1 | /**
2 | * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package.
3 | * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package.
4 | */
5 |
6 | cpp_quote("#include <winapifamily.h>")
7 | cpp_quote("")
9 |
10 | import "objidl.idl";
11 | import "wsdxmldom.h";
12 | import "wsdtypes.h";
13 |
14 | cpp_quote("")
15 | interface IWSDXMLContext;
16 | interface IWSDiscoveryProvider;
17 | interface IWSDiscoveryProviderNotify;
18 | interface IWSDiscoveredService;
19 | interface IWSDiscoveryPublisher;
20 | interface IWSDiscoveryPublisherNotify;
21 | interface IWSDScopeMatchingRule;
22 |
23 | [object, local, restricted, uuid (fcafe424-fef5-481a-bd9f-33ce0574256f), pointer_default (unique)]
24 | interface IWSDScopeMatchingRule : IUnknown {
25 | HRESULT GetScopeRule ([out] LPCWSTR *ppszScopeMatchingRule);
26 | HRESULT MatchScopes ([in] LPCWSTR pszScope1,[in] LPCWSTR pszScope2,[out] BOOL *pfMatch);
27 | }
28 |
29 | [object, local, restricted, uuid (73ee3ced-b6e6-4329-a546-3e8ad46563d2), pointer_default (unique)]
30 | interface IWSDiscoveryProviderNotify : IUnknown {
31 | HRESULT Add ([in] IWSDiscoveredService *pService);
32 | HRESULT Remove ([in] IWSDiscoveredService *pService);
33 | HRESULT SearchFailed ([in] HRESULT hr,[in, optional] LPCWSTR pszTag);
34 | HRESULT SearchComplete ([in, optional] LPCWSTR pszTag);
35 | }
36 |
37 | [object, local, restricted, uuid (8ffc8e55-F0EB-480f-88b7-B435DD281D45), pointer_default (unique)]
38 | interface IWSDiscoveryProvider : IUnknown {
39 | HRESULT SetAddressFamily ([in] DWORD dwAddressFamily);
40 | HRESULT Attach ([in] IWSDiscoveryProviderNotify *pSink);
41 | HRESULT Detach ();
42 | HRESULT SearchById ([in] LPCWSTR pszId,[in, optional] LPCWSTR pszTag);
43 | HRESULT SearchByAddress ([in] LPCWSTR pszAddress,[in, optional] LPCWSTR pszTag);
44 | HRESULT SearchByType ([in, optional] const WSD_NAME_LIST *pTypesList,[in, optional] const WSD_URI_LIST *pScopesList,[in, optional] LPCWSTR pszMatchBy,[in, optional] LPCWSTR pszTag);
45 | HRESULT GetXMLContext ([out] IWSDXMLContext **ppContext);
46 | }
47 |
48 | [object, local, restricted, uuid (4bad8a3b-B374-4420-9632-AAC945B374AA), pointer_default (unique)]
49 | interface IWSDiscoveredService : IUnknown {
50 | HRESULT GetEndpointReference ([out] WSD_ENDPOINT_REFERENCE **ppEndpointReference);
51 | HRESULT GetTypes ([out] WSD_NAME_LIST **ppTypesList);
52 | HRESULT GetScopes ([out] WSD_URI_LIST **ppScopesList);
53 | HRESULT GetXAddrs ([out] WSD_URI_LIST **ppXAddrsList);
54 | HRESULT GetMetadataVersion ([out] ULONGLONG *pullMetadataVersion);
55 | HRESULT GetExtendedDiscoXML ([out] WSDXML_ELEMENT **ppHeaderAny,[out] WSDXML_ELEMENT **ppBodyAny);
56 | HRESULT GetProbeResolveTag ([out] LPCWSTR *ppszTag);
57 | HRESULT GetRemoteTransportAddress ([out] LPCWSTR *ppszRemoteTransportAddress);
58 | HRESULT GetLocalTransportAddress ([out] LPCWSTR *ppszLocalTransportAddress);
59 | HRESULT GetLocalInterfaceGUID ([out] GUID *pGuid);
60 | HRESULT GetInstanceId ([out] ULONGLONG *pullInstanceId);
61 | }
62 |
63 | [object, local, restricted, uuid (e67651b0-337a-4b3c-9758-733388568251), pointer_default (unique)]
64 | interface IWSDiscoveryPublisherNotify : IUnknown {
65 | HRESULT ProbeHandler ([in] const WSD_SOAP_MESSAGE *pSoap,[in] IWSDMessageParameters *pMessageParameters);
66 | HRESULT ResolveHandler ([in] const WSD_SOAP_MESSAGE *pSoap,[in] IWSDMessageParameters *pMessageParameters);
67 | }
68 |
69 | [object, local, restricted, uuid (AE01E1A8-3ff9-4148-8116-057cc616fe13), pointer_default (unique)]
70 | interface IWSDiscoveryPublisher : IUnknown {
71 | HRESULT SetAddressFamily ([in] DWORD dwAddressFamily);
72 | HRESULT RegisterNotificationSink ([in] IWSDiscoveryPublisherNotify *pSink);
73 | HRESULT UnRegisterNotificationSink ([in] IWSDiscoveryPublisherNotify *pSink);
74 | HRESULT Publish ([in] LPCWSTR pszId,[in] ULONGLONG ullMetadataVersion,[in] ULONGLONG ullInstanceId,[in] ULONGLONG ullMessageNumber,[in, optional] LPCWSTR pszSessionId,[in, optional] const WSD_NAME_LIST *pTypesList,[in, optional] const WSD_URI_LIST *pScopesList,[in, optional] const WSD_URI_LIST *pXAddrsList);
