[567] | 1 | #include "Flatline.h"
| 2 | #include "Oni_Character.h"
| 3 | #include "Flatline_Server.h"
| 4 | //#include <sys/time.h>
| 5 | #include <time.h>
| 6 | uint32_t last1 = 0; uint32_t last2 = 0;
| 7 | player_info Players[MAX_PLAYERS] = {{0}, {0}, {0}, {0}};
| 8 | player_info * PlayerList[MAX_CONNECTIONS] = {0};
| 9 | const char * Rejection_Messages[][255] = {
| 10 | {"Server is full"},
| 11 | {"-2"},
| 12 | {"-3"},
| 13 | {"-4"},
| 14 | {"-5"},
| 15 | };
| 16 |
[568] | 17 | #define BETTER_SYNC
| 18 |
| 19 | void DoRareSync( short Player, sockaddr_in * sender )
| 20 | {
| 21 | flatline_packet sync = {0};
| 22 |
| 23 | if (Player > max_connections || !PlayerList[ Player ] ) return;
| 24 |
| 25 |
| 26 | // DDrConsole_PrintF( "Sending sync data for player %i, new index %u", Player, PlayerList[ Player ]->rare_sync_index);
| 27 | sender->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl(sender->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr);
| 28 | sync.id = RARE_SYNC_DATA;
| 29 | sprintf( sync.rare_sync_data.Class, TMrInstance_GetInstanceName( PlayerList[ Player ]->Chr->ONCC ) );
| 30 | //using ->Inventory instead of ->Chr->Inventory to keep the index and Inventory in sync, just in case.
| 31 | memcpy( &(sync.rare_sync_data.Inventory), &(PlayerList[ Player ]->Inventory), sizeof(Inventory) );
| 32 | //WEAPONS ARE DISABLED. Why? Pain in the arse to sync.
| 33 | sync.rare_sync_data.Inventory.Weapons[0] = NULL;
| 34 | sync.rare_sync_data.Inventory.Weapons[1] = NULL;
| 35 | sync.rare_sync_data.Inventory.Weapons[2] = NULL;
| 36 | sync.rare_sync_data.PlayerNum = Player;
| 37 | sync.rare_sync_data.index = PlayerList[ Player ]->rare_sync_index;
| 38 | NetTCPServer_Send( sender, (char*)&sync, sizeof(rare_sync_data) + FLATLINE_HEADER );
| 39 | }
| 40 |
[567] | 41 | bool FLrServer_PacketCallback(char* data, int datalen, int from)
| 42 | {
| 43 | int i, j;
| 44 | bool found_player = 0;
| 45 | flatline_packet * packet = (flatline_packet*)data;
| 46 | static int recieved = 0;
| 47 | sockaddr_in sender;
| 48 | sender.sin_family = AF_INET;
| 49 | sender.sin_port = htons(27777);
| 50 | sender.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr*)(int*)&from);
| 51 |
| 52 |
| 53 | //packet->data[datalen] = '\0';
| 54 |
| 55 | //DDrConsole_PrintF("Packet \r%d recieved from %i", ++recieved, from);
| 56 |
| 57 |
| 58 |
| 59 | //if data[0] != CONNECT_SEND, search in playerlist for ip address
| 60 |
| 61 |
| 62 |
| 63 |
| 64 | switch(packet->id) {
| 65 | flatline_packet connect_recv;
| 66 | player_info * playah;
| 67 | //rewrite this when we get TCP support.
| 68 | //rewrite this before we get TCP support*
| 69 | //the way of seeing if there is room for players sucks.
| 70 | case CONNECT_SEND:
| 71 | ;
| 72 |
| 73 | connect_recv.id = CONNECT_REPLY;
| 74 |
| 75 | //if(Players[i].ip == sender.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr) break; //needs to send an error message
| 76 | sender.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl(sender.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr);
| 77 | playah = FLrServer_AddPlayer(from,packet->connect_send.name, 0);
| 78 | DDrConsole_PrintF("%s connected from %s", packet->connect_send.name, inet_ntoa(sender.sin_addr ) );
| 79 | if(!((int)playah > -5 && (int)playah <= 0)) {
| 80 | flatline_packet new_char = {0};
| 81 | CharacterObject* Char;
| 82 | connect_recv.connect_reply.goodtogo = 1;
| 83 | connect_recv.connect_reply.player_slot = playah->list_slot;
| 84 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Slot: %i", playah->list_slot);
| 85 |
| 86 | //sending this several times to make sure it gets through. Really need to make up some form of packet tracking.
