 ShinKonBox02 norotation
89 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev10_Kneeling 1000
90 cm_interpolate_block ShinCam01 1500
91 sound_dialog_play c09_31_06shinatama
92 sound_dialog_play_block
93 sound_dialog_play c09_31_07konoko
94 sound_dialog_play_block
95 cm_interpolate ShinCamShinNo 0
96 cm_interpolate ShinCamShinNo2 900
97 chr_envanim ShinShin ShinBox01 norotation
98 chr_animate ShinShin SHINATlev10_sit 1000
99 chr_envanim 0 ShinKonBox02 norotation
100 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev10_Kneeling 1000
101 sound_dialog_play c09_31_08shinatama
102 sound_dialog_play_block
103 sound_dialog_play c09_31_09konoko
104 sound_dialog_play_block
105 cinematic_stop (KONtalking, 20, 20)
106 cinematic_stop (SHINdamaged, 19, 20)
107 #TCTF Griffin talking
108 chr_create 1010 start
109 chr_create 1011 start
110 chr_create 1012 start
111 ai2_spawn Honey
112 ai2_passive Honey 1
113 playback Honey ShinFemSet
114 playback 1010 ShinCopSet
115 playback 1011 ShinGrifSet
116 playback 1012 ShinKerrSet
117 sleep f20
118 chr_animate 1010 COMGUYlev10_console1 120
119 cm_interpolate ShinCamCop 0
120 chr_animate_block 1010 COMGUYlev10_console2 1000
121 sound_dialog_play c09_31_10scigoon3
122 cinematic_start (COPtalking, 180, 180, 16, 3, 20, true)
123 sound_dialog_play_block
124 cm_interpolate ShinCamGrif 1600
125 sound_dialog_play c09_31_11griffin
126 cinematic_start (GRIFtalking, 180, 180, 19, 7, 20, false)
127 sound_dialog_play_block
128 sound_dialog_play c09_31_12scigoon1
129 sound_dialog_play_block
130 cinematic_stop (COPtalking, 16, 20)
131 cm_interpolate ShinCamKerrFace 0
132 sound_dialog_play c09_31_13kerr
133 cinematic_start (KERRtalking, 180, 180, 20, 9, 20, true)
134 sound_dialog_play_block
135 cinematic_stop (KERRtalking, 20, 20)
136 cm_interpolate ShinCamGrifFace 0
137 sound_dialog_play c09_31_14griffin
138 sound_dialog_play_block
139 cm_interpolate ShinCamCopFace 2400
140 sound_dialog_play c09_31_15scigoonwom
141 cinematic_start (CIVIL4talking, 180, 180, 15, 1, 20, true)
142 sound_dialog_play_block
143 cinematic_stop (CIVIL4talking, 15, 20)
144 cm_interpolate ShinCamKerrFace 0
145 sound_dialog_play c09_31_16kerr
146 cinematic_start (KERRtalking, 180, 180, 20, 9, 20, true)
147 sound_dialog_play_block
148 cm_interpolate ShinCamGrif 0
149 cm_interpolate_block ShinCamGrif02 1200
150 sound_dialog_play c09_31_17griffin
151 cinematic_stop (GRIFtalking, 19, 20)
152 cinematic_start (GRIFtalkangry, 180, 180, 19, 7, 20, false)
153 sound_dialog_play_block
154 cinematic_stop (KERRtalking, 20, 20)
155 cinematic_stop (GRIFtalkangry, 19, 20)
156 #Shinatama tenses up
157 playback 0 ShinKonokoSet
158 chr_envanim ShinShin ShinBox01 norotation
159 chr_animate ShinShin SHINATlev10_sit 1000
160 chr_envanim 0 ShinKonBox02 norotation
161 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev10_Kneeling 1000
162 cm_interpolate ShinCamShinNo2 0
163 cm_interpolate_block ShinCamShinNo 800
164 sleep f60
165 chr_animate ShinShin SHINATlev10_SitSpaz 60
166 cutscene_sync mark
167 sound_ambient_start c05_46_24shinwake
168 sleep f60
169 chr_animate ShinShin SHINATlev10_Sit2 200
170 sound_dialog_play c09_31_18konoko
171 cinematic_start (KONtalking, 180, 180, 20, 9, 20, true)
172 sound_dialog_play_block
173 #Konoko asks what's wrong
174 chr_envanim ShinShin ShinBox01 norotation
175 chr_animate ShinShin SHINATlev10_Sit2 1000
