1 | /**
2 | * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package.
3 | * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package.
4 | */
5 |
6 | #ifndef DO_NO_IMPORTS
7 | import "unknwn.idl";
8 | import "strmif.idl";
9 | import "bdatypes.h";
10 | #endif
11 |
12 | cpp_quote("#include <winapifamily.h>")
13 | cpp_quote("")
15 |
16 | #include "bdaiface_enums.h"
17 |
18 | cpp_quote("")
19 | cpp_quote("#define PBDA_Encoder_Audio_AlgorithmType_MPEG1LayerII 0x0")
20 | cpp_quote("#define PBDA_Encoder_Audio_AlgorithmType_AC3 0x1")
21 | cpp_quote("")
22 | cpp_quote("#define PBDA_Encoder_Video_MPEG2PartII 0x0")
23 | cpp_quote("#define PBDA_Encoder_Video_MPEG4Part10 0x1")
24 | cpp_quote("")
25 | cpp_quote("#define PBDA_Encoder_Video_AVC 0x1")
26 | cpp_quote("#define PBDA_Encoder_Video_H264 0x1")
27 | cpp_quote("")
28 | cpp_quote("#define PBDA_Encoder_BitrateMode_Constant 1")
29 | cpp_quote("#define PBDA_Encoder_BitrateMode_Variable 2")
30 | cpp_quote("#define PBDA_Encoder_BitrateMode_Average 3")
31 |
32 | typedef enum {
37 |
38 | #if 0
39 | typedef enum {
45 |
46 | typedef struct {
47 | ULONG ulPID;
48 | MEDIA_SAMPLE_CONTENT MediaSampleContent;
49 | } PID_MAP;
50 | #endif
51 |
52 | [object, uuid (fd501041-8ebe-11ce-8183-00aa00577da2), pointer_default (unique)]
53 | interface IBDA_NetworkProvider : IUnknown {
54 | HRESULT PutSignalSource ([in] ULONG ulSignalSource);
55 | HRESULT GetSignalSource ([in, out] ULONG *pulSignalSource);
56 | HRESULT GetNetworkType ([in, out] GUID *pguidNetworkType);
57 | HRESULT PutTuningSpace ([in] REFGUID guidTuningSpace);
58 | HRESULT GetTuningSpace ([in, out] GUID *pguidTuingSpace);
59 | HRESULT RegisterDeviceFilter ([in] IUnknown *pUnkFilterControl,[in, out] ULONG *ppvRegisitrationContext);
60 | HRESULT UnRegisterDeviceFilter ([in] ULONG pvRegistrationContext);
61 | }
62 |
63 | [object, uuid (71985f43-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0), pointer_default (unique)]
64 | interface IBDA_EthernetFilter : IUnknown {
65 | HRESULT GetMulticastListSize ([in, out] ULONG *pulcbAddresses);
66 | HRESULT PutMulticastList ([in] ULONG ulcbAddresses,[in, size_is (ulcbAddresses)] BYTE pAddressList []);
67 | HRESULT GetMulticastList ([in, out] ULONG *pulcbAddresses,[in, out, size_is (*pulcbAddresses)] BYTE pAddressList []);
68 | HRESULT PutMulticastMode ([in] ULONG ulModeMask);
69 | HRESULT GetMulticastMode ([out] ULONG *pulModeMask);
70 | };
71 |
72 | [object, uuid (71985f44-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0), pointer_default (unique)]
73 | interface IBDA_IPV4Filter : IUnknown {
74 | HRESULT GetMulticastListSize ([in, out] ULONG *pulcbAddresses);
75 | HRESULT PutMulticastList ([in] ULONG ulcbAddresses,[in, size_is (ulcbAddresses)] BYTE pAddressList []);
76 | HRESULT GetMulticastList ([in, out] ULONG *pulcbAddresses,[out, size_is (*pulcbAddresses)] BYTE pAddressList []);
77 | HRESULT PutMulticastMode ([in] ULONG ulModeMask);
78 | HRESULT GetMulticastMode ([out] ULONG *pulModeMask);
79 | };
80 |
81 | [object, uuid (E1785A74-2a23-4fb3-9245-A8F88017EF33), pointer_default (unique)]
82 | interface IBDA_IPV6Filter : IUnknown {
83 | HRESULT GetMulticastListSize ([in, out] ULONG *pulcbAddresses);
84 | HRESULT PutMulticastList ([in] ULONG ulcbAddresses,[in, size_is (ulcbAddresses)] BYTE pAddressList []);
85 | HRESULT GetMulticastList ([in, out] ULONG *pulcbAddresses,[out, size_is (*pulcbAddresses)] BYTE pAddressList []);
86 | HRESULT PutMulticastMode ([in] ULONG ulModeMask);
87 | HRESULT GetMulticastMode ([out] ULONG *pulModeMask);
88 | };
89 |
90 | [object, uuid (FD0A5AF3-B41D-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0), pointer_default (unique)]
91 | interface IBDA_DeviceControl : IUnknown {
92 | HRESULT StartChanges (void);
93 | HRESULT CheckChanges (void);
94 | HRESULT CommitChanges (void);
