1 | /**
2 | * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package.
3 | * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package.
4 | */
5 |
6 | import "naptypes.idl";
7 | import "unknwn.idl";
8 |
9 | cpp_quote("#include <winapifamily.h>")
10 | cpp_quote("")
12 |
13 | interface INapEnforcementClientBinding;
14 | interface INapEnforcementClientCallback;
15 | interface INapEnforcementClientConnection;
16 | interface INapEnforcementClientConnection2;
17 |
18 | [object, uuid (92b93223-7487-42d9-9a91-5b8507720384), pointer_default (unique)]
19 | interface INapEnforcementClientBinding : IUnknown {
20 | HRESULT Initialize ([in] EnforcementEntityId id,[in] INapEnforcementClientCallback *callback);
21 | HRESULT Uninitialize ();
22 | HRESULT CreateConnection ([out] INapEnforcementClientConnection **connection);
23 | HRESULT GetSoHRequest ([in] INapEnforcementClientConnection *connection,[out] WINBOOL *retriggerHint);
24 | HRESULT ProcessSoHResponse ([in] INapEnforcementClientConnection *connection);
25 | HRESULT NotifyConnectionStateDown ([in] INapEnforcementClientConnection *downCxn);
26 | HRESULT NotifySoHChangeFailure ();
27 | };
28 |
29 | [object, uuid (F5A0B90A-83a1-4f76-BA3F-025418682814), pointer_default (unique)]
30 | interface INapEnforcementClientCallback : IUnknown {
31 | typedef struct tagConnections {
32 | [range (0, maxConnectionCountPerEnforcer)] UINT16 count;
33 | [size_is (count)] INapEnforcementClientConnection **connections;
34 | } Connections;
35 |
36 | HRESULT NotifySoHChange ();
37 | HRESULT GetConnections ([out] Connections **connections);
38 | };
39 |
40 | [object, uuid (FB3A3505-DDB1-468a-B307-F328A57419D8), pointer_default (unique)]
41 | interface INapEnforcementClientConnection : IUnknown {
42 | const UINT32 defaultProtocolMaxSize = 4000;
43 | const UINT32 minProtocolMaxSize = 300;
44 | const UINT32 maxProtocolMaxSize = 0xffff;
45 |
46 | typedef [range (minProtocolMaxSize, maxProtocolMaxSize)] UINT32 ProtocolMaxSize;
47 |
48 | HRESULT Initialize ([in] EnforcementEntityId id);
49 | HRESULT SetMaxSize ([in] ProtocolMaxSize maxSize);
50 | HRESULT GetMaxSize ([out] ProtocolMaxSize *maxSize);
51 | HRESULT SetFlags ([in] UINT8 flags);
52 | HRESULT GetFlags ([out] UINT8 *flags);
53 | HRESULT SetConnectionId ([in] const ConnectionId *connectionId);
54 | HRESULT GetConnectionId ([out] ConnectionId **connectionId);
55 | HRESULT GetCorrelationId ([out] CorrelationId *correlationId);
56 | HRESULT GetStringCorrelationId ([out] StringCorrelationId **correlationId);
57 | HRESULT SetCorrelationId ([in] CorrelationId correlationId);
58 | HRESULT SetSoHRequest ([in, unique] const NetworkSoHRequest *sohRequest);
59 | HRESULT GetSoHRequest ([out] NetworkSoHRequest **sohRequest);
60 | HRESULT SetSoHResponse ([in] const NetworkSoHResponse *sohResponse);
61 | HRESULT GetSoHResponse ([out] NetworkSoHResponse **sohResponse);
62 | HRESULT SetIsolationInfo ([in] const IsolationInfo *isolationInfo);
63 | HRESULT GetIsolationInfo ([out] IsolationInfo **isolationInfo);
64 | HRESULT SetPrivateData ([in] const PrivateData *privateData);
65 | HRESULT GetPrivateData ([out] PrivateData **privateData);
66 | HRESULT SetEnforcerPrivateData ([in] const PrivateData *privateData);
67 | HRESULT GetEnforcerPrivateData ([out] PrivateData **privateData);
68 | };
69 |
70 | [object, uuid (bd244906-70dd-4690-beea-648653393500), pointer_default (unique)]
71 | interface INapEnforcementClientConnection2 : INapEnforcementClientConnection {
72 | HRESULT SetIsolationInfoEx ([in] const IsolationInfoEx *isolationInfo);
73 | HRESULT GetIsolationInfoEx ([out] IsolationInfoEx **isolationInfo);
74 | HRESULT GetInstalledShvs ([out] SystemHealthEntityCount *count,[out, size_is (,*count)] SystemHealthEntityId **ids);
75 | HRESULT SetInstalledShvs ([in] SystemHealthEntityCount count,[in, size_is (count)] SystemHealthEntityId *ids);
76 | };
77 |
78 | cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const CLSID CLSID_NapEnforcementClientBinding;")
79 | cpp_quote("#endif")