1 | /**
2 | * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package.
3 | * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package.
4 | */
5 |
6 | cpp_quote("#include <winapifamily.h>")
7 | cpp_quote("")
9 |
10 | import "oaidl.idl";
11 |
12 | [uuid (F010BE25-296d-4036-980f-5a0669a17577), lcid (0x00), version (1.0), helpstring ("Microsoft WSMAN Automation V1.0 Library")]
13 | library WSManAutomation {
14 |
15 | importlib ("stdole2.tlb");
16 |
17 | typedef [v1_enum] enum _WSManSessionFlags {
18 | WSManFlagUTF8 = 0x1,
19 | WSManFlagCredUsernamePassword = 0x1000,
20 | WSManFlagSkipCACheck = 0x2000,
21 | WSManFlagSkipCNCheck = 0x4000,
22 | WSManFlagUseNoAuthentication = 0x8000,
23 | WSManFlagUseDigest = 0x10000,
24 | WSManFlagUseNegotiate = 0x20000,
25 | WSManFlagUseBasic = 0x40000,
26 | WSManFlagUseKerberos = 0x80000,
27 | WSManFlagNoEncryption = 0x100000,
28 | WSManFlagUseClientCertificate = 0x200000,
29 | WSManFlagEnableSPNServerPort = 0x400000,
30 | WSManFlagUTF16 = 0x800000,
31 | WSManFlagUseCredSsp = 0x1000000,
32 | WSManFlagSkipRevocationCheck = 0x2000000,
33 | WSManFlagAllowNegotiateImplicitCredentials = 0x4000000,
34 | WSManFlagUseSsl = 0x8000000
35 | } WSManSessionFlags;
36 |
37 | typedef [v1_enum] enum _WSManEnumFlags {
38 | WSManFlagReturnObject = 0x0,
39 | WSManFlagHierarchyDeep = 0x0,
40 | WSManFlagAssociatedInstance = 0x0,
41 | WSManFlagNonXmlText = 0x1,
42 | WSManFlagReturnEPR = 0x2,
43 | WSManFlagReturnObjectAndEPR = 0x4,
44 | WSManFlagHierarchyShallow = 0x20,
45 | WSManFlagHierarchyDeepBasePropsOnly = 0x40,
46 | WSManFlagAssociationInstance = 0x80
47 | } WSManEnumFlags;
48 |
49 | typedef [v1_enum] enum _WSManProxyAccessTypeFlags {
50 | WSManProxyIEConfig = 0x1,
51 | WSManProxyWinHttpConfig = 0x2,
52 | WSManProxyAutoDetect = 0x4,
53 | WSManProxyNoProxyServer = 0x8
54 | } WSManProxyAccessTypeFlags;
55 |
56 | typedef [v1_enum] enum _WSManProxyAuthenticationFlags {
57 | WSManFlagProxyAuthenticationUseNegotiate = 0x1,
58 | WSManFlagProxyAuthenticationUseBasic = 0x2,
59 | WSManFlagProxyAuthenticationUseDigest = 0x4
60 | } WSManProxyAuthenticationFlags;
61 |
62 | interface IWSMan;
63 | interface IWSManEx;
64 | interface IWSManEx2;
65 | interface IWSManEx3;
66 | interface IWSManConnectionOptions;
67 | interface IWSManConnectionOptionsEx;
68 | interface IWSManConnectionOptionsEx2;
69 | interface IWSManSession;
70 | interface IWSManSessionEx;
71 | interface IWSManEnumerator;
72 | interface IWSManResourceLocator;
73 | interface IWSManResourceLocatorInternal;
74 | interface IWSManInternal;
75 |
76 | [uuid (BCED617B-EC03-420b-8508-977dc7a686bd)]
77 | coclass WSMan {
78 | interface IWSMan;
79 | interface IWSManEx;
80 | interface IWSManEx2;
81 | [default] interface IWSManEx3;
82 | };
83 |
84 | [uuid (7de087a5-5dcb-4df7-BB12-0924ad8fbd9a)]
85 | coclass WSManInternal {
86 | interface IWSManInternal;
87 | };
88 | };
89 |
90 | [dual, object, local, oleautomation, nonextensible, hidden, uuid (190d8637-5cd3-496d-ad24-69636bb5a3b5)]
91 | interface IWSMan : IDispatch {
92 | [id (1)] HRESULT CreateSession ([in, defaultvalue (L"")] BSTR connection, [in, defaultvalue (0)] long flags, [in, defaultvalue (0)] IDispatch *connectionOptions, [out, retval] IDispatch **session);
93 | [id (2)] HRESULT CreateConnectionOptions ([out, retval] IDispatch **connectionOptions);
94 | [id (3), propget] HRESULT CommandLine ([out, retval] BSTR *value);
95 | [id (4), propget] HRESULT Error ([out, retval] BSTR *value);
96 | };
97 |
98 | [dual, object, local, oleautomation, nonextensible, hidden, uuid (2d53bdaa-798e-49e6-A1AA-74d01256f411)]
99 | interface IWSManEx : IWSMan {
100 | [id (5)] HRESULT CreateResourceLocator ([in, defaultvalue (L"")] BSTR strResourceLocator,[out, retval] IDispatch **newResourceLocator);
101 | [id (6)] HRESULT SessionFlagUTF8 ([out, retval] long *flags);
