1 |
2 | #include <winsock2.h>
3 | #include "bool.h"
4 | #include "Flatline_Net.h"
5 | #include "Flatline_Win32.h"
6 | #include "Mariusnet_Defs.h"
7 | #include "Daodan_Console.h"
8 | #include <stdio.h>
9 | #include <inaddr.h>
10 | #pragma comment(lib, "wininet.lib")
11 |
12 |
13 | typedef struct hostent hostent ;
14 | typedef struct in_addr in_addr;
15 |
16 | char MariusLogin[32]={0};
17 | unsigned char MariusPassword[16]={0};
18 |
19 | m_room RoomList[64] = {0};
20 | bool RoomListGotten = 0;
21 |
22 | bool MariusNet_LoggedIn = 0;
23 |
24 | bool MsNet_Running = 0;
25 | int Marius_Socket = -1;
26 | int Room_Socket = -1;
27 | sockaddr_in RoomAddr = {0};
28 | int PlayerID = 0;
29 | /*
30 |
31 | RGBA green = {0, 0xFF, 0, 0};
32 | RGBA red = {0, 0, 0xFF, 0};
33 |
34 | RGBA grey = {0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80};
35 | */
36 | extern RGBA red;
37 | //extern RGBA blue;
38 | RGBA blue = {0xFF, 0, 0, 0};
39 | RGBA cyan = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0, 0};
40 | RGBA white = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0};
41 | extern RGBA green;
42 | extern RGBA grey;
43 | int MariusNet_OutgoingPacketWrapper(int socket, const sockaddr* address, marius_packet* data, short datalen)
44 | {
45 | data->header.PacketSize = htonl(datalen);
46 | //NetUDPSocket_Send( socket, address, (char*)data, sizeof(marius_header) );
47 | //datalen -= sizeof(marius_header);
48 | //(char*)data += sizeof(marius_header);
49 | return NetUDPSocket_Send( socket, address, (char*)data, datalen);
50 | }
51 |
52 | int PacketCached = 0;
53 | int MariusNet_IncomingPacketWrapper(int socket, char buffer[], int bufferlength, int flags)
54 | {
55 | int inSize = 0;
56 | unsigned fullSize = -1;
57 | static char cacheBuffer[1440] = {0};
58 | bool NeedMoreData = 0;
59 | if(PacketCached)
60 | {
61 | unsigned int PacketSize = ntohl(((marius_packet*)cacheBuffer)->header.PacketSize);
62 | /*
63 | if(ntohs(((marius_packet*)cacheBuffer)->header.PacketSignature) != 0xDEAD)
64 | {
65 | PacketCached = PacketSize = 0;
66 | NeedMoreData = 1;
67 | }
68 | */
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 | if(PacketCached >= PacketSize)
73 | {
74 | memcpy( buffer, cacheBuffer, PacketSize );
75 | PacketCached -= PacketSize;
76 | }
77 | else
78 | {
79 | memcpy( buffer, cacheBuffer, PacketCached );
80 | inSize += PacketCached;
81 | NeedMoreData = 1;
82 | PacketCached = 0;
83 | }
84 | if(PacketCached < 0)
85 | {
86 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Warning, took too much from cache");
87 | PacketCached = 0;
88 | }
89 | else if (PacketCached > 0)// && ntohs((short*)(cacheBuffer + PacketSize)) == 0xDEAD)
90 | {
91 | memcpy( cacheBuffer, cacheBuffer + PacketSize, PacketCached );
92 | }
93 | else
94 | {
95 | memset(cacheBuffer, 0, 1440);
96 | }
97 |
98 | if(!NeedMoreData) return PacketSize;
99 |
100 | }
101 | do
102 | {
103 | int tempSize = recv(socket, buffer + inSize, bufferlength, flags);
104 | if(tempSize == SOCKET_ERROR)
105 | {
106 | NetCatchError();
107 | return SOCKET_ERROR;
108 | }
109 |
110 | if(fullSize == -1)
111 | {
112 | if(ntohs(((marius_packet*)buffer)->header.PacketSignature) != 0xDEAD)
113 | {
114 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Bad header signature...closing Mariusnet connection");
115 | return SOCKET_ERROR;