176 chr_envanim 0 ShinKonBox02 norotation
177 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev10_Kneeling 1000
178 cm_interpolate ShinCamKonNo3 0
179 #Shinatama says to get the flock out of there
180 chr_envanim ShinShin ShinBox01 norotation
181 chr_animate ShinShin SHINATlev10_Sit2 1000
182 chr_envanim 0 ShinKonBox02 norotation
183 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev10_Kneeling 1000
184 cm_interpolate ShinCamShinNo 800
185 sound_dialog_play c09_31_19shinatama
186 cinematic_start (SHINdamaged, 180, 180, 19, 7, 20, false)
187 cm_interpolate ShinCamKonNo 0
188 #I can't delay it much longer
189 cm_interpolate ShinCamShinNo3 2000
190 chr_envanim ShinShin ShinBox01 norotation
191 chr_animate ShinShin SHINATlev10_Sit2 1000
192 sound_dialog_play c09_31_21shinatama
193 sound_dialog_play_block
194 #KONOKO I won't leave you
195 chr_envanim ShinShin ShinBox01 norotation
196 chr_animate ShinShin SHINATlev10_Sit2 1000
197 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev10_Kneeling 1000
198 sound_dialog_play c09_31_22konoko
199 sound_dialog_play_block
200 #bye Konoko
201 cm_interpolate ShinCamShinNo3 0
202 chr_envanim 0 ShinKonBox02 norotation
203 chr_envanim ShinShin ShinBox01 norotation
204 chr_animate ShinShin SHINATlev10_Sit2 1000
205 sound_dialog_play c09_31_23shinatama
206 sound_dialog_play_block
207 #KONOKO says no
208 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev10_Kneeling 1000
209 sound_dialog_play c09_31_24konoko
210 sound_dialog_play_block
211 chr_envanim ShinShin ShinBox01 norotation
212 chr_animate ShinShin SHINATlev10_Sit2 1000
213 sound_dialog_play c09_31_25shinatama
214 sound_dialog_play_block
215 cinematic_stop (SHINdamaged, 19, 20)
216 #goodbye shinatama
217 chr_envanim 0 ShinKonBox04 norotation
218 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev10_Kneel_end
219 sleep f30
220 cm_interpolate ShinCamKonNo 180
221 sleep f30
222 playback 0 ShinKonokoSet
223 sleep f70
224 sound_dialog_play c09_31_26konoko
225 sound_dialog_play_block
226 cinematic_stop (KONtalking, 20, 20)
228 sound_music_volume mus_xtr2 0.0 5.0
229 sound_music_start atm_cl10 0.0
230 sound_music_volume atm_cl10 1.0 5.0
231 sound_music_stop mus_xtr2
233 set_objective_2
235 cm_reset
236 end_cutscene
237 chr_delete 1010
238 chr_delete 1011
239 chr_delete 1012
240 chr_delete Honey
241# START TIMER (added by wu)
243 particle blast1_locklight01 do stop
244 particle blast2_locklight01 do stop
245 door_lock 1
246 door_lock 2
248 door_unlock 3
249 particle Shindoor_locklight01 do start
250 ai2_spawn A2_sb04
251 sound_dialog_play c09_31_27shinatama
252 sound_dialog_play_block pause
253 #timer_start 30 shin_dies
254 sleep f600
255 sound_dialog_play c09_31_28shinatama
256 sleep f600
257 sound_dialog_play c09_31_29shinatama
258 sleep f330
259 sound_dialog_play_block pause
260 sleep f15
262 sound_music_stop atm_cl10
263 cutscene_sync mark
264 sound_ambient_start c06_45_04_explo
265 sleep f10
266 shin_dies
267 #particle ShinBomb do explode
273func void
275 void)
277 begin_cutscene
278 sleep f40
279 chr_envanim 0 ElevatorKonBox01
280 cm_anim both ElevatorCam01
281 sleep 40
282 cutscene_sync mark
283 sound_ambient_start c07_21_20elevator
284 cm_wait
285 env_show 778 1
286 env_shade 778 778 .3 .3 .3
287 playback 0 ElevatorTop
288 cm_reset
289 end_cutscene
292func void
294 void)
296 chr_envanim 0 ShinKonBox04 norotation
