[1166] | 1 | /**
| 2 | * This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain.
| 3 | * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package.
| 4 | * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package.
| 5 | */
| 6 |
| 7 | cpp_quote("#include <_mingw_unicode.h>")
| 8 |
| 9 | import "oaidl.idl";
| 10 |
| 11 | cpp_quote("#ifndef __IAccessibleHandler_FWD_DEFINED__")
| 12 | cpp_quote("#define __IAccessibleHandler_FWD_DEFINED__")
| 13 | cpp_quote("typedef struct IAccessibleHandler IAccessibleHandler;")
| 14 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 15 | cpp_quote("")
| 16 | cpp_quote("#ifndef __IAccIdentity_FWD_DEFINED__")
| 17 | cpp_quote("#define __IAccIdentity_FWD_DEFINED__")
| 18 | cpp_quote("typedef struct IAccIdentity IAccIdentity;")
| 19 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 20 | cpp_quote("")
| 21 | cpp_quote("#ifndef __IAccPropServer_FWD_DEFINED__")
| 22 | cpp_quote("#define __IAccPropServer_FWD_DEFINED__")
| 23 | cpp_quote("typedef struct IAccPropServer IAccPropServer;")
| 24 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 25 | cpp_quote("")
| 26 | cpp_quote("#ifndef __IAccPropServices_FWD_DEFINED__")
| 27 | cpp_quote("#define __IAccPropServices_FWD_DEFINED__")
| 28 | cpp_quote("typedef struct IAccPropServices IAccPropServices;")
| 29 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 30 | cpp_quote("")
| 31 | cpp_quote("#ifndef __IAccessible_FWD_DEFINED__")
| 32 | cpp_quote("#define __IAccessible_FWD_DEFINED__")
| 33 | cpp_quote("typedef struct IAccessible IAccessible;")
| 34 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 35 | cpp_quote("")
| 36 | cpp_quote("#ifndef __IAccessibleHandler_FWD_DEFINED__")
| 37 | cpp_quote("#define __IAccessibleHandler_FWD_DEFINED__")
| 38 | cpp_quote("typedef struct IAccessibleHandler IAccessibleHandler;")
| 39 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 40 | cpp_quote("")
| 41 | cpp_quote("#ifndef __IAccIdentity_FWD_DEFINED__")
| 42 | cpp_quote("#define __IAccIdentity_FWD_DEFINED__")
| 43 | cpp_quote("typedef struct IAccIdentity IAccIdentity;")
| 44 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 45 | cpp_quote("")
| 46 | cpp_quote("#ifndef __IAccPropServer_FWD_DEFINED__")
| 47 | cpp_quote("#define __IAccPropServer_FWD_DEFINED__")
| 48 | cpp_quote("typedef struct IAccPropServer IAccPropServer;")
| 49 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 50 | cpp_quote("")
| 51 | cpp_quote("#ifndef __IAccPropServices_FWD_DEFINED__")
| 52 | cpp_quote("#define __IAccPropServices_FWD_DEFINED__")
| 53 | cpp_quote("typedef struct IAccPropServices IAccPropServices;")
| 54 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 55 | cpp_quote("")
| 56 | cpp_quote("#ifndef __CAccPropServices_FWD_DEFINED__")
| 57 | cpp_quote("#define __CAccPropServices_FWD_DEFINED__")
| 58 | cpp_quote("")
| 59 | cpp_quote("#ifdef __cplusplus")
| 60 | cpp_quote("typedef class CAccPropServices CAccPropServices;")
| 61 | cpp_quote("#else")
| 62 | cpp_quote("typedef struct CAccPropServices CAccPropServices;")
| 63 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 64 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 65 | cpp_quote("")
| 67 | cpp_quote(" typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *LPFNOBJECTFROMLRESULT)(LRESULT lResult,REFIID riid,WPARAM wParam,void **ppvObject);")
| 68 | cpp_quote(" typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *LPFNACCESSIBLEOBJECTFROMWINDOW)(HWND hwnd,DWORD dwId,REFIID riid,void **ppvObject);")
| 69 | cpp_quote(" typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *LPFNACCESSIBLEOBJECTFROMPOINT)(POINT ptScreen,IAccessible **ppacc,VARIANT *pvarChild);")
| 70 | cpp_quote(" typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *LPFNCREATESTDACCESSIBLEOBJECT)(HWND hwnd,LONG idObject,REFIID riid,void **ppvObject);")
| 71 | cpp_quote(" typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *LPFNACCESSIBLECHILDREN)(IAccessible *paccContainer,LONG iChildStart,LONG cChildren,VARIANT *rgvarChildren,LONG *pcObtained);")
| 72 | cpp_quote("")
| 73 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(LIBID_Accessibility,0x1ea4dbf0,0x3c3b,0x11cf,0x81,0x0c,0x00,0xaa,0x00,0x38,0x9b,0x71);")
| 74 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(IID_IAccessibleHandler,0x03022430,0xABC4,0x11d0,0xBD,0xE2,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0x1A,0x19,0x53);")
| 75 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(IID_IAccIdentity,0x7852b78d,0x1cfd,0x41c1,0xa6,0x15,0x9c,0x0c,0x85,0x96,0x0b,0x5f);")
| 76 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(IID_IAccPropServer,0x76c0dbbb,0x15e0,0x4e7b,0xb6,0x1b,0x20,0xee,0xea,0x20,0x01,0xe0);")
| 77 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(IID_IAccPropServices,0x6e26e776,0x04f0,0x495d,0x80,0xe4,0x33,0x30,0x35,0x2e,0x31,0x69);")
| 78 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(IID_IAccPropMgrInternal,0x2bd370a9,0x3e7f,0x4edd,0x8a,0x85,0xf8,0xfe,0xd1,0xf8,0xe5,0x1f);")
| 79 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_AccPropServices,0xb5f8350b,0x0548,0x48b1,0xa6,0xee,0x88,0xbd,0x00,0xb4,0xa5,0xe7);")
| 80 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(IIS_IsOleaccProxy,0x902697fa,0x80e4,0x4560,0x80,0x2a,0xa1,0x3f,0x22,0xa6,0x47,0x09);")
| 81 | cpp_quote("")
| 82 | cpp_quote("#define GetRoleText __MINGW_NAME_AW(GetRoleText)")
| 83 | cpp_quote("#define GetStateText __MINGW_NAME_AW(GetStateText)")
| 84 | cpp_quote("#define CreateStdAccessibleProxy __MINGW_NAME_AW(CreateStdAccessibleProxy)")
| 85 | cpp_quote("")
| 86 | cpp_quote(" STDAPI_(LRESULT) LresultFromObject(REFIID riid,WPARAM wParam,LPUNKNOWN punk);")
| 87 | cpp_quote(" STDAPI ObjectFromLresult(LRESULT lResult,REFIID riid,WPARAM wParam,void **ppvObject);")
| 88 | cpp_quote(" STDAPI WindowFromAccessibleObject(IAccessible*,HWND *phwnd);")
| 89 | cpp_quote(" STDAPI AccessibleObjectFromWindow(HWND hwnd,DWORD dwId,REFIID riid,void **ppvObject);")
| 90 | cpp_quote(" STDAPI AccessibleObjectFromEvent(HWND hwnd,DWORD dwId,DWORD dwChildId,IAccessible **ppacc,VARIANT *pvarChild);")
| 91 | cpp_quote(" STDAPI AccessibleObjectFromPoint(POINT ptScreen,IAccessible **ppacc,VARIANT *pvarChild);")
| 92 | cpp_quote(" STDAPI AccessibleChildren (IAccessible *paccContainer,LONG iChildStart,LONG cChildren,VARIANT *rgvarChildren,LONG *pcObtained);")
