[1166] | 1 | cpp_quote("/**")
| 2 | cpp_quote(" * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package.")
| 3 | cpp_quote(" * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package.")
| 4 | cpp_quote(" */")
| 5 | cpp_quote("")
| 6 |
| 7 | #ifndef LF_FACESIZE
| 8 | #define LF_FACESIZE 32
| 9 | #endif
| 11 | #define STYLE_DESCRIPTION_SIZE 32
| 12 | #endif
| 15 | #endif
| 16 |
| 17 | #ifndef DO_NO_IMPORTS
| 18 | import "unknwn.idl";
| 19 | #endif
| 20 |
| 21 | interface IEnumRegisterWordA;
| 22 | interface IEnumRegisterWordW;
| 23 |
| 24 | cpp_quote("#include <winapifamily.h>")
| 25 | cpp_quote("")
| 27 |
| 28 | [uuid (4955dd30-B159-11d0-8fcf-00aa006bcc59), lcid (0x0000), version (0.1)]
| 29 | library ActiveIMM {
| 30 | importlib ("stdole2.tlb");
| 31 | cpp_quote("#include <imm.h>")
| 32 |
| 33 | cpp_quote("#if 0")
| 34 | typedef WORD LANGID;
| 35 | typedef struct {
| 36 | LPSTR lpReading;
| 37 | LPSTR lpWord;
| 39 |
| 40 | typedef struct {
| 41 | LPWSTR lpReading;
| 42 | LPWSTR lpWord;
| 44 |
| 45 | typedef struct {
| 46 | LONG lfHeight;
| 47 | LONG lfWidth;
| 48 | LONG lfEscapement;
| 49 | LONG lfOrientation;
| 50 | LONG lfWeight;
| 51 | BYTE lfItalic;
| 52 | BYTE lfUnderline;
| 53 | BYTE lfStrikeOut;
| 54 | BYTE lfCharSet;
| 55 | BYTE lfOutPrecision;
| 56 | BYTE lfClipPrecision;
| 57 | BYTE lfQuality;
| 58 | BYTE lfPitchAndFamily;
| 59 | CHAR lfFaceName[LF_FACESIZE];
| 60 | } LOGFONTA;
| 61 |
| 62 | typedef struct {
| 63 | LONG lfHeight;
| 64 | LONG lfWidth;
| 65 | LONG lfEscapement;
| 66 | LONG lfOrientation;
| 67 | LONG lfWeight;
| 68 | BYTE lfItalic;
| 69 | BYTE lfUnderline;
| 70 | BYTE lfStrikeOut;
| 71 | BYTE lfCharSet;
| 72 | BYTE lfOutPrecision;
| 73 | BYTE lfClipPrecision;
| 74 | BYTE lfQuality;
| 75 | BYTE lfPitchAndFamily;
| 76 | WCHAR lfFaceName[LF_FACESIZE];
| 77 | } LOGFONTW;
| 78 |
| 79 | typedef DWORD HIMC;
| 80 | typedef DWORD HIMCC;
| 81 |
| 82 | typedef struct {
| 83 | DWORD dwIndex;
| 84 | DWORD dwStyle;
| 85 | POINT ptCurrentPos;
| 86 | RECT rcArea;
| 88 |
| 89 | typedef struct {
| 90 | DWORD dwStyle;
| 91 | POINT ptCurrentPos;
| 92 | RECT rcArea;
| 94 |
| 95 | typedef struct {
| 96 | DWORD dwSize;
| 97 | DWORD dwStyle;
| 98 | DWORD dwCount;
| 99 | DWORD dwSelection;
| 100 | DWORD dwPageStart;
| 101 | DWORD dwPageSize;
| 102 | DWORD dwOffset[1];
| 104 |
| 105 | typedef struct {
| 106 | DWORD dwStyle;
| 107 | CHAR szDescription[STYLE_DESCRIPTION_SIZE];
| 108 | } STYLEBUFA;
| 109 |
| 110 | typedef struct {
| 111 | DWORD dwStyle;
| 112 | WCHAR szDescription[STYLE_DESCRIPTION_SIZE];
| 113 | } STYLEBUFW;
| 114 |
| 115 | typedef WORD ATOM;
| 116 |
| 117 | typedef struct {
| 118 | UINT cbSize;
| 119 | UINT fType;
| 120 | UINT fState;
| 121 | UINT wID;
| 122 | HBITMAP hbmpChecked;
| 123 | HBITMAP hbmpUnchecked;
| 124 | DWORD dwItemData;
| 126 | HBITMAP hbmpItem;
| 128 |
| 129 | typedef struct {
| 130 | UINT cbSize;
| 131 | UINT fType;
| 132 | UINT fState;
| 133 | UINT wID;
| 134 | HBITMAP hbmpChecked;
| 135 | HBITMAP hbmpUnchecked;
| 136 | DWORD dwItemData;
| 138 | HBITMAP hbmpItem;
| 140 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 141 |
| 142 | cpp_quote("#ifndef _DDKIMM_H_")
| 143 |
| 144 | typedef struct {
| 145 | HWND hWnd;
