1 | /**
2 | * This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain.
3 | * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package.
4 | * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package.
5 | */
6 | #ifndef _XCMC_H
7 | #define _XCMC_H
8 |
9 | #ifdef __cplusplus
10 | extern "C" {
11 | #endif
12 |
14 | typedef char CMC_sint8;
15 | typedef short CMC_sint16;
16 | typedef __LONG32 CMC_sint32;
17 | typedef unsigned short int CMC_uint16;
18 | typedef unsigned __LONG32 CMC_uint32;
19 | typedef void *CMC_buffer;
20 | typedef char *CMC_string;
21 | #endif
22 |
23 | typedef CMC_uint16 CMC_boolean;
24 | typedef CMC_sint32 CMC_enum;
25 | typedef CMC_uint32 CMC_return_code;
26 | typedef CMC_uint32 CMC_flags;
27 | typedef CMC_string CMC_object_identifier;
28 |
29 | #define CMC_FALSE ((CMC_boolean)0)
30 | #define CMC_TRUE ((CMC_boolean)1)
31 |
32 | typedef struct {
33 | CMC_uint32 length;
34 | char string[1];
35 | } CMC_counted_string;
36 |
37 | typedef CMC_uint32 CMC_session_id;
38 |
39 | typedef struct {
40 | CMC_sint8 second;
41 | CMC_sint8 minute;
42 | CMC_sint8 hour;
43 | CMC_sint8 day;
44 | CMC_sint8 month;
45 | CMC_sint8 year;
46 | CMC_sint8 isdst;
47 | CMC_sint8 unused1;
48 | CMC_sint16 tmzone;
49 | CMC_sint16 unused2;
50 | } CMC_time;
51 |
52 | #define CMC_NO_TIMEZONE ((CMC_sint16) 0x8000)
53 |
54 | typedef CMC_uint32 CMC_ui_id;
55 |
56 | typedef struct {
57 | CMC_uint32 item_code;
58 | CMC_uint32 item_data;
59 | CMC_buffer item_reference;
60 | CMC_flags extension_flags;
61 | } CMC_extension;
62 |
63 | #define CMC_EXT_REQUIRED ((CMC_flags) 0x00010000)
64 | #define CMC_EXT_OUTPUT ((CMC_flags) 0x00020000)
65 | #define CMC_EXT_LAST_ELEMENT ((CMC_flags) 0x80000000)
66 | #define CMC_EXT_RSV_FLAG_MASK ((CMC_flags) 0xFFFF0000)
67 | #define CMC_EXT_ITEM_FLAG_MASK ((CMC_flags) 0x0000FFFF)
68 |
69 | typedef struct {
70 | CMC_string attach_title;
71 | CMC_object_identifier attach_type;
72 | CMC_string attach_filename;
73 | CMC_flags attach_flags;
74 | CMC_extension *attach_extensions;
75 | } CMC_attachment;
76 |
77 | #define CMC_ATT_APP_OWNS_FILE ((CMC_flags) 1)
78 | #define CMC_ATT_LAST_ELEMENT ((CMC_flags) 0x80000000)
79 |
80 | #define CMC_ATT_OID_BINARY "? ? ? ? ? ?"
81 | #define CMC_ATT_OID_TEXT "? ? ? ? ? ?"