| 93 | cpp_quote(" STDAPI_(UINT) GetRoleTextA(DWORD lRole,LPSTR lpszRole,UINT cchRoleMax);")
| 94 | cpp_quote(" STDAPI_(UINT) GetRoleTextW(DWORD lRole,LPWSTR lpszRole,UINT cchRoleMax);")
| 95 | cpp_quote(" STDAPI_(UINT) GetStateTextA(DWORD lStateBit,LPSTR lpszState,UINT cchState);")
| 96 | cpp_quote(" STDAPI_(UINT) GetStateTextW(DWORD lStateBit,LPWSTR lpszState,UINT cchState);")
| 97 | cpp_quote(" STDAPI_(VOID) GetOleaccVersionInfo(DWORD *pVer,DWORD *pBuild);")
| 98 | cpp_quote(" STDAPI CreateStdAccessibleObject(HWND hwnd,LONG idObject,REFIID riid,void **ppvObject);")
| 99 | cpp_quote(" STDAPI CreateStdAccessibleProxyA(HWND hwnd,LPCSTR pClassName,LONG idObject,REFIID riid,void **ppvObject);")
| 100 | cpp_quote(" STDAPI CreateStdAccessibleProxyW(HWND hwnd,LPCWSTR pClassName,LONG idObject,REFIID riid,void **ppvObject);")
| 101 | cpp_quote("")
| 102 | cpp_quote("#define MSAA_MENU_SIG __MSABI_LONG(0xAA0DF00D)")
| 103 | cpp_quote("")
| 104 | cpp_quote(" typedef struct tagMSAAMENUINFO {")
| 105 | cpp_quote(" DWORD dwMSAASignature;")
| 106 | cpp_quote(" DWORD cchWText;")
| 107 | cpp_quote(" LPWSTR pszWText;")
| 108 | cpp_quote(" } MSAAMENUINFO,*LPMSAAMENUINFO;")
| 109 | cpp_quote("")
| 110 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_NAME ,0x608d3df8,0x8128,0x4aa7,0xa4,0x28,0xf5,0x5e,0x49,0x26,0x72,0x91);")
| 111 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_VALUE ,0x123fe443,0x211a,0x4615,0x95,0x27,0xc4,0x5a,0x7e,0x93,0x71,0x7a);")
| 112 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_DESCRIPTION ,0x4d48dfe4,0xbd3f,0x491f,0xa6,0x48,0x49,0x2d,0x6f,0x20,0xc5,0x88);")
| 113 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_ROLE ,0xcb905ff2,0x7bd1,0x4c05,0xb3,0xc8,0xe6,0xc2,0x41,0x36,0x4d,0x70);")
| 114 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_STATE ,0xa8d4d5b0,0x0a21,0x42d0,0xa5,0xc0,0x51,0x4e,0x98,0x4f,0x45,0x7b);")
| 115 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_HELP ,0xc831e11f,0x44db,0x4a99,0x97,0x68,0xcb,0x8f,0x97,0x8b,0x72,0x31);")
| 116 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_KEYBOARDSHORTCUT ,0x7d9bceee,0x7d1e,0x4979,0x93,0x82,0x51,0x80,0xf4,0x17,0x2c,0x34);")
| 117 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_DEFAULTACTION ,0x180c072b,0xc27f,0x43c7,0x99,0x22,0xf6,0x35,0x62,0xa4,0x63,0x2b);")
| 118 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_HELPTOPIC ,0x787d1379,0x8ede,0x440b,0x8a,0xec,0x11,0xf7,0xbf,0x90,0x30,0xb3);")
| 119 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_FOCUS ,0x6eb335df,0x1c29,0x4127,0xb1,0x2c,0xde,0xe9,0xfd,0x15,0x7f,0x2b);")
| 120 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_SELECTION ,0xb99d073c,0xd731,0x405b,0x90,0x61,0xd9,0x5e,0x8f,0x84,0x29,0x84);")
| 121 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_PARENT ,0x474c22b6,0xffc2,0x467a,0xb1,0xb5,0xe9,0x58,0xb4,0x65,0x73,0x30);")
| 122 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_NAV_UP ,0x016e1a2b,0x1a4e,0x4767,0x86,0x12,0x33,0x86,0xf6,0x69,0x35,0xec);")
| 123 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_NAV_DOWN ,0x031670ed,0x3cdf,0x48d2,0x96,0x13,0x13,0x8f,0x2d,0xd8,0xa6,0x68);")
| 124 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_NAV_LEFT ,0x228086cb,0x82f1,0x4a39,0x87,0x05,0xdc,0xdc,0x0f,0xff,0x92,0xf5);")
| 125 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_NAV_RIGHT ,0xcd211d9f,0xe1cb,0x4fe5,0xa7,0x7c,0x92,0x0b,0x88,0x4d,0x09,0x5b);")
| 126 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_NAV_PREV ,0x776d3891,0xc73b,0x4480,0xb3,0xf6,0x07,0x6a,0x16,0xa1,0x5a,0xf6);")
| 127 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_NAV_NEXT ,0x1cdc5455,0x8cd9,0x4c92,0xa3,0x71,0x39,0x39,0xa2,0xfe,0x3e,0xee);")
| 128 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_NAV_FIRSTCHILD ,0xcfd02558,0x557b,0x4c67,0x84,0xf9,0x2a,0x09,0xfc,0xe4,0x07,0x49);")
| 129 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_NAV_LASTCHILD ,0x302ecaa5,0x48d5,0x4f8d,0xb6,0x71,0x1a,0x8d,0x20,0xa7,0x78,0x32);")
| 130 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_ROLEMAP ,0xf79acda2,0x140d,0x4fe6,0x89,0x14,0x20,0x84,0x76,0x32,0x82,0x69);")
| 131 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_VALUEMAP ,0xda1c3d79,0xfc5c,0x420e,0xb3,0x99,0x9d,0x15,0x33,0x54,0x9e,0x75);")
| 132 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_STATEMAP ,0x43946c5e,0x0ac0,0x4042,0xb5,0x25,0x07,0xbb,0xdb,0xe1,0x7f,0xa7);")
| 133 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_DESCRIPTIONMAP ,0x1ff1435f,0x8a14,0x477b,0xb2,0x26,0xa0,0xab,0xe2,0x79,0x97,0x5d);")
| 134 | cpp_quote(" DEFINE_GUID(PROPID_ACC_DODEFAULTACTION ,0x1ba09523,0x2e3b,0x49a6,0xa0,0x59,0x59,0x68,0x2a,0x3c,0x48,0xfd);")
| 135 | cpp_quote("#define NAVDIR_MIN (0)")
| 136 | cpp_quote("#define NAVDIR_UP (0x1)")
| 137 | cpp_quote("#define NAVDIR_DOWN (0x2)")
| 138 | cpp_quote("#define NAVDIR_LEFT (0x3)")
| 139 | cpp_quote("#define NAVDIR_RIGHT (0x4)")
| 140 | cpp_quote("#define NAVDIR_NEXT (0x5)")
| 141 | cpp_quote("#define NAVDIR_PREVIOUS (0x6)")
| 142 | cpp_quote("#define NAVDIR_FIRSTCHILD (0x7)")
| 143 | cpp_quote("#define NAVDIR_LASTCHILD (0x8)")
| 144 | cpp_quote("#define NAVDIR_MAX (0x9)")
| 145 | cpp_quote("")
| 146 | cpp_quote("#define SELFLAG_NONE (0)")
| 147 | cpp_quote("#define SELFLAG_TAKEFOCUS (0x1)")
| 148 | cpp_quote("#define SELFLAG_TAKESELECTION (0x2)")
| 149 | cpp_quote("#define SELFLAG_EXTENDSELECTION (0x4)")
| 150 | cpp_quote("#define SELFLAG_ADDSELECTION (0x8)")
| 151 | cpp_quote("#define SELFLAG_REMOVESELECTION (0x10)")
| 152 | cpp_quote("#define SELFLAG_VALID (0x1f)")
| 153 | cpp_quote("")
| 154 | cpp_quote("#ifndef STATE_SYSTEM_UNAVAILABLE")
| 155 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_NORMAL (0)")
| 156 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_UNAVAILABLE (0x1)")
| 157 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTED (0x2)")
| 158 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSED (0x4)")
| 159 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_PRESSED (0x8)")
| 160 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_CHECKED (0x10)")
| 161 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_MIXED (0x20)")
| 163 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_READONLY (0x40)")
