1 | // PortForwardEngine.h: interface for the CPortForwardEngine class.
2 | //
3 | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4 |
5 | #if !defined(AFX_PORTFORWARDENGINE_H__003E19B2_EC21_4097_8A62_D28641F61CC8__INCLUDED_)
6 | #define AFX_PORTFORWARDENGINE_H__003E19B2_EC21_4097_8A62_D28641F61CC8__INCLUDED_
7 |
8 | #if _MSC_VER > 1000
9 | #pragma once
10 | #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
11 | #include <afx.h>
12 | #include <Natupnp.h>
13 | #include <UPnP.h>
14 |
15 | #include <vector>
16 |
17 | using namespace std;
18 |
19 | class CPortForwardChangeCallbacks
20 | {
21 | public:
22 | CPortForwardChangeCallbacks();
23 | virtual ~CPortForwardChangeCallbacks();
24 |
25 | virtual HRESULT OnNewNumberOfEntries( long lNewNumberOfEntries );
26 | virtual HRESULT OnNewExternalIPAddress( BSTR bstrNewExternalIPAddress );
27 |
28 | };
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 | class CPortForwardEngine
33 | {
34 | public:
35 |
36 | // forward declarations
37 |
38 | protected:
39 | interface IDerivedNATExternalIPAddressCallback;
40 | interface IDerivedNATNumberOfEntriesCallback;
41 |
42 | public:
43 | class PortMappingContainer;
44 | class DeviceInformationContainer;
45 |
46 |
47 | public:
48 |
49 | // public functions -- there are only a few
50 |
51 | CPortForwardEngine();
52 | virtual ~CPortForwardEngine();
53 |
54 | HRESULT ListenForUpnpChanges(CPortForwardChangeCallbacks *pCallbacks = NULL); // NULL==default object; if you provide your own pointer to a CPortForwardChangeCallbacks-derived object it is deleted for you automatically
55 | HRESULT StopListeningForUpnpChanges( ); // Stops listenting for UPnP change events on the router and deletes any CPortForwardChangeCallbacks-derived objects
56 |
57 | BOOL GetDeviceInformationUsingThread( HWND hWnd ); // starts a thread that will get IGD (router) device information; the thread posts a UWM_PORT_FORWARD_ENGINE_THREAD_NOTIFICATION message to hWnd when it's done
58 | BOOL GetMappingsUsingThread( HWND hWnd ); // starts a thread that will get all mappings; the thread posts a UWM_PORT_FORWARD_ENGINE_THREAD_NOTIFICATION message to hWnd when it's done
59 | BOOL EditMappingUsingThread( PortMappingContainer& oldMapping, PortMappingContainer& newMapping, HWND hWnd ); // starts a thread that will edit one specific mapping; the thread posts a UWM_PORT_FORWARD_ENGINE_THREAD_NOTIFICATION message to hWnd when it's done
60 | BOOL AddMappingUsingThread( PortMappingContainer& newMapping, HWND hWnd ); // starts a thread that will add one new mapping; the thread posts a UWM_PORT_FORWARD_ENGINE_THREAD_NOTIFICATION message to hWnd when it's done
61 | BOOL DeleteMappingUsingThread( PortMappingContainer& oldMapping, HWND hWnd ); // starts a thread that will delete one specific mapping; the thread posts a UWM_PORT_FORWARD_ENGINE_THREAD_NOTIFICATION message to hWnd when it's done
62 |
63 | std::vector<PortMappingContainer> GetPortMappingVector() const; // gets a copy of currently-known port mappings
64 | DeviceInformationContainer GetDeviceInformationContainer() const; // gets a copy of currently-know device information
65 |
66 | BOOL IsAnyThreadRunning() const; // returns TRUE if there is any thread currently running
67 |
68 |
69 | protected:
70 |
71 | // protected functions used internally by PortMappingEngine
72 |
73 | void InitializeMembersToNull();
74 | void DeinitializeCom();
75 | HRESULT PopulateDeviceInfoContainer( IUPnPDevice* piDevice, DeviceInformationContainer& deviceInfo, HWND hWnd=NULL );
76 | HRESULT GetNextMapping( IEnumVARIANT* piEnumerator, PortMappingContainer& mappingContainer );
77 | HRESULT SetChangeEventCallbackPointer(CPortForwardChangeCallbacks *pCallbacks);
78 |
79 | static UINT ThreadForPortRetrieval( LPVOID pVoid );
80 | static UINT ThreadForDeviceInformationRetrieval( LPVOID pVoid );
81 | static UINT ThreadToEditMapping( LPVOID pVoid );
82 | static UINT ThreadToAddMapping( LPVOID pVoid );
83 | static UINT ThreadToDeleteMapping( LPVOID pVoid );