95 | HRESULT GetChangeState ([in, out] ULONG *pState);
96 | };
97 |
98 | [object, uuid (0ded49d5-A8B7-4d5d-97a1-12b0c195874d), pointer_default (unique)]
99 | interface IBDA_PinControl : IUnknown {
100 | HRESULT GetPinID ([in, out] ULONG *pulPinID);
101 | HRESULT GetPinType ([in, out] ULONG *pulPinType);
102 | HRESULT RegistrationContext ([in, out] ULONG *pulRegistrationCtx);
103 | };
104 |
105 | [object, uuid (D2F1644B-B409-11d2-BC69-00a0c9ee9e16), pointer_default (unique)]
106 | interface IBDA_SignalProperties : IUnknown {
107 | HRESULT PutNetworkType ([in] REFGUID guidNetworkType);
108 | HRESULT GetNetworkType ([in, out] GUID *pguidNetworkType);
109 | HRESULT PutSignalSource ([in] ULONG ulSignalSource);
110 | HRESULT GetSignalSource ([in, out] ULONG *pulSignalSource);
111 | HRESULT PutTuningSpace ([in] REFGUID guidTuningSpace);
112 | HRESULT GetTuningSpace ([in, out] GUID *pguidTuingSpace);
113 | };
114 |
115 | [object, uuid (1347d106-CF3A-428a-A5CB-AC0D9A2A4338), pointer_default (unique)]
116 | interface IBDA_SignalStatistics : IUnknown {
117 | HRESULT put_SignalStrength ([in] LONG lDbStrength);
118 | HRESULT get_SignalStrength ([in, out] LONG *plDbStrength);
119 | HRESULT put_SignalQuality ([in] LONG lPercentQuality);
120 | HRESULT get_SignalQuality ([in, out] LONG *plPercentQuality);
121 | HRESULT put_SignalPresent ([in] BOOLEAN fPresent);
122 | HRESULT get_SignalPresent ([in, out] BOOLEAN *pfPresent);
123 | HRESULT put_SignalLocked ([in] BOOLEAN fLocked);
124 | HRESULT get_SignalLocked ([in, out] BOOLEAN *pfLocked);
125 | HRESULT put_SampleTime ([in] LONG lmsSampleTime);
126 | HRESULT get_SampleTime ([in, out] LONG *plmsSampleTime);
127 | };
128 |
129 | [object, uuid (79b56888-7fea-4690-B45D-38fd3c7849be), pointer_default (unique)]
130 | interface IBDA_Topology : IUnknown {
131 | HRESULT GetNodeTypes ([in, out] ULONG *pulcNodeTypes,[in] ULONG ulcNodeTypesMax,[in, out, size_is (ulcNodeTypesMax)] ULONG rgulNodeTypes[]);
132 | HRESULT GetNodeDescriptors ([in, out] ULONG *ulcNodeDescriptors,[in] ULONG ulcNodeDescriptorsMax,[in, out, size_is (ulcNodeDescriptorsMax)] BDANODE_DESCRIPTOR rgNodeDescriptors[]);
133 | HRESULT GetNodeInterfaces ([in] ULONG ulNodeType,[in, out] ULONG *pulcInterfaces,[in] ULONG ulcInterfacesMax,[in, out, size_is (ulcInterfacesMax)] GUID rgguidInterfaces[]);
134 | HRESULT GetPinTypes ([in, out] ULONG *pulcPinTypes,[in] ULONG ulcPinTypesMax,[in, out, size_is (ulcPinTypesMax)] ULONG rgulPinTypes[]);
135 | HRESULT GetTemplateConnections ([in, out] ULONG *pulcConnections,[in] ULONG ulcConnectionsMax,[in, out, size_is (ulcConnectionsMax)] BDA_TEMPLATE_CONNECTION rgConnections[]);
136 | HRESULT CreatePin ([in] ULONG ulPinType,[in, out] ULONG *pulPinId);
137 | HRESULT DeletePin ([in] ULONG ulPinId);
138 | HRESULT SetMediaType ([in] ULONG ulPinId,[in] AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pMediaType);
139 | HRESULT SetMedium ([in] ULONG ulPinId,[in] REGPINMEDIUM *pMedium);
140 | HRESULT CreateTopology ([in] ULONG ulInputPinId,[in] ULONG ulOutputPinId);
141 | HRESULT GetControlNode ([in] ULONG ulInputPinId,[in] ULONG ulOutputPinId,[in] ULONG ulNodeType,[in, out] IUnknown **ppControlNode);
142 | };
143 |
144 | [object, uuid (71985f46-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0), pointer_default (unique)]
145 | interface IBDA_VoidTransform : IUnknown {
146 | HRESULT Start (void);
147 | HRESULT Stop (void);
148 | };
149 |
150 | [object, uuid (DDF15B0D-BD25-11d2-9ca0-00c04f7971e0), pointer_default (unique)]
151 | interface IBDA_NullTransform : IUnknown {
152 | HRESULT Start (void);
153 | HRESULT Stop (void);
154 | };
155 |
156 | [object, uuid (71985f47-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0), pointer_default (unique)]
157 | interface IBDA_FrequencyFilter : IUnknown {
158 | HRESULT put_Autotune ([in] ULONG ulTransponder);