| 164 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_HOTTRACKED (0x80)")
| 165 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT (0x100)")
| 166 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_EXPANDED (0x200)")
| 167 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_COLLAPSED (0x400)")
| 168 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_BUSY (0x800)")
| 169 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_FLOATING (0x1000)")
| 170 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_MARQUEED (0x2000)")
| 171 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_ANIMATED (0x4000)")
| 172 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE (0x8000)")
| 173 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_OFFSCREEN (0x10000)")
| 174 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_SIZEABLE (0x20000)")
| 175 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_MOVEABLE (0x40000)")
| 176 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_SELFVOICING (0x80000)")
| 177 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSABLE (0x100000)")
| 178 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTABLE (0x200000)")
| 179 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_LINKED (0x400000)")
| 180 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_TRAVERSED (0x800000)")
| 181 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_MULTISELECTABLE (0x1000000)")
| 182 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_EXTSELECTABLE (0x2000000)")
| 183 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_ALERT_LOW (0x4000000)")
| 184 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_ALERT_MEDIUM (0x8000000)")
| 185 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_ALERT_HIGH (0x10000000)")
| 186 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_PROTECTED (0x20000000)")
| 187 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_VALID (0x7fffffff)")
| 188 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 189 | cpp_quote("")
| 190 | cpp_quote("#ifndef STATE_SYSTEM_HASPOPUP")
| 191 | cpp_quote("#define STATE_SYSTEM_HASPOPUP (0x40000000)")
| 192 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 193 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR (0x1)")
| 194 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUBAR (0x2)")
| 195 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_SCROLLBAR (0x3)")
| 196 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_GRIP (0x4)")
| 197 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_SOUND (0x5)")
| 198 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_CURSOR (0x6)")
| 199 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_CARET (0x7)")
| 200 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_ALERT (0x8)")
| 201 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_WINDOW (0x9)")
| 202 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_CLIENT (0xa)")
| 203 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUP (0xb)")
| 204 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_MENUITEM (0xc)")
| 205 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_TOOLTIP (0xd)")
| 206 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_APPLICATION (0xe)")
| 207 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_DOCUMENT (0xf)")
| 208 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_PANE (0x10)")
| 209 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_CHART (0x11)")
| 210 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_DIALOG (0x12)")
| 211 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_BORDER (0x13)")
| 212 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_GROUPING (0x14)")
| 213 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_SEPARATOR (0x15)")
| 214 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_TOOLBAR (0x16)")
| 215 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_STATUSBAR (0x17)")
| 216 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_TABLE (0x18)")
| 217 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_COLUMNHEADER (0x19)")
| 218 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_ROWHEADER (0x1a)")
| 219 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_COLUMN (0x1b)")
| 220 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_ROW (0x1c)")
| 221 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_CELL (0x1d)")
| 222 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_LINK (0x1e)")
| 223 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_HELPBALLOON (0x1f)")
| 224 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_CHARACTER (0x20)")
| 225 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_LIST (0x21)")
| 226 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_LISTITEM (0x22)")
| 227 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINE (0x23)")
| 228 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINEITEM (0x24)")
| 229 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_PAGETAB (0x25)")
| 230 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_PROPERTYPAGE (0x26)")
| 231 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_INDICATOR (0x27)")
| 232 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_GRAPHIC (0x28)")
| 233 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_STATICTEXT (0x29)")
| 234 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_TEXT (0x2a)")
| 235 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_PUSHBUTTON (0x2b)")
| 236 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_CHECKBUTTON (0x2c)")
| 237 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_RADIOBUTTON (0x2d)")
| 238 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_COMBOBOX (0x2e)")
| 239 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_DROPLIST (0x2f)")
| 240 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_PROGRESSBAR (0x30)")
| 241 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_DIAL (0x31)")
| 242 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_HOTKEYFIELD (0x32)")
| 243 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_SLIDER (0x33)")
| 244 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_SPINBUTTON (0x34)")
| 245 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_DIAGRAM (0x35)")
| 246 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_ANIMATION (0x36)")