102 | [id (7)] HRESULT SessionFlagCredUsernamePassword ([out, retval] long *flags);
103 | [id (8)] HRESULT SessionFlagSkipCACheck ([out, retval] long *flags);
104 | [id (9)] HRESULT SessionFlagSkipCNCheck ([out, retval] long *flags);
105 | [id (10)] HRESULT SessionFlagUseDigest ([out, retval] long *flags);
106 | [id (11)] HRESULT SessionFlagUseNegotiate ([out, retval] long *flags);
107 | [id (12)] HRESULT SessionFlagUseBasic ([out, retval] long *flags);
108 | [id (13)] HRESULT SessionFlagUseKerberos ([out, retval] long *flags);
109 | [id (14)] HRESULT SessionFlagNoEncryption ([out, retval] long *flags);
110 | [id (15)] HRESULT SessionFlagEnableSPNServerPort ([out, retval] long *flags);
111 | [id (16)] HRESULT SessionFlagUseNoAuthentication ([out, retval] long *flags);
112 | [id (17)] HRESULT EnumerationFlagNonXmlText ([out, retval] long *flags);
113 | [id (18)] HRESULT EnumerationFlagReturnEPR ([out, retval] long *flags);
114 | [id (19)] HRESULT EnumerationFlagReturnObjectAndEPR ([out, retval] long *flags);
115 | [id (20)] HRESULT GetErrorMessage ([in] DWORD errorNumber,[out, retval] BSTR *errorMessage);
116 | [id (21)] HRESULT EnumerationFlagHierarchyDeep ([out, retval] long *flags);
117 | [id (22)] HRESULT EnumerationFlagHierarchyShallow ([out, retval] long *flags);
118 | [id (23)] HRESULT EnumerationFlagHierarchyDeepBasePropsOnly ([out, retval] long *flags);
119 | [id (24)] HRESULT EnumerationFlagReturnObject ([out, retval] long *flags);
120 | };
121 |
122 | [dual, object, local, oleautomation, nonextensible, hidden, uuid (1d1b5ae0-42d9-4021-8261-3987619512e9)]
123 | interface IWSManEx2 : IWSManEx {
124 | [id (25)] HRESULT SessionFlagUseClientCertificate ([out, retval] long *flags);
125 | };
126 |
127 | [dual, object, local, oleautomation, nonextensible, hidden, uuid (6400e966-011d-4eac-8474-049e0848afad)]
128 | interface IWSManEx3 : IWSManEx2 {
129 | [id (26)] HRESULT SessionFlagUTF16 ([out, retval] long *flags);
130 | [id (27)] HRESULT SessionFlagUseCredSsp ([out, retval] long *flags);
131 | [id (28)] HRESULT EnumerationFlagAssociationInstance ([out, retval] long *flags);
132 | [id (29)] HRESULT EnumerationFlagAssociatedInstance ([out, retval] long *flags);
133 | [id (30)] HRESULT SessionFlagSkipRevocationCheck ([out, retval] long *flags);
134 | [id (31)] HRESULT SessionFlagAllowNegotiateImplicitCredentials ([out, retval] long *flags);
135 | [id (32)] HRESULT SessionFlagUseSsl ([out, retval] long *flags);
136 | };
137 |
138 | [dual, object, local, oleautomation, nonextensible, uuid (f704e861-9e52-464f-B786-da5Eb2320fDd)]
139 | interface IWSManConnectionOptions : IDispatch {
140 | [id (1), propget] HRESULT UserName ([out, retval] BSTR *name);
141 | [id (1), propput] HRESULT UserName ([in] BSTR name);
142 | [id (2), propput] HRESULT Password ([in] BSTR password);
143 | };
144 |
145 | [dual, object, local, oleautomation, nonextensible, uuid (ef43Edf7-2a48-4d93-9526-8bd6ab6d4a6b)]
146 | interface IWSManConnectionOptionsEx : IWSManConnectionOptions {
147 | [id (3), propget] HRESULT CertificateThumbprint ([out, retval] BSTR *thumbprint);
148 | [id (3), propput] HRESULT CertificateThumbprint ([in] BSTR thumbprint);
149 | };
150 |
151 | [dual, object, local, oleautomation, nonextensible, uuid (f500c9ec-24ee-48ab-b38d-fc9a164c658e)]
152 | interface IWSManConnectionOptionsEx2 : IWSManConnectionOptionsEx {
153 | [id (4)] HRESULT SetProxy ([in, defaultvalue (0)] long accessType,[in, defaultvalue (0)] long authenticationMechanism,[in, defaultvalue (L"")] BSTR userName,[in, defaultvalue (L"")] BSTR password);
154 | [id (5)] HRESULT ProxyIEConfig ([out, retval] long *value);
155 | [id (6)] HRESULT ProxyWinHttpConfig ([out, retval] long *value);
156 | [id (7)] HRESULT ProxyAutoDetect ([out, retval] long *value);