| 146 | BOOL fOpen;
| 147 | POINT ptStatusWndPos;
| 148 | POINT ptSoftKbdPos;
| 149 | DWORD fdwConversion;
| 150 | DWORD fdwSentence;
| 151 | union {
| 152 | LOGFONTA A;
| 153 | LOGFONTW W;
| 154 | } lfFont;
| 155 | COMPOSITIONFORM cfCompForm;
| 156 | CANDIDATEFORM cfCandForm[4];
| 157 | HIMCC hCompStr;
| 158 | HIMCC hCandInfo;
| 159 | HIMCC hGuideLine;
| 160 | HIMCC hPrivate;
| 161 | DWORD dwNumMsgBuf;
| 162 | HIMCC hMsgBuf;
| 163 | DWORD fdwInit;
| 164 | DWORD dwReserve[3];
| 166 |
| 167 | typedef struct {
| 168 | DWORD dwPrivateDataSize;
| 169 | DWORD fdwProperty;
| 170 | DWORD fdwConversionCaps;
| 171 | DWORD fdwSentenceCaps;
| 172 | DWORD fdwUICaps;
| 173 | DWORD fdwSCSCaps;
| 174 | DWORD fdwSelectCaps;
| 175 | } IMEINFO;
| 176 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 177 |
| 178 | [object, uuid (09b5eab0-f997-11d1-93d4-0060b067b86e), pointer_default (unique)]
| 179 | interface IEnumInputContext : IUnknown {
| 180 | HRESULT Clone ([out] IEnumInputContext **ppEnum);
| 181 | HRESULT Next ([in] ULONG ulCount,[out] HIMC *rgInputContext,[out] ULONG *pcFetched);
| 182 | HRESULT Reset ();
| 183 | HRESULT Skip ([in] ULONG ulCount);
| 184 | };
| 185 |
| 186 | [object, uuid (b3458082-bd00-11d1-939b-0060b067b86e), pointer_default (unique)]
| 187 | interface IActiveIMMRegistrar : IUnknown {
| 188 | HRESULT RegisterIME ([in] REFCLSID rclsid,[in] LANGID lgid,[in] LPCWSTR pszIconFile,[in] LPCWSTR pszDesc);
| 189 | HRESULT UnregisterIME ([in] REFCLSID rclsid);
| 190 | };
| 191 |
| 192 | [object, uuid (b5cf2cfa-8aeb-11d1-9364-0060b067b86e), pointer_default (unique)]
| 193 | interface IActiveIMMMessagePumpOwner : IUnknown {
| 194 | HRESULT Start ();
| 195 | HRESULT End ();
| 196 | HRESULT OnTranslateMessage ([in] const MSG *pMsg);
| 197 | HRESULT Pause ([out] DWORD *pdwCookie);
| 198 | HRESULT Resume ([in] DWORD dwCookie);
| 199 | }
| 200 |
| 201 | [object, uuid (08c0e040-62d1-11d1-9326-0060b067b86e), pointer_default (unique)]
| 202 | interface IActiveIMMApp : IUnknown {
| 203 | HRESULT AssociateContext ([in] HWND hWnd,[in] HIMC hIME,[out] HIMC *phPrev);
| 204 | HRESULT ConfigureIMEA ([in] HKL hKL,[in] HWND hWnd,[in] DWORD dwMode,[in] REGISTERWORDA *pData);
| 205 | HRESULT ConfigureIMEW ([in] HKL hKL,[in] HWND hWnd,[in] DWORD dwMode,[in] REGISTERWORDW *pData);
| 206 | HRESULT CreateContext ([out] HIMC *phIMC);
| 207 | HRESULT DestroyContext ([in] HIMC hIME);
| 208 | HRESULT EnumRegisterWordA ([in] HKL hKL,[in] LPSTR szReading,[in] DWORD dwStyle,[in] LPSTR szRegister,[in] LPVOID pData,[out] IEnumRegisterWordA **pEnum);
| 209 | HRESULT EnumRegisterWordW ([in] HKL hKL,[in] LPWSTR szReading,[in] DWORD dwStyle,[in] LPWSTR szRegister,[in] LPVOID pData,[out] IEnumRegisterWordW **pEnum);
| 210 | HRESULT EscapeA ([in] HKL hKL,[in] HIMC hIMC,[in] UINT uEscape,[in, out] LPVOID pData,[out] LRESULT *plResult);
| 211 | HRESULT EscapeW ([in] HKL hKL,[in] HIMC hIMC,[in] UINT uEscape,[in, out] LPVOID pData,[out] LRESULT *plResult);
| 212 | HRESULT GetCandidateListA ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[in] UINT uBufLen,[out] CANDIDATELIST *pCandList,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 213 | HRESULT GetCandidateListW ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[in] UINT uBufLen,[out] CANDIDATELIST *pCandList,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 214 | HRESULT GetCandidateListCountA ([in] HIMC hIMC,[out] DWORD *pdwListSize,[out] DWORD *pdwBufLen);