297 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev10_Kneeling 1000
298 sleep f40
299 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev10_Kneel_end
302func void
304 void)
306 # if you didn't disable the console, we still need to kill that music
307 sound_music_volume mus_amasian 0.0 2.0
308 sound_music_stop mus_amasian
310 final_cutscene_trumps_particles
312 begin_cutscene
313 chr_delete F_r40
315 sound_music_volume atm_cl11 0.0 1.0
316 sound_music_start mus_lz 1.0
317 sound_music_stop atm_cl11
319 particle pipe3 kill
321 cm_interpolate OutroCamEnter01 0
322 cm_interpolate_block OutroCamEnter02 500
323 ai2_spawn TCTF1053
324 ai2_spawn TCTF1054
325 ai2_spawn TCTF1051
326 ai2_spawn TCTF1052
327 chr_lock_active 1051
328 chr_lock_active 1052
329 chr_lock_active 1053
330 chr_lock_active 1054
331 #ai2_passive 1053 1
332 #ai2_passive 1054 1
333 #ai2_makeblind 1053 1
334 #ai2_makeblind 1054 1
335 playback TCTF1053 OutroLiteEnter
336 sleep f30
337 playback TCTF1054 OutroLiteEnter
338 sleep f60
339 playback TCTF1051 OutroSwatEnter
340 sleep f30
341 chr_nocollision TCTF1052 1
342 playback TCTF1052 OutroSwatEnter
343 sleep f180
344 chr_nocollision TCTF1052 0
345 #TCTF says I know How to Stop Her
346 playback 0 OutroKonokoRun
347 cm_interpolate OutroCamBooth01 0
348 sleep f5
349 cm_interpolate OutroCamBooth02 400
350 #chr_create 1053 start
351 #chr_create 1054 start
352 playback TCTF1053 OutroTCTF3Set
353 playback TCTF1054 OutroTCTF4Set
354 sleep f60
355 #chr_create 1051 start
356 #chr_create 1052 start
357 playback TCTF1051 OutroTCTF1Enter
358 playback TCTF1052 OutroTCTF2Enter
359 sleep f380
360 #TCTF Guys hit the fan
361 cm_interpolate OutroCamBooth03 0
362 sleep f20
363 sound_dialog_play c09_32_03tctf
364 cinematic_start (TCTFtalking, 180, 180, 15, 1, 15, false)
365 sleep 240
366 chr_animate TCTF1054 COMGUYlev10_console
367 sleep f60
368 #sound_ambient_start console
369 sleep f30
370 cinematic_stop (TCTFtalking, 15, 25)
371 #Konoko stops in front as fan starts
372 playback 0 OutroKonokoStop
373 sleep f70
374 cm_anim both OutroCam01
375 env_anim 81 82
376 cutscene_sync mark
377 sound_ambient_start c14_14_26_basic
378 sound_ambient_start c14_42_09_effectsa
379 sleep f300
380 #TCTF guys run towards the Fan and then Stop
381 playback TCTF1051 OutroTCTFTurn
382 playback TCTF1052 OutroTCTF2Turn
383 sleep f120
384 cm_interpolate OutroCamTurn01 0
385 env_setanim 81 FanHub02
386 env_setanim 82 FanBlade02
387 cm_interpolate_block OutroCamTurn02 180
388 sleep f240
389 #Those Dudes run away
390 particle OutroWind do start
391 playback TCTF1051 OutroTCTF2Flee
392 playback TCTF1052 OutroTCTFBlown
393 chr_envanim 0 OutroKonBox01 norotation
394 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev10_Blown01
395 cm_interpolate OutroCamBlow01 0
396 cm_interpolate_block OutroCamBlow02 240
397 sleep f100
398 cutscene_sync mark
399 sound_ambient_start c14_30_15_wind
400 sleep f130
401 chr_animate TCTF1052 TCTFlev10_Blown 240 8
402 sleep f235
403 #Konoko starts to get blown away
404 sleep f2
405 cm_anim both OutroCamBlown
406 chr_envanim 0 OutroKonBox01 norotation
407 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev10_Blown01
408 #Konoko Grabs handrail, tctf flies into fan
409 cm_wait
410 chr_envanim 0 OutroKonBox02 norotation
411 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev10_Grab
412 chr_envanim TCTF1052 OutroTCTFBox01