75 | HRESULT UnPublish ([in] LPCWSTR pszId,[in] ULONGLONG ullInstanceId,[in] ULONGLONG ullMessageNumber,[in, optional] LPCWSTR pszSessionId,[in, optional] const WSDXML_ELEMENT *pAny);
76 | HRESULT MatchProbe ([in] const WSD_SOAP_MESSAGE *pProbeMessage,[in] IWSDMessageParameters *pMessageParameters,[in] LPCWSTR pszId,[in] ULONGLONG ullMetadataVersion,[in] ULONGLONG ullInstanceId,[in] ULONGLONG ullMessageNumber,[in, optional] LPCWSTR pszSessionId,[in, optional] const WSD_NAME_LIST *pTypesList,[in, optional] const WSD_URI_LIST *pScopesList,[in, optional] const WSD_URI_LIST *pXAddrsList);
77 | HRESULT MatchResolve ([in] const WSD_SOAP_MESSAGE *pResolveMessage,[in] IWSDMessageParameters *pMessageParameters,[in] LPCWSTR pszId,[in] ULONGLONG ullMetadataVersion,[in] ULONGLONG ullInstanceId,[in] ULONGLONG ullMessageNumber,[in, optional] LPCWSTR pszSessionId,[in, optional] const WSD_NAME_LIST *pTypesList,[in, optional] const WSD_URI_LIST *pScopesList,[in, optional] const WSD_URI_LIST *pXAddrsList);
78 | HRESULT PublishEx ([in] LPCWSTR pszId,[in] ULONGLONG ullMetadataVersion,[in] ULONGLONG ullInstanceId,[in] ULONGLONG ullMessageNumber,[in, optional] LPCWSTR pszSessionId,[in, optional] const WSD_NAME_LIST *pTypesList,[in, optional] const WSD_URI_LIST *pScopesList,[in, optional] const WSD_URI_LIST *pXAddrsList,[in, optional] const WSDXML_ELEMENT *pHeaderAny,[in, optional] const WSDXML_ELEMENT *pReferenceParameterAny,[in, optional] const WSDXML_ELEMENT *pPolicyAny,[in, optional] const WSDXML_ELEMENT *pEndpointReferenceAny,[in, optional] const WSDXML_ELEMENT *pAny);
79 | HRESULT MatchProbeEx ([in] const WSD_SOAP_MESSAGE *pProbeMessage,[in] IWSDMessageParameters *pMessageParameters,[in] LPCWSTR pszId,[in] ULONGLONG ullMetadataVersion,[in] ULONGLONG ullInstanceId,[in] ULONGLONG ullMessageNumber,[in, optional] LPCWSTR pszSessionId,[in, optional] const WSD_NAME_LIST *pTypesList,[in, optional] const WSD_URI_LIST *pScopesList,[in, optional] const WSD_URI_LIST *pXAddrsList,[in, optional] const WSDXML_ELEMENT *pHeaderAny,[in, optional] const WSDXML_ELEMENT *pReferenceParameterAny,[in, optional] const WSDXML_ELEMENT *pPolicyAny,[in, optional] const WSDXML_ELEMENT *pEndpointReferenceAny,[in, optional] const WSDXML_ELEMENT *pAny);
80 | HRESULT MatchResolveEx ([in] const WSD_SOAP_MESSAGE *pResolveMessage,[in] IWSDMessageParameters *pMessageParameters,[in] LPCWSTR pszId,[in] ULONGLONG ullMetadataVersion,[in] ULONGLONG ullInstanceId,[in] ULONGLONG ullMessageNumber,[in, optional] LPCWSTR pszSessionId,[in, optional] const WSD_NAME_LIST *pTypesList,[in, optional] const WSD_URI_LIST *pScopesList,[in, optional] const WSD_URI_LIST *pXAddrsList,[in, optional] const WSDXML_ELEMENT *pHeaderAny,[in, optional] const WSDXML_ELEMENT *pReferenceParameterAny,[in, optional] const WSDXML_ELEMENT *pPolicyAny,[in, optional] const WSDXML_ELEMENT *pEndpointReferenceAny,[in, optional] const WSDXML_ELEMENT *pAny);
81 | HRESULT RegisterScopeMatchingRule ([in] IWSDScopeMatchingRule *pScopeMatchingRule);
82 | HRESULT UnRegisterScopeMatchingRule ([in] IWSDScopeMatchingRule *pScopeMatchingRule);
83 | HRESULT GetXMLContext ([out] IWSDXMLContext **ppContext);
84 | }
85 |
86 | cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI WSDCreateDiscoveryProvider(IWSDXMLContext *pContext, IWSDiscoveryProvider **ppProvider);")
87 | cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher(IWSDXMLContext* pContext, IWSDiscoveryPublisher **ppPublisher);")
88 | cpp_quote("#if WINVER >= 0x601")
89 | cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI WSDCreateDiscoveryProvider2(IWSDXMLContext *pContext, WSD_CONFIG_PARAM *pConfigParams, DWORD dwConfigParamCount, IWSDiscoveryProvider **ppProvider);")
90 | cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher2(IWSDXMLContext *pContext, WSD_CONFIG_PARAM *pConfigParams, DWORD dwConfigParamCount, IWSDiscoveryPublisher **ppPublisher);")
91 | cpp_quote("#endif")
92 |
93 | cpp_quote("#endif")