1 | /**
2 | * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package.
3 | * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package.
4 | */
5 | #ifndef _RATINGS_H_
6 | #define _RATINGS_H_
7 |
8 | #include <winapifamily.h>
9 |
11 |
12 | #include <winerror.h>
13 | #include <shlwapi.h>
14 |
15 | STDAPI RatingEnable(HWND hwndParent,LPCSTR pszUsername,WINBOOL fEnable);
16 | STDAPI RatingEnableW(HWND hwndParent, LPCWSTR pszUsername, WINBOOL fEnable);
17 | STDAPI RatingCheckUserAccess(LPCSTR pszUsername,LPCSTR pszURL,LPCSTR pszRatingInfo,LPBYTE pData,DWORD cbData,void **ppRatingDetails);
18 | STDAPI RatingCheckUserAccessW(LPCWSTR pszUsername, LPCWSTR pszURL, LPCWSTR pszRatingInfo, LPBYTE pData, DWORD cbData, void **ppRatingDetails);
19 | STDAPI RatingAccessDeniedDialog(HWND hDlg,LPCSTR pszUsername,LPCSTR pszContentDescription,void *pRatingDetails);
20 | STDAPI RatingAccessDeniedDialog2(HWND hDlg,LPCSTR pszUsername,void *pRatingDetails);
21 | STDAPI RatingAccessDeniedDialogW(HWND hDlg, LPCWSTR pszUsername, LPCWSTR pszContentDescription, void *pRatingDetails);
22 | STDAPI RatingFreeDetails(void *pRatingDetails);
23 | STDAPI RatingObtainCancel(HANDLE hRatingObtainQuery);
24 | STDAPI RatingObtainQuery(LPCSTR pszTargetUrl,DWORD dwUserData,void (*fCallback)(DWORD dwUserData,HRESULT hr,LPCSTR pszRating,void *lpvRatingDetails),HANDLE *phRatingObtainQuery);
25 | STDAPI RatingObtainQueryW(LPCWSTR pszTargetUrl, DWORD dwUserData, void (*fCallback) (DWORD dwUserData, HRESULT hr, LPCWSTR pszRating, void *lpvRatingDetails),HANDLE *phRatingObtainQuery);
26 | STDAPI RatingSetupUI(HWND hDlg,LPCSTR pszUsername);
27 | STDAPI RatingSetupUIW (HWND hDlg, LPCWSTR pszUsername);
28 | #ifdef _INC_COMMCTRL
29 | STDAPI RatingAddPropertyPage(PROPSHEETHEADER *ppsh);
30 | #endif
31 |
32 | STDAPI RatingAddToApprovedSites (HWND hDlg, DWORD cbPasswordBlob, BYTE *pbPasswordBlob, LPCWSTR lpszUrl, WINBOOL fAlwaysNever, WINBOOL fSitePage, WINBOOL fApprovedSitesEnforced);
33 | STDAPI RatingClickedOnPRFInternal (HWND hWndOwner, HINSTANCE, LPSTR lpszFileName, int nShow);
34 | STDAPI RatingClickedOnRATInternal (HWND hWndOwner, HINSTANCE, LPSTR lpszFileName, int nShow);
35 |
36 | STDAPI RatingEnabledQuery(void);
37 | STDAPI RatingInit(void);
38 | STDAPI_(void) RatingTerm(void);
39 |
40 | static inline WINBOOL IS_RATINGS_ENABLED() {
41 | TCHAR sz[200];
42 | DWORD typ, sz = sizeof (sz);
43 | return (SHGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Ratings"),TEXT("Key"), &typ,&sz, &sz) == ERROR_SUCCESS);
44 | }
45 |
46 | #define S_RATING_ALLOW S_OK
47 | #define S_RATING_DENY S_FALSE
48 | #define S_RATING_FOUND 0x00000002
49 | #define E_RATING_NOT_FOUND 0x80000001
50 |
51 | #undef INTERFACE
52 | #define INTERFACE IObtainRating
53 | DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IObtainRating,IUnknown) {
54 | #ifndef __cplusplus
55 | STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid,void **ppvObj) PURE;
58 | #endif
59 | STDMETHOD(ObtainRating) (THIS_ LPCSTR pszTargetUrl,HANDLE hAbortEvent,IMalloc *pAllocator,LPSTR *ppRatingOut) PURE;
61 | };
62 | #undef INTERFACE
63 |
64 | #define RATING_ORDER_REMOTESITE 0x80000000
65 | #define RATING_ORDER_LOCALLIST 0xC0000000
66 |
67 | #endif
68 | #endif