413 chr_animate TCTF1052 STRIKEjump_flail 340
414 cm_anim both OutroCamGrab
415 #Konoko work her way up rail
416 cm_wait
417 cutscene_sync mark
418 sound_ambient_start c14_42_09_effectsb
419 chr_set_health TCTF1052 0
420 chr_envanim 0 OutroKonBox05 norotation
421 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev10_OutroHand
422 cm_anim both OutroCamHand05
423 #Konoko works her way up rail
424 #cm_wait
425 #chr_envanim 0 OutroKonBox06 norotation
426 #chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev10_OutroHand
427 #cm_anim both OutroCamHand06
428 #TCTF says she got away
429 #Konoko makes it towards safety
430 #cm_wait
431 #chr_envanim 0 OutroKonBox07 norotation
432 #chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev10_OutroHand
433 #cm_anim both OutroCamHand07
434 #sleep f240
435 #TCTF Griffin talking
436 cm_wait
437 chr_create 1010 start
438 chr_create 1011 start
439 chr_create 1012 start
440 playback 1010 ShinCopSet
441 playback 1011 ShinGrifSet
442 playback 1012 ShinKerrSet
443 cm_interpolate ShinCamGrifFace 0
444 sound_ambient_volume c14_14_26_basic 0 .5
445 sound_ambient_volume c14_30_15_wind 0 .5
446 sleep f20
447 sound_ambient_stop c14_14_26_basic
448 sound_ambient_stop c14_30_15_wind
449 sound_dialog_play c09_33_01griffin
450 cinematic_start (GRIFtalking, 180, 180, 19, 7, 20, false)
451 #chr_animate 1010 COMGUYlev10_console1 120
452 sound_dialog_play_block
453 cm_interpolate ShinCamCop 0
454 cm_interpolate_block ShinCamCopFace 2000
455 chr_animate 1010 COMGUYlev10_console2 1500
457 sound_music_volume mus_lz 0.65 2.0
459 sound_dialog_play c09_33_02scigoon1
460 cinematic_start (COPtalking, 180, 180, 16, 3, 20, true)
461 sound_dialog_play_block
462 sound_dialog_play c09_33_03griffin
463 sound_dialog_play_block
464 sound_dialog_play c09_33_04scigoon1
465 sound_dialog_play_block
466 cinematic_stop (COPtalking, 16, 20)
467 sound_dialog_play c09_33_05griffin
468 sound_dialog_play_block
469 cm_interpolate ShinCamKerrFace 0
470 sound_dialog_play c09_33_06kerr
471 cinematic_start (KERRtalking, 180, 180, 20, 9, 20, true)
472 sound_dialog_play_block
473 cinematic_stop (KERRtalking, 20, 20)
474 cm_interpolate ShinCamGrifFace 0
475 sound_dialog_play c09_33_07griffin
476 sound_dialog_play_block
477 sound_dialog_play c09_33_09griffin
478 sound_dialog_play_block
479 sleep 30
480 #Konoko overhears that she's rogue
481 playback 0 OutroKonokoWatch
482 chr_animate 0 KONOKOwatch_radio 400
483 sound_ambient_start c14_30_15_wind
484 cm_interpolate OutroCamWatch01 0
485 cm_interpolate_block OutroCamWatch02 300
486 sound_dialog_play c09_33_09agriffin
487 sound_dialog_play_block
488 cinematic_stop (GRIFtalking, 19, 20)
490 sound_music_volume mus_lz 1.0 1.0
492 chr_animate 0 KONOKOlev10_watch_run 60
493 sleep f60
494 fade_out 0 0 0 120
495 sound_ambient_volume c14_30_15_wind 0 2
496 sleep f120
497 sound_ambient_stop c14_30_15_wind
498 end_cutscene
499 win
504func void splash(string character)
506 var bool eggman;
508 eggman = chr_is_player(character);
510 if (eggman eq 0)
511 {
512 chr_animate(character, KONOKOacid);
513 sleep f10
514 chr_set_health(character, 0);
515 }
517 if (eggman eq 1)
518 {
519 cm_detach
520 chr_animate(character, KONOKOacid);
521 sleep f10
522 sound_impulse_play konoko_gruesome_death
523 chr_set_health(character, 0);
524 }
527func void
529 void)
531 #cm_detach
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