1 | /**
2 | * This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain.
3 | * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package.
4 | * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package.
5 | */
6 | #ifndef _MSPTRMAR_H_
7 | #define _MSPTRMAR_H_
8 |
9 | #define WAVEOUT_NAME L"WaveOut Terminal"
10 | #define MIXER_NAME L"PCM Mixer"
11 |
12 | class CAudioRenderTerminal : public IDispatchImpl<ITBasicAudioTerminal,&IID_ITBasicAudioTerminal,&LIBID_TAPI3Lib>,public IDispatchImpl<ITStaticAudioTerminal,&IID_ITStaticAudioTerminal,&LIBID_TAPI3Lib>,public CSingleFilterStaticTerminal,public CMSPObjectSafetyImpl
13 | {
14 | public:
15 | CAudioRenderTerminal();
16 | virtual ~CAudioRenderTerminal();
17 | HRESULT InitializeDefaultTerminal();
18 | static HRESULT CreateTerminal(CComPtr<IMoniker> pMoniker,MSP_HANDLE htAddress,ITTerminal **ppTerm);
19 | HRESULT FindTerminalPin();
20 | BEGIN_COM_MAP(CAudioRenderTerminal)
22 | COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ITBasicAudioTerminal)
23 | COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ITStaticAudioTerminal)
24 | COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_CHAIN(CSingleFilterStaticTerminal)
25 | END_COM_MAP()
28 | public:
29 | STDMETHOD(get_Balance)(__LONG32 *pVal);
30 | STDMETHOD(put_Balance)(__LONG32 newVal);
31 | STDMETHOD(get_Volume)(__LONG32 *pVal);
32 | STDMETHOD(put_Volume)(__LONG32 newVal);
33 | STDMETHOD(get_WaveId) (__LONG32 *plWaveId);
34 | public:
35 | STDMETHODIMP CompleteConnectTerminal(void);
36 | STDMETHODIMP DisconnectTerminal(IGraphBuilder *pGraph,DWORD dwReserved);
37 | virtual HRESULT AddFiltersToGraph();
38 | virtual DWORD GetSupportedMediaTypes(void) { return (DWORD) TAPIMEDIATYPE_AUDIO; }
39 | HRESULT CreateFilters();
40 | private:
41 | bool m_bResourceReserved;
42 | CComPtr<IBasicAudio> m_pIBasicAudio;
43 | };
44 |
45 | #endif