[567] | 1 | #include <winsock2.h>
| 2 | #include "BFW_ScriptLang.h"
| 3 |
| 4 | #include "Daodan_Patch.h"
| 5 | #include "Daodan_BSL.h"
| 6 | #include "Flatline_BSL.h"
| 7 | #include "Flatline.h"
| 8 | #include "Flatline_Server.h"
| 9 | bool server_started = 0;
| 10 | bool client_connected = 0;
| 11 | int sock = 0;
| 12 | sockaddr_in address;
| 13 | char player_name[32] = "Striker";
| 14 | char player_country[256] = {0};
| 15 | int update_rate = 5;
| 16 | #include "Oni.h"
| 17 | #include "Daodan_Cheater.h"
| 18 | uint16_t ONICALL start_server(sl_callinfo* callinfo, uint32_t numargs, sl_arg args[], int* dontuse1, int* dontuse2, sl_arg* ret)
| 19 | {
| 20 | CreateThread(NULL, 0, StartServer, NULL, 0, 0);
| 21 | server_started = 1;
| 22 | return 0;
| 23 | }
| 24 |
| 25 | uint16_t ONICALL control_update_rate(sl_callinfo* callinfo, uint32_t numargs, sl_arg args[], int* dontuse1, int* dontuse2, sl_arg* ret)
| 26 | {
| 27 | update_rate = args[0].value_int32;
| 28 | server_started = 1;
| 29 | return 0;
| 30 | }
| 31 |
| 32 | uint16_t ONICALL change_name(sl_callinfo* callinfo, uint32_t numargs, sl_arg args[], int* dontuse1, int* dontuse2, sl_arg* ret)
| 33 | {
[580] | 34 |
[567] | 35 | //should also return your name...
| 36 | sprintf(player_name, "%.31s", args[0].value_str32);
| 37 | if(client_connected) {
| 38 | flatline_packet packet;
| 39 | packet.id = CHANGE_NAME;
| 40 | memcpy(packet.data, args[0].value_str32, 256);
| 41 | NetUDPSocket_Send(client_sock, (sockaddr*)&address, (char*)&packet, 257);
| 42 | }
[573] | 43 | if(server_started)
| 44 | {
| 45 | sprintf_s(PlayerList[0]->Chr->Name,32, args[0].value_str32);
| 46 | }
[567] | 47 | return 0;
| 48 | }
| 49 |
| 50 | uint16_t ONICALL send_message(sl_callinfo* callinfo, uint32_t numargs, sl_arg args[], int* dontuse1, int* dontuse2, sl_arg* ret)
| 51 | {
| 52 |
| 53 | flatline_packet message;
| 54 | message.id = MESSAGE;
| 55 |
| 56 | if(server_started) {
| 57 | int message_size = sprintf(message.data, "%s: %s", player_name, args[0].value_str32);
| 58 | COrMessage_Print(message.data, "chat", 0);
| 59 | UDPServer_SendToAll(&message, message_size + 1 + FLATLINE_HEADER );
| 60 | }
| 61 | else if(client_connected) {
| 62 | sprintf(message.data, "%s", args[0].value_str32);
| 63 | NetUDPSocket_Send(client_sock, (sockaddr*)&address, (char*)&message, 257);
| 64 | }
| 65 | else {
| 66 | DDrConsole_PrintF("You aren't connected to a server!");
| 67 | }
| 68 | return 0;
| 69 | }
| 70 |
| 71 |
| 72 | uint16_t ONICALL connect_to_server(sl_callinfo* callinfo, uint32_t numargs, sl_arg args[], int* dontuse1, int* dontuse2, sl_arg* ret)
| 73 | {
[582] | 74 | //TODO: Move this into the client initialization. Doing it like this is silly.
