[838] | 1 | #include <windows.h>
| 2 | #include <string.h>
[994] | 3 | #include <time.h>
[838] | 4 |
| 5 | #include "Daodan_Config.h"
| 6 | #include "Daodan_Patch.h"
[994] | 7 | #include "Patches/Utility.h"
[838] | 8 |
[992] | 9 | #include "Oni/Oni.h"
[994] | 10 | #include "_Version.h"
[838] | 11 |
| 12 | #include "Inifile_Reader.h"
| 13 |
[993] | 14 | #define ARRAY_SIZE(arr) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]))
[838] | 15 |
[993] | 16 | static const char* iniName = "daodan.ini";
[994] | 17 | static const char* helpFile = "daodan_help.txt";
[838] | 18 |
[994] | 19 | static const char* defaultSection = "options";
| 20 |
[995] | 21 | static char invalidCurParamaters[1000] = "";
| 22 | static char invalidTotalParamaters[3000] = "";
| 23 |
[994] | 24 | void DDrConfig_PrintHelp();
| 25 |
| 26 |
[993] | 27 | ConfigSection_t config[] = {
| 28 | { "patches", "Patches", {
| 29 | { "alttab",
[995] | 30 | "Allows to Alt-Tab out of Oni and use Windows key. May enable the screensaver as well.",
[993] | 31 | C_BOOL,
| 32 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 33 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 34 | { "argb8888",
[995] | 35 | "Allows using textures with ARGB8888.",
[993] | 36 | C_BOOL,
| 37 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 38 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 39 | { "binkplay",
| 40 | "Fix binkplay calls to use GDI and outro same mode as intro.",
| 41 | C_BOOL,
| 42 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 43 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 44 | { "cheatsenabled",
| 45 | "Enables cheats without having to beat the game first.",
| 46 | C_BOOL,
| 47 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 48 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 49 | { "cheattable",
[995] | 50 | "Replaces Oni's cheat table with table that includes new cheats including devmode.",
[993] | 51 | C_BOOL,
| 52 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 53 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 54 | { "chinese",
[995] | 55 | "Allow for chinese fonts to be shown if the required DLL is available.",
[993] | 56 | C_BOOL,
| 57 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 58 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 59 | { "clipcursor",
| 60 | "Limit cursor to Oni's window.",
| 61 | C_BOOL,
| 62 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 63 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 64 | { "cooldowntimer",
| 65 | "Disables weapon cooldown exploit.",
| 66 | C_BOOL,
| 67 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 68 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
[995] | 69 | { "d_regen",
| 70 | "Enables script command d_regen (query/set regeneration for any character).",
| 71 | C_BOOL,
| 72 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 73 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
[993] | 74 | { "daodandisplayenum",
[995] | 75 | "Offers a more accurate list of available display modes in the Options menu.",
[993] | 76 | C_BOOL,
| 77 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 78 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 79 | { "directinput",
[995] | 80 | "Enforces the usage of DirectInput on every system. Should be off for Linux/Wine.",
[993] | 81 | C_BOOL,
| 82 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 83 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 84 | { "disablecmdline",
[995] | 85 | "Disables Oni's existing command line parser as Daodan has its own.",
[993] | 86 | C_BOOL,
| 87 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 88 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 89 | { "fonttexturecache",
| 90 | "Doubles size of font texture cache.",
| 91 | C_BOOL,
| 92 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 93 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 94 | { "hdscreens_lowres",
[995] | 95 | "Allow HD intro/ending screens on game resolutions smaller than 1024x768.",
[993] | 96 | C_BOOL,