| 215 | HRESULT GetCandidateListCountW ([in] HIMC hIMC,[out] DWORD *pdwListSize,[out] DWORD *pdwBufLen);
| 216 | HRESULT GetCandidateWindow ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[out] CANDIDATEFORM *pCandidate);
| 217 | HRESULT GetCompositionFontA ([in] HIMC hIMC,[out] LOGFONTA *plf);
| 218 | HRESULT GetCompositionFontW ([in] HIMC hIMC,[out] LOGFONTW *plf);
| 219 | HRESULT GetCompositionStringA ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[in] DWORD dwBufLen,[out] LONG *plCopied,[out] LPVOID pBuf);
| 220 | HRESULT GetCompositionStringW ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[in] DWORD dwBufLen,[out] LONG *plCopied,[out] LPVOID pBuf);
| 221 | HRESULT GetCompositionWindow ([in] HIMC hIMC,[out] COMPOSITIONFORM *pCompForm);
| 222 | HRESULT GetContext ([in] HWND hWnd,[out] HIMC *phIMC);
| 223 | HRESULT GetConversionListA ([in] HKL hKL,[in] HIMC hIMC,[in] LPSTR pSrc,[in] UINT uBufLen,[in] UINT uFlag,[out] CANDIDATELIST *pDst,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 224 | HRESULT GetConversionListW ([in] HKL hKL,[in] HIMC hIMC,[in] LPWSTR pSrc,[in] UINT uBufLen,[in] UINT uFlag,[out] CANDIDATELIST *pDst,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 225 | HRESULT GetConversionStatus ([in] HIMC hIMC,[out] DWORD *pfdwConversion,[out] DWORD *pfdwSentence);
| 226 | HRESULT GetDefaultIMEWnd ([in] HWND hWnd,[out] HWND *phDefWnd);
| 227 | HRESULT GetDescriptionA ([in] HKL hKL,[in] UINT uBufLen,[out] LPSTR szDescription,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 228 | HRESULT GetDescriptionW ([in] HKL hKL,[in] UINT uBufLen,[out] LPWSTR szDescription,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 229 | HRESULT GetGuideLineA ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[in] DWORD dwBufLen,[out] LPSTR pBuf,[out] DWORD *pdwResult);
| 230 | HRESULT GetGuideLineW ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[in] DWORD dwBufLen,[out] LPWSTR pBuf,[out] DWORD *pdwResult);
| 231 | HRESULT GetIMEFileNameA ([in] HKL hKL,[in] UINT uBufLen,[out] LPSTR szFileName,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 232 | HRESULT GetIMEFileNameW ([in] HKL hKL,[in] UINT uBufLen,[out] LPWSTR szFileName,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 233 | HRESULT GetOpenStatus ([in] HIMC hIMC);
| 234 | HRESULT GetProperty ([in] HKL hKL,[in] DWORD fdwIndex,[out] DWORD *pdwProperty);
| 235 | HRESULT GetRegisterWordStyleA ([in] HKL hKL,[in] UINT nItem,[out] STYLEBUFA *pStyleBuf,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 236 | HRESULT GetRegisterWordStyleW ([in] HKL hKL,[in] UINT nItem,[out] STYLEBUFW *pStyleBuf,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 237 | HRESULT GetStatusWindowPos ([in] HIMC hIMC,[out] POINT *pptPos);
| 238 | HRESULT GetVirtualKey ([in] HWND hWnd,[out] UINT *puVirtualKey);
| 239 | HRESULT InstallIMEA ([in] LPSTR szIMEFileName,[in] LPSTR szLayoutText,[out] HKL *phKL);
| 240 | HRESULT InstallIMEW ([in] LPWSTR szIMEFileName,[in] LPWSTR szLayoutText,[out] HKL *phKL);
