1 | #include <atlbase.h>
2 | #include "PortForwardWrapper.h"
3 | #include <Natupnp.h>
4 | #include <UPnP.h>
5 | #include <stdlib.h>
6 | #include "Daodan_Console.h"
7 | extern "C" int uPnP_Forward( PortMappingContainer_C* ptr )
8 | {
9 | bool bContinue = true;
10 | IUPnPNAT* piNAT = NULL;
11 | IStaticPortMappingCollection* piPortMappingCollection = NULL;
12 | CoInitialize(NULL);
13 | HRESULT CoResult;
14 |
15 | if ( !bContinue || !SUCCEEDED( CoResult = CoCreateInstance(
16 | __uuidof(UPnPNAT),
17 | NULL,
19 | __uuidof(IUPnPNAT),
20 | (void **)&piNAT)
21 | ) )
22 | bContinue = FALSE;
23 |
24 | // Get the collection of forwarded ports
25 |
26 | if ( !bContinue || !SUCCEEDED( CoResult = piNAT->get_StaticPortMappingCollection(&piPortMappingCollection)) || (piPortMappingCollection==NULL ) )
27 | bContinue = FALSE;
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 | // add the new mapping
32 |
33 | IStaticPortMapping* piStaticPortMapping = NULL;
34 | USES_CONVERSION; // for conversion from CString's
35 |
36 | //VARIANT_BOOL vb = ( ( newMapping.Enabled == _T("Yes") ) ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE );
37 | BSTR Protocol = SysAllocString( CT2W(ptr->Protocol) );
38 | BSTR InternalClient = SysAllocString( CT2W(ptr->InternalClient) );
39 | BSTR Description = SysAllocString( CT2W(ptr->Description) );
40 |
41 | //Remove the old binding, just in case. Probably not the best option, but it shall do for now.
42 | if ( !bContinue ) piPortMappingCollection->Remove( _ttol( ptr->ExternalPort), Protocol );
43 |
44 | if ( !bContinue ||
45 | !SUCCEEDED( CoResult =
46 | piPortMappingCollection->Add(
47 | _ttol( ptr->ExternalPort),
48 | Protocol,
49 | _ttol( ptr->InternalPort),
50 | InternalClient,
51 | -1,
52 | Description,
53 | &piStaticPortMapping ) ) || (piStaticPortMapping==NULL) )
54 |
55 | bContinue = FALSE;
56 |
57 | SysFreeString(Protocol);
58 | SysFreeString(InternalClient);
59 | SysFreeString(Description);
60 |
61 |
62 | // clean up and de-initialize COM
63 |
64 | if ( piStaticPortMapping != NULL )
65 | {
66 | piStaticPortMapping->Release();
67 | piStaticPortMapping = NULL;
68 | }
69 |
70 |
71 | if ( piPortMappingCollection != NULL )
72 | {
73 | piPortMappingCollection->Release();
74 | piPortMappingCollection = NULL;
75 | }
76 |
77 | if ( piNAT != NULL )
78 | {
79 | piNAT->Release();
80 | piNAT = NULL;
81 | }
82 |
83 |
84 | CoUninitialize();
85 | if(bContinue) return 0;
86 | else return CoResult;
87 | }