159 | HRESULT get_Autotune ([in, out] ULONG *pulTransponder);
160 | HRESULT put_Frequency ([in] ULONG ulFrequency);
161 | HRESULT get_Frequency ([in, out] ULONG *pulFrequency);
162 | HRESULT put_Polarity ([in] Polarisation Polarity);
163 | HRESULT get_Polarity ([in, out] Polarisation *pPolarity);
164 | HRESULT put_Range ([in] ULONG ulRange);
165 | HRESULT get_Range ([in, out] ULONG *pulRange);
166 | HRESULT put_Bandwidth ([in] ULONG ulBandwidth);
167 | HRESULT get_Bandwidth ([in, out] ULONG *pulBandwidth);
168 | HRESULT put_FrequencyMultiplier ([in] ULONG ulMultiplier);
169 | HRESULT get_FrequencyMultiplier ([in, out] ULONG *pulMultiplier);
170 | };
171 |
172 | [object, uuid (992cf102-49f9-4719-A664-C4F23E2408F4), pointer_default (unique)]
173 | interface IBDA_LNBInfo : IUnknown {
174 | HRESULT put_LocalOscilatorFrequencyLowBand ([in] ULONG ulLOFLow);
175 | HRESULT get_LocalOscilatorFrequencyLowBand ([in, out] ULONG *pulLOFLow);
176 | HRESULT put_LocalOscilatorFrequencyHighBand ([in] ULONG ulLOFHigh);
177 | HRESULT get_LocalOscilatorFrequencyHighBand ([in, out] ULONG *pulLOFHigh);
178 | HRESULT put_HighLowSwitchFrequency ([in] ULONG ulSwitchFrequency);
179 | HRESULT get_HighLowSwitchFrequency ([in, out] ULONG *pulSwitchFrequency);
180 | };
181 |
182 | [object, uuid (F84E2AB0-3c6b-45e3-A0FC-8669d4b81f11), pointer_default (unique)]
183 | interface IBDA_DiseqCommand : IUnknown {
184 | HRESULT put_EnableDiseqCommands ([in] BOOLEAN bEnable);
185 | HRESULT put_DiseqLNBSource ([in] ULONG ulLNBSource);
186 | HRESULT put_DiseqUseToneBurst ([in] BOOLEAN bUseToneBurst);
187 | HRESULT put_DiseqRepeats ([in] ULONG ulRepeats);
188 | HRESULT put_DiseqSendCommand ([in] ULONG ulRequestId,[in] ULONG ulcbCommandLen,[in, size_is (ulcbCommandLen)] BYTE *pbCommand);
189 | HRESULT get_DiseqResponse ([in] ULONG ulRequestId,[in, out] ULONG *pulcbResponseLen,[in, out, size_is (*pulcbResponseLen)] BYTE pbResponse[]);
190 | };
191 |
192 | [object, uuid (DDF15B12-BD25-11d2-9ca0-00c04f7971e0), pointer_default (unique)]
193 | interface IBDA_AutoDemodulate : IUnknown {
194 | HRESULT put_AutoDemodulate (void);
195 | };
196 |
197 | [object, uuid (34518d13-1182-48e6-B28F-B24987787326), pointer_default (unique)]
198 | interface IBDA_AutoDemodulateEx : IBDA_AutoDemodulate {
199 | HRESULT get_SupportedDeviceNodeTypes ([in] ULONG ulcDeviceNodeTypesMax,[out] ULONG *pulcDeviceNodeTypes,[in, out] GUID *pguidDeviceNodeTypes);
200 | HRESULT get_SupportedVideoFormats ([out] ULONG *pulAMTunerModeType,[out] ULONG *pulAnalogVideoStandard);
201 | HRESULT get_AuxInputCount ([in, out] ULONG *pulCompositeCount,[in, out] ULONG *pulSvideoCount);
202 | };
203 |
204 | [object, uuid (EF30F379-985b-4d10-B640-A79D5E04E1E0), pointer_default (unique)]
205 | interface IBDA_DigitalDemodulator : IUnknown {
206 | HRESULT put_ModulationType ([in] ModulationType *pModulationType);
207 | HRESULT get_ModulationType ([in, out] ModulationType *pModulationType);
208 | HRESULT put_InnerFECMethod ([in] FECMethod *pFECMethod);
209 | HRESULT get_InnerFECMethod ([in, out] FECMethod *pFECMethod);
210 | HRESULT put_InnerFECRate ([in] BinaryConvolutionCodeRate *pFECRate);
211 | HRESULT get_InnerFECRate ([in, out] BinaryConvolutionCodeRate *pFECRate);
212 | HRESULT put_OuterFECMethod ([in] FECMethod *pFECMethod);
213 | HRESULT get_OuterFECMethod ([in, out] FECMethod *pFECMethod);
214 | HRESULT put_OuterFECRate ([in] BinaryConvolutionCodeRate *pFECRate);
215 | HRESULT get_OuterFECRate ([in, out] BinaryConvolutionCodeRate *pFECRate);
216 | HRESULT put_SymbolRate ([in] ULONG *pSymbolRate);
217 | HRESULT get_SymbolRate ([in, out] ULONG *pSymbolRate);
218 | HRESULT put_SpectralInversion ([in] SpectralInversion *pSpectralInversion);
219 | HRESULT get_SpectralInversion ([in, out] SpectralInversion *pSpectralInversion);
220 | };
221 |