82 |
83 | typedef CMC_counted_string CMC_message_reference;
84 |
85 | typedef struct {
86 | CMC_string name;
87 | CMC_enum name_type;
88 | CMC_string address;
89 | CMC_enum role;
90 | CMC_flags recip_flags;
91 | CMC_extension *recip_extensions;
92 | } CMC_recipient;
93 |
94 | #define CMC_TYPE_UNKNOWN ((CMC_enum) 0)
95 | #define CMC_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL ((CMC_enum) 1)
96 | #define CMC_TYPE_GROUP ((CMC_enum) 2)
97 |
98 | #define CMC_ROLE_TO ((CMC_enum) 0)
99 | #define CMC_ROLE_CC ((CMC_enum) 1)
100 | #define CMC_ROLE_BCC ((CMC_enum) 2)
101 | #define CMC_ROLE_ORIGINATOR ((CMC_enum) 3)
102 | #define CMC_ROLE_AUTHORIZING_USER ((CMC_enum) 4)
103 |
104 | #define CMC_RECIP_IGNORE ((CMC_flags) 1)
105 | #define CMC_RECIP_LIST_TRUNCATED ((CMC_flags) 2)
106 | #define CMC_RECIP_LAST_ELEMENT ((CMC_flags) 0x80000000)
107 |
108 | typedef struct {
109 | CMC_message_reference *message_reference;
110 | CMC_string message_type;
111 | CMC_string subject;
112 | CMC_time time_sent;
113 | CMC_string text_note;
114 | CMC_recipient *recipients;
115 | CMC_attachment *attachments;
116 | CMC_flags message_flags;
117 | CMC_extension *message_extensions;
118 | } CMC_message;
119 |
120 | #define CMC_MSG_READ ((CMC_flags) 1)
121 | #define CMC_MSG_TEXT_NOTE_AS_FILE ((CMC_flags) 2)
122 | #define CMC_MSG_UNSENT ((CMC_flags) 4)
123 | #define CMC_MSG_LAST_ELEMENT ((CMC_flags) 0x80000000)
124 |
125 | typedef struct {
126 | CMC_message_reference *message_reference;
127 | CMC_string message_type;
128 | CMC_string subject;
129 | CMC_time time_sent;
130 | CMC_uint32 byte_length;
131 | CMC_recipient *originator;
132 | CMC_flags summary_flags;
133 | CMC_extension *message_summary_extensions;
134 | } CMC_message_summary;
135 |
136 | #define CMC_SUM_READ ((CMC_flags) 1)
137 | #define CMC_SUM_UNSENT ((CMC_flags) 2)
138 | #define CMC_SUM_LAST_ELEMENT ((CMC_flags) 0x80000000)
139 |
140 | #define CMC_ERROR_UI_ALLOWED ((CMC_flags) 0x01000000)
141 | #define CMC_LOGON_UI_ALLOWED ((CMC_flags) 0x02000000)
142 | #define CMC_COUNTED_STRING_TYPE ((CMC_flags) 0x04000000)
143 |
144 | CMC_return_code WINAPI cmc_send(CMC_session_id session,CMC_message *message,CMC_flags send_flags,CMC_ui_id ui_id,CMC_extension *send_extensions);
145 |
146 | #define CMC_SEND_UI_REQUESTED ((CMC_flags) 1)
147 |
148 | CMC_return_code WINAPI cmc_send_documents(CMC_string recipient_addresses,CMC_string subject,CMC_string text_note,CMC_flags send_doc_flags,CMC_string file_paths,CMC_string file_names,CMC_string delimiter,CMC_ui_id ui_id);
149 |
150 | #define CMC_FIRST_ATTACH_AS_TEXT_NOTE ((CMC_flags) 2)
151 |
152 | CMC_return_code WINAPI cmc_act_on(CMC_session_id session,CMC_message_reference *message_reference,CMC_enum operation,CMC_flags act_on_flags,CMC_ui_id ui_id,CMC_extension *act_on_extensions);
153 |
154 | #define CMC_ACT_ON_EXTENDED ((CMC_enum) 0)
155 | #define CMC_ACT_ON_DELETE ((CMC_enum) 1)
156 |