| 247 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_EQUATION (0x37)")
| 248 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONDROPDOWN (0x38)")
| 249 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONMENU (0x39)")
| 250 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_BUTTONDROPDOWNGRID (0x3a)")
| 251 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_WHITESPACE (0x3b)")
| 252 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_PAGETABLIST (0x3c)")
| 253 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_CLOCK (0x3d)")
| 254 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_SPLITBUTTON (0x3e)")
| 255 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_IPADDRESS (0x3f)")
| 256 | cpp_quote("#define ROLE_SYSTEM_OUTLINEBUTTON (0x40)")
| 257 |
| 258 | [
| 259 | local,
| 260 | object,
| 261 | uuid(618736e0-3c3d-11cf-810c-00aa00389b71),
| 262 | pointer_default(unique)
| 263 | ]
| 264 | interface IAccessible : IDispatch
| 265 | {
| 266 | typedef [unique] IAccessible *LPACCESSIBLE;
| 267 |
| 268 | const LONG DISPID_ACC_PARENT = -5000;
| 269 | const LONG DISPID_ACC_CHILDCOUNT = -5001;
| 270 | const LONG DISPID_ACC_CHILD = -5002;
| 271 | const LONG DISPID_ACC_NAME = -5003;
| 272 | const LONG DISPID_ACC_VALUE = -5004;
| 273 | const LONG DISPID_ACC_DESCRIPTION = -5005;
| 274 | const LONG DISPID_ACC_ROLE = -5006;
| 275 | const LONG DISPID_ACC_STATE = -5007;
| 276 | const LONG DISPID_ACC_HELP = -5008;
| 277 | const LONG DISPID_ACC_HELPTOPIC = -5009;
| 279 | const LONG DISPID_ACC_FOCUS = -5011;
| 280 | const LONG DISPID_ACC_SELECTION = -5012;
| 281 | const LONG DISPID_ACC_DEFAULTACTION = -5013;
| 282 | const LONG DISPID_ACC_SELECT = -5014;
| 283 | const LONG DISPID_ACC_LOCATION = -5015;
| 284 | const LONG DISPID_ACC_NAVIGATE = -5016;
| 285 | const LONG DISPID_ACC_HITTEST = -5017;
| 287 |
| 288 | [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_PARENT)]
| 289 | HRESULT accParent([out, retval] IDispatch **ppdispParent);
| 290 |
| 291 | [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_CHILDCOUNT)]
| 292 | HRESULT accChildCount([out, retval] LONG *pcountChildren);
| 293 |
| 294 | [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_CHILD)]
| 295 | HRESULT accChild(
| 296 | [in] VARIANT varChildID,
| 297 | [out, retval] IDispatch **ppdispChild);
| 298 |
| 299 | [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_NAME)]
| 300 | HRESULT accName(
| 301 | [in]VARIANT varID,
| 302 | [out, retval] BSTR *pszName);
| 303 |
| 304 | [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_VALUE)]
| 305 | HRESULT accValue(
| 306 | [in]VARIANT varID,
| 307 | [out, retval] BSTR *pszValue);
| 308 |
| 309 | [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_DESCRIPTION)]
| 310 | HRESULT accDescription(
| 311 | [in] VARIANT varID,
| 312 | [out, retval] BSTR *pszDescription);
| 313 |
| 314 | [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_ROLE)]
| 315 | HRESULT accRole(
| 316 | [in]VARIANT varID,
| 317 | [out, retval] VARIANT *pvarRole);
| 318 |
| 319 | [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_STATE)]
| 320 | HRESULT accState(
| 321 | [in]VARIANT varID,
| 322 | [out, retval] VARIANT *pvarState);
| 323 |
| 324 | [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_HELP)]
| 325 | HRESULT accHelp(
| 326 | [in]VARIANT varID,
| 327 | [out, retval] BSTR *pszHelp);
| 328 |
| 329 | [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_HELPTOPIC)]
| 330 | HRESULT accHelpTopic(
| 331 | [out] BSTR *pszHelpFile,
| 332 | [in] VARIANT varID,
| 333 | [out, retval] LONG *pidTopic);
| 334 |
| 335 | [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_KEYBOARDSHORTCUT)]
| 336 | HRESULT accKeyboardShortcut(
| 337 | [in] VARIANT varID,
| 338 | [out, retval] BSTR *pszKeyboardShortcut);
| 339 |
| 340 | [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_FOCUS)]
| 341 | HRESULT accFocus([out, retval] VARIANT *pvarID);
| 342 |
| 343 | [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_SELECTION)]
| 344 | HRESULT accSelection([out, retval] VARIANT *pvarID);
| 345 |
| 346 | [hidden, propget, id(DISPID_ACC_DEFAULTACTION)]
| 347 | HRESULT accDefaultAction(
| 348 | [in] VARIANT varID,
| 349 | [out, retval] BSTR *pszDefaultAction);
| 350 |
| 351 | [hidden, id(DISPID_ACC_SELECT)]
| 352 | HRESULT accSelect(
| 353 | [in] LONG flagsSelect,
| 354 | [in] VARIANT varID);
| 355 |
| 356 | [hidden, id(DISPID_ACC_LOCATION)]
| 357 | HRESULT accLocation(
| 358 | [out] LONG *pxLeft,
| 359 | [out] LONG *pyTop,
| 360 | [out] LONG *pcxWidth,
| 361 | [out] LONG *pcyHeight,
| 362 | [in] VARIANT varID);
| 363 |
| 364 | [hidden, id(DISPID_ACC_NAVIGATE)]
| 365 | HRESULT accNavigate(
| 366 | [in] LONG navDir,
| 367 | [in] VARIANT varStart,
| 368 | [out, retval] VARIANT *pvarEnd);
| 369 |
| 370 | [hidden, id(DISPID_ACC_HITTEST)]
| 371 | HRESULT accHitTest(
| 372 | [in] LONG xLeft,
| 373 | [in] LONG yTop,
| 374 | [out,retval] VARIANT *pvarID);
| 375 |
| 376 | [hidden, id(DISPID_ACC_DODEFAULTACTION)]
| 377 | HRESULT accDoDefaultAction([in] VARIANT varID);
| 378 |
| 379 | [hidden, propput, id(DISPID_ACC_NAME)]
| 380 | HRESULT accName(
| 381 | [in] VARIANT varID,
| 382 | [in] BSTR pszName);
| 383 |
| 384 | [hidden, propput, id(DISPID_ACC_VALUE)]
| 385 | HRESULT accValue(
| 386 | [in] VARIANT varID,
| 387 | [out, retval] BSTR pszValue);
| 388 | }
| 389 |
| 390 | cpp_quote("#ifndef __IAccessibleHandler_INTERFACE_DEFINED__")
| 391 | cpp_quote("#define __IAccessibleHandler_INTERFACE_DEFINED__")
| 392 | cpp_quote(" typedef IAccessibleHandler *LPACCESSIBLEHANDLER;")
| 393 | cpp_quote("")
| 394 | cpp_quote(" EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccessibleHandler;")
| 395 | cpp_quote("#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)")
| 396 | cpp_quote(" struct IAccessibleHandler : public IUnknown {")
| 397 | cpp_quote(" public:")
| 398 | cpp_quote(" virtual HRESULT WINAPI AccessibleObjectFromID(LONG hwnd,LONG lObjectID,LPACCESSIBLE *pIAccessible) = 0;")
| 399 | cpp_quote(" };")
| 400 | cpp_quote("#else")
| 401 | cpp_quote(" typedef struct IAccessibleHandlerVtbl {")
| 402 | cpp_quote(" BEGIN_INTERFACE")
| 403 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *QueryInterface)(IAccessibleHandler *This,REFIID riid,void **ppvObject);")
