1 | #ifndef ONI_SYMBOLS_H
2 | #define ONI_SYMBOLS_H
3 | #include "bool.h"
4 | #include <stdio.h>
5 | #include "oni_gl.h"
6 | #include "Oni_Character.h"
7 | #include "BFW_ScriptLang.h"
8 | #define DefVar(type, name, address) extern type* _##name
9 | //variables
10 |
12 | extern onibool* _ai2_deaf;
13 | extern char* _AKgDebug_DebugMaps;
14 | extern HINSTANCE* _g_Instance;
15 | extern ONtPlatformData* _ONgPlatformData;
16 | extern char* _opt_ignore_private_data;
17 | extern char* _opt_sound;
18 |
20 | DefVar( GameState* , ONgGameState , 0x005ece7c );
21 |
22 | DefVar( bool, BFgDebugFileEnable, 0x0055c8d0 );
23 | DefVar( bool, SSgSearchOnDisk, 0x005eb758);
24 | DefVar( char, M3gResolutionSwitch, 0x00531634);
25 | DefVar( gl_engine_t*, gl_eng, 0x00560600 );
26 | DefVar( gl_api_t*, gl_api, 0x00560604 );
27 | DefVar( WORD*, gl_gamma_ramp, 0x0055fdfc );
28 | DefVar( int, gl_gamma_ramp_valid, 0x005603fc );
29 | DefVar( uint32_t, COgConsoleLines , 0x005cb468 );
30 | DefVar( uint32_t, COgFadeTimeValue , 0x00533f68 );
31 | DefVar( uint32_t, COgDefaultTextShade , 0x00533f70 );
32 | DefVar( uint32_t, COgDefaultTextShadow , 0x00533f74 );
33 | DefVar( FILE*, ONgFileStartup , 0x005711b8 );
34 |
35 | #undef DefVar
36 | //Yes, I'm aware that there are a few ways this could go wrong
37 | //but in the interests of neatness and not having to go through and rename all the variables
38 | //and use annoying dereferencing, this will do.
39 |
40 | //...too bad there is no way to nest #defines...
41 | #define AKgDebug_DebugMaps (*_AKgDebug_DebugMaps)
42 | #define ai2_deaf (*_ai2_deaf)
43 | #define g_Instance (*_g_Instance)
44 | #define M3gResolutionSwitch (*_M3gResolutionSwitch)
45 | #define ONgGameState (*_ONgGameState)
46 | #define ONgPlatformData (*_ONgPlatformData)
47 | #define opt_ignore_private_data (*_opt_ignore_private_data)
48 | #define opt_sound (*_opt_sound)
49 | #define BFgDebugFileEnable (*_BFgDebugFileEnable)
50 | #define SSgSearchOnDisk (*_SSgSearchOnDisk)
51 | #define gl_gamma_ramp (*_gl_gamma_ramp)
52 | #define gl_gamma_ramp_valid (*_gl_gamma_ramp_valid)
53 | #define gl_api (*_gl_api)
54 | #define gl_eng (*_gl_eng)
55 | #define COgConsoleLines (*_COgConsoleLines)
56 | #define COgFadeTimeValue (*_COgFadeTimeValue)
57 | #define COgDefaultTextShade (*_COgDefaultTextShade)
58 | #define COgDefaultTextShadow (*_COgDefaultTextShadow)
59 | #define ONgFileStartup (*_ONgFileStartup)
60 | #undef $
61 |
62 | //functions
63 | //__fastcall isn't neccessary if you specify the correct calling convention.
64 | typedef int64_t ( *_UUrMachineTime_High)();
65 | typedef double ( *_UUrMachineTime_High_Frequency)();
66 | typedef int64_t ( *_UUrMachineTime_Sixtieths)();
67 | typedef void ( *_UUrPlatform_Initialize)();
68 | typedef void ( *_UUrPlatform_Terminate)();
69 |
70 | typedef FILE* ( __cdecl *_oni_fopen)(const char*, const char*);
71 | typedef int ( __cdecl *_oni_fprintf)(FILE*, const char*, ...);
72 | typedef int ( __cdecl *_oni_fflush)(FILE*);
73 |
74 | typedef void ( __cdecl *_ONiMain)(int ArgCount, char *ArgList[]);
75 | typedef short ( *_ONrPlatform_Initialize)(ONtPlatformData *PlatformData);
76 | typedef LRESULT ( CALLBACK *_ONrPlatform_WindowProc)(HWND Window, UINT Message,
77 | WPARAM WParam, LPARAM LParam);
78 | typedef unsigned int ( *_gl_enumerate_valid_display_modes)(M3tDisplayMode modes[16]);
79 | typedef int ( *_gl_platform_set_pixel_format)(HDC hdc);
80 | typedef int ( *_gl_platform_initialize)();
81 |
82 | typedef float ( *_ONrPersist_GetGamma)();
83 | typedef uint8_t ( *_ONrPersist_GetWonGame)();
84 |
85 | typedef void ( __cdecl *_UUrStartupMessage)(const char* fmt, ...);
86 | typedef int16_t ( *_ONrGameState_NewCharacter)(void* CHAR, void* AISA,