| 241 | HRESULT IsIME ([in] HKL hKL);
| 242 | HRESULT IsUIMessageA ([in] HWND hWndIME,[in] UINT msg,[in] WPARAM wParam,[in] LPARAM lParam);
| 243 | HRESULT IsUIMessageW ([in] HWND hWndIME,[in] UINT msg,[in] WPARAM wParam,[in] LPARAM lParam);
| 244 | HRESULT NotifyIME ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwAction,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[in] DWORD dwValue);
| 245 | HRESULT RegisterWordA ([in] HKL hKL,[in] LPSTR szReading,[in] DWORD dwStyle,[in] LPSTR szRegister);
| 246 | HRESULT RegisterWordW ([in] HKL hKL,[in] LPWSTR szReading,[in] DWORD dwStyle,[in] LPWSTR szRegister);
| 247 | HRESULT ReleaseContext ([in] HWND hWnd,[in] HIMC hIMC);
| 248 | HRESULT SetCandidateWindow ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] CANDIDATEFORM *pCandidate);
| 249 | HRESULT SetCompositionFontA ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] LOGFONTA *plf);
| 250 | HRESULT SetCompositionFontW ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] LOGFONTW *plf);
| 251 | HRESULT SetCompositionStringA ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[in] LPVOID pComp,[in] DWORD dwCompLen,[in] LPVOID pRead,[in] DWORD dwReadLen);
| 252 | HRESULT SetCompositionStringW ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[in] LPVOID pComp,[in] DWORD dwCompLen,[in] LPVOID pRead,[in] DWORD dwReadLen);
| 253 | HRESULT SetCompositionWindow ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] COMPOSITIONFORM *pCompForm);
| 254 | HRESULT SetConversionStatus ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD fdwConversion,[in] DWORD fdwSentence);
| 255 | HRESULT SetOpenStatus ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] BOOL fOpen);
| 256 | HRESULT SetStatusWindowPos ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] POINT *pptPos);
| 257 | HRESULT SimulateHotKey ([in] HWND hWnd,[in] DWORD dwHotKeyID);
| 258 | HRESULT UnregisterWordA ([in] HKL hKL,[in] LPSTR szReading,[in] DWORD dwStyle,[in] LPSTR szUnregister);
| 259 | HRESULT UnregisterWordW ([in] HKL hKL,[in] LPWSTR szReading,[in] DWORD dwStyle,[in] LPWSTR szUnregister);
| 260 | HRESULT Activate ([in] BOOL fRestoreLayout);
| 261 | HRESULT Deactivate ();
| 262 | HRESULT OnDefWindowProc ([in] HWND hWnd,[in] UINT Msg,[in] WPARAM wParam,[in] LPARAM lParam,[out] LRESULT *plResult);
| 263 | HRESULT FilterClientWindows ([in] ATOM *aaClassList,[in] UINT uSize);
| 264 | HRESULT GetCodePageA ([in] HKL hKL,[out] UINT *uCodePage);
| 265 | HRESULT GetLangId ([in] HKL hKL,[out] LANGID *plid);
| 266 | HRESULT AssociateContextEx ([in] HWND hWnd,[in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwFlags);
| 267 | HRESULT DisableIME ([in] DWORD idThread);
| 268 | HRESULT GetImeMenuItemsA ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwFlags,[in] DWORD dwType,[in] IMEMENUITEMINFOA *pImeParentMenu,[out] IMEMENUITEMINFOA *pImeMenu,[in] DWORD dwSize,[out] DWORD *pdwResult);
| 269 | HRESULT GetImeMenuItemsW ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwFlags,[in] DWORD dwType,[in] IMEMENUITEMINFOW *pImeParentMenu,[out] IMEMENUITEMINFOW *pImeMenu,[in] DWORD dwSize,[out] DWORD *pdwResult);
| 270 | HRESULT EnumInputContext ([in] DWORD idThread,[out] IEnumInputContext **ppEnum);
