1 | #include "Flatline.h"
2 | #include <assert.h>
3 |
4 | #define FLAG_AND_INCREMENT( FLAG ) PD->UpdateFlags |= (1 << FLAG ); DataPointer += FLpData_PartSize( FLAG );
5 |
6 | void FLsPacketBuild( uint8_t p, PlayerData* PD )
7 | {
8 | Character* Player = PlayerList[p]->Chr;
9 | ActiveCharacter* APlayer = ONrGetActiveCharacter(Player);
10 | player_info * PI = PlayerList[p];
11 | uint8_t * DataPointer = PD->data;
12 | PD->ID = p;
13 |
14 | //if ( data has changed )
15 | //{
16 | // copy it to the buffer
17 | // copy it to the player info
18 | // set the changed flag
19 | // increment the buffer pointer
20 | //}
21 |
22 | /*
23 | //Could probably send this every frame, but afk players can save a few bytes, eh?
24 | if( PI->Input.Actions1 != PI->InputFromClient.Actions1 ||
25 | PI->Input.Actions2 != PI->InputFromClient.Actions2 ||
26 | PI->Input.MouseDeltaX != PI->InputFromClient.MouseDeltaX ||
27 | PI->Input.MouseDeltaY != PI->InputFromClient.MouseDeltaY )
28 | {*/
29 |
30 | //Better in case of dropped packets to send input every frame
31 | if(1)
32 | {
33 | memcpy( DataPointer, &PI->InputFromClient, sizeof(PlayerInput));
34 | PI->Input = PI->InputFromClient;
35 |
36 | FLAG_AND_INCREMENT( PFlag_Input );
37 | }
38 |
39 | if( PI->Facings.Facing != Player->Facing ||
40 | PI->Facings.DesiredFacing != Player->DesiredFacing )
41 | {
42 | PlayerFacing* ptr = (void*)DataPointer;
43 | ptr->Facing = Player->Facing;
44 | ptr->DesiredFacing = Player->DesiredFacing;
45 |
46 | PI->Facings = *ptr;
47 |
48 | FLAG_AND_INCREMENT( PFlag_Facing );
49 | }
50 |
51 | if(PI->Health.Health != Player->Health ||
52 | PI->Health.MaxHealth != Player->MaxHealth )
53 | {
54 | PlayerHealth* ptr = (void*)DataPointer;
55 | ptr->Health = Player->Health;
56 | ptr->MaxHealth = Player->MaxHealth;
57 |
58 | PI->Health = *ptr;
59 |
60 | FLAG_AND_INCREMENT( PFlag_Health );
61 | }
62 |
63 | //Score
64 | //skipping for now
65 |
66 | //Frame and ping can be sent every frame, i guess. Improve this later,
67 | if( 1 )
68 | {
69 | PlayerFP* ptr = (void*)DataPointer;
70 | if(APlayer)
71 | {
72 | ptr->Frame = APlayer->Frame;
73 | }
74 | else
75 | {
76 | ptr->Frame = -1;
77 | }
78 | ptr->Ping = PI->Ping;
79 |
80 | PI->Frame = ptr->Frame;
81 |
82 | FLAG_AND_INCREMENT( PFlag_FramePing );
83 | }
84 |
85 | //Skipping inventory because we dont need it right now
86 | if( 0 )
87 | {
88 | //Do inventory
89 | }
90 |
91 | if( PI->Class != Player->ONCC )
92 | {
93 | sprintf_s( DataPointer, 32, "%s", TMrInstance_GetInstanceName( Player->ONCC ) );
94 | PI->Class = Player->ONCC;
95 |
96 | FLAG_AND_INCREMENT( PFlag_Class );
97 | }
98 |
99 | if(APlayer)
100 | {
101 | if( (APlayer->PhyContext) && memcmp(&PI->Position, &APlayer->PhyContext->Position, sizeof(Vector3)) )
102 | {
103 | Vector3* ptr = (Vector3*)DataPointer;
104 | *ptr = PI->Position = APlayer->PhyContext->Position;
105 |
106 | FLAG_AND_INCREMENT( PFlag_Position );
107 | }
108 |
109 | if(APlayer->Animation != PI->Animation)
110 | {
111 | sprintf_s( DataPointer, 32, "%s", TMrInstance_GetInstanceName( APlayer->Animation ) );
112 | PI->Animation = APlayer->Animation;
113 |
114 | FLAG_AND_INCREMENT( PFlag_Animation );
115 | }
116 |
117 | if(APlayer->targetThrow)
118 | {
119 | if(!PI->HasAppliedThrow)
120 | {
121 | PlayerThrowData* ptr = (void*)DataPointer;
122 | ptr->throwing = Players[APlayer->throwing].list_slot;
123 | memcpy(ptr->throwName, TMrInstance_GetInstanceName(APlayer->targetThrow), 31);
124 | ptr->throwFrame = ONrGetActiveCharacter(APlayer->targetThrow)->Frame;
125 |
126 | PI->ThrowData = *ptr;
127 |
128 | PI->HasAppliedThrow = 1;
129 |
130 | FLAG_AND_INCREMENT( PFlag_Throws );
131 | }
132 | }
133 | else
134 | {
135 | PI->HasAppliedThrow = 0;
136 | }
137 | }
138 |
139 | PD->Size = (uint32_t)DataPointer - (uint32_t)PD;
140 |
141 | PI->UpdateFlags = PD->UpdateFlags;
142 |
143 | }
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 | void FLsSendPlayerData()
148 | {
149 | PlayerData BuildData[32] = {0};
150 | uint8_t p = 0;
151 | uint32_t PacketSize = 0;
152 | flatline_packet OutputPacket = {0};
153 | uint8_t* OutputPointer = OutputPacket.data;
154 | //Most of the time we won't even hit this. Could probably be bumped up a few hundred bytes
155 | const uint32_t max_packet_size = 1000;
156 |
157 | //Prepare buffers
158 | OutputPacket.id = PK_PLAYER_DATA;
159 | memset( BuildData, 0, sizeof(PlayerData) * 32 );
160 |
161 | //Build data
162 | for(p = 0; p < MAX_PLAYERS; p++)
163 | {
164 | if(PlayerList[p] && PlayerList[p]->Chr)
165 | {
166 | FLsPacketBuild(p, &BuildData[p]);
167 |
168 | assert( BuildData[p].Size < 255 );
169 |
170 | if( BuildData[p].Size > 0 )
171 | {
172 |
173 | //If we hit maximum size, send the packet and reset the buffer for a new one
174 | if( BuildData[p].Size + PacketSize > max_packet_size )
175 | {
176 | UDPServer_SendToAll(&OutputPacket, PacketSize + FLATLINE_HEADER);
177 |
178 | memset( OutputPacket.data, 0, PacketSize );
179 | OutputPointer = OutputPacket.data;
180 | PacketSize = 0;
181 | }
182 |
183 | //add to the packet
184 | memcpy( OutputPointer, &BuildData[p], BuildData[p].Size );
185 |
186 | OutputPointer += BuildData[p].Size;
187 | PacketSize += BuildData[p].Size;
188 | }
189 | }
190 | }
191 | //Send data
192 | if( PacketSize > 0 )
193 | {
194 | UDPServer_SendToAll(&OutputPacket, PacketSize + FLATLINE_HEADER);
195 | }
196 | }