222 | [object, uuid (525ed3ee-5cf3-4e1e-9a06-5368a84f9a6e), pointer_default (unique)]
223 | interface IBDA_DigitalDemodulator2 : IBDA_DigitalDemodulator {
224 | HRESULT put_GuardInterval ([in] GuardInterval *pGuardInterval);
225 | HRESULT get_GuardInterval ([in, out] GuardInterval *pGuardInterval);
226 | HRESULT put_TransmissionMode ([in] TransmissionMode *pTransmissionMode);
227 | HRESULT get_TransmissionMode ([in, out] TransmissionMode *pTransmissionMode);
228 | HRESULT put_RollOff ([in] RollOff *pRollOff);
229 | HRESULT get_RollOff ([in, out] RollOff *pRollOff);
230 | HRESULT put_Pilot ([in] Pilot *pPilot);
231 | HRESULT get_Pilot ([in, out] Pilot *pPilot);
232 | };
233 |
234 | [object, uuid (13f19604-7d32-4359-93a2-A05205D90AC9), pointer_default (unique)]
235 | interface IBDA_DigitalDemodulator3 : IBDA_DigitalDemodulator2 {
236 | HRESULT put_SignalTimeouts ([in] BDA_SIGNAL_TIMEOUTS *pSignalTimeouts);
237 | HRESULT get_SignalTimeouts ([in, out] BDA_SIGNAL_TIMEOUTS *pSignalTimeouts);
238 | HRESULT put_PLPNumber ([in] ULONG *pPLPNumber);
239 | HRESULT get_PLPNumber ([in, out] ULONG *pPLPNumber);
240 | };
241 |
242 | [object, uuid (4b2bd7ea-8347-467b-8dbf-62f784929cc3), pointer_default (unique)]
243 | interface ICCSubStreamFiltering : IUnknown {
244 | [propget, helpstring ("property SubstreamTypes")] HRESULT SubstreamTypes ([out, retval] long *pTypes);
245 | [propput, helpstring ("property SubstreamTypes")] HRESULT SubstreamTypes ([in] long Types);
246 | };
247 |
248 | [object, uuid (3f4dc8e2-4050-11d3-8f4b-00c04f7971e2), pointer_default (unique)]
249 | interface IBDA_IPSinkControl : IUnknown {
250 | HRESULT GetMulticastList ([in, out] unsigned long *pulcbSize,[in, out] BYTE **pbBuffer);
251 | HRESULT GetAdapterIPAddress ([in, out] unsigned long *pulcbSize,[in, out] BYTE **pbBuffer);
252 | };
253 |
254 | [object, uuid (A750108F-492e-4d51-95f7-649b23ff7ad7), pointer_default (unique)]
255 | interface IBDA_IPSinkInfo : IUnknown {
256 | HRESULT get_MulticastList ([in, out] ULONG *pulcbAddresses,[out, size_is (*pulcbAddresses)] BYTE **ppbAddressList);
257 | HRESULT get_AdapterIPAddress ([out] BSTR *pbstrBuffer);
258 | HRESULT get_AdapterDescription ([out] BSTR *pbstrBuffer);
259 | };
260 |
261 | [object, uuid (afb6c2a2-2c41-11d3-8a60-0000f81e0e4a), pointer_default (unique)]
262 | interface IEnumPIDMap : IUnknown {
263 | HRESULT Next ([in] ULONG cRequest,[in, out, size_is (cRequest)] PID_MAP *pPIDMap,[out] ULONG *pcReceived);
264 | HRESULT Skip ([in] ULONG cRecords);
265 | HRESULT Reset ();
266 | HRESULT Clone ([out] IEnumPIDMap **ppIEnumPIDMap);
267 | };
268 |
269 | [object, uuid (afb6c2a1-2c41-11d3-8a60-0000f81e0e4a), pointer_default (unique)]
270 | interface IMPEG2PIDMap : IUnknown {
271 | HRESULT MapPID ([in] ULONG culPID,[in] ULONG *pulPID,[in] MEDIA_SAMPLE_CONTENT MediaSampleContent);
272 | HRESULT UnmapPID ([in] ULONG culPID,[in] ULONG *pulPID);
273 | HRESULT EnumPIDMap ([out] IEnumPIDMap **pIEnumPIDMap);
274 | };
275 |
276 | [object, uuid (06fb45c1-693c-4ea7-B79F-7a6a54d8def2), pointer_default (unique), hidden, restricted]
277 | interface IFrequencyMap : IUnknown {
278 | HRESULT get_FrequencyMapping ([out] ULONG *ulCount,[out, size_is (1,*ulCount)] ULONG **ppulList);
279 | HRESULT put_FrequencyMapping ([in] ULONG ulCount,[in, size_is (ulCount)] ULONG pList[]);
280 | HRESULT get_CountryCode ([out] ULONG *pulCountryCode);
281 | HRESULT put_CountryCode ([in] ULONG ulCountryCode);
282 | HRESULT get_DefaultFrequencyMapping ([in] ULONG ulCountryCode,[out] ULONG *pulCount,[out, size_is (1,*pulCount)] ULONG **ppulList);
283 | HRESULT get_CountryCodeList ([out] ULONG *pulCount,[out, size_is (1,*pulCount)] ULONG **ppulList);
284 | };
285 |
286 | [object, uuid (D806973D-3ebe-46de-8fbb-6358fe784208), pointer_default (unique), hidden, restricted]
287 | interface IBDA_EasMessage : IUnknown {