157 | CMC_return_code WINAPI cmc_list(CMC_session_id session,CMC_string message_type,CMC_flags list_flags,CMC_message_reference *seed,CMC_uint32 *count,CMC_ui_id ui_id,CMC_message_summary **result,CMC_extension *list_extensions);
158 |
159 | #define CMC_LIST_UNREAD_ONLY ((CMC_flags) 1)
160 | #define CMC_LIST_MSG_REFS_ONLY ((CMC_flags) 2)
161 | #define CMC_LIST_COUNT_ONLY ((CMC_flags) 4)
162 |
164 |
165 | CMC_return_code WINAPI cmc_read(CMC_session_id session,CMC_message_reference *message_reference,CMC_flags read_flags,CMC_message **message,CMC_ui_id ui_id,CMC_extension *read_extensions);
166 |
167 | #define CMC_DO_NOT_MARK_AS_READ ((CMC_flags) 1)
168 | #define CMC_MSG_AND_ATT_HDRS_ONLY ((CMC_flags) 2)
169 | #define CMC_READ_FIRST_UNREAD_MESSAGE ((CMC_flags) 4)
170 |
171 | CMC_return_code WINAPI cmc_look_up(CMC_session_id session,CMC_recipient *recipient_in,CMC_flags look_up_flags,CMC_ui_id ui_id,CMC_uint32 *count,CMC_recipient **recipient_out,CMC_extension *look_up_extensions);
172 |
173 | #define CMC_LOOKUP_RESOLVE_PREFIX_SEARCH ((CMC_flags) 1)
174 | #define CMC_LOOKUP_RESOLVE_IDENTITY ((CMC_flags) 2)
175 | #define CMC_LOOKUP_RESOLVE_UI ((CMC_flags) 4)
176 | #define CMC_LOOKUP_DETAILS_UI ((CMC_flags) 8)
177 | #define CMC_LOOKUP_ADDRESSING_UI ((CMC_flags) 16)
178 |
179 | CMC_return_code WINAPI cmc_free(CMC_buffer memory);
180 | CMC_return_code WINAPI cmc_logoff(CMC_session_id session,CMC_ui_id ui_id,CMC_flags logoff_flags,CMC_extension *logoff_extensions);
181 |
182 | #define CMC_LOGOFF_UI_ALLOWED ((CMC_flags) 1)
183 |
184 | CMC_return_code WINAPI cmc_logon(CMC_string service,CMC_string user,CMC_string password,CMC_object_identifier character_set,CMC_ui_id ui_id,CMC_uint16 caller_cmc_version,CMC_flags logon_flags,CMC_session_id *session,CMC_extension *logon_extensions);
185 |
186 | #define CMC_VERSION ((CMC_uint16) 100)
187 |
188 | CMC_return_code WINAPI cmc_query_configuration(CMC_session_id session,CMC_enum item,CMC_buffer reference,CMC_extension *config_extensions);
189 |
190 | #define CMC_CONFIG_CHARACTER_SET ((CMC_enum) 1)
191 | #define CMC_CONFIG_LINE_TERM ((CMC_enum) 2)
192 | #define CMC_CONFIG_DEFAULT_SERVICE ((CMC_enum) 3)
193 | #define CMC_CONFIG_DEFAULT_USER ((CMC_enum) 4)
194 | #define CMC_CONFIG_REQ_PASSWORD ((CMC_enum) 5)
195 | #define CMC_CONFIG_REQ_SERVICE ((CMC_enum) 6)
196 | #define CMC_CONFIG_REQ_USER ((CMC_enum) 7)
197 | #define CMC_CONFIG_UI_AVAIL ((CMC_enum) 8)
198 | #define CMC_CONFIG_SUP_NOMKMSGREAD ((CMC_enum) 9)
199 | #define CMC_CONFIG_SUP_COUNTED_STR ((CMC_enum) 10)
200 | #define CMC_CONFIG_VER_IMPLEM ((CMC_enum) 11)
201 | #define CMC_CONFIG_VER_SPEC ((CMC_enum) 12)
202 |
203 | #define CMC_LINE_TERM_CRLF ((CMC_enum) 0)
204 | #define CMC_LINE_TERM_CR ((CMC_enum) 1)
205 | #define CMC_LINE_TERM_LF ((CMC_enum) 2)
206 |
207 | #define CMC_REQUIRED_NO ((CMC_enum) 0)
208 | #define CMC_REQUIRED_YES ((CMC_enum) 1)
209 | #define CMC_REQUIRED_OPT ((CMC_enum) 2)
210 |
211 | #define CMC_CHAR_CP437 "1 2 840 113556 3 2 437"
212 | #define CMC_CHAR_CP850 "1 2 840 113556 3 2 850"
213 | #define CMC_CHAR_CP1252 "1 2 840 113556 3 2 1252"