| 87 | NetTCPServer_Send((sockaddr *) &sender, (char*)&connect_recv, sizeof(connect_reply) + FLATLINE_HEADER);
| 88 | NetTCPServer_Send((sockaddr *) &sender, (char*)&connect_recv, sizeof(connect_reply) + FLATLINE_HEADER);
| 89 | NetTCPServer_Send((sockaddr *) &sender, (char*)&connect_recv, sizeof(connect_reply) + FLATLINE_HEADER);
| 90 | NetTCPServer_Send((sockaddr *) &sender, (char*)&connect_recv, sizeof(connect_reply) + FLATLINE_HEADER);
| 91 | NetTCPServer_Send((sockaddr *) &sender, (char*)&connect_recv, sizeof(connect_reply) + FLATLINE_HEADER);
| 92 | Sleep(100);
| 93 |
| 94 | new_char.id = NEW_PLAYER;
| 95 | Char = &new_char.new_player.Character;
| 96 | memset(Char, 0, sizeof(CharacterObject));
| 97 | Char->Header.Type = 'CHAR';
[568] | 98 | Char->OSD.Options = chr_dontaim;
[567] | 99 | for(j = 0; j < max_connections; j++) {
| 100 | if(PlayerList[j] != 0) {
| 101 | new_char.new_player.Playernumber = j;
| 102 | sprintf(Char->OSD.Name,"%s",PlayerList[j]->name);
| 103 |
| 104 | sprintf(Char->OSD.Class, "%s", TMrInstance_GetInstanceName(PlayerList[j]->Chr->ONCC));
| 105 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Class %s", Char->OSD.Class );
| 106 |
| 107 | sprintf(Char->OSD.Class, "konoko_generic");
| 108 | NetTCPServer_Send((sockaddr *) &sender, (char*)&new_char, sizeof(new_player) + FLATLINE_HEADER );
| 109 | }
| 110 |
| 111 | }
| 112 | }
| 113 | else {
| 114 | //fix the error messages...
| 115 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Server is full. :(");
| 116 | connect_recv.connect_reply.goodtogo = 0;
| 117 | sender.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl(sender.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr);
| 118 | memcpy(&connect_recv.connect_reply.message,"Server is full.", sizeof("Server is full."));
| 119 | NetTCPServer_Send((sockaddr *) &sender, (char*)&connect_recv, sizeof(bool)*2 + FLATLINE_HEADER + sizeof("Server is full."));
| 120 |
| 121 | }
| 122 |
| 123 |
| 124 | break;
| 125 | case CONNECT_REPLY:
| 126 | break; //do nothing...a server shouldn't recieve this type of packet.
| 127 | case MESSAGE:
| 128 | for(i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
| 129 | //DDrConsole_PrintF("%i : %i | %s : %s", from, Players[i].ip, inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*)&from), inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*)&(Players[i].ip)));
| 130 | if(Players[i].ip == sender.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr) {
| 131 | found_player = 1;
| 132 | break;
| 133 | }
| 134 | }
| 135 | if(found_player == 0) return true;
| 136 | else {
| 137 | char message_buffer[512] = {0};
| 138 | flatline_packet message;
| 139 | int message_size;
| 140 | data[datalen] = 0;
| 141 |
| 142 | DDrConsole_PrintF("%s: %s", Players[i].name, packet->data);
| 143 | sprintf(message_buffer, "%s: %s", Players[i].name, packet->data);
| 144 |
| 145 | message.id = MESSAGE;
| 146 | message_size = sprintf(message.data, "%s", message_buffer);
| 147 | COrMessage_Print(message_buffer, "chat", 0);
| 148 | UDPServer_SendToAll(&message, message_size + 1 + FLATLINE_HEADER);
| 149 | break;
| 150 | }
| 151 | case CHANGE_NAME:
| 152 | ; //wtf, needed or i get an error.
| 153 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Changing Name to: %s", packet->data);
| 154 | for(i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
| 155 | if(Players[i].ip == sender.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr) {
| 156 | found_player = 1;
| 157 | break;
| 158 | }
| 159 | }
| 160 | if(found_player == 0) return true;
| 161 | else {
| 162 | bool name_exists = 0;
| 163 | for(j = 0; j < MAX_PLAYERS; j++) {
| 164 | if(!strcmp(packet->data, Players[j].name)) {
| 165 | name_exists = 1;
| 166 | break;
| 167 | }
| 168 | }
| 169 | if(!name_exists) {
| 170 | char message_buffer[1024];
| 171 | sprintf(message_buffer,"%s changed their name to %s", Players[i].name, packet->data);
| 172 | COrMessage_Print(message_buffer, "name_change", 0);
| 173 | memcpy(Players[i].name, packet->data, 256);
| 174 |
| 175 | }
| 176 | break;
| 177 | }
| 178 | case PLAYER_INPUT:
| 179 |
| 180 | for(i = 0; i < max_connections; i++) {
| 181 | if(PlayerList[i] != 0 && PlayerList[i]->ip == sender.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr) {
| 182 | found_player = 1;
| 183 | break;
| 184 | }
| 185 | }
| 186 |
| 187 | if(found_player == 0) return true;
| 188 | else {
| 189 | input_struct * packet_input = &packet->input_struct;
| 190 |
| 191 |
| 192 | PlayerList[i]->Actions1 = packet_input->Actions1;
| 193 | PlayerList[i]->Actions2 = packet_input->Actions2;
| 194 | PlayerList[i]->MouseDeltaX = packet_input->MouseDeltaX;
| 195 | PlayerList[i]->MouseDeltaY = packet_input->MouseDeltaY;
[568] | 196 | PlayerList[i]->LastInputTime = packet_input->Time;
[567] | 197 |
| 198 | break;
| 199 | }
[568] | 200 | case RARE_SYNC_DATA_REQUEST:
| 201 | DoRareSync( packet->sync_request , &sender);
| 202 | break;
[567] | 203 | default:
| 204 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Warning, recieved badly formed packet!");
| 205 | break;
| 206 | }
| 207 | return true;
| 208 | }
| 209 |
| 210 | bool FLrServer_Run()
| 211 | {
| 212 | // Get the local hostname
| 213 | char szHostName[255];
| 214 | struct hostent *host_entry;
| 215 | gethostname(szHostName, 255);
| 216 |
| 217 | host_entry=gethostbyname(szHostName);
| 218 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Server started at %s...", inet_ntoa (*(struct in_addr *)*host_entry->h_addr_list));
| 219 | return NetUDPServer_Listen(27777, FLrServer_PacketCallback);
| 220 | }
| 221 |
[569] | 222 |
[567] | 223 | RGBA green = {0, 0xFF, 0, 0};
| 224 | RGBA red = {0, 0, 0xFF, 0};
| 225 | RGBA grey = {0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80};
| 226 |
| 227 | //FLrClient_Run
| 228 | //Looping function that waits for packets from the server.