| 271 | };
| 272 |
| 273 | [object, uuid (08c03411-F96B-11d0-A475-00aa006bcc59), pointer_default (unique)]
| 274 | interface IActiveIMMIME : IUnknown {
| 275 | HRESULT AssociateContext ([in] HWND hWnd,[in] HIMC hIME,[out] HIMC *phPrev);
| 276 | HRESULT ConfigureIMEA ([in] HKL hKL,[in] HWND hWnd,[in] DWORD dwMode,[in] REGISTERWORDA *pData);
| 277 | HRESULT ConfigureIMEW ([in] HKL hKL,[in] HWND hWnd,[in] DWORD dwMode,[in] REGISTERWORDW *pData);
| 278 | HRESULT CreateContext ([out] HIMC *phIMC);
| 279 | HRESULT DestroyContext ([in] HIMC hIME);
| 280 | HRESULT EnumRegisterWordA ([in] HKL hKL,[in] LPSTR szReading,[in] DWORD dwStyle,[in] LPSTR szRegister,[in] LPVOID pData,[out] IEnumRegisterWordA **pEnum);
| 281 | HRESULT EnumRegisterWordW ([in] HKL hKL,[in] LPWSTR szReading,[in] DWORD dwStyle,[in] LPWSTR szRegister,[in] LPVOID pData,[out] IEnumRegisterWordW **pEnum);
| 282 | HRESULT EscapeA ([in] HKL hKL,[in] HIMC hIMC,[in] UINT uEscape,[in, out] LPVOID pData,[out] LRESULT *plResult);
| 283 | HRESULT EscapeW ([in] HKL hKL,[in] HIMC hIMC,[in] UINT uEscape,[in, out] LPVOID pData,[out] LRESULT *plResult);
| 284 | HRESULT GetCandidateListA ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[in] UINT uBufLen,[out] CANDIDATELIST *pCandList,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 285 | HRESULT GetCandidateListW ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[in] UINT uBufLen,[out] CANDIDATELIST *pCandList,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 286 | HRESULT GetCandidateListCountA ([in] HIMC hIMC,[out] DWORD *pdwListSize,[out] DWORD *pdwBufLen);
| 287 | HRESULT GetCandidateListCountW ([in] HIMC hIMC,[out] DWORD *pdwListSize,[out] DWORD *pdwBufLen);
| 288 | HRESULT GetCandidateWindow ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[out] CANDIDATEFORM *pCandidate);
| 289 | HRESULT GetCompositionFontA ([in] HIMC hIMC,[out] LOGFONTA *plf);
| 290 | HRESULT GetCompositionFontW ([in] HIMC hIMC,[out] LOGFONTW *plf);
| 291 | HRESULT GetCompositionStringA ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[in] DWORD dwBufLen,[out] LONG *plCopied,[out] LPVOID pBuf);
| 292 | HRESULT GetCompositionStringW ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[in] DWORD dwBufLen,[out] LONG *plCopied,[out] LPVOID pBuf);
| 293 | HRESULT GetCompositionWindow ([in] HIMC hIMC,[out] COMPOSITIONFORM *pCompForm);
| 294 | HRESULT GetContext ([in] HWND hWnd,[out] HIMC *phIMC);
| 295 | HRESULT GetConversionListA ([in] HKL hKL,[in] HIMC hIMC,[in] LPSTR pSrc,[in] UINT uBufLen,[in] UINT uFlag,[out] CANDIDATELIST *pDst,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 296 | HRESULT GetConversionListW ([in] HKL hKL,[in] HIMC hIMC,[in] LPWSTR pSrc,[in] UINT uBufLen,[in] UINT uFlag,[out] CANDIDATELIST *pDst,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 297 | HRESULT GetConversionStatus ([in] HIMC hIMC,[out] DWORD *pfdwConversion,[out] DWORD *pfdwSentence);
| 298 | HRESULT GetDefaultIMEWnd ([in] HWND hWnd,[out] HWND *phDefWnd);
| 299 | HRESULT GetDescriptionA ([in] HKL hKL,[in] UINT uBufLen,[out] LPSTR szDescription,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 300 | HRESULT GetDescriptionW ([in] HKL hKL,[in] UINT uBufLen,[out] LPWSTR szDescription,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 301 | HRESULT GetGuideLineA ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[in] DWORD dwBufLen,[out] LPSTR pBuf,[out] DWORD *pdwResult);
