GNU MP is a library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating point numbers. It has a rich set of functions, and the functions have a regular interface. The MinGW/MSYS project provides two gmp packages: the native win32 mingw32-gmp and an MSYS version, msys-gmp. mingw32-gmp is provided as a necessary component of modern MinGW gcc compilers, while the msys-gmp version requires the MSYS dll, and is provided as a prerequisite of certain other MSYS tools, such as guile. The mingw32-gmp package provides the documentation for the gmp library, as well as the related development files. The associated mingw32-libgmp package provides the C runtime library, while the associated mingw32-libgmpxx package provides the C++ runtime library. GNU MP is a library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating point numbers. It has a rich set of functions, and the functions have a regular interface. The MinGW/MSYS project provides two libgmp packages: the native win32 mingw32-libgmp and an MSYS version, msys-libgmp. mingw32-libgmp is provided as a necessary component of modern MinGW gcc compilers, while the msys-libgmp version requires the MSYS dll, and is provided as a prerequisite of certain other MSYS tools, such as guile. The mingw32-libgmp package provides the C runtime library. The associated mingw32-gmp package provides the documentation for the gmp library, as well as the related development files. The associated mingw32-libgmpxx package provides the C++ runtime library. This is a required component of the MinGW Compiler Suite. GNU MP is a library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating point numbers. It has a rich set of functions, and the functions have a regular interface. The mingw32-libgmpxx package provides the C++ runtime library. The associated mingw32-gmp package provides the documentation for the gmp library, as well as the related development files. The associated mingw32-libgmp package provides the C runtime library.