| 229 | //TODO: Convert connection packet stuff to TCP
| 230 | int client_slot = 0;
| 231 | bool FLrClient_Run(flatline_packet* packet)
| 232 | {
| 233 |
| 234 | char data[1400];
| 235 | uint16_t len;
| 236 | int j;
| 237 | int sent_bytes;
| 238 | client_connected = 0;
| 239 |
| 240 |
| 241 | //starts the connection
| 242 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Connecting to server %s on socket %i", inet_ntoa(address.sin_addr), client_sock);
| 243 | sent_bytes = NetUDPSocket_Send(client_sock, (sockaddr*)&address, (char*)packet, 255);
| 244 | if(sent_bytes == SOCKET_ERROR) {
| 245 | NetCatchError();
| 246 | }
| 247 | //loops once per second waiting for a reply.
| 248 | for(j = 0; j < CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; j++) {
| 249 | while(NetUDPSocket_Recieve(client_sock, (sockaddr_storage *) &client_address, data, &len)){
| 250 | packet = (flatline_packet*)data;
| 251 | if(packet->id == CONNECT_REPLY) {
| 252 | if(packet->connect_reply.goodtogo){
| 253 | client_connected = 1;
| 254 |
| 255 | client_slot = ((connect_reply*)packet->data)->player_slot;
| 256 |
[568] | 257 | PlayerList[client_slot] = Players+client_slot;
| 258 | PlayerList[client_slot]->Chr = ONgGameState->PlayerCharacter;
| 259 |
[567] | 260 | DDrConsole_PrintColored("Connection successful!",0,green, grey);
[568] | 261 |
| 262 | //disable local input.
| 263 | DDrPatch_NOOP(0x004FA929, 5 + 6 + 5);
| 264 |
[567] | 265 | //DDrConsole_PrintF("Slot %i", ((connect_reply*)packet)->player_slot);
| 266 | break;
| 267 | }
| 268 | else {
| 269 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Connection rejected: %s", ((connect_reply*)packet->data)->message);
| 270 | return false;
| 271 | break;
| 272 | }
| 273 | }
| 274 | }
| 275 | if(client_connected) break;
| 276 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Connection timing out in %i seconds...", CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - j);
| 277 | Sleep(1000);
| 278 | }
| 279 | //the client timed out without recieving an error message.
| 280 | if(!client_connected) {
| 281 | DDrConsole_PrintColored("Connection timed out.",0,red, grey);
| 282 | return false;
| 283 | }
| 284 | else
| 285 | {
| 286 | ActiveCharacter * Active;
| 287 | flatline_packet packet;
| 288 | //#define SPAM_INPUT
| 289 | #ifdef SPAM_INPUT
| 290 | struct timeval lasttime;
| 291 | struct timeval thistime;
| 292 | gettimeofday(&lasttime, 0);
| 293 | #endif
| 294 | while(1) {
| 295 | #ifdef SPAM_INPUT
| 296 | gettimeofday(&thistime, 0);
| 297 |
| 298 | //DDrConsole_PrintF("%i.%i | %i.%i | %i.%i",lasttime.tv_sec, lasttime.tv_usec, thistime.tv_sec, thistime.tv_usec,
| 299 | // thistime.tv_sec - lasttime.tv_sec, thistime.tv_usec - lasttime.tv_usec);
| 300 | //checks to see if enough time has passed since the last input update (by default once every 10ms)
| 301 | if(
| 302 | ((thistime.tv_sec > lasttime.tv_sec) && ((thistime.tv_usec + 1000000 - lasttime.tv_usec ) > update_rate * 1000) )
| 303 | || ((thistime.tv_sec == lasttime.tv_sec) && ((thistime.tv_usec - lasttime.tv_usec ) > update_rate * 1000))
| 304 | ) {
| 305 |
| 306 | flatline_packet input_packet;
| 307 | lasttime.tv_usec = ++thistime.tv_usec; //in case recieving packets takes less than 1 ms.
