This meta-package provides a delivery mechanism to support pre-release testing of the upcoming windows system library packages. You are advised to install this package, ONLY if you wish to participate in the pre-release testing of the windows system libraries release candidate packages. A two stage installation procedure is required; first, to initialise the pre-release testing infrastructure: $ mingw-get install mingw32-wsl_rc Second, to install the release candidate software packages, and switch to the testing environment: $ mingw-get install mingw32-wsl_rc-test-on Having thus activated the testing environment, you are advised to immediately, (and without prejudice to its operation): $ mingw-get remove mingw32-wsl_rc-test-on While in the testing environment, and after removing the mingw32-wsl_rc-test-on package, you may revert all associated software packages to their production releases, thus switching back to a production environment, by: $ mingw-get install mingw32-wsl_rc-test-off As before, after installing this, you are advised to immediately, (and again without prejudice to the working environment): $ mingw-get remove mingw32-wsl_rc-test-off Finally, if having installed mingw32-wsl_rc, you subsequently decide to remove it, please ensure that you have removed either or both of mingw32-wsl_rc-test-on and mingw32-wsl_rc-test-off, BEFORE you do so. xmlpath = os.getenv("APPROOT").."var\\lib\\mingw-get\\data\\" xmlorigin = "mingw32-runtime.xml" xmlbackup = "wsl-released.xml.bak" os.execute( "if NOT EXIST "..xmlpath..xmlbackup.." ".. "ren "..xmlpath..xmlorigin.." "..xmlbackup ) xmlpath = os.getenv("APPROOT").."var\\lib\\mingw-get\\data\\" xmlorigin = "mingw32-runtime.xml" xmlbackup = "wsl-released.xml.bak" os.execute( "if EXIST "..xmlpath..xmlbackup.." ".. "ren "..xmlpath..xmlbackup.." "..xmlorigin )