116 | }
117 | fullSize = ntohl(((marius_packet*)buffer)->header.PacketSize);
118 | }
119 | inSize += tempSize;
120 |
121 | }
122 | while(inSize < fullSize);
123 |
124 | //double packet madness
125 | if(inSize > fullSize
126 | && ntohs(*(short*)(buffer + fullSize)) == 0xDEAD
127 | && ntohl(((marius_packet*)(buffer + fullSize))->header.PacketSize) > 0
128 | && inSize - fullSize > sizeof(marius_header)
129 | )
130 | {
131 | memcpy(cacheBuffer, buffer + fullSize, inSize - fullSize);
132 |
133 | PacketCached = inSize - fullSize;
134 | }
135 | else PacketCached = 0;
136 | return inSize;
137 | }
138 |
139 |
140 | sockaddr_in Marius_Server;
141 |
142 |
143 | bool MariusNet_Initialize()
144 | {
145 | hostent* host_info = 0;
146 | //host_info = gethostbyname("myth.mariusnet.com");
147 |
148 | host_info = gethostbyname("metaserver.lhowon.org");
149 | if(!host_info)
150 | {
151 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Error, could not resolve myth.mariusnet.com");
152 | return 1;
153 | }
154 | Marius_Server.sin_port = htons(6321);
155 | Marius_Server.sin_family = AF_INET;
156 | Marius_Server.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = *(ULONG*)host_info->h_addr_list[0];
157 | return 0;
158 | }
159 |
160 | void Initialize_MPacket( marius_packet* packet, short ID )
161 | {
162 | memset( packet, 0, sizeof(marius_packet) );
163 | packet->header.PacketSignature = htons(0xDEAD);
164 | packet->header.PacketId = htons(ID);
165 |
166 | }
167 |
168 | void Initialize_LoginPacket( marius_packet* packet)
169 | {
170 | int NameSize = 0;
171 | int TeamSize = 0;
172 | char (*test)[] = packet;
173 | Initialize_MPacket(packet, pt_PlayerLogin);
174 |
175 | packet->login.UpdateAppearance = 1;
176 | packet->login.Platform = htons(1);
177 | strncpy(packet->login.LoginId, MariusLogin, 32);
178 | packet->login.EncryptionType = htons(1);
179 | strcpy(packet->login.AppName, "MARATHON" ); //ONI ;)
180 | strncpy(packet->login.BuildDate, __DATE__, 32 );
181 | strncpy(packet->login.BuildTime, __TIME__, 32 );
182 |
183 |
184 | packet->login.PlayerInfo.clientVersion = htons(5000);
185 | NameSize = sprintf(packet->login.PlayerInfo.Name, MariusLogin);
186 | //TeamSize = sprintf(packet->login.PlayerInfo.Name + NameSize, "TCTF") + 1;
187 |
188 | packet->login.PlayerInfoSize = htons(40 + NameSize + TeamSize);
189 | }
190 |
191 | char EncryptionTypes[][32] =
192 | {
193 | "Plaintext",
194 | "Braindead Simple",
195 | };
196 |
197 | enum {
198 | SyntaxError,
199 | GamesNotAllowed,
200 | InvalidVersion,
201 | BadUserOrPassword,
202 | UserNotLoggedIn,
203 | BadMetaserverVersion,
204 | UserAlreadyLoggedIn,
205 | UnknownGameType,
206 | LoginSuccessful,
207 | LogoutSuccessful,
208 | PlayerNotInRoom,
209 | GameAlreadyExists,
210 | AccountAlreadyLoggedIn,
211 | RoomFull,
212 | AccountLocked,
213 | NotSupported
214 | };
215 |
216 | static const char* sRoomNames[] = {
217 | "Crows Bridge",
218 | "Otter Ferry",
219 | "White Falls",
220 | "Silvermines",
221 | "Shoal",
222 | "Madrigal",
223 | "Tyr",
224 | "Ash",
225 | "Scales",
226 | "Covenant",
227 | "Muirthemne",
228 | "Seven Gates",
229 | "Bagrada",
230 | "The Barrier",
231 | "Forest Heart",
232 | "The Ermine",
233 | "The Dire Marsh",
234 | "The Highlands",
235 | "The Drowned Kingdom",
236 | "The Great Devoid",
237 | "Shiver",
238 | "The Caterthuns",