| 308 |
| 309 | input_packet.id = PLAYER_INPUT;
| 310 |
| 311 | if( ((GameState*)(ONgGameState))->Input.Current.Actions1 != last1 || ((GameState*)(ONgGameState))->Input.Current.Actions2 != last2) {
| 312 | last1 =((GameState*)(ONgGameState))->Input.Current.Actions1;
| 313 | last2 =((GameState*)(ONgGameState))->Input.Current.Actions2;
| 314 | }
| 315 |
| 316 | ((input_struct*)(void*)(input_packet.data))->Actions1 = ((GameState*)(ONgGameState))->Input.Current.Actions1;
| 317 | ((input_struct*)(void*)(input_packet.data))->Actions2 = ((GameState*)(ONgGameState))->Input.Current.Actions2;
| 318 | ((input_struct*)(void*)(input_packet.data))->MouseDeltaX = ((GameState*)(ONgGameState))->Input.MouseDeltaX;
| 319 | ((input_struct*)(void*)(input_packet.data))->MouseDeltaY = ((GameState*)(ONgGameState))->Input.MouseDeltaY;
| 320 | sent_bytes = NetUDPSocket_Send(client_sock,(sockaddr *) &address, (char*)&input_packet, sizeof(input_struct) + FLATLINE_HEADER);
| 321 | //if(sent_bytes == SOCKET_ERROR) NetCatchError();
| 322 | }
| 323 | #endif
| 324 | if(NetUDPSocket_Recieve(client_sock, (sockaddr_storage *) &client_address, &packet, &len)) {
| 325 | //packet = (flatline_packet*)data;
| 326 | //DDrConsole_PrintF("Data recieved, length %i, type %i", len, ((flatline_packet*)data)->id);
| 327 | switch(packet.id) {
| 328 | case MESSAGE:
| 329 | COrMessage_Print(packet.data, "chat", 0);
| 330 | break;
| 331 | case CONNECT_SEND:
| 332 | ;if(1) {
| 333 | flatline_packet connect_recv;
| 334 | memcpy(&connect_recv.connect_reply.message,"This isn't a server!", sizeof("This isn't a server!"));
| 335 | NetUDPSocket_Send(client_sock, (sockaddr *) &address, (char*)&connect_recv, sizeof(bool) + FLATLINE_HEADER + sizeof("This isn't a server!"));
| 336 | }
| 337 | case CONNECT_REPLY:
| 338 | break; //extra packet or something.
| 339 | case NEW_PLAYER:
| 340 | ;if(1) { //haxhaxhax
| 341 | CharacterObject* Char = &(packet.new_player.Character);
| 342 | uint32_t chr_index = 0;
| 343 | Character* PC;
| 344 | DDrConsole_PrintF("%i | %i", packet.new_player.Playernumber ,client_slot);
| 345 | //Char->OSD.Options = 0;
| 346 | if(packet.new_player.Playernumber == client_slot) {
| 347 | PlayerList[packet.new_player.Playernumber] = &Players[0];
| 348 | PC = (ONgGameState->PlayerCharacter);
| 349 | Players[0].Chr = PC;
| 350 |
| 351 | }
| 352 | else {
| 353 | ONrGameState_NewCharacter(Char, NULL, NULL, &chr_index);
[568] | 354 | ONgGameState->CharacterStorage[chr_index].field_1E8 = 0;
[567] | 355 | PlayerList[packet.new_player.Playernumber] = &Players[chr_index];
| 356 | Players[chr_index].Chr = &(ONgGameState->CharacterStorage[chr_index]);
| 357 | Players[chr_index].Chr->Flags &= 0xFFBFFFFF;
[568] | 358 | Players[chr_index].spawnnumber = chr_index;
[567] | 359 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Spawning player %s, class %s, slot %i", ((new_player*)(packet.data))->Character.OSD.Name, ((new_player*)(packet.data))->Character.OSD.Class,chr_index) ;
| 360 | }
| 361 | //Players[((new_player*)(packet.data))->Playernumber].spawnnumber = ONrGameState_NewCharacter(&(((new_player*)(packet.data))->Character), NULL, NULL, 0);
| 362 | break;
| 363 | }
| 364 | case PLAYER_DATA:
| 365 | if(1) { //haxhaxhax
| 366 | player_data* data = &packet.player_data;
| 367 | uint16_t i = data->PlayerNum;
| 368 | GameInput * Active_Input;
| 369 | data = (void*)packet.data;
| 370 |
| 371 | //DDrConsole_PrintF("Got data for Player %i, %x", i, PlayerList[i]);
| 372 | if (i > max_connections) break;
| 373 | if( !PlayerList[i] ) break;
| 374 | //PlayerList[i]->Chr = ((GameState *)ONgGameState)->CharacterStorage;
[568] | 375 | #ifndef BETTER_SYNC
[567] | 376 | PlayerList[i]->Chr->Health = data->Health;
| 377 | PlayerList[i]->Chr->MaxHealth = data->MaxHealth;
| 378 | PlayerList[i]->Chr->Position = data->Position;
| 379 | PlayerList[i]->Chr->Location = data->Location;
| 380 | PlayerList[i]->Chr->LastPosition = data->LastPosition;
| 381 | PlayerList[i]->Chr->Facing = data->Facing;
| 382 | PlayerList[i]->Chr->DesiredFacing = data->DesiredFacing;
| 383 | PlayerList[i]->Chr->CosmeticFacing = data->CosmeticFacing;
| 384 | PlayerList[i]->Actions1 = data->Inputs.Actions1;
| 385 | PlayerList[i]->Actions2 = data->Inputs.Actions2;
| 386 | PlayerList[i]->MouseDeltaX = data->Inputs.MouseDeltaX;
