[1046] | 1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
| 2 | <software-distribution project="MinGW" home="http://www.mingw.org" issue="2011050500">
| 3 |
| 4 | <!-- File: mingw32-gcc3.xml ~~ mingw-get package list for GCC version 3 -->
| 5 |
| 6 | <package-collection subsystem="mingw32">
| 7 | <download-host uri="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/%F?download" />
| 8 |
| 9 | <package name="mingw32-gcc-v3-core" alias="gcc-v3 gcc-v3-core">
| 10 | <affiliate group="MinGW Compiler Suite" />
| 11 | <description lang="en" title="The GNU C Compiler">
| 12 | <paragraph>
| 13 | This package is specific to Version 3 of the GNU Compiler
| 14 | Collection; it provides the MinGW implementation of the
| 15 | GNU C language compiler; this includes the C preprocessor,
| 16 | and the common back end processors which are necessary to
| 17 | support all other language compilers in the GNU Compiler
| 18 | Collection.
| 19 | </paragraph>
| 20 | <paragraph>
| 21 | This is a required component of the MinGW Compiler Suite,
| 22 | for those users who continue the use GCC Version 3.
| 23 | </paragraph>
| 24 | </description>
| 25 | <component class="bin">
| 26 | <requires ge="mingw32-binutils-*-mingw32-bin.tar" />
| 27 | <requires ge="mingw32-mingwrt-*-mingw32-dev.tar" />
| 28 | <requires ge="mingw32-mingwrt-*-mingw32-dll.tar" />
| 29 | <requires ge="mingw32-w32api-*-mingw32-dev.tar" />
| 30 | <release tarname="gcc-v3-core-3.4.5-20060117-3-mingw32-bin.tar.gz">
| 31 | <source tarname="gcc-core-3.4.5-20060117-2-src.tar.gz" />
| 32 | <download tarname="gcc-core-3.4.5-20060117-3.tar.gz" />
| 33 | </release>
| 34 | </component>
| 35 | </package>
| 36 |
| 37 | <package name="mingw32-gcc-v3-ada" alias="gcc-v3-ada">
| 38 | <affiliate group="MinGW Compiler Suite" />
| 39 | <description lang="en" title="The GNU Ada Compiler">
| 40 | <paragraph>
| 41 | This package provides the MinGW implementation of the
| 42 | GNU Ada language compiler for GCC Version 3.
| 43 | </paragraph>
| 44 | <paragraph>
| 45 | This is an optional component of the MinGW Compiler Suite;
| 46 | you require it only if you use GCC Version 3, and you wish
| 47 | to compile programs written in the Ada language.
| 48 | </paragraph>
| 49 | </description>
| 50 | <component class="bin">
| 51 | <requires eq="mingw32-gcc-v3-core-%-mingw32-bin.tar" />
| 52 | <release tarname="gcc-v3-ada-3.4.5-20060117-3-mingw32-bin.tar.gz">
| 53 | <source tarname="gcc-ada-3.4.5-20060117-2-src.tar.gz" />
| 54 | <download tarname="gcc-ada-3.4.5-20060117-3.tar.gz" />
| 55 | </release>
| 56 | </component>
| 57 | </package>
| 58 |
| 59 | <package name="mingw32-gcc-v3-g++" alias="gcc-v3-g++ gcc-v3-c++">
| 60 | <affiliate group="MinGW Compiler Suite" />
| 61 | <description lang="en" title="The GNU C++ Compiler">
| 62 | <paragraph>
| 63 | This package provides the MinGW implementation of the
| 64 | GNU C++ language compiler for GCC Version 3.
| 65 | </paragraph>
| 66 | <paragraph>
| 67 | This is an optional component of the MinGW Compiler Suite;
| 68 | you require it only if you use GCC Version 3, and you wish
| 69 | to compile programs written in the C++ language.