| 97 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 98 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 99 | { "highres_console",
| 100 | "Fixes bug where console line becomes invisible at higher resolutions.",
| 101 | C_BOOL,
| 102 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 103 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 104 | { "kickguns",
[995] | 105 | "EXPERIMENTAL! Unfinished, do not use.",
[993] | 106 | C_BOOL,
| 107 | {.intBoolVal = false},
| 108 | {.intBoolVal = false} },
[995] | 109 | { "killvtune",
| 110 | "Prevent loading of vtuneapi.dll.",
| 111 | C_BOOL,
| 112 | {.intBoolVal = false},
| 113 | {.intBoolVal = false} },
[993] | 114 | { "largetextures",
| 115 | "Textures up to 512x512 can be used.",
| 116 | C_BOOL,
| 117 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 118 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 119 | { "levelplugins",
[995] | 120 | "Allows level files to be loaded which do not end in \"_Final\".",
[993] | 121 | C_BOOL,
| 122 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 123 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 124 | { "newweap",
[995] | 125 | "Standing above a weapon displays a message containing the weapon name and amount of ammo.",
[993] | 126 | C_BOOL,
| 127 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 128 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 129 | { "nomultibyte",
| 130 | "Enables languages which use multibyte coding (such as Chinese).",
| 131 | C_BOOL,
| 132 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 133 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 134 | { "optionsvisible",
| 135 | "Always show options button in main menu, even when pausing from a game.",
| 136 | C_BOOL,
| 137 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 138 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 139 | { "pathfinding",
[995] | 140 | "Size of pathfinding grid cache increased by eight times in order to prevent crashes in large levels.",
[993] | 141 | C_BOOL,
| 142 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 143 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 144 | { "projaware",
| 145 | "Allows AI to dodge incoming gunfire properly.",
| 146 | C_BOOL,
| 147 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 148 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 149 | { "safeprintf",
| 150 | "Replaces Oni's function that prints to startup.txt with a safer one.",
| 151 | C_BOOL,
| 152 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 153 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 154 | { "showalllasersights",
| 155 | "Show all (also enemies') weapon lasersights.",
| 156 | C_BOOL,
| 157 | {.intBoolVal = false},
| 158 | {.intBoolVal = false} },
| 159 | { "showtriggervolumes",
[995] | 160 | "Allows BSL variable \"show_triggervolumes\" and Ctrl+Shift+X (in devmode) to work.",
[993] | 161 | C_BOOL,
| 162 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 163 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 164 | { "throwtest",
[995] | 165 | "EXPERIMENTAL! Experiment with allowing enemies to be thrown over railings.",
[993] | 166 | C_BOOL,
| 167 | {.intBoolVal = false},
| 168 | {.intBoolVal = false} },
[995] | 169 | { "usedaodanbsl",
| 170 | "Adds new BSL commands.",
| 171 | C_BOOL,
| 172 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 173 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
[993] | 174 | { "usedaodangl",
[995] | 175 | "Provides an improved windowed mode (-noswitch).",
[993] | 176 | C_BOOL,
| 177 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 178 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 179 | { "usegettickcount",
| 180 | "Replaces Oni's timing functions with more accurate ones.",
| 181 | C_BOOL,
| 182 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 183 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
[995] | 184 | { "widescreenportraits",
| 185 | "Prevents fly-in portraits from being stretched when playing in widescreen resolutions.",
| 186 | C_BOOL,
| 187 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 188 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