288 | HRESULT get_EasMessage ([in] ULONG ulEventID,[in, out] IUnknown **ppEASObject);
289 | };
290 |
291 | [object, uuid (8e882535-5f86-47ab-86cf-C281A72A0549), pointer_default (unique), hidden, restricted]
292 | interface IBDA_TransportStreamInfo : IUnknown {
293 | HRESULT get_PatTableTickCount ([out] ULONG *pPatTickCount);
294 | };
295 |
296 | [object, uuid (CD51F1E0-7be9-4123-8482-A2A796C0A6B0), pointer_default (unique)]
297 | interface IBDA_ConditionalAccess : IUnknown {
298 | HRESULT get_SmartCardStatus ([out] SmartCardStatusType *pCardStatus,[out] SmartCardAssociationType *pCardAssociation,[out] BSTR *pbstrCardError,[out] VARIANT_BOOL *pfOOBLocked);
299 | HRESULT get_SmartCardInfo ([out] BSTR *pbstrCardName,[out] BSTR *pbstrCardManufacturer,[out] VARIANT_BOOL *pfDaylightSavings,[out] BYTE *pbyRatingRegion,[out] LONG *plTimeZoneOffsetMinutes,[out] BSTR *pbstrLanguage,[out] EALocationCodeType *pEALocationCode);
300 | HRESULT get_SmartCardApplications ([in, out] ULONG *pulcApplications,[in] ULONG ulcApplicationsMax,[in, out, size_is (ulcApplicationsMax)] SmartCardApplication rgApplications[]);
301 | HRESULT get_Entitlement ([in] USHORT usVirtualChannel,[out] EntitlementType *pEntitlement);
302 | HRESULT TuneByChannel ([in] USHORT usVirtualChannel);
303 | HRESULT SetProgram ([in] USHORT usProgramNumber);
304 | HRESULT AddProgram ([in] USHORT usProgramNumber);
305 | HRESULT RemoveProgram ([in] USHORT usProgramNumber);
306 | HRESULT GetModuleUI ([in] BYTE byDialogNumber,[out] BSTR *pbstrURL);
307 | HRESULT InformUIClosed ([in] BYTE byDialogNumber,[in] UICloseReasonType CloseReason);
308 | };
309 |
310 | [object, uuid (20e80cb5-c543-4c1b-8eb3-49e719eee7d4), pointer_default (unique)]
311 | interface IBDA_DiagnosticProperties : IPropertyBag {
312 | };
313 |
314 | [object, uuid (F98D88B0-1992-4cd6-A6D9-B9AFAB99330D), pointer_default (unique)]
315 | interface IBDA_DRM : IUnknown {
316 | HRESULT GetDRMPairingStatus ([out] DWORD *pdwStatus,[out] HRESULT *phError);
317 | HRESULT PerformDRMPairing (WINBOOL fSync);
318 | };
319 |
320 | [object, uuid (7f0b3150-7b81-4ad4-98e3-7e9097094301), pointer_default (unique)]
321 | interface IBDA_NameValueService : IUnknown {
322 | HRESULT GetValueNameByIndex ([in] ULONG ulIndex,[out] BSTR *pbstrName);
323 | HRESULT GetValue ([in] BSTR bstrName,[in] BSTR bstrLanguage,[out] BSTR *pbstrValue);
324 | HRESULT SetValue ([in] ULONG ulDialogRequest,[in] BSTR bstrLanguage,[in] BSTR bstrName,[in] BSTR bstrValue,[in] ULONG ulReserved);
325 | };
326 |
327 | [object, uuid (497c3418-23cb-44ba-BB62-769f506fcea7), pointer_default (unique)]
328 | interface IBDA_ConditionalAccessEx : IUnknown {
329 | HRESULT CheckEntitlementToken ([in] ULONG ulDialogRequest,[in] BSTR bstrLanguage,[in] BDA_CONDITIONALACCESS_REQUESTTYPE RequestType,[in] ULONG ulcbEntitlementTokenLen,[in, size_is (ulcbEntitlementTokenLen)] BYTE *pbEntitlementToken,[out] ULONG *pulDescrambleStatus);
330 | HRESULT SetCaptureToken ([in] ULONG ulcbCaptureTokenLen,[in, size_is (ulcbCaptureTokenLen)] BYTE *pbCaptureToken);
331 | HRESULT OpenBroadcastMmi ([in] ULONG ulDialogRequest,[in] BSTR bstrLanguage,[in] ULONG EventId);
332 | HRESULT CloseMmiDialog ([in] ULONG ulDialogRequest,[in] BSTR bstrLanguage,[in] ULONG ulDialogNumber,[in] BDA_CONDITIONALACCESS_MMICLOSEREASON ReasonCode,[out] ULONG *pulSessionResult);
333 | HRESULT CreateDialogRequestNumber ([out] ULONG *pulDialogRequestNumber);
334 | };
335 |
336 | [object, uuid (5e68c627-16c2-4e6c-B1E2-D00170CDAA0F), pointer_default (unique)]
337 | interface IBDA_ISDBConditionalAccess : IUnknown {
338 | HRESULT SetIsdbCasRequest ([in] ULONG ulRequestId,[in] ULONG ulcbRequestBufferLen,[in, size_is (ulcbRequestBufferLen)] BYTE *pbRequestBuffer);
339 | };
340 |
341 | [object, uuid (207c413f-00dc-4c61-BAD6-6fee1ff07064), helpstring ("IBDA_EventingService Interface"), pointer_default (unique)] interface IBDA_EventingService : IUnknown {