| 387 | PlayerList[i]->MouseDeltaY = data->Inputs.MouseDeltaY;
| 388 |
| 389 | Active = ((ActiveCharacter*)(ONrGetActiveCharacter(PlayerList[i]->Chr)));
| 390 | if(!Active) break;
| 391 |
| 392 | Active->PhyContext->Position = data->Position;
[568] | 393 | #else
| 394 | PlayerList[i]->Actions1 = data->Inputs.Actions1;
| 395 | PlayerList[i]->Actions2 = data->Inputs.Actions2;
| 396 | PlayerList[i]->MouseDeltaX = data->Inputs.MouseDeltaX;
| 397 | PlayerList[i]->MouseDeltaY = data->Inputs.MouseDeltaY;
| 398 | memcpy( &(PlayerList[i]->player_data), data, sizeof(player_data) );
| 399 | #endif
| 400 | if( !server_started && data->rare_sync_index > PlayerList[i]->rare_sync_index )
| 401 | {
| 402 | int sent_bytes;
| 403 | flatline_packet sync_request = {0};
| 404 | sync_request.id = RARE_SYNC_DATA_REQUEST;
| 405 | sync_request.sync_request = i;
| 406 | DDrConsole_PrintF( "Requesting sync data for player %i, old index %u", i, PlayerList[i]->rare_sync_index);
| 407 | sent_bytes = NetUDPSocket_Send(client_sock,(sockaddr *) &address, (char*)&sync_request, FLATLINE_HEADER + sizeof(int) );
| 408 | }
[567] | 409 |
[568] | 410 |
[567] | 411 | #if 0
| 412 | TMrInstance_GetDataPtr('TRAM',data->Animation,Active->Animation);
| 413 | Active->AnimationFromState = data->AnimationFromState;
| 414 | Active->AnimationToState = data->AnimationToState;
| 415 | Active->AnimationType = data->AnimationType;
| 416 | Active->NextAnimationType = data->NextAnimationType;
| 417 | Active->Frame = data->Frame;
| 418 | Active->InterpolationCurrentFrame = data->InterpolationCurrentFrame;
| 419 | Active->InterpolationFromState = data->InterpolationFromState;
| 420 | Active->InterpolationLength = data->InterpolationLength;
| 421 | memcpy(Active->InterpolationStartRotations, data->InterpolationStartRotations,
| 422 | sizeof(Quaternion) * 19);
| 423 | memcpy(Active->BoneMatrices, data->BoneMatrices,
| 424 | sizeof(Quaternion) * 19);
| 425 | Active->Stitch = data->Stitch;
| 426 | Active->StitchHeight = data->StitchHeight;
| 427 | Active->StitchVelocity = data->StitchVelocity;
| 428 |
| 429 | Active->Overlay = data->Overlay;
| 430 | memcpy(Active->OverlayRotations, data->OverlayRotations,
| 431 | sizeof(Quaternion) * 19);
| 432 | #endif
| 433 | //Active->animationtype2 = data->AnimationType2;
| 434 | /*
| 435 | if((int)*((char*)(Active + 0x1AF8) + 0x166) > data->Frame + 1)
| 436 | *(uint16_t *)((char*)Active + 0x1C88) = data->Frame + 1;
| 437 | */
| 438 | break;
| 439 | }
[568] | 440 | case RARE_SYNC_DATA:
| 441 | if(1) {
| 442 | sl_arg hax[2];
| 443 | int dontuse;
| 444 | uint16_t i = packet.rare_sync_data.PlayerNum;
| 445 |
| 446 | if (i > max_connections) break;
| 447 | if( !PlayerList[i] ) break;
| 448 |
| 449 | //WEAPONS ARE DISABLED. Why? Pain in the arse to sync.
| 450 | packet.rare_sync_data.Inventory.Weapons[0] = NULL;
| 451 | packet.rare_sync_data.Inventory.Weapons[1] = NULL;
| 452 | packet.rare_sync_data.Inventory.Weapons[2] = NULL;
| 453 | // TMrInstance_GetDataPtr( 'ONCC', packet.rare_sync_data.Class, PlayerList[ i ]->Chr->ONCC );
| 454 |
| 455 | //add the target character
| 456 | hax[0].type = sl_int32;
| 457 | hax[0].value_int32 = PlayerList[ packet.rare_sync_data.PlayerNum ]->spawnnumber;
| 458 |
| 459 | //add the new class
| 460 | //fix this later so we cant buffer overflow :O
| 461 | hax[1].type = sl_str32;
| 462 | hax[1].value_str32 = packet.rare_sync_data.Class;
| 463 |
| 464 | //we are directly calling a bsl function instead of using the normal method for two reasons
| 465 | //1. it has all the checking built in
| 466 | iSetCharacterClass( 0, 2, hax, &dontuse, &dontuse, hax );
| 467 | //DDrConsole_PrintF( "Recieved sync data for player %i, class %s, old index %u, new index %u", i, packet.rare_sync_data.Class, PlayerList[i]->rare_sync_index, packet.rare_sync_data.index);
| 468 | memcpy( &(PlayerList[ i ]->Chr->Inventory), &(packet.rare_sync_data.Inventory), sizeof(Inventory ));
| 469 |
| 470 | PlayerList[i]->rare_sync_index = packet.rare_sync_data.index;
| 471 | }
| 472 | break;
| 473 |
[567] | 474 | default:
| 475 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Warning, recieved badly formed packet!");
| 476 | break;
| 477 | }
| 478 | }
| 479 | else {
| 480 | Sleep(1);
| 481 | }
| 482 | }
| 483 | }
| 484 | return true;
| 485 | }
| 486 |
[568] | 487 | //wtf, this needs cleaned up...