[993] | 189 | { "wpfadetime",
| 190 | "Adds working function for existing BSL command wp_fadetime, sets fade time to 4800.",
| 191 | C_BOOL,
| 192 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 193 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 194 | { 0, 0, 0, {0}, {0} }
| 195 | } },
| 196 | { "options", "Options", {
| 197 | { "border",
[995] | 198 | "Add a border if in windowed mode and \"usedaodangl\" patch is active.",
[993] | 199 | C_BOOL,
| 200 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 201 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
| 202 | { "debug",
[995] | 203 | "Not useful, probably does nothing.",
[993] | 204 | EXT_BOOL,
| 205 | {.intBoolVal = false },
| 206 | {.extBoolVal = &AKgDebug_DebugMaps } },
| 207 | { "debugfiles",
[996] | 208 | "Logs called BSL functions to script_debug.txt.",
[993] | 209 | EXT_BOOL,
| 210 | {.intBoolVal = false },
| 211 | {.extBoolVal = &BFgDebugFileEnable } },
| 212 | { "findsounds",
[995] | 213 | "Not useful, extends output of sound_list_broken_links.",
[993] | 214 | EXT_BOOL,
| 215 | {.intBoolVal = false },
| 216 | {.extBoolVal = &SSgSearchOnDisk } },
| 217 | { "gamma",
[995] | 218 | "Enable gamma slider in fullscreen, disable in windowed mode.",
[993] | 219 | C_BOOL,
| 220 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 221 | {.intBoolVal = true} },
[994] | 222 | { "help",
| 223 | "Generates this help file.",
| 224 | C_CMD,
| 225 | {.intBoolVal = 0},
| 226 | {.callback = DDrConfig_PrintHelp} },
[993] | 227 | { "ignore_private_data",
[995] | 228 | "Not useful, probably does nothing.",
[993] | 229 | EXT_BOOL,
| 230 | {.intBoolVal = false },
| 231 | {.extBoolVal = &opt_ignore_private_data } },
| 232 | { "sound",
[995] | 233 | "Enable sound.",
[993] | 234 | EXT_BOOL,
| 235 | {.intBoolVal = true },
| 236 | {.extBoolVal = &opt_sound } },
| 237 | { "switch",
[995] | 238 | "Switch to fullscreen instead of staying in a window.",
[993] | 239 | EXT_BOOL,
| 240 | {.intBoolVal = true},
| 241 | {.extBoolVal = &M3gResolutionSwitch} },
| 242 | { "topmost",
| 243 | "Keep game window on top in windowed mode, even when switching applications.",
| 244 | C_BOOL,
| 245 | {.intBoolVal = false},
| 246 | {.intBoolVal = false} },
| 247 | { "language",
| 248 | "Localization for hardcoded strings (e.g. \"Savepoints\").",
| 249 | C_STRING,
| 250 | {.stringVal = "en"},
| 251 | {.stringVal = "en"} },
| 252 | { 0, 0, 0, {0}, {0} }
| 253 | } }
| 254 | };
[838] | 255 |
| 256 |
[993] | 257 | void DDrConfig_Print()
| 258 | {
| 259 | for (unsigned int s = 0; s < ARRAY_SIZE(config); s++) {
| 260 | for (ConfigOption_t* co = config[s].options; co->name != 0; co++) {
| 261 | switch (co->type) {
| 262 | case C_STRING:
| 263 | STARTUPMESSAGE("Option %s.%s = %s (def %s)", config[s].name, co->name, co->value.stringVal, co->defaultValue.stringVal);
| 264 | break;
| 265 | case EXT_BOOL:
| 266 | STARTUPMESSAGE("Option %s.%s = %d (def %d)", config[s].name, co->name, *co->value.extBoolVal, co->defaultValue.intBoolVal);
| 267 | break;
[994] | 268 | case C_CMD:
| 269 | break;
[993] | 270 | default:
| 271 | STARTUPMESSAGE("Option %s.%s = %d (def %d)", config[s].name, co->name, co->value.intBoolVal, co->defaultValue.intBoolVal);
| 272 | }
| 273 | }
| 274 | }
| 275 | }
[838] | 276 |
[994] | 277 | void DDrConfig_PrintHelp()
| 278 | {
| 279 | STARTUPMESSAGE("Writing Daodan help file (%s)", helpFile);
| 280 |
| 281 | FILE* fp;
| 282 | remove(helpFile);
| 283 | fp = fopen(helpFile, "w");
| 284 | if (fp)
| 285 | {
| 286 | time_t rawtime;
| 287 | struct tm* timeinfo;
| 288 | char buffer[80];
| 289 | time(&rawtime);
| 290 | timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
| 291 | strftime(buffer, 80, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", timeinfo);
| 292 |
| 293 | fprintf(fp, "Daodan help - generated on %s for Daodan v."DAODAN_VERSION_STRING"\n\n", buffer);
| 294 | fprintf(fp, "List of Daodan configuration parameters:\n");
| 295 | for (unsigned int s = 0; s < ARRAY_SIZE(config); s++) {
| 296 | fprintf(fp, " %s - %s:\n", config[s].name, config[s].description);
