[1046] | 1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
| 2 | <software-distribution project="MinGW" home="http://www.mingw.org" issue="2013070100">
| 3 |
| 4 | <!-- File: mingw32-wsl.xml ~~ Windows System Libraries Meta-Package -->
| 5 |
| 6 | <package-collection subsystem="mingw32">
| 7 | <download-host uri="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/%F?download" />
| 8 |
| 9 | <affiliate group="MinGW Project Infrastructure" />
| 10 |
| 11 | <description lang="en" title="Windows System Libraries Meta-Package">
| 12 | <paragraph>
| 13 | This meta-package provides a delivery mechanism to support
| 14 | pre-release testing of the upcoming windows system library
| 15 | packages. You are advised to install this package, ONLY if
| 16 | you wish to participate in the pre-release testing of the
| 17 | windows system libraries release candidate packages.
| 18 | </paragraph>
| 19 | <paragraph>
| 20 | A two stage installation procedure is required; first, to
| 21 | initialise the pre-release testing infrastructure:
| 22 | </paragraph>
| 23 | <paragraph>
| 24 | $ mingw-get install mingw32-wsl_rc
| 25 | </paragraph>
| 26 | <paragraph>
| 27 | Second, to install the release candidate software packages,
| 28 | and switch to the testing environment:
| 29 | </paragraph>
| 30 | <paragraph>
| 31 | $ mingw-get install mingw32-wsl_rc-test-on
| 32 | </paragraph>
| 33 | <paragraph>
| 34 | Having thus activated the testing environment, you are advised
| 35 | to immediately, (and without prejudice to its operation):
| 36 | </paragraph>
| 37 | <paragraph>
| 38 | $ mingw-get remove mingw32-wsl_rc-test-on
| 39 | </paragraph>
| 40 | <paragraph>
| 41 | While in the testing environment, and after removing the
| 42 | mingw32-wsl_rc-test-on package, you may revert all associated
| 43 | software packages to their production releases, thus switching
| 44 | back to a production environment, by:
| 45 | </paragraph>
| 46 | <paragraph>
| 47 | $ mingw-get install mingw32-wsl_rc-test-off
| 48 | </paragraph>
| 49 | <paragraph>
| 50 | As before, after installing this, you are advised to immediately,
| 51 | (and again without prejudice to the working environment):
| 52 | </paragraph>
| 53 | <paragraph>
| 54 | $ mingw-get remove mingw32-wsl_rc-test-off
| 55 | </paragraph>
| 56 | <paragraph>
| 57 | Finally, if having installed mingw32-wsl_rc, you subsequently
| 58 | decide to remove it, please ensure that you have removed either
| 59 | or both of mingw32-wsl_rc-test-on and mingw32-wsl_rc-test-off,
| 60 | BEFORE you do so.
| 61 | </paragraph>
| 62 | </description>
| 63 |
| 64 | <package name="mingw32-wsl_rc">
| 65 | <component class="meta">
| 66 | <release tarname="wsl_rc-4.0-1-mingw32-rc-4-meta.tar.lzma" />
| 67 | <release tarname="wsl_rc-4.0-1-mingw32-rc-3-meta.tar.lzma" />
| 68 | <release tarname="wsl_rc-4.0-1-mingw32-rc-2-meta.tar.lzma" />
| 69 | <release tarname="wsl_rc-4.0-1-mingw32-rc-1-meta.tar.lzma" />
| 70 | <action class="pre-install">
| 71 | xmlpath = os.getenv("APPROOT").."var\\lib\\mingw-get\\data\\"
| 72 | xmlorigin = "mingw32-runtime.xml" xmlbackup = "wsl-released.xml.bak"
| 73 | os.execute( "if NOT EXIST "..xmlpath..xmlbackup.." "..
| 74 | "ren "..xmlpath..xmlorigin.." "..xmlbackup
| 75 | )
| 76 | </action>
| 77 | <action class="post-remove">
| 78 | xmlpath = os.getenv("APPROOT").."var\\lib\\mingw-get\\data\\"
| 79 | xmlorigin = "mingw32-runtime.xml" xmlbackup = "wsl-released.xml.bak"
| 80 | os.execute( "if EXIST "..xmlpath..xmlbackup.." "..
| 81 | "ren "..xmlpath..xmlbackup.." "..xmlorigin
| 82 | )
| 83 | </action>
| 84 | </component>
| 85 | </package>
| 86 |
| 87 | </package-collection>
| 88 | </software-distribution>
| 89 | <!-- vim: set nocompatible expandtab fileformat=unix textwidth=82 tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: -->