[567] | 488 | player_info *FLr_FindEmptySlot() {
| 489 | int j;
| 490 | for(j = 0; j < MAX_PLAYERS; j++) {
| 491 | if (Players[j].ip == 0) {
| 492 | return &Players[j];
| 493 | }
| 494 | }
| 495 | return 0;
| 496 | }
| 497 |
| 498 | extern uint16_t max_connections;
| 499 | uint16_t FLr_FindEmptyListSlot() {
| 500 | int j;
| 501 | for(j = 0; j < max_connections; j++) {
| 502 | if (PlayerList[j] == 0) {
| 503 | return j;
| 504 | }
| 505 | }
| 506 | return -1;
| 507 | }
| 508 |
| 509 | static flatline_packet cache_input = {0};
| 510 | extern void* TSrTest;
| 511 | void * ONICALL FLrInput_Update_Keys(void)
| 512 | {
[568] | 513 | uint16_t i;
[569] | 514 | /*DDrConsole_PrintF("Current: %x %x | Start: %x %x | Stop: %x %x | Stopped %x %x",
[568] | 515 | ONgGameState->Input.Current.Actions1, ONgGameState->Input.Current.Actions2,
| 516 | ONgGameState->Input.Start.Actions1,ONgGameState->Input.Start.Actions2,
| 517 | ONgGameState->Input.Stop.Actions1, ONgGameState->Input.Stop.Actions2,
| 518 | ONgGameState->Input.Stopped.Actions2, ONgGameState->Input.Stopped.Actions2
| 519 | );
| 520 | */
| 521 | ActiveCharacter * Active_Player = ONgGameState->ActiveCharacters;
[569] | 522 | Active_Player->PhyContext->Rotation;
| 523 | Active_Player->PhyContext->Position;
| 524 | ONgGameState->PlayerCharacter->Position;
| 525 |
| 526 |
[568] | 527 |
[569] | 528 | /*
| 529 | if( ONgGameState->Input.MouseDeltaX != 0 || ONgGameState->Input.MouseDeltaY != 0 ||
| 530 | ONgGameState->Input.field_8 != 0 || ONgGameState->Input.field_C != 0 )
| 531 |
| 532 | DDrConsole_PrintF("%f %f | %f %f",
| 533 | ONgGameState->Input.MouseDeltaX , ONgGameState->Input.MouseDeltaY,
| 534 | ONgGameState->Input.field_8, ONgGameState->Input.field_C);
| 535 |
| 536 | */
[568] | 537 | //if sprint timer is equal to 0, display 0
| 538 | //else if sprint timer is equal to -1, display -1
| 539 | //else display difference
| 540 | //good thing this is just quick an dirty debug stuff :)
| 541 |
| 542 | //basically it seems that if the difference is bigger than 15 frames, you cant dash. : /
| 543 |
[567] | 544 | #ifndef SPAM_INPUT
| 545 | if(client_connected)
| 546 | {
| 547 | int sent_bytes;
| 548 | flatline_packet input_packet = {0};
| 549 | input_packet.id = PLAYER_INPUT;
[568] | 550 | input_packet.input_struct.Time = ONgGameState->GameTime;
[567] | 551 | input_packet.input_struct.Actions1 = ((GameState*)(ONgGameState))->Input.Current.Actions1;
| 552 | input_packet.input_struct.Actions2 = ((GameState*)(ONgGameState))->Input.Current.Actions2;
| 553 | input_packet.input_struct.MouseDeltaX = ((GameState*)(ONgGameState))->Input.MouseDeltaX;
| 554 | input_packet.input_struct.MouseDeltaY = ((GameState*)(ONgGameState))->Input.MouseDeltaY;
| 555 |
| 556 | sent_bytes = NetUDPSocket_Send(client_sock,(sockaddr *) &address, (char*)&input_packet, sizeof(input_struct) + FLATLINE_HEADER);
| 557 |
| 558 | //return ONgGameState;
| 559 | }
| 560 | #endif
| 561 | //Testing drawing text to the screen...this failed. Will need to get it working eventually.