| 404 | cpp_quote(" ULONG (WINAPI *AddRef)(IAccessibleHandler *This);")
| 405 | cpp_quote(" ULONG (WINAPI *Release)(IAccessibleHandler *This);")
| 406 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *AccessibleObjectFromID)(IAccessibleHandler *This,LONG hwnd,LONG lObjectID,LPACCESSIBLE *pIAccessible);")
| 407 | cpp_quote(" END_INTERFACE")
| 408 | cpp_quote(" } IAccessibleHandlerVtbl;")
| 409 | cpp_quote(" struct IAccessibleHandler {")
| 410 | cpp_quote(" CONST_VTBL struct IAccessibleHandlerVtbl *lpVtbl;")
| 411 | cpp_quote(" };")
| 412 | cpp_quote("#ifdef COBJMACROS")
| 413 | cpp_quote("#define IAccessibleHandler_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) (This)->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)")
| 414 | cpp_quote("#define IAccessibleHandler_AddRef(This) (This)->lpVtbl->AddRef(This)")
| 415 | cpp_quote("#define IAccessibleHandler_Release(This) (This)->lpVtbl->Release(This)")
| 416 | cpp_quote("#define IAccessibleHandler_AccessibleObjectFromID(This,hwnd,lObjectID,pIAccessible) (This)->lpVtbl->AccessibleObjectFromID(This,hwnd,lObjectID,pIAccessible)")
| 417 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 418 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 419 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT WINAPI IAccessibleHandler_AccessibleObjectFromID_Proxy(IAccessibleHandler *This,LONG hwnd,LONG lObjectID,LPACCESSIBLE *pIAccessible);")
| 420 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_STUB IAccessibleHandler_AccessibleObjectFromID_Stub(IRpcStubBuffer *This,IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);")
| 421 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 422 | cpp_quote("")
| 423 | cpp_quote(" typedef enum AnnoScope {")
| 424 | cpp_quote(" ANNO_THIS = 0,ANNO_CONTAINER = 1")
| 425 | cpp_quote(" } AnnoScope;")
| 426 | cpp_quote("")
| 427 | cpp_quote(" typedef GUID MSAAPROPID;")
| 428 | cpp_quote("")
| 429 | cpp_quote(" extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_oleacc_0116_v0_0_c_ifspec;")
| 430 | cpp_quote(" extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_oleacc_0116_v0_0_s_ifspec;")
| 431 | cpp_quote("")
| 432 | cpp_quote("#ifndef __IAccIdentity_INTERFACE_DEFINED__")
| 433 | cpp_quote("#define __IAccIdentity_INTERFACE_DEFINED__")
| 434 | cpp_quote(" EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccIdentity;")
| 435 | cpp_quote("#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)")
| 436 | cpp_quote(" struct IAccIdentity : public IUnknown {")
| 437 | cpp_quote(" public:")
| 438 | cpp_quote(" virtual HRESULT WINAPI GetIdentityString(DWORD dwIDChild,BYTE **ppIDString,DWORD *pdwIDStringLen) = 0;")
| 439 | cpp_quote(" };")
| 440 | cpp_quote("#else")
| 441 | cpp_quote(" typedef struct IAccIdentityVtbl {")
| 442 | cpp_quote(" BEGIN_INTERFACE")
| 443 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *QueryInterface)(IAccIdentity *This,REFIID riid,void **ppvObject);")
| 444 | cpp_quote(" ULONG (WINAPI *AddRef)(IAccIdentity *This);")
| 445 | cpp_quote(" ULONG (WINAPI *Release)(IAccIdentity *This);")
| 446 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *GetIdentityString)(IAccIdentity *This,DWORD dwIDChild,BYTE **ppIDString,DWORD *pdwIDStringLen);")
| 447 | cpp_quote(" END_INTERFACE")
| 448 | cpp_quote(" } IAccIdentityVtbl;")
| 449 | cpp_quote(" struct IAccIdentity {")
| 450 | cpp_quote(" CONST_VTBL struct IAccIdentityVtbl *lpVtbl;")
| 451 | cpp_quote(" };")
| 452 | cpp_quote("#ifdef COBJMACROS")
| 453 | cpp_quote("#define IAccIdentity_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) (This)->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)")
| 454 | cpp_quote("#define IAccIdentity_AddRef(This) (This)->lpVtbl->AddRef(This)")
| 455 | cpp_quote("#define IAccIdentity_Release(This) (This)->lpVtbl->Release(This)")
| 456 | cpp_quote("#define IAccIdentity_GetIdentityString(This,dwIDChild,ppIDString,pdwIDStringLen) (This)->lpVtbl->GetIdentityString(This,dwIDChild,ppIDString,pdwIDStringLen)")
| 457 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 458 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 459 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT WINAPI IAccIdentity_GetIdentityString_Proxy(IAccIdentity *This,DWORD dwIDChild,BYTE **ppIDString,DWORD *pdwIDStringLen);")
| 460 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_STUB IAccIdentity_GetIdentityString_Stub(IRpcStubBuffer *This,IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);")
| 461 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 462 | cpp_quote("")
| 463 | cpp_quote("#ifndef __IAccPropServer_INTERFACE_DEFINED__")
| 464 | cpp_quote("#define __IAccPropServer_INTERFACE_DEFINED__")
| 465 | cpp_quote(" EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccPropServer;")
| 466 | cpp_quote("#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)")
| 467 | cpp_quote(" struct IAccPropServer : public IUnknown {")
| 468 | cpp_quote(" public:")
| 469 | cpp_quote(" virtual HRESULT WINAPI GetPropValue(const BYTE *pIDString,DWORD dwIDStringLen,MSAAPROPID idProp,VARIANT *pvarValue,WINBOOL *pfHasProp) = 0;")
| 470 | cpp_quote(" };")
| 471 | cpp_quote("#else")
| 472 | cpp_quote(" typedef struct IAccPropServerVtbl {")
| 473 | cpp_quote(" BEGIN_INTERFACE")
| 474 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *QueryInterface)(IAccPropServer *This,REFIID riid,void **ppvObject);")
| 475 | cpp_quote(" ULONG (WINAPI *AddRef)(IAccPropServer *This);")
| 476 | cpp_quote(" ULONG (WINAPI *Release)(IAccPropServer *This);")
| 477 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *GetPropValue)(IAccPropServer *This,const BYTE *pIDString,DWORD dwIDStringLen,MSAAPROPID idProp,VARIANT *pvarValue,WINBOOL *pfHasProp);")
| 478 | cpp_quote(" END_INTERFACE")
| 479 | cpp_quote(" } IAccPropServerVtbl;")
| 480 | cpp_quote(" struct IAccPropServer {")
| 481 | cpp_quote(" CONST_VTBL struct IAccPropServerVtbl *lpVtbl;")
| 482 | cpp_quote(" };")
| 483 | cpp_quote("#ifdef COBJMACROS")
| 484 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServer_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) (This)->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)")
| 485 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServer_AddRef(This) (This)->lpVtbl->AddRef(This)")