87 | void* flag, uint32_t* list_location);
88 | typedef ActiveCharacter* ( *_ONrGetActiveCharacter)(void* CharacterPtr);
89 | //int16_t ONICALL ONrGameState_GetPlayerCharacter();
90 |
91 | typedef void ( *_COrTextArea_Print)(uint32_t area, uint32_t priority,
92 | uint32_t textshade, uint32_t textshadowshade,
93 | const char* text, uint32_t unk_alwaws_0, uint32_t fadetime);
94 | typedef uint8_t ( *_ONrCheater)(uint32_t cheat);
95 | typedef int ( __cdecl *_AUrMessageBox)(int Buttons, char *Message, ...);
96 | typedef char* ( *_SSrMessage_Find)(char* message_key); //Returns a prompt message from a message key
97 | typedef void ( *_ONiGameState_FindAutoPromptMessage)(char* Note, void* ptr);
98 |
99 | typedef uint16_t (ONICALL *sl_func)(sl_callinfo* callinfo, uint32_t numargs, sl_arg args[], int* dontuse1, int* dontuse2, sl_arg* ret);
100 | typedef uint16_t (ONICALL *_SLrScript_Command_Register_ReturnType)(char* name, char* desc, char* argfmt, sl_type type, sl_func callback);
101 | typedef uint16_t (ONICALL *_SLrScript_Command_Register_Void)(char* name, char* desc, char* argfmt, sl_func callback);
102 | typedef uint16_t (ONICALL *_SLrGlobalVariable_Register_Int32)(char* name, char* desc, int32_t* data);
103 | typedef uint16_t (ONICALL *_SLrGlobalVariable_Register_Float)(char* name, char* desc, float* data);
104 | typedef uint16_t (ONICALL *_SLrGlobalVariable_Register_String)(char* name, char* desc, char* data);
105 |
106 | typedef int ( *_COrMessage_Print)(char* Message, char* Key, void* noidea);
107 |
108 | typedef int16_t ( *_TMrInstance_GetDataPtr)(int tag, char* name, void* pointer);
109 | typedef char* ( *_TMrInstance_GetInstanceName)(void* InstancePointer);
110 |
111 | typedef int16_t ( *_TSrContext_DrawText)(uint32_t TSrContext, char* Text, int alpha, uint32_t usuallyzero, void* pRect);
112 | //int16_t TSrContext_New ( TSFF*, size 7, ??? 1, ??? 1, ??? 0, TSrContext*);
113 | typedef int16_t ( *_TSrContext_New)( void* FontInstance, int size, int hthsik1,int hthsik2,int hthsik3, void* TSrContext);
114 |
115 |
116 | #define ExtFunc(name) extern _##name name
117 | ExtFunc(SLrScript_Command_Register_ReturnType);
118 | ExtFunc(SLrScript_Command_Register_Void);
119 | ExtFunc(SLrGlobalVariable_Register_Int32);
120 | ExtFunc(SLrGlobalVariable_Register_Float);
121 | ExtFunc(SLrGlobalVariable_Register_String);
122 |
123 |
124 | extern _UUrMachineTime_High UUrMachineTime_High;
125 | extern _UUrMachineTime_High_Frequency UUrMachineTime_High_Frequency;
126 | extern _UUrMachineTime_Sixtieths UUrMachineTime_Sixtieths;
127 | extern _UUrPlatform_Initialize UUrPlatform_Initialize;
128 | extern _UUrPlatform_Terminate UUrPlatform_Terminate;
129 |
130 | extern _oni_fopen oni_fopen;
131 | extern _oni_fprintf oni_fprintf;
132 | extern _oni_fflush oni_fflush;
133 |
134 | extern _ONiMain ONiMain;
135 | extern _ONrPlatform_Initialize ONrPlatform_Initialize;
136 | extern _ONrPlatform_WindowProc ONrPlatform_WindowProc;
137 |
138 | ExtFunc(COrMessage_Print);
139 |
140 | ExtFunc(TMrInstance_GetDataPtr);
141 | ExtFunc(TMrInstance_GetInstanceName);
142 |
143 | ExtFunc(gl_enumerate_valid_display_modes);
144 | ExtFunc(gl_platform_set_pixel_format);
145 | ExtFunc(gl_platform_initialize);
146 | ExtFunc(ONrPersist_GetGamma);
147 | ExtFunc(ONrPersist_GetWonGame);
148 | ExtFunc(UUrStartupMessage);
149 |
150 | ExtFunc(ONrGameState_NewCharacter);
151 | ExtFunc(ONrGetActiveCharacter);
152 |
153 | ExtFunc(COrTextArea_Print);
154 |
155 | ExtFunc(ONrCheater);
156 | ExtFunc(AUrMessageBox);
157 |
158 | ExtFunc(SSrMessage_Find);
159 | ExtFunc(ONiGameState_FindAutoPromptMessage);
160 |
161 | ExtFunc(TSrContext_DrawText);
162 | ExtFunc(TSrContext_New);
163 | #endif