[567] | 75 | if( NetPlatform_Initalize()) {
[580] | 76 | static flatline_packet packet;
| 77 | sock = NetUDPSocket_Create(27777);
| 78 | address.sin_family = AF_INET; address.sin_port = htons(27777); address.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(args[0].value_str32 );
| 79 | //address.sin_family = AF_INET; address.sin_port = htons(27777); address.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr("");
[567] | 80 |
[580] | 81 | packet.id = CONNECT_SEND;
| 82 | memcpy(((connect_send*)(packet.data))->country , player_country, 2);
| 83 | memcpy(((connect_send*)(packet.data))->name, player_name, 256);
| 84 | DDrConsole_PrintF("%s", ((connect_send*)(packet.data))->name);
| 85 | CreateThread(NULL, 0, StartClient, &packet, 0, 0);
[567] | 86 |
| 87 | }
| 88 |
| 89 | return 0;
| 90 | }
| 91 | uint16_t ONICALL status(sl_callinfo* callinfo, uint32_t numargs, sl_arg args[], int* dontuse1, int* dontuse2, sl_arg* ret)
| 92 | {
| 93 | int j;
| 94 | if(server_started) {
| 95 | for(j = 0; j < max_connections; j++) {
| 96 |
| 97 | if (PlayerList[j] != 0) {
| 98 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Client %i: %s from %s",
| 99 | j,
| 100 | PlayerList[j]->name,
[578] | 101 | inet_ntoa(*( (struct in_addr*)(int*)&(PlayerList[j]->ip ) )));
[567] | 102 | }
| 103 | }
| 104 | }
| 105 | else if(client_connected) {
| 106 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Connected to %s, port %i, socket %i", inet_ntoa(address.sin_addr), ntohs(address.sin_port), sock);
| 107 | for(j = 0; j < max_connections; j++) {
| 108 |
| 109 | if (PlayerList[j] != 0) {
| 110 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Client %i: %s %x",
| 111 | j,
| 112 | PlayerList[j]->name,
| 113 | PlayerList[j]->Chr
[580] | 114 | );
[567] | 115 | }
| 116 | }
| 117 | }
| 118 | else{}
| 119 | return 0;
| 120 | }
[569] | 121 |
[568] | 122 | uint16_t ONICALL addfake(sl_callinfo* callinfo, uint32_t numargs, sl_arg args[], int* dontuse1, int* dontuse2, sl_arg* ret)
| 123 | {
| 124 | player_info * info;
[573] | 125 | info = FLrServer_AddPlayer( 0, "shinny", 0 , 1);
| 126 | return 0;
[568] | 127 | }
[569] | 128 |
[573] | 129 | uint16_t ONICALL kick(sl_callinfo* callinfo, uint32_t numargs, sl_arg args[], int* dontuse1, int* dontuse2, sl_arg* ret)
| 130 | {
[582] | 131 | FLrPlayerDisconnect(args[0].value_int32);
[579] | 132 | FLsPublic_Event(EV_DISCONNECT, &args[0].value_int32);
[573] | 133 | return 0;
| 134 | }
| 135 |
[580] | 136 | uint16_t ONICALL ping(sl_callinfo* callinfo, uint32_t numargs, sl_arg args[], int* dontuse1, int* dontuse2, sl_arg* ret)
| 137 | {
| 138 | if(server_started)
| 139 | {
| 140 | FLsPingAll();
| 141 | }
| 142 | return 0;
| 143 | }
| 144 |
[573] | 145 | CharacterObject* spawnObject = 0;
| 146 | char BINACHARCallback(CharacterObject* inObj, char* userdata)
| 147 | {
| 148 | if(strcmp(userdata, inObj->OSD.Name))
| 149 | {
| 150 | return 1;
| 151 | }
| 152 | spawnObject = inObj;
| 153 | return 0;
| 154 | }
| 155 | uint16_t ONICALL FLrSpawnHack(sl_callinfo* callinfo, uint32_t numargs, sl_arg args[], int* dontuse1, int* dontuse2, sl_arg* ret)
| 156 | {
| 157 | flatline_packet new_char = {0};
| 158 | int i;
| 159 | if(client_connected) return 0;
| 160 | AI2iScript_Spawn(callinfo, numargs, args, dontuse1, dontuse2, ret);
| 161 | if(!server_started) return 0;
| 162 | for(i = 0; i < 64; i++)
| 163 | {
| 164 | if(!strcmp(ONgGameState->CharacterStorage[i].Name, args[0].value_str32))