| 486 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServer_Release(This) (This)->lpVtbl->Release(This)")
| 487 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServer_GetPropValue(This,pIDString,dwIDStringLen,idProp,pvarValue,pfHasProp) (This)->lpVtbl->GetPropValue(This,pIDString,dwIDStringLen,idProp,pvarValue,pfHasProp)")
| 488 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 489 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 490 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT WINAPI IAccPropServer_GetPropValue_Proxy(IAccPropServer *This,const BYTE *pIDString,DWORD dwIDStringLen,MSAAPROPID idProp,VARIANT *pvarValue,WINBOOL *pfHasProp);")
| 491 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_STUB IAccPropServer_GetPropValue_Stub(IRpcStubBuffer *This,IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);")
| 492 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 493 | cpp_quote("")
| 494 | cpp_quote("#ifndef __IAccPropServices_INTERFACE_DEFINED__")
| 495 | cpp_quote("#define __IAccPropServices_INTERFACE_DEFINED__")
| 496 | cpp_quote(" EXTERN_C const IID IID_IAccPropServices;")
| 497 | cpp_quote("#if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)")
| 498 | cpp_quote(" struct IAccPropServices : public IUnknown {")
| 499 | cpp_quote(" public:")
| 500 | cpp_quote(" virtual HRESULT WINAPI SetPropValue(const BYTE *pIDString,DWORD dwIDStringLen,MSAAPROPID idProp,VARIANT var) = 0;")
| 501 | cpp_quote(" virtual HRESULT WINAPI SetPropServer(const BYTE *pIDString,DWORD dwIDStringLen,const MSAAPROPID *paProps,int cProps,IAccPropServer *pServer,AnnoScope annoScope) = 0;")
| 502 | cpp_quote(" virtual HRESULT WINAPI ClearProps(const BYTE *pIDString,DWORD dwIDStringLen,const MSAAPROPID *paProps,int cProps) = 0;")
| 503 | cpp_quote(" virtual HRESULT WINAPI SetHwndProp(HWND hwnd,DWORD idObject,DWORD idChild,MSAAPROPID idProp,VARIANT var) = 0;")
| 504 | cpp_quote(" virtual HRESULT WINAPI SetHwndPropStr(HWND hwnd,DWORD idObject,DWORD idChild,MSAAPROPID idProp,LPCWSTR str) = 0;")
| 505 | cpp_quote(" virtual HRESULT WINAPI SetHwndPropServer(HWND hwnd,DWORD idObject,DWORD idChild,const MSAAPROPID *paProps,int cProps,IAccPropServer *pServer,AnnoScope annoScope) = 0;")
| 506 | cpp_quote(" virtual HRESULT WINAPI ClearHwndProps(HWND hwnd,DWORD idObject,DWORD idChild,const MSAAPROPID *paProps,int cProps) = 0;")
| 507 | cpp_quote(" virtual HRESULT WINAPI ComposeHwndIdentityString(HWND hwnd,DWORD idObject,DWORD idChild,BYTE **ppIDString,DWORD *pdwIDStringLen) = 0;")
| 508 | cpp_quote(" virtual HRESULT WINAPI DecomposeHwndIdentityString(const BYTE *pIDString,DWORD dwIDStringLen,HWND *phwnd,DWORD *pidObject,DWORD *pidChild) = 0;")
| 509 | cpp_quote(" virtual HRESULT WINAPI SetHmenuProp(HMENU hmenu,DWORD idChild,MSAAPROPID idProp,VARIANT var) = 0;")
| 510 | cpp_quote(" virtual HRESULT WINAPI SetHmenuPropStr(HMENU hmenu,DWORD idChild,MSAAPROPID idProp,LPCWSTR str) = 0;")
| 511 | cpp_quote(" virtual HRESULT WINAPI SetHmenuPropServer(HMENU hmenu,DWORD idChild,const MSAAPROPID *paProps,int cProps,IAccPropServer *pServer,AnnoScope annoScope) = 0;")
| 512 | cpp_quote(" virtual HRESULT WINAPI ClearHmenuProps(HMENU hmenu,DWORD idChild,const MSAAPROPID *paProps,int cProps) = 0;")
| 513 | cpp_quote(" virtual HRESULT WINAPI ComposeHmenuIdentityString(HMENU hmenu,DWORD idChild,BYTE **ppIDString,DWORD *pdwIDStringLen) = 0;")
| 514 | cpp_quote(" virtual HRESULT WINAPI DecomposeHmenuIdentityString(const BYTE *pIDString,DWORD dwIDStringLen,HMENU *phmenu,DWORD *pidChild) = 0;")
| 515 | cpp_quote(" };")
| 516 | cpp_quote("#else")
| 517 | cpp_quote(" typedef struct IAccPropServicesVtbl {")
| 518 | cpp_quote(" BEGIN_INTERFACE")
| 519 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *QueryInterface)(IAccPropServices *This,REFIID riid,void **ppvObject);")
| 520 | cpp_quote(" ULONG (WINAPI *AddRef)(IAccPropServices *This);")
| 521 | cpp_quote(" ULONG (WINAPI *Release)(IAccPropServices *This);")
| 522 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *SetPropValue)(IAccPropServices *This,const BYTE *pIDString,DWORD dwIDStringLen,MSAAPROPID idProp,VARIANT var);")
| 523 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *SetPropServer)(IAccPropServices *This,const BYTE *pIDString,DWORD dwIDStringLen,const MSAAPROPID *paProps,int cProps,IAccPropServer *pServer,AnnoScope annoScope);")
| 524 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *ClearProps)(IAccPropServices *This,const BYTE *pIDString,DWORD dwIDStringLen,const MSAAPROPID *paProps,int cProps);")
| 525 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *SetHwndProp)(IAccPropServices *This,HWND hwnd,DWORD idObject,DWORD idChild,MSAAPROPID idProp,VARIANT var);")
| 526 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *SetHwndPropStr)(IAccPropServices *This,HWND hwnd,DWORD idObject,DWORD idChild,MSAAPROPID idProp,LPCWSTR str);")
| 527 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *SetHwndPropServer)(IAccPropServices *This,HWND hwnd,DWORD idObject,DWORD idChild,const MSAAPROPID *paProps,int cProps,IAccPropServer *pServer,AnnoScope annoScope);")
| 528 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *ClearHwndProps)(IAccPropServices *This,HWND hwnd,DWORD idObject,DWORD idChild,const MSAAPROPID *paProps,int cProps);")
| 529 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *ComposeHwndIdentityString)(IAccPropServices *This,HWND hwnd,DWORD idObject,DWORD idChild,BYTE **ppIDString,DWORD *pdwIDStringLen);")
| 530 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *DecomposeHwndIdentityString)(IAccPropServices *This,const BYTE *pIDString,DWORD dwIDStringLen,HWND *phwnd,DWORD *pidObject,DWORD *pidChild);")
| 531 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *SetHmenuProp)(IAccPropServices *This,HMENU hmenu,DWORD idChild,MSAAPROPID idProp,VARIANT var);")
| 532 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *SetHmenuPropStr)(IAccPropServices *This,HMENU hmenu,DWORD idChild,MSAAPROPID idProp,LPCWSTR str);")
| 533 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *SetHmenuPropServer)(IAccPropServices *This,HMENU hmenu,DWORD idChild,const MSAAPROPID *paProps,int cProps,IAccPropServer *pServer,AnnoScope annoScope);")
| 534 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *ClearHmenuProps)(IAccPropServices *This,HMENU hmenu,DWORD idChild,const MSAAPROPID *paProps,int cProps);")
