[1166] | 1 | /**
| 2 | * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package.
| 3 | * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package.
| 4 | */
| 5 |
| 6 | import "naptypes.idl";
| 7 | import "unknwn.idl";
| 8 |
| 9 | cpp_quote("#include <winapifamily.h>")
| 10 | cpp_quote("")
| 12 |
| 13 | interface INapSystemHealthAgentBinding;
| 14 | interface INapSystemHealthAgentCallback;
| 15 | interface INapSystemHealthAgentRequest;
| 16 |
| 17 | cpp_quote("EXTERN_C const CLSID CLSID_NapSystemHealthAgentBinding;")
| 18 |
| 19 | [object, uuid (A6894F43-9cc7-44c9-A23F-19dbf36bad28), pointer_default (unique)]
| 20 | interface INapSystemHealthAgentBinding : IUnknown {
| 21 | HRESULT Initialize ([in] SystemHealthEntityId id,[in] INapSystemHealthAgentCallback *callback);
| 22 | HRESULT Uninitialize ();
| 23 | HRESULT NotifySoHChange ();
| 24 | HRESULT GetSystemIsolationInfo ([out] IsolationInfo **isolationInfo,[out] WINBOOL *unknownConnections);
| 25 | HRESULT FlushCache ();
| 26 | };
| 27 |
| 28 | [object, uuid (1140c38e-5100-4ea1-8d43-87d326724028), pointer_default (unique)]
| 29 | interface INapSystemHealthAgentBinding2 : INapSystemHealthAgentBinding {
| 30 | HRESULT GetSystemIsolationInfoEx ([out] IsolationInfoEx **isolationInfo,[out] WINBOOL *unknownConnections);
| 31 | };
| 32 |
| 33 | [object, uuid (F1072A57-214f-4ee2-8377-14ef140cd9f3), async_uuid (860d8fd9-0219-43ea-AE7F-59611f4cc16a), pointer_default (unique)]
| 34 | interface INapSystemHealthAgentCallback : IUnknown {
| 35 | HRESULT GetSoHRequest ([in] INapSystemHealthAgentRequest *request);
| 36 | HRESULT ProcessSoHResponse ([in] INapSystemHealthAgentRequest *request);
| 37 | HRESULT NotifySystemIsolationStateChange ();
| 38 | HRESULT GetFixupInfo ([out] FixupInfo **info);
| 39 | HRESULT CompareSoHRequests ([in] const SoHRequest *lhs,[in] const SoHRequest *rhs,[out] WINBOOL *isEqual);
| 40 | HRESULT NotifyOrphanedSoHRequest ([in] const CorrelationId *correlationId);
| 41 | };
| 42 |
| 43 | [object, uuid (5b360a69-212d-440d-B398-7eefd497853a), pointer_default (unique)]
| 44 | interface INapSystemHealthAgentRequest : IUnknown {
| 45 | HRESULT GetCorrelationId ([out] CorrelationId *correlationId);
| 46 | HRESULT GetStringCorrelationId ([out] StringCorrelationId **correlationId);
| 47 | HRESULT SetSoHRequest ([in] const SoHRequest *sohRequest,[in] WINBOOL cacheSohForLaterUse);
| 48 | HRESULT GetSoHRequest ([out] SoHRequest **sohRequest);
| 49 | HRESULT GetSoHResponse ([out] SoHResponse **sohResponse,[out] UINT8 *flags);
| 50 | HRESULT GetCacheSoHFlag (WINBOOL *cacheSohForLaterUse);
| 51 | };
| 52 |
| 53 | cpp_quote("#endif")