[567] | 1 | #pragma once
| 2 | #ifndef FLATLINE_H
| 3 | #define FLATLINE_H
| 4 |
| 5 | #include <stdlib.h>
| 6 | #include <stdio.h>
| 7 | #include <time.h>
| 8 | //#define DDrStartupMessage printf
| 9 |
| 10 | #include <string.h>
| 11 | #include "bool.h"
| 12 | ////#include <stdint.h>
| 13 |
| 14 | #define thread __thread
| 15 |
| 16 | #ifdef WIN32
| 17 | #include <winsock2.h>
| 18 | #include "Flatline_Win32.h"
| 19 | #else
| 20 | #include <sys/ioctl.h>
| 21 | #include <sys/types.h>
| 22 | #include <sys/socket.h>
| 23 | #include <unistd.h>
| 24 | #include <stropts.h>
| 25 | #include <arpa/inet.h>
| 26 | #include <netinet/in.h>
| 27 |
| 28 | #define NetPlatform_Initalize() /* */
| 29 | #define NetPlatform_Shutdown() /* */
| 30 | #define closesocket close
| 31 | #define ioctlsocket ioctl
| 32 | #endif
| 33 |
| 34 | #include "Daodan.h"
| 35 | #include "BFW_Utility.h"
| 36 | #include "Daodan_Console.h"
| 37 | #include "Oni_Character.h"
| 38 |
| 39 |
| 40 | #define pad1_size (sizeof(int64_t) - sizeof(short))
| 41 | #define pad2_size (128 - (sizeof(short) + pad1_size + sizeof(int64_t)))
| 42 |
| 43 | #define breakpoint asm("int3")
| 44 |
| 45 | typedef struct {
| 46 | short ss_family;
| 47 | char pad1[pad1_size];
| 48 | uint64_t pad64;
| 49 | char pad2[pad2_size];
| 50 | } sockaddr_storage;
| 51 |
| 52 | typedef struct sockaddr sockaddr;
| 53 | typedef struct sockaddr_in sockaddr_in;
| 54 | typedef sockaddr_storage sockaddr_in6;
| 55 |
| 56 | bool NetUDPServer_Listen(uint16_t port, bool (*packet_callback)(char* data, int datalen, int from));
| 57 | bool NetUDPServer_Send(sockaddr* address, char* data, int datalen);
| 58 |
| 59 | int NetUDPSocket_Create(uint16_t port);
| 60 | int NetUDPSocket_Send(int socket, const sockaddr* address, const char* data, int datalen);
| 61 | void NetUDPSocket_Close(int sock);
| 62 | bool NetUDPSocket_Recieve(int socket, sockaddr_storage* address, char* data, uint16_t* datalen);
| 63 |
| 64 | DWORD WINAPI StartServer(void* lol);
| 65 | DWORD WINAPI StartClient(void* lol);
| 66 |
| 67 | //oh snap, I just realized this is rossy's version of flatline_packet. :|
| 68 | typedef struct {
| 69 | char signature[8];
| 70 | uint16_t protocol_version;
| 71 | char data[0]; //data[0] doesn't work well with simple casts, btw. If you allocate enough space for a handshake_packet
| 72 | } handshake_packet; //there won't be enough room for data. You would have to manually manage the memory (ew)
| 73 |
| 74 | //initial connection
| 75 | typedef struct {
| 76 | char country[2];
| 77 | char name[256];
| 78 | } connect_send; //signature="CONNECT\0"
| 79 |
| 80 | //reply to connection.