| 535 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *ComposeHmenuIdentityString)(IAccPropServices *This,HMENU hmenu,DWORD idChild,BYTE **ppIDString,DWORD *pdwIDStringLen);")
| 536 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT (WINAPI *DecomposeHmenuIdentityString)(IAccPropServices *This,const BYTE *pIDString,DWORD dwIDStringLen,HMENU *phmenu,DWORD *pidChild);")
| 537 | cpp_quote(" END_INTERFACE")
| 538 | cpp_quote(" } IAccPropServicesVtbl;")
| 539 | cpp_quote(" struct IAccPropServices {")
| 540 | cpp_quote(" CONST_VTBL struct IAccPropServicesVtbl *lpVtbl;")
| 541 | cpp_quote(" };")
| 542 | cpp_quote("#ifdef COBJMACROS")
| 543 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServices_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) (This)->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)")
| 544 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServices_AddRef(This) (This)->lpVtbl->AddRef(This)")
| 545 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServices_Release(This) (This)->lpVtbl->Release(This)")
| 546 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServices_SetPropValue(This,pIDString,dwIDStringLen,idProp,var) (This)->lpVtbl->SetPropValue(This,pIDString,dwIDStringLen,idProp,var)")
| 547 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServices_SetPropServer(This,pIDString,dwIDStringLen,paProps,cProps,pServer,annoScope) (This)->lpVtbl->SetPropServer(This,pIDString,dwIDStringLen,paProps,cProps,pServer,annoScope)")
| 548 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServices_ClearProps(This,pIDString,dwIDStringLen,paProps,cProps) (This)->lpVtbl->ClearProps(This,pIDString,dwIDStringLen,paProps,cProps)")
| 549 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServices_SetHwndProp(This,hwnd,idObject,idChild,idProp,var) (This)->lpVtbl->SetHwndProp(This,hwnd,idObject,idChild,idProp,var)")
| 550 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServices_SetHwndPropStr(This,hwnd,idObject,idChild,idProp,str) (This)->lpVtbl->SetHwndPropStr(This,hwnd,idObject,idChild,idProp,str)")
| 551 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServices_SetHwndPropServer(This,hwnd,idObject,idChild,paProps,cProps,pServer,annoScope) (This)->lpVtbl->SetHwndPropServer(This,hwnd,idObject,idChild,paProps,cProps,pServer,annoScope)")
| 552 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServices_ClearHwndProps(This,hwnd,idObject,idChild,paProps,cProps) (This)->lpVtbl->ClearHwndProps(This,hwnd,idObject,idChild,paProps,cProps)")
| 553 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServices_ComposeHwndIdentityString(This,hwnd,idObject,idChild,ppIDString,pdwIDStringLen) (This)->lpVtbl->ComposeHwndIdentityString(This,hwnd,idObject,idChild,ppIDString,pdwIDStringLen)")
| 554 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServices_DecomposeHwndIdentityString(This,pIDString,dwIDStringLen,phwnd,pidObject,pidChild) (This)->lpVtbl->DecomposeHwndIdentityString(This,pIDString,dwIDStringLen,phwnd,pidObject,pidChild)")
| 555 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServices_SetHmenuProp(This,hmenu,idChild,idProp,var) (This)->lpVtbl->SetHmenuProp(This,hmenu,idChild,idProp,var)")
| 556 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServices_SetHmenuPropStr(This,hmenu,idChild,idProp,str) (This)->lpVtbl->SetHmenuPropStr(This,hmenu,idChild,idProp,str)")
| 557 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServices_SetHmenuPropServer(This,hmenu,idChild,paProps,cProps,pServer,annoScope) (This)->lpVtbl->SetHmenuPropServer(This,hmenu,idChild,paProps,cProps,pServer,annoScope)")
| 558 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServices_ClearHmenuProps(This,hmenu,idChild,paProps,cProps) (This)->lpVtbl->ClearHmenuProps(This,hmenu,idChild,paProps,cProps)")
| 559 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServices_ComposeHmenuIdentityString(This,hmenu,idChild,ppIDString,pdwIDStringLen) (This)->lpVtbl->ComposeHmenuIdentityString(This,hmenu,idChild,ppIDString,pdwIDStringLen)")
| 560 | cpp_quote("#define IAccPropServices_DecomposeHmenuIdentityString(This,pIDString,dwIDStringLen,phmenu,pidChild) (This)->lpVtbl->DecomposeHmenuIdentityString(This,pIDString,dwIDStringLen,phmenu,pidChild)")
| 561 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 562 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 563 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT WINAPI IAccPropServices_SetPropValue_Proxy(IAccPropServices *This,const BYTE *pIDString,DWORD dwIDStringLen,MSAAPROPID idProp,VARIANT var);")
| 564 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_STUB IAccPropServices_SetPropValue_Stub(IRpcStubBuffer *This,IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);")
| 565 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT WINAPI IAccPropServices_SetPropServer_Proxy(IAccPropServices *This,const BYTE *pIDString,DWORD dwIDStringLen,const MSAAPROPID *paProps,int cProps,IAccPropServer *pServer,AnnoScope annoScope);")
| 566 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_STUB IAccPropServices_SetPropServer_Stub(IRpcStubBuffer *This,IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);")
| 567 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT WINAPI IAccPropServices_ClearProps_Proxy(IAccPropServices *This,const BYTE *pIDString,DWORD dwIDStringLen,const MSAAPROPID *paProps,int cProps);")
| 568 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_STUB IAccPropServices_ClearProps_Stub(IRpcStubBuffer *This,IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);")
| 569 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT WINAPI IAccPropServices_SetHwndProp_Proxy(IAccPropServices *This,HWND hwnd,DWORD idObject,DWORD idChild,MSAAPROPID idProp,VARIANT var);")
| 570 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_STUB IAccPropServices_SetHwndProp_Stub(IRpcStubBuffer *This,IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);")
| 571 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT WINAPI IAccPropServices_SetHwndPropStr_Proxy(IAccPropServices *This,HWND hwnd,DWORD idObject,DWORD idChild,MSAAPROPID idProp,LPCWSTR str);")
| 572 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_STUB IAccPropServices_SetHwndPropStr_Stub(IRpcStubBuffer *This,IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);")