239 | "Soulblighter",
240 | "Balor",
241 | "Sons of Myrgard",
242 | "Heart of the Stone",
243 | "Arrival",
244 | "Ingue Ferroque",
245 | "Vimy Ridge",
246 | "Stilwell Road"
247 | };
248 | void MSNet_LoginError_Output( int code )
249 | {
250 | switch(code)
251 | {
252 | case(BadUserOrPassword):
253 | DDrConsole_PrintF( "Login denied: bad username or password." );
254 | break;
255 | case(UserAlreadyLoggedIn):
256 | DDrConsole_PrintF( "Login denied: that user is already logged in.");
257 | break;
258 | case(AccountAlreadyLoggedIn):
259 | DDrConsole_PrintF( "Login denied: that account is already logged in.");
260 | break;
261 | case(RoomFull):
262 | DDrConsole_PrintF( "Login denied: room is full!?");
263 | break;
264 | case(AccountLocked):
265 | DDrConsole_PrintF( "Login denied: your account is locked.");
266 | break;
267 | default:
268 | DDrConsole_PrintF("There was a problem connecting to the server"
269 | "that tracks Internet games. Please try again later.");
270 | break;
271 | }
272 |
273 | }
274 |
275 | void MSNet_HandleChat( m_message* msg )
276 | {
277 | //BGRA *cough*
278 | /*RGBA chatcolor;
279 | chatcolor.R = (msg->PrimaryColor.Red);
280 | chatcolor.G = (msg->PrimaryColor.Green);
281 | chatcolor.B = (msg->PrimaryColor.Blue);
282 | chatcolor.A = 0;*/
283 | char Message[1024];
284 | int NameLen = sprintf_s( Message, 1024, "%s", msg->Message ) + 1;
285 | sprintf_s( Message, 1024 - NameLen, "%s: %s", Message, msg->Message + NameLen );
286 | //DDrConsole_PrintColored( msg->Message, 0, chatcolor,white );
287 | DDrConsole_Print(Message);
288 | }
289 |
290 | void MSNet_SendChat( char* msg )
291 | {
292 | marius_packet mPacket = {0};
293 | int len;
294 | if(!MsNet_Running || !MariusNet_LoggedIn) return;
295 |
296 | Initialize_MPacket(&mPacket, pt_ChatMessage);
297 |
298 |
299 | mPacket.message.SecondaryColor.Red = mPacket.message.SecondaryColor.Flags = -1;
300 |
301 |
302 |
303 | //mPacket.message.Message = 'Gumby';
304 | len = sprintf(mPacket.message.Message, "O %s", msg );
305 | mPacket.message.Message[1] = 0;
306 | mPacket.message.SenderId = htonl(PlayerID);
307 | //mPacket.message.TargetId = -1;
308 | MariusNet_OutgoingPacketWrapper(Room_Socket, (sockaddr*)&RoomAddr, (char*)&mPacket,
309 | sizeof(marius_header) + sizeof(m_message) - (255 - len) );
310 |
311 |
312 | }
313 |
314 | int MSNet_Cleanup()
315 | {
316 | if( Marius_Socket != -1) closesocket(Marius_Socket);
317 | Marius_Socket = -1;
318 | if( Room_Socket != -1) closesocket(Room_Socket);
319 | Room_Socket = -1;
320 | memset(RoomList, 0, sizeof(m_room) * 64 );
321 | DDrConsole_PrintF("The metaserver connection will now close." );
322 | MsNet_Running = 0;
323 | MariusNet_LoggedIn = 0;
324 | return 1;
325 | }
326 |
327 | void MSNet_HandleGameList( m_gameinfo* PacketGames, int PacketSize )
328 | {
329 | m_gameinfo TempGameList[64] = {0};
330 | int i ;
331 | for( i = 0; PacketSize > 0; i++ )
332 | {
333 | int ThisSize = sizeof(m_gameinfo) + ntohs(PacketGames->len) - sizeof(m_gamedescription);
334 |
335 | memcpy(TempGameList + i,PacketGames, sizeof(m_gameinfo) - 128);
336 |
337 | sprintf_s( TempGameList[i].g.Buffer, 128, "%s", PacketGames->g.Buffer);
338 | PacketSize -= ThisSize;
339 | PacketGames = (m_gameinfo*)((char*)PacketGames + ThisSize);
340 |
341 | }
342 | //Do stuff with the games.