342 | HRESULT CompleteEvent ([in] ULONG ulEventID,[in] ULONG ulEventResult);
343 | };
344 |
345 | [object, uuid (7def4c09-6e66-4567-A819-F0E17F4A81AB), helpstring ("IBDA_AUX Interface"), pointer_default (unique)] interface IBDA_AUX : IUnknown {
346 | HRESULT QueryCapabilities ([out] DWORD *pdwNumAuxInputsBSTR);
347 | HRESULT EnumCapability ([in] DWORD dwIndex,[out] DWORD *dwInputID,[out] GUID *pConnectorType,[out] DWORD *ConnTypeNum,[out] DWORD *NumVideoStds,[out] ULONGLONG *AnalogStds);
348 | };
349 |
350 | [object, uuid (3a8bad59-59fe-4559-a0ba-396cfaa98ae3), pointer_default (unique)]
351 | interface IBDA_Encoder : IUnknown {
352 | HRESULT QueryCapabilities ([out] DWORD *NumAudioFmts,[out] DWORD *NumVideoFmts);
353 | HRESULT EnumAudioCapability ([in] DWORD FmtIndex,[out] DWORD *MethodID,[out] DWORD *AlgorithmType,[out] DWORD *SamplingRate,[out] DWORD *BitDepth,[out] DWORD *NumChannels);
354 | HRESULT EnumVideoCapability ([in] DWORD FmtIndex,[out] DWORD *MethodID,[out] DWORD *AlgorithmType,[out] DWORD *VerticalSize,[out] DWORD *HorizontalSize,[out] DWORD *AspectRatio,[out] DWORD *FrameRateCode,[out] DWORD *ProgressiveSequence);
355 | HRESULT SetParameters ([in] DWORD AudioBitrateMode,[in] DWORD AudioBitrate,[in] DWORD AudioMethodID,[in] DWORD AudioProgram,[in] DWORD VideoBitrateMode,[in] DWORD VideoBitrate,[in] DWORD VideoMethodID);
356 | HRESULT GetState ([out] DWORD *AudioBitrateMax,[out] DWORD *AudioBitrateMin,[out] DWORD *AudioBitrateMode,[out] DWORD *AudioBitrateStepping,[out] DWORD *AudioBitrate,[out] DWORD *AudioMethodID,[out] DWORD *AvailableAudioPrograms,[out] DWORD *AudioProgram,[out] DWORD *VideoBitrateMax,[out] DWORD *VideoBitrateMin,[out] DWORD *VideoBitrateMode,[out] DWORD *VideoBitrate,[out] DWORD *VideoBitrateStepping,[out] DWORD *VideoMethodID,[out] DWORD *SignalSourceID,[out] ULONGLONG *SignalFormat,[out] WINBOOL *SignalLock,[out] LONG *SignalLevel,[out] DWORD *SignalToNoiseRatio);
357 | };
358 |
359 | [object, uuid (138adc7e-58ae-437f-b0b4-c9fe19d5b4ac), pointer_default (unique)]
360 | interface IBDA_FDC : IUnknown {
361 | HRESULT GetStatus ([out] DWORD *CurrentBitrate,[out] WINBOOL *CarrierLock,[out] DWORD *CurrentFrequency,[out] WINBOOL *CurrentSpectrumInversion,[out] BSTR *CurrentPIDList,[out] BSTR *CurrentTIDList,[out] WINBOOL *Overflow);
362 | HRESULT RequestTables ([in] BSTR TableIDs);
363 | HRESULT AddPid ([in] BSTR PidsToAdd,[out] DWORD *RemainingFilterEntries);
364 | HRESULT RemovePid ([in] BSTR PidsToRemove);
365 | HRESULT AddTid ([in] BSTR TidsToAdd,[out] BSTR *CurrentTidList);
366 | HRESULT RemoveTid ([in] BSTR TidsToRemove);
367 | HRESULT GetTableSection ([out] DWORD *Pid,[in] DWORD MaxBufferSize,[out] DWORD *ActualSize,[out] BYTE *SecBuffer);
368 | };
369 |
370 | [object, uuid (C0AFCB73-23e7-4bc6-BAFA-FDC167B4719F), pointer_default (unique)]
371 | interface IBDA_GuideDataDeliveryService: IUnknown {
372 | HRESULT GetGuideDataType ([out] GUID *pguidDataType);
373 | HRESULT GetGuideData ([in, out] ULONG *pulcbBufferLen,[out] BYTE *pbBuffer,[out] ULONG *pulGuideDataPercentageProgress);
374 | HRESULT RequestGuideDataUpdate ();
375 | HRESULT GetTuneXmlFromServiceIdx ([in] ULONG64 ul64ServiceIdx,[out] BSTR *pbstrTuneXml);
376 | HRESULT GetServices ([in, out] ULONG *pulcbBufferLen,[out] BYTE *pbBuffer);
377 | HRESULT GetServiceInfoFromTuneXml ([in] BSTR bstrTuneXml,[out] BSTR *pbstrServiceDescription);
378 | };
379 |
380 | [object, uuid (BFF6B5BB-B0AE-484c-9dca-73528fb0b46e), pointer_default (unique)]
381 | interface IBDA_DRMService: IUnknown {
382 | HRESULT SetDRM ([in] GUID *puuidNewDrm);
383 | HRESULT GetDRMStatus ([out] BSTR *pbstrDrmUuidList,[out] GUID *DrmUuid);
384 | };
385 |
386 | [object, uuid (4be6fa3d-07cd-4139-8b80-8c18ba3aec88), pointer_default (unique)]