| 573 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT WINAPI IAccPropServices_SetHwndPropServer_Proxy(IAccPropServices *This,HWND hwnd,DWORD idObject,DWORD idChild,const MSAAPROPID *paProps,int cProps,IAccPropServer *pServer,AnnoScope annoScope);")
| 574 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_STUB IAccPropServices_SetHwndPropServer_Stub(IRpcStubBuffer *This,IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);")
| 575 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT WINAPI IAccPropServices_ClearHwndProps_Proxy(IAccPropServices *This,HWND hwnd,DWORD idObject,DWORD idChild,const MSAAPROPID *paProps,int cProps);")
| 576 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_STUB IAccPropServices_ClearHwndProps_Stub(IRpcStubBuffer *This,IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);")
| 577 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT WINAPI IAccPropServices_ComposeHwndIdentityString_Proxy(IAccPropServices *This,HWND hwnd,DWORD idObject,DWORD idChild,BYTE **ppIDString,DWORD *pdwIDStringLen);")
| 578 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_STUB IAccPropServices_ComposeHwndIdentityString_Stub(IRpcStubBuffer *This,IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);")
| 579 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT WINAPI IAccPropServices_DecomposeHwndIdentityString_Proxy(IAccPropServices *This,const BYTE *pIDString,DWORD dwIDStringLen,HWND *phwnd,DWORD *pidObject,DWORD *pidChild);")
| 580 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_STUB IAccPropServices_DecomposeHwndIdentityString_Stub(IRpcStubBuffer *This,IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);")
| 581 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT WINAPI IAccPropServices_SetHmenuProp_Proxy(IAccPropServices *This,HMENU hmenu,DWORD idChild,MSAAPROPID idProp,VARIANT var);")
| 582 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_STUB IAccPropServices_SetHmenuProp_Stub(IRpcStubBuffer *This,IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);")
| 583 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT WINAPI IAccPropServices_SetHmenuPropStr_Proxy(IAccPropServices *This,HMENU hmenu,DWORD idChild,MSAAPROPID idProp,LPCWSTR str);")
| 584 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_STUB IAccPropServices_SetHmenuPropStr_Stub(IRpcStubBuffer *This,IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);")
| 585 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT WINAPI IAccPropServices_SetHmenuPropServer_Proxy(IAccPropServices *This,HMENU hmenu,DWORD idChild,const MSAAPROPID *paProps,int cProps,IAccPropServer *pServer,AnnoScope annoScope);")
| 586 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_STUB IAccPropServices_SetHmenuPropServer_Stub(IRpcStubBuffer *This,IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);")
| 587 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT WINAPI IAccPropServices_ClearHmenuProps_Proxy(IAccPropServices *This,HMENU hmenu,DWORD idChild,const MSAAPROPID *paProps,int cProps);")
| 588 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_STUB IAccPropServices_ClearHmenuProps_Stub(IRpcStubBuffer *This,IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);")
| 589 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT WINAPI IAccPropServices_ComposeHmenuIdentityString_Proxy(IAccPropServices *This,HMENU hmenu,DWORD idChild,BYTE **ppIDString,DWORD *pdwIDStringLen);")
| 590 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_STUB IAccPropServices_ComposeHmenuIdentityString_Stub(IRpcStubBuffer *This,IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);")
| 591 | cpp_quote(" HRESULT WINAPI IAccPropServices_DecomposeHmenuIdentityString_Proxy(IAccPropServices *This,const BYTE *pIDString,DWORD dwIDStringLen,HMENU *phmenu,DWORD *pidChild);")
| 592 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_STUB IAccPropServices_DecomposeHmenuIdentityString_Stub(IRpcStubBuffer *This,IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);")
| 593 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 594 | cpp_quote("")
| 595 | cpp_quote(" extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_oleacc_0119_v0_0_c_ifspec;")
| 596 | cpp_quote(" extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_oleacc_0119_v0_0_s_ifspec;")
| 597 | cpp_quote("#ifndef __Accessibility_LIBRARY_DEFINED__")
| 598 | cpp_quote("#define __Accessibility_LIBRARY_DEFINED__")
| 599 | cpp_quote(" EXTERN_C const IID LIBID_Accessibility;")
| 600 | cpp_quote(" EXTERN_C const CLSID CLSID_CAccPropServices;")
| 601 | cpp_quote("#ifdef __cplusplus")
| 602 | cpp_quote(" class CAccPropServices;")
| 603 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 604 | cpp_quote("#endif")
| 605 | cpp_quote("")
| 606 | cpp_quote(" ULONG __RPC_API BSTR_UserSize(ULONG *,ULONG,BSTR *);")
| 607 | cpp_quote(" unsigned char *__RPC_API BSTR_UserMarshal(ULONG *,unsigned char *,BSTR *);")
| 608 | cpp_quote(" unsigned char *__RPC_API BSTR_UserUnmarshal(ULONG *,unsigned char *,BSTR *);")
| 609 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_API BSTR_UserFree(ULONG *,BSTR *);")
| 610 | cpp_quote(" ULONG __RPC_API HMENU_UserSize(ULONG *,ULONG,HMENU *);")
| 611 | cpp_quote(" unsigned char *__RPC_API HMENU_UserMarshal(ULONG *,unsigned char *,HMENU *);")
| 612 | cpp_quote(" unsigned char *__RPC_API HMENU_UserUnmarshal(ULONG *,unsigned char *,HMENU *);")
| 613 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_API HMENU_UserFree(ULONG *,HMENU *);")
| 614 | cpp_quote(" ULONG __RPC_API HWND_UserSize(ULONG *,ULONG,HWND *);")
| 615 | cpp_quote(" unsigned char *__RPC_API HWND_UserMarshal(ULONG *,unsigned char *,HWND *);")
| 616 | cpp_quote(" unsigned char *__RPC_API HWND_UserUnmarshal(ULONG *,unsigned char *,HWND *);")
| 617 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_API HWND_UserFree(ULONG *,HWND *);")
| 618 | cpp_quote(" ULONG __RPC_API VARIANT_UserSize(ULONG *,ULONG,VARIANT *);")
| 619 | cpp_quote(" unsigned char *__RPC_API VARIANT_UserMarshal(ULONG *,unsigned char *,VARIANT *);")
| 620 | cpp_quote(" unsigned char *__RPC_API VARIANT_UserUnmarshal(ULONG *,unsigned char *,VARIANT *);")
| 621 | cpp_quote(" void __RPC_API VARIANT_UserFree(ULONG *,VARIANT *);")