| 302 | HRESULT GetGuideLineW ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[in] DWORD dwBufLen,[out] LPWSTR pBuf,[out] DWORD *pdwResult);
| 303 | HRESULT GetIMEFileNameA ([in] HKL hKL,[in] UINT uBufLen,[out] LPSTR szFileName,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 304 | HRESULT GetIMEFileNameW ([in] HKL hKL,[in] UINT uBufLen,[out] LPWSTR szFileName,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 305 | HRESULT GetOpenStatus ([in] HIMC hIMC);
| 306 | HRESULT GetProperty ([in] HKL hKL,[in] DWORD fdwIndex,[out] DWORD *pdwProperty);
| 307 | HRESULT GetRegisterWordStyleA ([in] HKL hKL,[in] UINT nItem,[out] STYLEBUFA *pStyleBuf,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 308 | HRESULT GetRegisterWordStyleW ([in] HKL hKL,[in] UINT nItem,[out] STYLEBUFW *pStyleBuf,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 309 | HRESULT GetStatusWindowPos ([in] HIMC hIMC,[out] POINT *pptPos);
| 310 | HRESULT GetVirtualKey ([in] HWND hWnd,[out] UINT *puVirtualKey);
| 311 | HRESULT InstallIMEA ([in] LPSTR szIMEFileName,[in] LPSTR szLayoutText,[out] HKL *phKL);
| 312 | HRESULT InstallIMEW ([in] LPWSTR szIMEFileName,[in] LPWSTR szLayoutText,[out] HKL *phKL);
| 313 | HRESULT IsIME ([in] HKL hKL);
| 314 | HRESULT IsUIMessageA ([in] HWND hWndIME,[in] UINT msg,[in] WPARAM wParam,[in] LPARAM lParam);
| 315 | HRESULT IsUIMessageW ([in] HWND hWndIME,[in] UINT msg,[in] WPARAM wParam,[in] LPARAM lParam);
| 316 | HRESULT NotifyIME ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwAction,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[in] DWORD dwValue);
| 317 | HRESULT RegisterWordA ([in] HKL hKL,[in] LPSTR szReading,[in] DWORD dwStyle,[in] LPSTR szRegister);
| 318 | HRESULT RegisterWordW ([in] HKL hKL,[in] LPWSTR szReading,[in] DWORD dwStyle,[in] LPWSTR szRegister);
| 319 | HRESULT ReleaseContext ([in] HWND hWnd,[in] HIMC hIMC);
| 320 | HRESULT SetCandidateWindow ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] CANDIDATEFORM *pCandidate);
| 321 | HRESULT SetCompositionFontA ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] LOGFONTA *plf);
| 322 | HRESULT SetCompositionFontW ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] LOGFONTW *plf);
| 323 | HRESULT SetCompositionStringA ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[in] LPVOID pComp,[in] DWORD dwCompLen,[in] LPVOID pRead,[in] DWORD dwReadLen);
| 324 | HRESULT SetCompositionStringW ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[in] LPVOID pComp,[in] DWORD dwCompLen,[in] LPVOID pRead,[in] DWORD dwReadLen);
| 325 | HRESULT SetCompositionWindow ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] COMPOSITIONFORM *pCompForm);
| 326 | HRESULT SetConversionStatus ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD fdwConversion,[in] DWORD fdwSentence);
| 327 | HRESULT SetOpenStatus ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] BOOL fOpen);
| 328 | HRESULT SetStatusWindowPos ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] POINT *pptPos);
