#ifndef FLATLINE_PACKET_H #define FLATLINE_PACKET_H #include "bool.h" uint16_t FLpData_PartSize( uint8_t e); void FLsSendPlayerData(); //void FLcReadPlayerData( flatline_packet* Packet, int16_t Size ); typedef struct { uint16_t ID; uint16_t Size; uint16_t UpdateFlags; uint8_t data[255]; } PlayerData; typedef struct { uint32_t Actions1; uint32_t Actions2; float MouseDeltaX; float MouseDeltaY; } PlayerInput; typedef struct { float Facing; float DesiredFacing; } PlayerFacing; typedef struct { uint16_t Health; uint16_t MaxHealth; } PlayerHealth; typedef struct { uint16_t Score; uint16_t Deaths; } PlayerScore; //Change this later to be misc info typedef struct { uint16_t Frame; uint16_t Ping; } PlayerFP; typedef struct { uint8_t Ammo; uint8_t Cells; uint8_t Hypo; uint8_t pad; uint16_t Invis; uint16_t Shield; } PlayerInventory; typedef struct { uint16_t throwing; uint16_t throwFrame; char throwName[32]; } PlayerThrowData; enum { PFlag_None, PFlag_Input, PFlag_Facing, PFlag_Health, PFlag_Score, //TODO PFlag_FramePing, PFlag_Inventory, //TODO PFlag_Class, PFlag_Position, PFlag_Animation, PFlag_Throws, PFlag_Max, PFlag_AnimationWait,//Clients only! }; #endif