This meta package contains the components necessary to create a relatively complete MSYS installation suitable for most MinGW developers' needs. It includes the msys-base system, as well as the autotools (autoconf, automake, libtool, gettext, and libiconv) configured for use in maintaining and building native win32 (MinGW) programs. It includes m4, perl, vim, patch, cvs, guile, mktemp, bison, flex, lndir, and other useful command line tools. It also includes networking clients for ssh, rsh, telnet, and ftp protocols. Note that, for certain esoteric reasons, some of the packages installed by this meta package are MSYS packages, and install, as expected, in the / == /usr directory (that is, into C:\msys\1.0, or whatever you've chosen as the "root" MSYS path). However, it also includes some MinGW packages: the autotools are technically configured for MinGW, and are installed into the /mingw directory (that is, into C:\MinGW or whatever you've chosen as the "root" MinGW path).