| 329 | HRESULT SimulateHotKey ([in] HWND hWnd,[in] DWORD dwHotKeyID);
| 330 | HRESULT UnregisterWordA ([in] HKL hKL,[in] LPSTR szReading,[in] DWORD dwStyle,[in] LPSTR szUnregister);
| 331 | HRESULT UnregisterWordW ([in] HKL hKL,[in] LPWSTR szReading,[in] DWORD dwStyle,[in] LPWSTR szUnregister);
| 332 | HRESULT GenerateMessage ([in] HIMC hIMC);
| 333 | HRESULT LockIMC ([in] HIMC hIMC,[out] INPUTCONTEXT **ppIMC);
| 334 | HRESULT UnlockIMC ([in] HIMC hIMC);
| 335 | HRESULT GetIMCLockCount ([in] HIMC hIMC,[out] DWORD *pdwLockCount);
| 336 | HRESULT CreateIMCC ([in] DWORD dwSize,[out] HIMCC *phIMCC);
| 337 | HRESULT DestroyIMCC ([in] HIMCC hIMCC);
| 338 | HRESULT LockIMCC ([in] HIMCC hIMCC,[out] void **ppv);
| 339 | HRESULT UnlockIMCC ([in] HIMCC hIMCC);
| 340 | HRESULT ReSizeIMCC ([in] HIMCC hIMCC,[in] DWORD dwSize,[out] HIMCC *phIMCC);
| 341 | HRESULT GetIMCCSize ([in] HIMCC hIMCC,[out] DWORD *pdwSize);
| 342 | HRESULT GetIMCCLockCount ([in] HIMCC hIMCC,[out] DWORD *pdwLockCount);
| 343 | HRESULT GetHotKey ([in] DWORD dwHotKeyID,[out] UINT *puModifiers,[out] UINT *puVKey,[out] HKL *phKL);
| 344 | HRESULT SetHotKey ([in] DWORD dwHotKeyID,[in] UINT uModifiers,[in] UINT uVKey,[in] HKL hKL);
| 345 | HRESULT CreateSoftKeyboard ([in] UINT uType,[in] HWND hOwner,[in] int x,[in] int y,[out] HWND *phSoftKbdWnd);
| 346 | HRESULT DestroySoftKeyboard ([in] HWND hSoftKbdWnd);
| 347 | HRESULT ShowSoftKeyboard ([in] HWND hSoftKbdWnd,[in] int nCmdShow);
| 348 | HRESULT GetCodePageA ([in] HKL hKL,[out] UINT *uCodePage);
| 349 | HRESULT GetLangId ([in] HKL hKL,[out] LANGID *plid);
| 350 | HRESULT KeybdEvent ([in] LANGID lgidIME,[in] BYTE bVk,[in] BYTE bScan,[in] DWORD dwFlags,[in] DWORD dwExtraInfo);
| 351 | HRESULT LockModal ();
| 352 | HRESULT UnlockModal ();
| 353 | HRESULT AssociateContextEx ([in] HWND hWnd,[in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwFlags);
| 354 | HRESULT DisableIME ([in] DWORD idThread);
| 355 | HRESULT GetImeMenuItemsA ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwFlags,[in] DWORD dwType,[in] IMEMENUITEMINFOA *pImeParentMenu,[out] IMEMENUITEMINFOA *pImeMenu,[in] DWORD dwSize,[out] DWORD *pdwResult);
| 356 | HRESULT GetImeMenuItemsW ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwFlags,[in] DWORD dwType,[in] IMEMENUITEMINFOW *pImeParentMenu,[out] IMEMENUITEMINFOW *pImeMenu,[in] DWORD dwSize,[out] DWORD *pdwResult);
| 357 | HRESULT EnumInputContext ([in] DWORD idThread,[out] IEnumInputContext **ppEnum);
| 358 | HRESULT RequestMessageA ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] WPARAM wParam,[in] LPARAM lParam,[out] LRESULT *plResult);
| 359 | HRESULT RequestMessageW ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] WPARAM wParam,[in] LPARAM lParam,[out] LRESULT *plResult);
| 360 | HRESULT SendIMCA ([in] HWND hWnd,[in] UINT uMsg,[in] WPARAM wParam,[in] LPARAM lParam,[out] LRESULT *plResult);
| 361 | HRESULT SendIMCW ([in] HWND hWnd,[in] UINT uMsg,[in] WPARAM wParam,[in] LPARAM lParam,[out] LRESULT *plResult);
| 362 | HRESULT IsSleeping ();
| 363 | };
| 364 |
| 365 | [object, uuid (6fe20962-D077-11d0-8fe7-00aa006bcc59), pointer_default (unique)]
| 366 | interface IActiveIME : IUnknown {