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 | protected:
88 |
89 | // protected members
90 |
91 | IUPnPNAT* m_piNAT;
92 | IDerivedNATExternalIPAddressCallback* m_piExternalIPAddressCallback;
93 | IDerivedNATNumberOfEntriesCallback* m_piNumberOfEntriesCallback;
94 |
95 | INATEventManager* m_piEventManager;
96 | CPortForwardChangeCallbacks* m_pChangeCallbackFunctions;
97 |
98 | BOOL m_bListeningForUpnpChanges;
99 |
100 | CWinThread* m_pPortMappingThread;
101 | CWinThread* m_pDeviceInfoThread;
102 | CWinThread* m_pAddMappingThread;
103 | CWinThread* m_pEditMappingThread;
104 | CWinThread* m_pDeleteMappingThread;
105 |
106 | std::vector<PortMappingContainer> m_MappingContainer;
107 |
109 |
110 |
111 | protected:
112 |
113 | // protected interfaces, which were forward-declared above, and which are used for event notifications from COM
114 | // most of the code is here in this .h file, except for the QueryInterface method which is in the .cpp file
115 |
116 | interface IDerivedNATExternalIPAddressCallback : public INATExternalIPAddressCallback
117 | {
118 | IDerivedNATExternalIPAddressCallback( CPortForwardChangeCallbacks* p ) : m_pointer( p ), m_dwRef( 0 ) { };
119 |
120 | HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE NewExternalIPAddress( BSTR bstrNewExternalIPAddress )
121 | {
122 | ASSERT( m_pointer != NULL );
123 | return m_pointer->OnNewExternalIPAddress( bstrNewExternalIPAddress );
124 | }
125 |
126 | HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void ** ppvObject);
127 |
128 | ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef() { return ++m_dwRef; }
129 |
131 | {
132 | if ( --m_dwRef == 0 )
133 | delete this;
134 |
135 | return m_dwRef;
136 | }
137 |
138 | DWORD m_dwRef;
139 | CPortForwardChangeCallbacks* m_pointer;
140 | };
141 |
142 | interface IDerivedNATNumberOfEntriesCallback : public INATNumberOfEntriesCallback
143 | {
144 | IDerivedNATNumberOfEntriesCallback( CPortForwardChangeCallbacks* p ) : m_pointer( p ), m_dwRef( 0 ) { };
145 |
146 | HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE NewNumberOfEntries( long lNewNumberOfEntries )
147 | {
148 | ASSERT( m_pointer != NULL );
149 | return m_pointer->OnNewNumberOfEntries( lNewNumberOfEntries );
150 | }
151 |
152 | HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void ** ppvObject);
153 |
154 | ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef() { return ++m_dwRef; }
155 |
157 | {
158 | if ( --m_dwRef == 0 )
159 | delete this;
160 |
161 | return m_dwRef;
162 | }
163 |
164 | DWORD m_dwRef;
165 | CPortForwardChangeCallbacks* m_pointer;
166 | };
167 |
168 |
169 | public:
170 |
171 | // public nested classes, which were forward-declared above
172 | // these are public because they are needed by classes that call the
173 | // GetPortMappingVector() and GetDeviceInformationContainer() methods
174 |
175 | class PortMappingContainer
176 | {
177 | public:
178 | PortMappingContainer() : ExternalIPAddress(_T("")), ExternalPort(_T("")),
179 | InternalPort(_T("")), Protocol(_T("")), InternalClient(_T("")),
180 | Enabled(_T("")), Description(_T("")) { };
181 | CString ExternalIPAddress;
182 | CString ExternalPort;
183 | CString InternalPort;
184 | CString Protocol;
185 | CString InternalClient;
186 | CString Enabled;
187 | CString Description;
188 | };
189 |
190 | class DeviceInformationContainer
191 | {
192 | public:
193 | DeviceInformationContainer() : Children(_T("")), Description(_T("")),
194 | FriendlyName(_T("")), HasChildren(_T("")), IconURL(_T("")), IsRootDevice(_T("")),
195 | ManufacturerName(_T("")), ManufacturerURL(_T("")), ModelName(_T("")),
196 | ModelNumber(_T("")), ModelURL(_T("")), ParentDevice(_T("")),
197 | PresentationURL(_T("")), RootDevice(_T("")), SerialNumber(_T("")),
198 | Services(_T("")), Type(_T("")), UniqueDeviceName(_T("")), UPC(_T("")) { };
199 |
200 | // see http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/upnp/upnp/iupnpdevice.asp
201 |
202 | CString Children; // Child devices of the device.