| 165 | {
| 166 | //DDrConsole_PrintF("%s spawned, slot %i", args[0].value_str32, i);
| 167 | int playerlist_slot = FLr_FindEmptyListSlot();
| 168 | int player_slot = i;
| 169 | new_char.new_player.Playernumber = playerlist_slot;
| 170 | new_char.id = NEW_PLAYER;
| 171 | OBJrObjectType_EnumerateObjects('CHAR',BINACHARCallback, (int)args[0].value_str32);
[580] | 172 | // while(!spawnObject);
[573] | 173 | if(spawnObject)
| 174 | {
| 175 | memcpy(&new_char.new_player.Character, spawnObject, sizeof(CharacterObject) );
| 176 | }
| 177 | else return 1;
| 178 | //new_char.new_player.Character;
| 179 | PlayerList[playerlist_slot] = Players+player_slot;
| 180 | PlayerList[playerlist_slot]->spawnnumber = player_slot;
| 181 | PlayerList[playerlist_slot]->Chr = &((Character *)(((GameState * )(ONgGameState))->CharacterStorage))[player_slot];
| 182 | // PlayerList[playerlist_slot]->Chr->Flags = chr_dontaim | chr_unkillable; //&= 0xFFBFFFFF; //WTF
| 183 | // if(!is_bot) PlayerList[playerlist_slot]->Chr->Flags &= 0xFFBFFFFF; //WTF
| 184 | // sprintf(PlayerList[playerlist_slot]->Chr->Name, "%.31s", name);
| 185 | UDPServer_SendToAll( (char*)&new_char, sizeof(new_player) + FLATLINE_HEADER );
| 186 | PlayerList[playerlist_slot]->flags = PF_SCRIPTEDAI;
| 187 | PlayerList[playerlist_slot]->list_slot = playerlist_slot;
| 188 | return 0;
| 189 | }
| 190 | }
[580] | 191 |
| 192 | return 0;
[573] | 193 | }
| 194 |
[569] | 195 | uint16_t ONICALL list_players(sl_callinfo* callinfo, uint32_t numargs, sl_arg args[], int* dontuse1, int* dontuse2, sl_arg* ret)
| 196 | {
| 197 | int i;
| 198 | for(i = 0; i++; i < MAX_PLAYERS)
| 199 | {
| 200 | if(PlayerList[i])
| 201 | {
| 202 | DDrConsole_PrintF("%i %i | %s", i, PlayerList[i]->spawnnumber, PlayerList[i]->name);
| 203 | }
| 204 | }
[580] | 205 | return 0;
[569] | 206 | }
[574] | 207 | uint16_t ONICALL con(sl_callinfo* callinfo, uint32_t numargs, sl_arg args[], int* dontuse1, int* dontuse2, sl_arg* ret)
| 208 | {
| 209 | OBJrConsole_OnActivate( OBJrConsole_GetByID(args[0].value_int32), PlayerList[0]->Chr );
| 210 | return 0;
| 211 | }
[569] | 212 |
[580] | 213 |
| 214 | void SLrFlatline_Initialize()
| 215 | {
| 216 |
[568] | 217 | DDrPatch_MakeCall(0x004FA88B, FLrInput_Update_Keys);
[573] | 218 | FLrInput_Update_Keys();
[567] | 219 | SLrGlobalVariable_Register_Int32("skip", "skips", &(((GameState*)ONgGameState)->field_40) );
| 220 | SLrScript_Command_Register_ReturnType("connect","Connects to a server", "ip:string", sl_void, connect_to_server);
| 221 | SLrScript_Command_Register_Void("host","Starts a server", "", start_server);
| 222 | SLrScript_Command_Register_Void("msg","Sends a message", "", send_message);
[573] | 223 | SLrScript_Command_Register_ReturnType("name","changes your name", "name:string", sl_void, change_name);
[567] | 224 | SLrScript_Command_Register_Void("status","shows the connection status", "", status);
| 225 | SLrGlobalVariable_Register_String("country", "Your Multiplayer country", player_name);
[573] | 226 | SLrScript_Command_Register_ReturnType("addbot","adds a fake client", "", sl_void, addfake);
| 227 | SLrScript_Command_Register_Void("kick", "Kicks a client from the server", "clientnum:int", kick);
[574] | 228 | SLrScript_Command_Register_Void("con", "Activates a console", "con:int", con);
[580] | 229 | SLrScript_Command_Register_Void("ping", "pong!", "", ping);
[567] | 230 | }