1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
2 | <software-distribution project="MinGW" home="http://mingw.org" issue="2012073100">
3 |
4 | <!-- File: msys-rxvt.xml -->
5 |
6 | <package-collection subsystem="msys">
7 | <download-host uri="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/%F?download" />
8 |
9 | <package name="msys-rxvt">
10 | <description lang="en" title="terminal emulator" >
11 | <paragraph>VT102 terminal emulator for both X and Windows. This
12 | version has been modified and compiled for use in the MSYS
13 | environment, and does not attempt to use an X display even if
14 | available; it always operates in "native" Windows mode.
15 | </paragraph>
16 | <paragraph>To launch MSYS in an rxvt window, create a shortcut
17 | to C:\msys\1.0\msys.bat, with the argument "--rxvt". Some
18 | people find rxvt a more accomodating terminal than cmd.exe, since
19 | it may be resized at will and has a larger scrollback buffer.
20 | However, rxvt sometimes does not interoperate well with native
21 | applications (such as MinGW gcc), so the default cmd.exe console
22 | is recommended for most users.
23 | </paragraph>
24 | <paragraph>Another alternative console implementation that many users
25 | find congenial is the "Console 2.00" project. This replacement
26 | console is not provided by the MinGW/MSYS team directly for licensing
27 | reasons (Console 2.00 is GPL, but cannot currently be compiled using
28 | Libre tools), but you may install the msys-console package which provides
29 | the `console-config' script. This script which will download,
30 | install, and configure the Console 2.00 team's packages.
31 | </paragraph>
32 | </description>
33 |
34 | <licence tarname="rxvt-%-msys-%-lic.tar.%" />
35 | <source tarname="rxvt-%-msys-%-src.tar.%" />
36 |
37 | <!-- NOTE: the rxvt-* versions have a serious flaw, in
38 | that whenever a native application is launched from within an rxvt
39 | session, a black cmd window pops up. If we ever solve this problem,
40 | then add newer versions to this manifest. Until then, however... -->
41 |
42 | <component class="bin">
43 | <requires eq="msys-core-*-msys-*-bin.tar" />
44 | <release tarname="rxvt-2.7.2-3-msys-1.0.14-bin.tar.lzma" />
45 | </component>
46 |
47 | <component class="doc">
48 | <release tarname="rxvt-2.7.2-3-msys-1.0.14-doc.tar.lzma" />
49 | </component>
50 |
51 | <component class="lic">
52 | <release tarname="rxvt-2.7.2-3-msys-1.0.14-lic.tar.lzma" />
53 | </component>
54 | </package>
55 |
56 | </package-collection>
57 | </software-distribution>
58 | <!-- vim: set nocompatible expandtab fileformat=unix textwidth=80 tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: -->