157 | [id (8)] HRESULT ProxyNoProxyServer ([out, retval] long *value);
158 | [id (9)] HRESULT ProxyAuthenticationUseNegotiate ([out, retval] long *value);
159 | [id (10)] HRESULT ProxyAuthenticationUseBasic ([out, retval] long *value);
160 | [id (11)] HRESULT ProxyAuthenticationUseDigest ([out, retval] long *value);
161 | };
162 |
163 | [dual, object, local, oleautomation, nonextensible, uuid (fc84dc58-1286-40c4-9da0-c8ef6Ec241e0)]
164 | interface IWSManSession : IDispatch {
165 | [id (1)] HRESULT Get ([in] VARIANT resourceUri,[in, defaultvalue (0)] long flags,[out, retval] BSTR *resource);
166 | [id (2)] HRESULT Put ([in] VARIANT resourceUri,[in] BSTR resource,[in, defaultvalue (0)] long flags,[out, retval] BSTR *resultResource);
167 | [id (3)] HRESULT Create ([in] VARIANT resourceUri,[in] BSTR resource,[in, defaultvalue (0)] long flags,[out, retval] BSTR *newUri);
168 | [id (4)] HRESULT Delete ([in] VARIANT resourceUri,[in, defaultvalue (0)] long flags);
169 | [id (5)] HRESULT Invoke ([in] BSTR actionUri,[in] VARIANT resourceUri,[in] BSTR parameters,[in, defaultvalue (0)] long flags,[out, retval] BSTR *result);
170 | [id (6)] HRESULT Enumerate ([in] VARIANT resourceUri,[in, defaultvalue (L"")] BSTR filter,[in, defaultvalue (L"")] BSTR dialect,[in, defaultvalue (0)] long flags,[out, retval] IDispatch **resultSet);
171 | [id (7)] HRESULT Identify ([in, defaultvalue (0)] long flags,[out, retval] BSTR *result);
172 | [id (8), propget] HRESULT Error ([out, retval] BSTR *value);
173 | [id (9), propget] HRESULT BatchItems ([out, retval] long *value);
174 | [id (9), propput] HRESULT BatchItems ([in] long value);
175 | [id (10), propget] HRESULT Timeout ([out, retval] long *value);
176 | [id (10), propput] HRESULT Timeout ([in] long value);
177 | };
178 |
179 | [dual, object, local, oleautomation, nonextensible, uuid (f3457ca9-abb9-4fa5-b850-90e8ca300e7f)]
180 | interface IWSManEnumerator : IDispatch {
181 | [id (1)] HRESULT ReadItem ([out, retval] BSTR *resource);
182 | [id (2), propget] HRESULT AtEndOfStream ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *eos);
183 | [id (8), propget] HRESULT Error ([out, retval] BSTR *value);
184 | };
185 |
186 | [dual, object, local, oleautomation, nonextensible, uuid (a7a1ba28-de41-466a-ad0a-c4059ead7428)]
187 | interface IWSManResourceLocator : IDispatch {
188 | [id (1), propput] HRESULT ResourceURI ([in] BSTR uri);
189 | [id (1), propget] HRESULT ResourceURI ([out, retval] BSTR *uri);
190 | [id (2)] HRESULT AddSelector ([in] BSTR resourceSelName,[in] VARIANT selValue);
191 | [id (3)] HRESULT ClearSelectors ();
192 | [id (4), propget] HRESULT FragmentPath ([out, retval] BSTR *text);
193 | [id (4), propput] HRESULT FragmentPath ([in] BSTR text);
194 | [id (5), propget] HRESULT FragmentDialect ([out, retval] BSTR *text);
195 | [id (5), propput] HRESULT FragmentDialect ([in] BSTR text);
196 | [id (6)] HRESULT AddOption ([in] BSTR OptionName,[in] VARIANT OptionValue,[in, defaultvalue (0)] BOOL mustComply);
197 | [id (7), propput] HRESULT MustUnderstandOptions ([in] BOOL mustUnderstand);
198 | [id (7), propget] HRESULT MustUnderstandOptions ([out, retval] BOOL *mustUnderstand);
199 | [id (8)] HRESULT ClearOptions ();
200 | [id (9), propget] HRESULT Error ([out, retval] BSTR *value);
201 | }
202 |
203 | [object, local, oleautomation, nonextensible, hidden, uuid (effaead7-7ec8-4716-b9Be-f2e7e9fb4adb)]
204 | interface IWSManResourceLocatorInternal : IUnknown {
205 | }
206 |
207 | [object, local, oleautomation, nonextensible, hidden, uuid (04ae2b1d-9954-4d99-94a9-A961E72C3A13)]
208 | interface IWSManInternal : IDispatch {
209 | [id (2)] HRESULT ConfigSDDL ([in] IDispatch *session,[in] VARIANT resourceUri,[in, defaultvalue (0)] long flags,[out, retval] BSTR *resource);
210 | };
211 | cpp_quote("#endif")