214 | #define CMC_CHAR_ISTRING "1 2 840 113556 3 2 0"
215 | #define CMC_CHAR_UNICODE "1 2 840 113556 3 2 1"
216 |
217 | #define CMC_ERROR_DISPLAYED ((CMC_return_code) 0x00008000)
218 | #define CMC_ERROR_RSV_MASK ((CMC_return_code) 0x0000FFFF)
219 | #define CMC_ERROR_IMPL_MASK ((CMC_return_code) 0xFFFF0000)
220 |
221 | #define CMC_SUCCESS ((CMC_return_code) 0)
222 |
223 | #define CMC_E_AMBIGUOUS_RECIPIENT ((CMC_return_code) 1)
224 | #define CMC_E_ATTACHMENT_NOT_FOUND ((CMC_return_code) 2)
225 | #define CMC_E_ATTACHMENT_OPEN_FAILURE ((CMC_return_code) 3)
226 | #define CMC_E_ATTACHMENT_READ_FAILURE ((CMC_return_code) 4)
227 | #define CMC_E_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_FAILURE ((CMC_return_code) 5)
228 | #define CMC_E_COUNTED_STRING_UNSUPPORTED ((CMC_return_code) 6)
229 | #define CMC_E_DISK_FULL ((CMC_return_code) 7)
230 | #define CMC_E_FAILURE ((CMC_return_code) 8)
231 | #define CMC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ((CMC_return_code) 9)
232 | #define CMC_E_INVALID_CONFIGURATION ((CMC_return_code) 10)
233 | #define CMC_E_INVALID_ENUM ((CMC_return_code) 11)
234 | #define CMC_E_INVALID_FLAG ((CMC_return_code) 12)
235 | #define CMC_E_INVALID_MEMORY ((CMC_return_code) 13)
236 | #define CMC_E_INVALID_MESSAGE_PARAMETER ((CMC_return_code) 14)
237 | #define CMC_E_INVALID_MESSAGE_REFERENCE ((CMC_return_code) 15)
238 | #define CMC_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ((CMC_return_code) 16)
239 | #define CMC_E_INVALID_SESSION_ID ((CMC_return_code) 17)
240 | #define CMC_E_INVALID_UI_ID ((CMC_return_code) 18)
241 | #define CMC_E_LOGON_FAILURE ((CMC_return_code) 19)
242 | #define CMC_E_MESSAGE_IN_USE ((CMC_return_code) 20)
243 | #define CMC_E_NOT_SUPPORTED ((CMC_return_code) 21)
244 | #define CMC_E_PASSWORD_REQUIRED ((CMC_return_code) 22)
245 | #define CMC_E_RECIPIENT_NOT_FOUND ((CMC_return_code) 23)
246 | #define CMC_E_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE ((CMC_return_code) 24)
247 | #define CMC_E_TEXT_TOO_LARGE ((CMC_return_code) 25)
248 | #define CMC_E_TOO_MANY_FILES ((CMC_return_code) 26)
249 | #define CMC_E_TOO_MANY_RECIPIENTS ((CMC_return_code) 27)
250 | #define CMC_E_UNABLE_TO_NOT_MARK_AS_READ ((CMC_return_code) 28)
251 | #define CMC_E_UNRECOGNIZED_MESSAGE_TYPE ((CMC_return_code) 29)
252 | #define CMC_E_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION ((CMC_return_code) 30)
253 | #define CMC_E_UNSUPPORTED_CHARACTER_SET ((CMC_return_code) 31)
254 | #define CMC_E_UNSUPPORTED_DATA_EXT ((CMC_return_code) 32)
255 | #define CMC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FLAG ((CMC_return_code) 33)
256 | #define CMC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION_EXT ((CMC_return_code) 34)
257 | #define CMC_E_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION ((CMC_return_code) 35)
258 | #define CMC_E_USER_CANCEL ((CMC_return_code) 36)
259 | #define CMC_E_USER_NOT_LOGGED_ON ((CMC_return_code) 37)
260 |
261 | #ifdef __cplusplus
262 | }
263 | #endif
264 | #endif