343 | }
344 |
345 | int MSNet_Room_Join( short Room, char* Key)
346 | {
347 | marius_packet mPacket = {0};
348 |
349 | char incomingData[1400] = {0};
350 | marius_packet* incomingPacket = (marius_packet*)incomingData;
351 | int sent_bytes = 0;
352 |
353 | sockaddr_in SockAddr;
354 | RoomAddr.sin_port = RoomList[Room].Port;
355 | RoomAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
356 | RoomAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = RoomList[Room].IPAddress;
357 |
358 | Room_Socket = NetTCPSocket_Create(RoomList[Room].Port, &SockAddr);
359 |
360 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Joining room %hi", Room);
361 |
362 | if(Room_Socket == -1)
363 | {
364 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Failed to initialize room socket!");
365 | return MSNet_Cleanup();
366 | }
367 |
368 | if(connect( Room_Socket, (sockaddr *)&RoomAddr, sizeof(sockaddr_in)))
369 | {
370 | NetCatchError();
371 | MariusNet_LoggedIn = 0;
372 | return MSNet_Cleanup();
373 | }
374 |
375 | Initialize_MPacket(&mPacket, pt_ChatRoomLogin);
376 | memcpy(mPacket.chatroom_join.RoomKey, Key, 32);
377 | strcpy(mPacket.chatroom_join.Name, MariusLogin);
378 | sent_bytes = MariusNet_OutgoingPacketWrapper(Room_Socket, (sockaddr*)&RoomAddr, (char*)&mPacket,
379 | sizeof(marius_header) + 33 + strlen(MariusLogin));
380 |
381 |
382 |
383 | Initialize_MPacket(&mPacket, pt_RoomPlayerInfo);
384 | mPacket.player_info.clientVersion = htons(5000);
385 | sprintf(mPacket.player_info.Name, MariusLogin);
386 | sent_bytes = MariusNet_OutgoingPacketWrapper(Room_Socket, (sockaddr*)&RoomAddr, (char*)&mPacket,
387 | sizeof(marius_header) + 40 + strlen(MariusLogin));
388 |
389 | if(MariusNet_IncomingPacketWrapper(Room_Socket, incomingData, 1400, 0) == SOCKET_ERROR)
390 | {
391 | return MSNet_Cleanup();
392 | }
393 |
394 | if(ntohs(incomingPacket->header.PacketId)== pt_LoginInfo)
395 | {
396 | //DDrConsole_PrintF("Login failed: %s", incomingPacket->login_denied.DenialMessage );
397 | MSNet_LoginError_Output(ntohl(incomingPacket->login_denied.code));
398 | return MSNet_Cleanup();
399 | }
400 |
401 | MariusNet_LoggedIn = 1;
402 |
403 | /*
404 | Initialize_MPacket(&mPacket, 104);
405 | mPacket.newgame.g.maxplayers = -1;
406 | mPacket.newgame.g.clientversion = htonl(0xc136e436);
407 | mPacket.newgame.g.maxteams = -1;
408 | //sprintf(mPacket.newgame.g.Buffer, "Oni!");
409 | memcpy(mPacket.newgame.g.Buffer, "Blam!\0This is Oni, bitch.\0", 50);
410 | sent_bytes = MariusNet_OutgoingPacketWrapper(Room_Socket, (sockaddr*)&RoomAddr, (char*)&mPacket,
411 | sizeof(marius_header) + sizeof(m_announcegame) + 50);
412 | */
413 | while(1)
414 | {
415 | if(MariusNet_IncomingPacketWrapper(Room_Socket, incomingData, 1400, 0) == SOCKET_ERROR)
416 | {
417 | return 0;
418 | }
419 | switch(ntohs(incomingPacket->header.PacketId))
420 | {
421 | case pt_RoomList:
422 | case pt_PlayerInfo:
423 | case pt_PlayerList:
424 | //Do nothing for now
425 | break;
426 | case pt_GameList:
427 | MSNet_HandleGameList( incomingPacket->gamelist.Games,
428 | ntohl(incomingPacket->header.PacketSize) - sizeof(marius_header));
429 | break;
430 | case pt_BlueBarMsg:
431 | DDrConsole_PrintColored(incomingPacket->motd.Message, 0, cyan, grey );
432 | break;
433 | case pt_ChatMessage:
434 | MSNet_HandleChat(&incomingPacket->message);
435 | break;
436 | case pt_KeepAlive:
437 | MariusNet_OutgoingPacketWrapper(Room_Socket, (sockaddr*)&RoomAddr, incomingData,
438 | sizeof(marius_header));
439 | break;
440 | default:
441 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Got packet of type %hi", ntohs(incomingPacket->header.PacketId));
442 | break;
443 | }
444 | }
445 |
446 | return 0;
447 | }
448 |
449 | DWORD WINAPI MSNet_Handler(void* unused)
450 | {
451 | int Port = 4156;
452 |
453 |
454 | char RoomToken[33] = {0};
455 | int i = 0;
456 |
457 |
458 |
459 | sockaddr_in Marius_Addr = {0};
460 | if(MsNet_Running)
461 | {
462 | DDrConsole_PrintF("The metaserver handler is already running!");
463 | }
464 | MsNet_Running = 1;
465 |
466 | if(MariusNet_LoggedIn)
467 | {
468 | DDrConsole_PrintF("You're already logged in!");
469 | return MSNet_Cleanup();
470 | }
471 |
472 | NetPlatform_Initalize();
473 |
474 |
475 | if(MariusNet_Initialize())
476 | {
477 | return MSNet_Cleanup();
478 | }
479 |
480 | //Horribly set up.