| 81 | //goodtogo is if it is going to let you in
| 82 | //message is optional, only used for denial message
| 83 | typedef struct {
| 84 | bool goodtogo;
| 85 | int player_slot;
| 86 | char message[256];
| 87 | } connect_reply;
| 88 |
| 89 | //um, status of the server? :/
| 90 | typedef struct {
| 91 | char name[256];
| 92 | uint32_t numplayers; //signature="STATUS\0\0"
| 93 | } server_status;
| 94 |
| 95 | typedef struct {
| 96 | uint16_t Playernumber;
| 97 | CharacterObject Character;
| 98 | } new_player;
| 99 |
| 100 | extern int update_rate;
| 101 |
| 102 | typedef struct {
| 103 | float MouseDeltaX;
| 104 | float MouseDeltaY;
| 105 | uint32_t Actions1;
| 106 | uint32_t Actions2;
| 107 | } input_struct;
| 108 |
| 109 | //TODO:
| 110 | //Varient
| 111 | //Figure out + fix overlays
| 112 | //AC->HeadFacing
| 113 | //AC->HeadPitch
| 114 | typedef struct {
| 115 | uint16_t PlayerNum;
| 116 | Vector3 Position;
| 117 | Vector3 LastPosition;
| 118 | Vector3 Location;
| 119 | float Facing;
| 120 | float DesiredFacing;
| 121 | float CosmeticFacing;
| 122 | uint32_t Health;
| 123 | uint32_t MaxHealth;
| 124 | input_struct Inputs;
| 125 | #if 0
| 126 | uint16_t Frame;
| 127 | char Animation[32];
| 128 | uint16_t AnimationToState;
| 129 | uint16_t AnimationFromState;
| 130 | uint16_t AnimationType;
| 131 | uint16_t NextAnimationType;
| 132 | uint16_t AnimationType2;
| 133 | __int16 InterpolationCurrentFrame;
| 134 | __int16 InterpolationFromState;
| 135 | __int16 InterpolationLength;
| 136 | Quaternion InterpolationStartRotations[19];
| 137 | Vector3 StitchVelocity;
| 138 | int StitchHeight;
| 139 | char Stitch;
| 140 | Quaternion BoneMatrices[19];
| 141 | int Overlay;
| 142 | Quaternion OverlayRotations[19];
| 143 | #endif
| 144 | } player_data;
| 145 |
| 146 | //used for storing data about each player
| 147 | typedef struct {
| 148 | int FLATLINE;
| 149 | char id;
| 150 | int packet_index;
| 151 | union payload
| 152 | {
| 153 | char data[1080];
| 154 | connect_reply connect_reply;
| 155 | connect_send connect_send;
| 156 | input_struct input_struct;
| 157 | new_player new_player;
| 158 | server_status server_status;
| 159 | player_data player_data;
| 160 | };
| 161 | } flatline_packet;
| 162 | #define FLATLINE_HEADER sizeof(flatline_packet)-sizeof(char)*1080
| 163 | //#define FLATLINE_PACKET_SIZE sizeof(flatline_packet)
| 164 |
| 165 |
| 166 | bool FLrServer_PacketCallback(char* data, int datalen, int from);
| 167 | bool FLrServer_Run();
| 168 | bool FLrClient_Run(flatline_packet* packet);
| 169 | extern int sock;
| 170 |
| 171 | enum {
| 174 | STATUS,
| 175 | MESSAGE,
| 176 | CHANGE_NAME,
| 177 | ECHO,
| 178 | NEW_PLAYER,
| 180 | PLAYER_DATA,
| 181 | };
| 182 |
| 183 |
| 184 | typedef struct {
| 185 | int ip;
| 186 | char name[32];
| 187 | char country[2];
| 188 | Character* Chr;
| 189 | uint16_t spawnnumber;
| 190 | uint16_t list_slot;
| 191 | uint32_t Actions1;
| 192 | uint32_t Actions2;
| 193 | float MouseDeltaX;
| 194 | float MouseDeltaY;
| 195 | } player_info;
| 196 |
| 197 | player_info * FLr_FindEmptySlot();
| 198 | uint16_t FLr_FindEmptyListSlot();
| 199 | void * ONICALL FLrInput_Update_Keys(void);
| 200 |
| 201 | void NetCatchError();
| 202 | #define MAX_PLAYERS 128
| 203 | #define CONNECTION_TIMEOUT 15
| 204 | #define MAX_CONNECTIONS 32
| 205 | #define NetTCPSocket_Send NetUDPSocket_Send
| 206 | #define NetTCPServer_Send NetUDPServer_Send
| 207 | extern int client_sock;
| 208 | //these two could probably be combined
| 209 | extern sockaddr_in client_address;
| 210 | extern sockaddr_in address;
| 211 | extern player_info Players[];
| 212 | extern player_info * PlayerList[];
| 213 | int UDPServer_SendToAll(void* packet, int size);
| 214 | extern bool client_connected;
| 215 | extern bool server_started;
| 216 | extern char player_name[];
| 217 |
| 218 | #endif