[568] | 562 | if( TSrTest )
[567] | 563 | {
| 564 | OniRectangle TextRect = { 20, 20, 50, 50 };
| 565 | TSrContext_DrawText(TSrTest, "Testing woohoo", 0xFF, 0, &TextRect);
| 566 | }
| 567 | if(!(server_started || client_connected)) return ONgGameState;
| 568 |
| 569 | for(i = 0; i < max_connections; i++) {
| 570 | ActiveCharacter * Active_Player;
| 571 | GameInput * Active_Input;
| 572 | if(PlayerList[i] == 0) continue;
| 573 |
[568] | 574 | //is this right?
| 575 | Active_Player = (void*)ONrGetActiveCharacter( PlayerList[i]->Chr);
[567] | 576 |
| 577 | if(Active_Player == 0) continue;
| 578 | Active_Input = &(Active_Player->Input);
| 579 | if(server_started) {
| 580 | player_data * data;
| 581 | flatline_packet data_out = {0};
[569] | 582 |
| 583 | //if( PlayerList[i]->Chr->Health == 0) PlayerList[i]->Chr->Health = PlayerList[i]->Chr->MaxHealth;
| 584 |
[567] | 585 | data_out.id = PLAYER_DATA;
| 586 | data = (void*)&(data_out.data);
| 587 | data->PlayerNum = i;
| 588 | data->Health = PlayerList[i]->Chr->Health;
| 589 | data->MaxHealth = PlayerList[i]->Chr->MaxHealth;
| 590 | data->Position = PlayerList[i]->Chr->Position;
| 591 | data->Location = PlayerList[i]->Chr->Location;
| 592 | data->LastPosition = PlayerList[i]->Chr->LastPosition;
| 593 | data->Facing = PlayerList[i]->Chr->Facing;
| 594 | data->DesiredFacing = PlayerList[i]->Chr->DesiredFacing;
| 595 | data->CosmeticFacing = PlayerList[i]->Chr->CosmeticFacing;
[569] | 596 |
| 597 |
[568] | 598 | data->Position = Active_Player->PhyContext->Position;
[567] | 599 |
[568] | 600 | if( PlayerList[i]->OldClass != PlayerList[i]->Chr->ONCC || memcmp( &(PlayerList[i]->Inventory), &(PlayerList[i]->Chr->Inventory), sizeof(Inventory) ) )
| 601 | {
| 602 | PlayerList[i]->OldClass = PlayerList[i]->Chr->ONCC;
| 603 | memcpy( &(PlayerList[i]->Inventory), &(PlayerList[i]->Chr->Inventory), sizeof(Inventory) );
| 604 | PlayerList[i]->rare_sync_index++;
| 605 |
| 606 | }
| 607 |
| 608 | data->rare_sync_index = PlayerList[i]->rare_sync_index;
| 609 |
[567] | 610 | #if 0
| 611 | data->Frame = Active_Player->Frame;
| 612 | memcpy(data->Animation, TMrInstance_GetInstanceName(Active_Player->Animation), 32);
| 613 | data->AnimationToState = Active_Player->AnimationToState;
| 614 | data->AnimationFromState = Active_Player->AnimationFromState;
| 615 | data->AnimationType = Active_Player->AnimationType;
| 616 | data->NextAnimationType = Active_Player->NextAnimationType;
| 617 | data->InterpolationCurrentFrame = Active_Player->InterpolationCurrentFrame;
| 618 | data->InterpolationFromState = Active_Player->InterpolationFromState;
| 619 | data->InterpolationLength = Active_Player->InterpolationLength;
| 620 | memcpy(data->InterpolationStartRotations, Active_Player->InterpolationStartRotations,
| 621 | sizeof(Quaternion) * 19);
| 622 | // data->InterpolationStartRotations = Active_Player->InterpolationStartRotations;
| 623 | memcpy(data->BoneMatrices, Active_Player->BoneMatrices,
| 624 | sizeof(Quaternion) * 19);
| 625 | data->Stitch = Active_Player->Stitch;
| 626 | data->StitchHeight = Active_Player->StitchHeight;
| 627 | data->StitchVelocity = Active_Player->StitchVelocity;
| 628 |
| 629 | data->Overlay = Active_Player->Overlay;
| 630 | memcpy( data->OverlayRotations, Active_Player->OverlayRotations
| 631 | ,sizeof(Quaternion) * 19);
| 632 | #endif
| 633 | if(i == 0) {
| 634 | data->Inputs.Actions1 = ((GameState*)(ONgGameState))->Input.Current.Actions1;
| 635 | data->Inputs.Actions2 = ((GameState*)(ONgGameState))->Input.Current.Actions2;
[569] | 636 | data->Inputs.MouseDeltaX = ONgGameState->Input.MouseDeltaX;
| 637 | data->Inputs.MouseDeltaY = ONgGameState->Input.MouseDeltaY;
[567] | 638 | }
| 639 | else{
| 640 | data->Inputs.Actions1 = PlayerList[i]->Actions1;
| 641 | data->Inputs.Actions2 = PlayerList[i]->Actions2;
[569] | 642 | data->Inputs.MouseDeltaX = PlayerList[i]->MouseDeltaX;
| 643 | data->Inputs.MouseDeltaY = PlayerList[i]->MouseDeltaY;
[567] | 644 | }
[568] | 645 | memcpy( &(PlayerList[i]->player_data), data, sizeof(player_data) );
| 646 |
[567] | 647 | UDPServer_SendToAll(&data_out, sizeof(player_data) + FLATLINE_HEADER);
| 648 | }
| 649 |
[568] | 650 | if( (server_started && i !=0) || (!server_started/* && i != client_slot*/) )
| 651 | {
[569] | 652 | //this just made sync even worse...