481 | while( (Marius_Socket == -1 || Marius_Socket == 0 )&& Port < 6641)
482 | {
483 |
484 | //Marius_Socket = NetTCPSocket_Create(Port, &Marius_Addr);
485 | //NetUDPSocket_Close( Marius_Socket );
486 | Marius_Socket = NetTCPSocket_Create(Port, &Marius_Addr);
487 | //Port++;
488 | }
489 |
490 | if(Marius_Socket != -1)
491 | {
492 | unsigned char incomingData[1400] = {0};
493 | short incomingLength = 0;
494 | marius_packet* incomingPacket = &incomingData;
495 | //Initialize
496 | marius_packet mPacket;
497 | int sent_bytes;
498 | Initialize_LoginPacket(&mPacket);
499 |
500 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Logging into Mariusnet <%s>...", inet_ntoa(Marius_Server.sin_addr));
501 | if(connect( Marius_Socket, &Marius_Server, sizeof(sockaddr_in)))
502 | {
503 | NetCatchError();
504 | return MSNet_Cleanup();
505 | }
506 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Sending Player Info...");
507 | sent_bytes = MariusNet_OutgoingPacketWrapper(Marius_Socket, (sockaddr*)&Marius_Server, (char*)&mPacket,
508 | sizeof(marius_header) + sizeof(m_player_login) - (sizeof(m_player_info) - ntohs(mPacket.login.PlayerInfoSize) ) );
509 | /*
510 | if(!NetUDPSocket_Recieve(Marius_Socket, (sockaddr*)&Marius_Addr,incomingData, &incomingLength))
511 | {
512 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Data: %s Length %i", incomingData, incomingLength);
513 | return 0;
514 | }
515 | */
516 | if(MariusNet_IncomingPacketWrapper(Marius_Socket, incomingData, 1400, 0) == SOCKET_ERROR)
517 | {
518 | return MSNet_Cleanup();
519 | }
520 |
521 | if(ntohs(incomingPacket->header.PacketId)== pt_EncryptionKey)
522 | {
523 | //recv( Marius_Socket, incomingData, 1440, 0);
524 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Encryption Type %s", EncryptionTypes[ntohs(incomingPacket->salt.EncryptionType)] );
525 |
526 | Initialize_MPacket(&mPacket, pt_Password);
527 | if(incomingPacket->salt.EncryptionType)
528 | {
529 |
530 | unsigned char* Hash = mPacket.password.passHash;
531 | unsigned char* Salt = incomingPacket->salt.salt;
532 | unsigned char Pass[16] = {0};
533 |
534 | memset(Pass, 0x23, 16);
535 | strcpy(Pass, MariusPassword );
536 |
537 | for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) Hash[i] = Pass[i]^Salt[i];
538 | for( i = 1; i < 16; i++ ) Hash[i] = Hash[i]^Hash[i-1];
539 | for( i = 1; i < 16; i++ )
540 | {
541 | short value = ~( Hash[i]*Hash[i-1] );
542 | Hash[i] = (unsigned char) value;
543 |
544 | }
545 | }
546 | else
547 | {
548 | strncpy(mPacket.password.passHash, MariusPassword, 16);
549 | }
550 |
551 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Sending Password...");
552 | sent_bytes = MariusNet_OutgoingPacketWrapper(Marius_Socket, (sockaddr*)&Marius_Server, (char*)&mPacket, sizeof(marius_header) + sizeof(m_password) );
553 |
554 | if(!NetUDPSocket_Recieve(Marius_Socket, (sockaddr*)&Marius_Addr,incomingData, &incomingLength))
555 | {
556 | return MSNet_Cleanup();
557 | }
558 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Password ACK!");