387 | interface IBDA_WMDRMSession: IUnknown {
388 | HRESULT GetStatus ([out] ULONG *MaxCaptureToken,[out] ULONG *MaxStreamingPid,[out] ULONG *MaxLicense,[out] ULONG *MinSecurityLevel,[out] ULONG *RevInfoSequenceNumber,[out] ULONGLONG *RevInfoIssuedTime,[out] ULONG *RevInfoTTL,[out] ULONG *RevListVersion,[out] ULONG *ulState);
389 | HRESULT SetRevInfo ([in] ULONG ulRevInfoLen,[in, size_is (ulRevInfoLen)] BYTE *pbRevInfo);
390 | HRESULT SetCrl ([in] ULONG ulCrlLen,[in, size_is (ulCrlLen)] BYTE *pbCrlLen);
391 | HRESULT TransactMessage ([in] ULONG ulcbRequest,[in, size_is (ulcbRequest)] BYTE *pbRequest,[in, out] ULONG *pulcbResponse,[in, out] BYTE *pbResponse);
392 | HRESULT GetLicense ([in] GUID *uuidKey,[in, out] ULONG *pulPackageLen,[in, out] BYTE *pbPackage);
393 | HRESULT ReissueLicense ([in] GUID *uuidKey);
394 | HRESULT RenewLicense ([in] ULONG ulInXmrLicenseLen,[in, size_is (ulInXmrLicenseLen)] BYTE *pbInXmrLicense,[in] ULONG ulEntitlementTokenLen,[in, size_is (ulEntitlementTokenLen)] BYTE *pbEntitlementToken,[out] ULONG *pulDescrambleStatus,[in, out] ULONG *pulOutXmrLicenseLen,[in, out] BYTE *pbOutXmrLicense);
395 | HRESULT GetKeyInfo ([in, out] ULONG *pulKeyInfoLen,[in, out] BYTE *pbKeyInfo);
396 | };
397 |
398 | [object, uuid (86d979cf-A8A7-4f94-B5FB-14c0aca68fe6), pointer_default (unique)]
399 | interface IBDA_WMDRMTuner: IUnknown {
400 | HRESULT PurchaseEntitlement ([in] ULONG ulDialogRequest,[in] BSTR bstrLanguage,[in] ULONG ulPurchaseTokenLen,[in, size_is (ulPurchaseTokenLen)] BYTE *pbPurchaseToken,[out] ULONG *pulDescrambleStatus,[in, out] ULONG *pulCaptureTokenLen,[in, out] BYTE *pbCaptureToken);
401 | HRESULT CancelCaptureToken ([in] ULONG ulCaptureTokenLen,[in, size_is (ulCaptureTokenLen)] BYTE *pbCaptureToken);
402 | HRESULT SetPidProtection ([in] ULONG ulPid,[in] GUID *uuidKey);
403 | HRESULT GetPidProtection ([in] ULONG pulPid,[out] GUID *uuidKey);
404 | HRESULT SetSyncValue ([in] ULONG ulSyncValue);
405 | HRESULT GetStartCodeProfile ([in, out] ULONG *pulStartCodeProfileLen,[in, out] BYTE *pbStartCodeProfile);
406 | };
407 |
408 | [object, uuid (1f9bc2a5-44a3-4c52-AAB1-0bbce5a1381d), pointer_default (unique)]
409 | interface IBDA_DRIDRMService: IUnknown {
410 | HRESULT SetDRM ([in] BSTR bstrNewDrm);
411 | HRESULT GetDRMStatus ([out] BSTR *pbstrDrmUuidList,[out] GUID *DrmUuid);
412 | HRESULT GetPairingStatus ([in, out] BDA_DrmPairingError *penumPairingStatus);
413 | };
414 |
415 | [object, uuid (05c690f8-56db-4bb2-B053-79c12098bb26), pointer_default (unique)]
416 | interface IBDA_DRIWMDRMSession: IUnknown {
417 | HRESULT AcknowledgeLicense ([in] HRESULT hrLicenseAck);
418 | HRESULT ProcessLicenseChallenge ([in] DWORD dwcbLicenseMessage,[in, size_is (dwcbLicenseMessage)] BYTE *pbLicenseMessage,[in, out] DWORD *pdwcbLicenseResponse,[in, out, size_is (*pdwcbLicenseResponse)] BYTE **ppbLicenseResponse);
419 | HRESULT ProcessRegistrationChallenge ([in] DWORD dwcbRegistrationMessage,[in, size_is (dwcbRegistrationMessage)] BYTE *pbRegistrationMessage,[in, out] DWORD *pdwcbRegistrationResponse,[in, out] BYTE **ppbRegistrationResponse);
420 | HRESULT SetRevInfo ([in] DWORD dwRevInfoLen,[in, size_is (dwRevInfoLen)] BYTE *pbRevInfo,[in, out] DWORD *pdwResponse);
421 | HRESULT SetCrl ([in] DWORD dwCrlLen,[in, size_is (dwCrlLen)] BYTE *pbCrlLen,[in, out] DWORD *pdwResponse);
422 | HRESULT GetHMSAssociationData ();
423 | HRESULT GetLastCardeaError ([in, out] DWORD *pdwError);
424 | };
425 |
426 | [object, uuid (942aafec-4c05-4c74-B8EB-8706c2a4943f), pointer_default (unique)]
427 | interface IBDA_MUX: IUnknown {
428 | HRESULT SetPidList ([in] ULONG ulPidListCount,[in, size_is (ulPidListCount)] BDA_MUX_PIDLISTITEM *pbPidListBuffer);
429 | HRESULT GetPidList ([in, out] ULONG *pulPidListCount,[in, out] BDA_MUX_PIDLISTITEM *pbPidListBuffer);
430 | };
431 |