203 | CString Description; // Human-readable form of the summary of a device's functionality.
204 | CString FriendlyName; // Device display name.
205 | CString HasChildren; // Indicates whether the device has any child devices.
206 | CString IconURL; // URL of icon
207 | CString IsRootDevice; // Indicates whether the device is the top-most device in the device tree.
208 | CString ManufacturerName; // Human-readable form of the manufacturer name.
209 | CString ManufacturerURL; // URL for the manufacturer's Web site.
210 | CString ModelName; // Human-readable form of the model name.
211 | CString ModelNumber; // Human-readable form of the model number.
212 | CString ModelURL; // URL for a Web page that contains model-specific information.
213 | CString ParentDevice; // Parent of the device.
214 | CString PresentationURL; // Presentation URL for a Web page that can be used to control the device.
215 | CString RootDevice; // Top-most device in the device tree.
216 | CString SerialNumber; // Human-readable form of the serial number.
217 | CString Services; // List of services provided by the device.
218 | CString Type; // Uniform resource identifier (URI) for the device type.
219 | CString UniqueDeviceName; // Unique device name (UDN) of the device.
220 | CString UPC; // Human-readable form of the product code.
221 | };
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 | protected:
226 |
227 | // some more protected members, most of which could not be declared until after full-declaration
228 | // of the DeviceInformationContainer and PortMappingContainer nested classes
229 |
230 | DeviceInformationContainer m_DeviceInfo;
231 |
232 | // good-enough method for inter-thread transfer of information, since only
233 | // one thread of each type is ever permitted at one time
234 |
235 | PortMappingContainer m_scratchpadOldMapping;
236 | PortMappingContainer m_scratchpadNewMapping;
237 | PortMappingContainer m_scratchpadAddedMapping;
238 | PortMappingContainer m_scratchpadDeletedMapping;
239 |
240 | HWND m_hWndForPortMappingThread;
241 | HWND m_hWndForDeviceInfoThread;
242 | HWND m_hWndForAddMappingThread;
243 | HWND m_hWndForEditMappingThread;
244 | HWND m_hWndForDeleteMappingThread;
245 |
246 |
247 | public:
248 |
249 | // a public enum which is used by classes that respond to the registered window message
250 | // UWM_PORT_FORWARD_ENGINE_THREAD_NOTIFICATION, so they can decode the wParam and lParam values
251 |
252 | enum THREAD_STATUS {
253 | EnumPortRetrieveInterval = 0x0001,
254 | EnumPortRetrieveDone = 0x0002,
255 | EnumDeviceInfoInterval = 0x0011,
256 | EnumDeviceInfoDone = 0x0012,
257 | EnumAddMappingInterval = 0x0021,
258 | EnumAddMappingDone = 0x0022,
259 | EnumEditMappingInterval = 0x0041,
260 | EnumEditMappingDone = 0x0042,
261 | EnumDeleteMappingInterval = 0x0081,
262 | EnumDeleteMappingDone = 0x0082
263 | };
264 |
265 | };
266 |
267 |
268 |
269 | #endif // !defined(AFX_PORTFORWARDENGINE_H__003E19B2_EC21_4097_8A62_D28641F61CC8__INCLUDED_)