559 | if(ntohs(incomingPacket->header.PacketId)== pt_PasswordAck)
560 | {
561 |
562 | Initialize_MPacket(&mPacket, pt_Localization);
563 | mPacket.localization.one = htonl(1);
564 | mPacket.localization.two = htonl(2);
565 | mPacket.localization.three = htonl(3);
566 | mPacket.localization.zero = 0;
567 | sent_bytes = MariusNet_OutgoingPacketWrapper(Marius_Socket, (sockaddr*)&Marius_Server, (char*)&mPacket, sizeof(marius_header) + sizeof(m_localization) );
568 |
569 | if(MariusNet_IncomingPacketWrapper(Marius_Socket, incomingData, 1400, 0) == SOCKET_ERROR)
570 | {
571 | return MSNet_Cleanup();
572 | }
573 | }
574 | }
575 |
576 | if(ntohs(incomingPacket->header.PacketId)== pt_UserLoggedIn)
577 | {
578 | PlayerID = ntohl(incomingPacket->login_success.userID);
579 | //Not sure if this is a string or byte array, so I allocated 33 bytes,
580 | //so it always zero terminates.
581 | memcpy(RoomToken, incomingPacket->login_success.Token, 32);
582 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Logged into Mariusnet!");
583 | }
584 | else if(ntohs(incomingPacket->header.PacketId)== pt_LoginInfo)
585 | {
586 | //DDrConsole_PrintF("Login failed: %s", incomingPacket->login_denied.DenialMessage );
587 | MSNet_LoginError_Output(ntohl(incomingPacket->login_denied.code));
588 | return MSNet_Cleanup();
589 | }
590 | else
591 | {
592 | return MSNet_Cleanup();
593 | }
594 |
595 |
596 | do
597 | {
598 | if(MariusNet_IncomingPacketWrapper(Marius_Socket, incomingData, 1400, 0) == SOCKET_ERROR)
599 | {
600 | return MSNet_Cleanup();
601 | }
602 | if(ntohs(incomingPacket->header.PacketId)== pt_RoomList)
603 | {
604 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Got room list!");
605 | RoomListGotten = 1;
606 | memcpy(RoomList, incomingPacket->roomlist.Rooms,
607 | ntohl(incomingPacket->header.PacketSize) - sizeof(marius_header));
608 | }
609 | else if(ntohs(incomingPacket->header.PacketId)== pt_PlayerInfo)
610 | {
611 | //What do we do with this?!
612 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Got player info!");
613 | }
614 | else
615 | {
616 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Invalid packet type %hi", ntohs(incomingPacket->header.PacketId));
617 | return MSNet_Cleanup();
618 | }
619 | }
620 | while(PacketCached || !RoomListGotten);
621 |
622 | for(i = 0; i < 64, RoomList[i].IPAddress != 0 ; i++)
623 | {
624 | int IP = ntohl(RoomList[i].IPAddress);
625 | DDrConsole_PrintF("Room %i %s IP %s Port %hi Players %hi",
626 | i,
627 | sRoomNames[ntohs(RoomList[i].RoomIndex)],
628 | inet_ntoa(*(in_addr*)&IP),
629 | ntohs(RoomList[i].Port),
630 | ntohs(RoomList[i].PlayerCount)
631 | );
632 | }
633 |
634 | closesocket(Marius_Socket);
635 |
636 | MSNet_Room_Join( 1, RoomToken );
637 |
638 |
639 | }
640 | return 0;
641 | }
642 |
643 | bool MSNet_Login(char* username, char* password)
644 | {
645 | sprintf_s(MariusLogin, 32, "%s", username);
646 | sprintf_s(MariusPassword, 16, "%s", password);
647 | CreateThread(NULL, 0, MSNet_Handler, NULL, 0, 0);
648 |
649 | return 0;
650 | }
651 |