432 | [object, uuid (1dcfafe9-B45E-41b3-BB2A-561eb129ae98), pointer_default (unique)]
433 | interface IBDA_TransportStreamSelector : IUnknown {
435 | HRESULT GetTSInformation ([in, out] ULONG *pulTSInformationBufferLen,[out, size_is (*pulTSInformationBufferLen)] BYTE *pbTSInformationBuffer);
436 | };
437 |
438 | [object, uuid (53b14189-E478-4b7a-A1FF-506db4b99dfe), pointer_default (unique)]
439 | interface IBDA_UserActivityService: IUnknown {
440 | HRESULT SetCurrentTunerUseReason ([in] DWORD dwUseReason);
441 | HRESULT GetUserActivityInterval ([out] DWORD *pdwActivityInterval);
442 | HRESULT UserActivityDetected ();
443 | };
444 |
445 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_EasMessage __uuidof (IBDA_EasMessage)")
446 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_TransportStreamInfo __uuidof (IBDA_TransportStreamInfo)")
447 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_ConditionalAccess __uuidof (IBDA_ConditionalAccess)")
448 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_DiagnosticProperties __uuidof (IBDA_DiagnosticProperties)")
449 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_DRM __uuidof (IBDA_DRM)")
450 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_NameValueService __uuidof (IBDA_NameValueService)")
451 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_ConditionalAccessEx __uuidof (IBDA_ConditionalAccessEx)")
452 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_ISDBConditionalAccess __uuidof (IBDA_ISDBConditionalAccess)")
453 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_EventingService __uuidof (IBDA_EventingService)")
454 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_AUX __uuidof (IBDA_AUX)")
455 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_Encoder __uuidof (IBDA_Encoder)")
456 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_FDC __uuidof (IBDA_FDC")
457 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_GuideDataDeliveryService __uuidof (IBDA_GuideDataDeliveryService)")
458 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_DRMService __uuidof (IBDA_DRMService)")
459 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_WMDRMSession __uuidof (IBDA_WMDRMSession)")
460 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_WMDRMTuner __uuidof (IBDA_WMDRMTuner)")
461 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_DRIDRMService __uuidof (IBDA_DRIDRMService)")
462 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_DRIWMDRMSession __uuidof (IBDA_DRIWMDRMSession)")
463 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_MUX __uuidof (IBDA_MUX)")
464 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_TransportStreamSelector __uuidof (IBDA_TransportStreamSelector)")
465 | cpp_quote("#define SID_BDA_UserActivityService __uuidof (IBDA_UserActivityService)")
466 | cpp_quote("")
467 |
468 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_PBDA_Encoder_DATA_TYPE, 0x728fd6bc, 0x5546, 0x4716, 0xb1, 0x03, 0xf8, 0x99, 0xf5, 0xa1, 0xfa, 0x68);")
469 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_PBDA_FDC_DATA_TYPE, 0xe7dbf9a0, 0x22ab, 0x4047, 0x8e, 0x67, 0xef, 0x9a, 0xd5, 0x4, 0xe7, 0x29);")
470 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_PBDA_GDDS_DATA_TYPE, 0xC80C0DF3, 0x6052, 0x4c16, 0x9F, 0x56, 0xC4, 0x4C, 0x21, 0xF7, 0x3C, 0x45);")
471 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(PBDA_AUX_CONNECTOR_TYPE_SVideo, 0xa0e905f4,0x24c9,0x4a54, 0xb7, 0x61, 0x21, 0x33, 0x55, 0xef, 0xc1, 0x3A);")
472 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(PBDA_AUX_CONNECTOR_TYPE_Composite, 0xf6298b4c,0xc725,0x4d42, 0x84, 0x9b, 0x41, 0x0b, 0xbb, 0x14, 0xea, 0x62);")
473 | cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_PBDA_AUX_DATA_TYPE, 0xfd456373, 0x3323, 0x4090, 0xad, 0xca, 0x8e, 0xd4, 0x5f, 0x55, 0xcf, 0x10);")
474 |
475 | cpp_quote("#endif")