| 367 | HRESULT Inquire ([in] DWORD dwSystemInfoFlags,[out] IMEINFO *pIMEInfo,[out] LPWSTR szWndClass,[out] DWORD *pdwPrivate);
| 368 | HRESULT ConversionList ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] LPWSTR szSource,[in] UINT uFlag,[in] UINT uBufLen,[out] CANDIDATELIST *pDest,[out] UINT *puCopied);
| 369 | HRESULT Configure ([in] HKL hKL,[in] HWND hWnd,[in] DWORD dwMode,[in] REGISTERWORDW *pRegisterWord);
| 370 | HRESULT Destroy ([in] UINT uReserved);
| 371 | HRESULT Escape ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] UINT uEscape,[in, out] void *pData,[out] LRESULT *plResult);
| 372 | HRESULT SetActiveContext ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] BOOL fFlag);
| 373 | HRESULT ProcessKey ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] UINT uVirKey,[in] DWORD lParam,[in] BYTE *pbKeyState);
| 374 | HRESULT Notify ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwAction,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[in] DWORD dwValue);
| 375 | HRESULT Select ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] BOOL fSelect);
| 376 | HRESULT SetCompositionString ([in] HIMC hIMC,[in] DWORD dwIndex,[in] void *pComp,[in] DWORD dwCompLen,[in] void *pRead,[in] DWORD dwReadLen);
| 377 | HRESULT ToAsciiEx ([in] UINT uVirKey,[in] UINT uScanCode,[in] BYTE *pbKeyState,[in] UINT fuState,[in] HIMC hIMC,[out] DWORD *pdwTransBuf,[out] UINT *puSize);
| 378 | HRESULT RegisterWord ([in] LPWSTR szReading,[in] DWORD dwStyle,[in] LPWSTR szString);
| 379 | HRESULT UnregisterWord ([in] LPWSTR szReading,[in] DWORD dwStyle,[in] LPWSTR szString);
| 380 | HRESULT GetRegisterWordStyle ([in] UINT nItem,[out] STYLEBUFW *pStyleBuf,[out] UINT *puBufSize);
| 381 | HRESULT EnumRegisterWord ([in] LPWSTR szReading,[in] DWORD dwStyle,[in] LPWSTR szRegister,[in] LPVOID pData,[out] IEnumRegisterWordW **ppEnum);
| 382 | HRESULT GetCodePageA ([out] UINT *uCodePage);
| 383 | HRESULT GetLangId ([out] LANGID *plid);
| 384 | };
| 385 |
| 386 | [object, uuid (e1c4bf0e-2d53-11d2-93e1-0060b067b86e), pointer_default (unique)]
| 387 | interface IActiveIME2 : IActiveIME {
| 388 | HRESULT Sleep ();
| 389 | HRESULT Unsleep ([in] BOOL fDead);
| 390 | };
| 391 |
| 392 | [object, uuid (08c03412-F96B-11d0-A475-00aa006bcc59), pointer_default (unique)]
| 393 | interface IEnumRegisterWordA : IUnknown {
| 394 | HRESULT Clone ([out] IEnumRegisterWordA **ppEnum);
| 395 | HRESULT Next ([in] ULONG ulCount,[out] REGISTERWORDA *rgRegisterWord,[out] ULONG *pcFetched);
| 396 | HRESULT Reset ();
| 397 | HRESULT Skip ([in] ULONG ulCount);
| 398 | };
| 399 |
| 400 | [object, uuid (4955dd31-B159-11d0-8fcf-00aa006bcc59), pointer_default (unique)]
| 401 | interface IEnumRegisterWordW : IUnknown {
| 402 | HRESULT Clone ([out] IEnumRegisterWordW **ppEnum);
| 403 | HRESULT Next ([in] ULONG ulCount,[out] REGISTERWORDW *rgRegisterWord,[out] ULONG *pcFetched);
| 404 | HRESULT Reset ();
| 405 | HRESULT Skip ([in] ULONG ulCount);
| 406 | };
| 407 |
| 408 | [uuid (4955dd33-B159-11d0-8fcf-00aa006bcc59)]
| 409 | coclass CActiveIMM {
| 410 | [default] interface IActiveIMMApp;
| 411 | interface IActiveIMMIME;
| 412 | interface IActiveIMMRegistrar;
| 413 | interface IActiveIMMMessagePumpOwner;
| 414 | };
| 415 | }
| 416 | cpp_quote("#endif")