[568] | 653 | #ifdef JITTER_FIX
| 654 | input_struct * New_Input = &PlayerList[i]->MouseDeltaX;
| 655 | input_struct * Cache_Input = &PlayerList[i]->CacheInput;
| 656 | Active_Input->Stop.Actions1 = ~Cache_Input->Actions1 & Active_Input->Current.Actions1;
| 657 | Active_Input->Stop.Actions2 = ~Cache_Input->Actions2 & Active_Input->Current.Actions2;
| 658 | Active_Input->Start.Actions1 = ~Active_Input->Current.Actions1 & Cache_Input->Actions1;
| 659 | Active_Input->Start.Actions2 = ~Active_Input->Current.Actions2 & Cache_Input->Actions2;
| 660 | Active_Input->Current.Actions1 = Cache_Input->Actions1;
| 661 | Active_Input->Current.Actions2 = Cache_Input->Actions2;
| 662 | Active_Input->Stopped.Actions1 = ~Active_Input->Current.Actions1;
| 663 | Active_Input->Stopped.Actions2 = ~Active_Input->Current.Actions2;
| 664 | Active_Input->MouseDeltaX = Cache_Input->MouseDeltaX;
| 665 | Active_Input->MouseDeltaY = Cache_Input->MouseDeltaY;
| 666 | memcpy( Cache_Input, New_Input, sizeof(input_struct));
| 667 | #else
| 668 |
[567] | 669 | Active_Input->Stop.Actions1 = ~PlayerList[i]->Actions1 & Active_Input->Current.Actions1;
| 670 | Active_Input->Stop.Actions2 = ~PlayerList[i]->Actions2 & Active_Input->Current.Actions2;
| 671 | Active_Input->Start.Actions1 = ~Active_Input->Current.Actions1 & PlayerList[i]->Actions1;
| 672 | Active_Input->Start.Actions2 = ~Active_Input->Current.Actions2 & PlayerList[i]->Actions2;
[568] | 673 |
[567] | 674 | Active_Input->Current.Actions1 = PlayerList[i]->Actions1;
| 675 | Active_Input->Current.Actions2 = PlayerList[i]->Actions2;
| 676 | Active_Input->Stopped.Actions1 = ~Active_Input->Current.Actions1;
| 677 | Active_Input->Stopped.Actions2 = ~Active_Input->Current.Actions2;
| 678 | Active_Input->MouseDeltaX = PlayerList[i]->MouseDeltaX;
| 679 | Active_Input->MouseDeltaY = PlayerList[i]->MouseDeltaY;
[569] | 680 | //DDrConsole_PrintF("Timer: %i", (Active_Player->SprintTimer != 0) ? (Active_Player->SprintTimer == -1) ? -1 : (ONgGameState->GameTime - Active_Player->SprintTimer) : 0);
[568] | 681 |
| 682 | //DDrConsole_PrintF("1E8 %u", ONgGameState->PlayerCharacter->field_1E8);
| 683 | /*
| 684 | DDrConsole_PrintF("T %u | Current: %x %x | Start: %x %x | Stop: %x %x | Stopped %x %x",
| 685 | PlayerList[i]->LastInputTime,
| 686 | Active_Input->Current.Actions1, Active_Input->Current.Actions2,
| 687 | Active_Input->Start.Actions1,Active_Input->Start.Actions2,
| 688 | Active_Input->Stop.Actions1, Active_Input->Stop.Actions2,
| 689 | Active_Input->Stopped.Actions1, Active_Input->Stopped.Actions2
| 690 | );
| 691 | */
| 692 |
| 693 |
| 694 | #endif
| 695 |
| 696 | #ifdef BETTER_SYNC
| 697 | if( !server_started && PlayerList[i]->player_data.Health != 0) {
| 698 | PlayerList[i]->Chr->Health = PlayerList[i]->player_data.Health;
| 699 | PlayerList[i]->Chr->MaxHealth = PlayerList[i]->player_data.MaxHealth;
| 700 | PlayerList[i]->Chr->Position = PlayerList[i]->player_data.Position;
| 701 | PlayerList[i]->Chr->Location = PlayerList[i]->player_data.Location;
| 702 | PlayerList[i]->Chr->LastPosition = PlayerList[i]->player_data.LastPosition;
| 703 | PlayerList[i]->Chr->Facing = PlayerList[i]->player_data.Facing;
| 704 | PlayerList[i]->Chr->DesiredFacing = PlayerList[i]->player_data.DesiredFacing;
| 705 | PlayerList[i]->Chr->CosmeticFacing = PlayerList[i]->player_data.CosmeticFacing;
| 706 | PlayerList[i]->Actions1 = PlayerList[i]->player_data.Inputs.Actions1;
| 707 | PlayerList[i]->Actions2 = PlayerList[i]->player_data.Inputs.Actions2;
| 708 | PlayerList[i]->MouseDeltaX = PlayerList[i]->player_data.Inputs.MouseDeltaX;
| 709 | PlayerList[i]->MouseDeltaY = PlayerList[i]->player_data.Inputs.MouseDeltaY;
| 710 | Active_Player->PhyContext->Position = PlayerList[i]->player_data.Position;
| 711 | }
| 712 | #endif
| 713 |
[567] | 714 | }
| 715 | }
[568] | 716 |
[567] | 717 | return ONgGameState;
| 718 | }