1 | //to client
2 | enum
3 | {
4 | pt_RoomList = 0x0000,
5 | pt_PlayerList = 0x0001,
6 | pt_GameList = 0x0002,
7 | pt_UserLoggedIn = 0x7,//0x0003,
8 | pt_EncryptionKey = 0x0006,
9 | pt_LoginInfo = 0x3,//0x0007,
10 | pt_PlayerInfo = 0x0008,
11 | pt_PlayerId = 0x0009,
12 | pt_BlueBarMsg = 0x000A,
13 | pt_PasswordAck = 0x000C,
14 | pt_FindResponse = 0x000E,
15 | pt_BuddyList = 0x000F, // the actual buddy list - i.e. names and such
16 | pt_OrderList = 0x0010,
17 | pt_PlayerInfoResponse = 0x0011,
18 | pt_UpdatePlayerStats = 0x0012,
19 | pt_UpdateBuddyList = 0x0013, // buddy status - i.e. online/offline
20 | pt_UpdateOrderList = 0x0014,
21 | };
22 |
23 | //from client
24 | enum
25 | {
26 | pt_PlayerLogin = 0x0064,
27 | pt_ChatRoomLogin = 0x0065,
28 | pt_RoomPlayerInfo = 0x0067,
29 | pt_GameInfo = 0x0068,
30 | pt_RemoveGame = 0x0069,
31 | pt_SetPlayerState = 0x006B,
32 | pt_Password = 0x006D,
33 | pt_RequestRefresh = 0x006E,
34 | pt_GamePlayerList = 0x006F, // game start player list
35 | pt_PlayerScores = 0x0070, // game over player scores
36 | pt_ResetScoring = 0x0071, // reset metaserver game scoring
37 | pt_StartGame = 0x0072,
38 | pt_Localization = 0x0073,
39 | pt_GameSearchQuery = 0x0074,
40 | pt_FindPlayer = 0x0075,
41 | pt_BuddyListQuery = 0x0076, // request a buddy list update
42 | pt_OrderListQuery = 0x0077,
43 | pt_UpdateBuddy = 0x0078, // add/remove buddy
44 | pt_PlayerInfoQuery = 0x0079,
45 | pt_SetPlayerStats = 0x007A, // change player stats (city/state/profile)
46 | pt_ChatMessage = 0x00C8,
47 | pt_WhisperMessage = 0x00C9,
48 | pt_KeepAlive = 0x00CA,
49 | pt_SessionKey = 0x00CB,
50 | };
51 |
52 | enum
53 | {
54 | ctMyth1 = 0,
55 | ctMyth2 = 1,
56 | // ctMyth3 = 2;
57 | ctMarathon = 3,
58 | ctMyth1Unified = 4,
59 | ctMyth2Unified = 5,
60 | ctMyth3Unified = 6,
61 | };
62 |
63 |
64 | typedef struct
65 | {
66 | short PacketSignature;// = 0xDEAD;
67 | short PacketId;
68 | unsigned int PacketSize;
69 | } marius_header;
70 |
71 | typedef struct
72 | {
73 | short Red;
74 | short Green;
75 | short Blue;
76 | short Flags;
77 | } m_colour;
78 |
79 | typedef struct
80 | {
81 | char Icon;
82 | char pad;
83 | short Flags; // 0=active, 1=inactive, in a game, grayed out, can't see chat
84 | m_colour Colors[2];
85 | short orderIndex;
86 | short clientVersion;
87 | char stupid_14byte_pad[14];
88 | char Name[112]; // 2 #0 terminated fields - Name, Team Name
89 | } m_player_info;
90 |
91 | typedef struct
92 | {
93 | short Platform; //Windows - 1
94 | short MetaVersion; //0
95 | char pad[3];
96 | char UpdateAppearance; // save player settings on server, change to bits, bit 0=update, bit 1=demo
97 | int PlayerId; //0
98 | short EncryptionType; //0 - kCRYPT_PLAINTEXT, screw encryption for now
99 | short PlayerInfoSize; //40 + strlen(playername) + strlen(plaerteam(
100 | char AppName[32]; //MARATHON...later ONI ;)
101 | char BuildDate[32]; //_DATE_
102 | char BuildTime[32]; //_TIME_
103 | char LoginId[32]; //username
104 | m_player_info PlayerInfo;
105 | } m_player_login;
106 |
107 | typedef struct
108 | {
109 | short EncryptionType;
110 | unsigned char salt[16];
111 | } m_salt;
112 |
113 | typedef struct
114 | {
115 | int one;
116 | int two;
117 | int three;
118 | int zero;
119 | } m_localization;
120 |
121 | typedef struct
122 | {
123 | unsigned char passHash[16];
124 | } m_password;
125 |
126 | typedef struct
127 | {
128 | int userID;
129 | short order;
130 | short unused;
131 | char Token[32];
132 |
133 | } m_login_success;
134 |
135 | typedef struct
136 | {
137 | int code;
138 | char DenialMessage[];
139 | } m_login_denied;
140 |
141 | typedef struct
142 | {
143 | short RoomIndex;
144 | short PlayerCount;
145 | int IPAddress;
146 | short Port;
147 | short GameCount;
148 | int pad[3];
149 | } m_room;
150 |
151 | typedef struct
152 | {
153 | m_room Rooms[64];
154 | } m_roomlist;
155 |
156 | typedef struct
157 | {
158 | char RoomKey[32];
159 | char Name[32];
160 | } m_chatroom_join;
161 |
162 | typedef struct
163 | {
164 | char Message[512];
165 | } m_motd;
166 |
167 | typedef struct
168 | {
169 | m_colour PrimaryColor;
170 | m_colour SecondaryColor;
171 | int SenderId;
172 | int TargetId;
173 | char Message[256];
174 | } m_message;
175 |
176 | typedef struct
177 | {
178 | short unknown16;
179 | short type;
180 | int options;
181 | int timelimit;
182 | int checksum;
183 | short difficulty;
184 | short maxplayers;
185 | short teamrandomseed;
186 | short maxteams; //-1
187 | int planningtime;
188 | int unusedint;
189 | int unusedint_2;
190 | short unknown16_2;
191 | short pluginflag;
192 | char pluginlist[512];
193 | int clientversion;//0xc136e436
194 | int unknownint;
195 | short status;
196 | short numplayers;
197 | char action;
198 | char pad[3];
199 | char Buffer[128];
200 | } m_gamedescription;
201 |
202 | typedef struct
203 | {
204 | short port;
205 | short zero;
206 | m_gamedescription g;
207 | } m_announcegame;
208 |
209 | typedef struct
210 | {
211 | unsigned int gameID;
212 | unsigned int ipAddress;
213 | unsigned short port;
214 | unsigned char verb;
215 | unsigned char gameEnable;
216 | unsigned int timeRemaining;
217 | unsigned int hostPlayerID;
218 | unsigned short len;
219 | int unused1;
220 | int unused2;
221 | short pad;
222 | m_gamedescription g;
223 | } m_gameinfo;
224 |
225 | typedef struct
226 | {
227 | m_gameinfo Games[];
228 | } m_gamelist;
229 | typedef struct
230 | {
231 | marius_header header;
232 | union
233 | {
234 | m_player_login login;
235 | m_password password;
236 | m_localization localization;
237 | m_salt salt;
238 | m_login_success login_success;
239 | m_login_denied login_denied;
240 | m_roomlist roomlist;
241 | m_chatroom_join chatroom_join;
242 | m_player_info player_info;
243 | m_motd motd;
244 | m_message message;
245 | m_announcegame newgame;
246 | m_gamelist gamelist;
247 | };
248 | } marius_packet;