| 70 | </paragraph>
| 71 | </description>
| 72 | <component class="bin">
| 73 | <requires eq="mingw32-gcc-v3-core-%-mingw32-bin.tar" />
| 74 | <release tarname="gcc-v3-g++-3.4.5-20060117-3-mingw32-bin.tar.gz">
| 75 | <source tarname="gcc-g++-3.4.5-20060117-2-src.tar.gz" />
| 76 | <download tarname="gcc-g++-3.4.5-20060117-3.tar.gz" />
| 77 | </release>
| 78 | </component>
| 79 | </package>
| 80 |
| 81 | <package name="mingw32-gcc-v3-fortran" alias="gcc-v3-fortran gcc-v3-g77 g77 f77">
| 82 | <affiliate group="MinGW Compiler Suite" />
| 83 | <description lang="en" title="The GNU FORTRAN Compiler">
| 84 | <paragraph>
| 85 | This package provides the MinGW implementation of the
| 86 | GNU FORTRAN language compiler for GCC Version 3.
| 87 | </paragraph>
| 88 | <paragraph>
| 89 | This is an optional component of the MinGW Compiler Suite;
| 90 | you require it only if you use GCC Version 3, and you wish
| 91 | to compile programs written in the FORTRAN language.
| 92 | </paragraph>
| 93 | </description>
| 94 | <component class="bin">
| 95 | <requires eq="mingw32-gcc-v3-core-%-mingw32-bin.tar" />
| 96 | <release tarname="gcc-v3-g77-3.4.5-20060117-3-mingw32-bin.tar.gz">
| 97 | <source tarname="gcc-g77-3.4.5-20060117-2-src.tar.gz" />
| 98 | <download tarname="gcc-g77-3.4.5-20060117-3.tar.gz" />
| 99 | </release>
| 100 | </component>
| 101 | </package>
| 102 |
| 103 | <package name="mingw32-gcc-v3-java" alias="gcc-v3-java">
| 104 | <affiliate group="MinGW Compiler Suite" />
| 105 | <description lang="en" title="The GNU Java Compiler">
| 106 | <paragraph>
| 107 | This package provides the MinGW implementation of the
| 108 | GNU Java language compiler for GCC Version 3.
| 109 | </paragraph>
| 110 | <paragraph>
| 111 | This is an optional component of the MinGW Compiler Suite;
| 112 | you require it only if you use GCC Version 3, and you wish
| 113 | to compile programs written in the Java language.
| 114 | </paragraph>
| 115 | </description>
| 116 | <component class="bin">
| 117 | <requires eq="mingw32-gcc-v3-core-%-mingw32-bin.tar" />
| 118 | <release tarname="gcc-v3-java-3.4.5-20060117-3-mingw32-bin.tar.gz">
| 119 | <source tarname="gcc-java-3.4.5-20060117-2-src.tar.gz" />
| 120 | <download tarname="gcc-java-3.4.5-20060117-3.tar.gz" />
| 121 | </release>
| 122 | </component>
| 123 | </package>
| 124 |
| 125 | <package name="mingw32-gcc-v3-objc" alias="gcc-v3-objc">
| 126 | <affiliate group="MinGW Compiler Suite" />
| 127 | <description lang="en" title="The GNU Objective-C Compiler">
| 128 | <paragraph>
| 129 | This package provides the MinGW implementation of the
| 130 | GNU Objective-C language compiler for GCC Version 3.
| 131 | </paragraph>
| 132 | <paragraph>
| 133 | This is an optional component of the MinGW Compiler Suite;
| 134 | you require it only if you use GCC Version 3, and you wish
| 135 | to compile programs written in the Objective-C language.
| 136 | </paragraph>
| 137 | </description>
| 138 | <component class="bin">
| 139 | <requires eq="mingw32-gcc-v3-core-%-mingw32-bin.tar" />
| 140 | <release tarname="gcc-v3-objc-3.4.5-20060117-3-mingw32-bin.tar.gz">
| 141 | <source tarname="gcc-objc-3.4.5-20060117-2-src.tar.gz" />
| 142 | <download tarname="gcc-objc-3.4.5-20060117-3.tar.gz" />
| 143 | </release>
| 144 | </component>
| 145 | </package>
| 146 |
| 147 | </package-collection>
| 148 | </software-distribution>
| 149 | <!-- vim: set nocompatible expandtab fileformat=unix textwidth=80 tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: -->