| 297 | for (ConfigOption_t* co = config[s].options; co->name != 0; co++) {
| 298 | char* name = co->name;
| 299 | char* desc = co->description;
| 300 | const char* tName = DDrConfig_GetOptionTypeName(co->type);
| 301 | int boolV = co->defaultValue.intBoolVal;
| 302 | char* val;
| 303 | switch (co->type) {
| 304 | case C_STRING:
| 305 | val = co->defaultValue.stringVal;
| 306 | break;
| 307 | case EXT_BOOL:
| 308 | val = (boolV ? "true" : "false");
| 309 | break;
| 310 | case C_BOOL:
| 311 | val = (boolV ? "true" : "false");
| 312 | break;
| 313 | case C_CMD:
| 314 | val = "";
| 315 | break;
| 316 | default:
| 317 | val = malloc(20);
| 318 | sprintf(val, "%d", boolV);
| 319 | }
| 320 | fprintf(fp, " %-22s %6s=%-5s %s\n", name, tName, val, desc);
| 321 | }
| 322 | fprintf(fp, "\n");
| 323 | }
| 324 | fprintf(fp, "\nConfiguration parameters can be either set in daodan.ini or passed on command line.\n\n");
| 325 | fprintf(fp, "In daodan.ini each section of parameters has its own section in the ini file started by [section name]. Parameters are given within that section by their name only, followed by an equals sign and the desired value. Example:\n");
| 326 | fprintf(fp, " [sectionX]\n parameterName = false\n");
| 327 | fprintf(fp, "\nTo pass the parameter on the command line:\n");
| 328 | fprintf(fp, " Oni.exe -sectionX.parameterName false\n");
| 329 | fprintf(fp, "For bool parameters the value can be ommitted so it is regarded as \"true\":\n");
| 330 | fprintf(fp, " Oni.exe -sectionX.parameterName\n");
| 331 | fprintf(fp, "To disable a bool parameter you can prefix \"no\" to the parameter name like this:\n");
| 332 | fprintf(fp, " Oni.exe -sectionX.noparameterName\n");
| 333 | fprintf(fp, "If no section is given it is assumed to be \"%s\", e.g.\n", defaultSection);
| 334 | fprintf(fp, " Oni.exe -%s.parametername\n", defaultSection);
| 335 | fprintf(fp, "can simply be written as\n");
| 336 | fprintf(fp, " Oni.exe -parametername\n");
| 337 |
| 338 | fclose(fp);
| 339 | }
| 340 | else
| 341 | {
| 342 | STARTUPMESSAGE("Writing Daodan help file failed", 0);
| 343 | }
| 344 | }
| 345 |
[993] | 346 | const char* DDrConfig_GetOptionTypeName(OptionType_t type)
[838] | 347 | {
[993] | 348 | switch (type) {
| 349 | case C_INT:
| 350 | return "Int";
| 351 | case C_BOOL:
| 352 | return "Bool";
| 353 | case C_STRING:
| 354 | return "String";
[994] | 355 | case C_CMD:
| 356 | return "Cmd";
[993] | 357 | case EXT_BOOL:
| 358 | return "pBool";
| 359 | default:
| 360 | return "unknown";
| 361 | }
| 362 | }
| 363 |
| 364 | static ConfigOption_t* DDrConfig_GetOption(const char* fullOptName)
| 365 | {
| 366 | char section[50];
| 367 | strcpy(section, fullOptName);
| 368 |
| 369 | char* option = strchr(section, '.');
| 370 | if (option == 0) {
| 371 | STARTUPMESSAGE("Could not find option separator in \"%s\"", fullOptName);
| 372 | return 0;
| 373 | }
| 374 | *option++ = 0;
| 375 |
| 376 | for (unsigned int s = 0; s < ARRAY_SIZE(config); s++) {
| 377 | if (!_stricmp(config[s].name, section)) {
| 378 | for (ConfigOption_t* co = config[s].options; co->name != 0; co++) {
| 379 | if (!_stricmp(co->name, option)) {
| 380 | return co;
| 381 | }
| 382 | }
| 383 | STARTUPMESSAGE("Could not find option \"%s\" in section \"%s\"", option, section);
| 384 | return 0;
| 385 | }
| 386 | }
| 387 | STARTUPMESSAGE("Could not find section \"%s\" for option \"%s\"", section, option);
| 388 | return 0;
| 389 | }
| 390 |
| 391 |
| 392 |
| 393 | ConfigOption_t* DDrConfig_GetOptOfType(const char* fullOptName, OptionType_t type)
| 394 | {
| 395 | ConfigOption_t* co = DDrConfig_GetOption(fullOptName);
| 396 | if (co == 0)
| 397 | return 0;
| 398 |
| 399 | if (co->type != type) {
| 400 | STARTUPMESSAGE("Option \"%s\" is not of type %s", fullOptName, DDrConfig_GetOptionTypeName(type));
| 401 | return 0;
| 402 | }
| 403 | return co;
| 404 | }
| 405 |
| 406 |
[994] | 407 |
[993] | 408 | void DDrConfig_InitExtBools()
| 409 | {
| 410 | for (unsigned int s = 0; s < ARRAY_SIZE(config); s++) {
| 411 | for (ConfigOption_t* co = config[s].options; co->name != 0; co++) {
| 412 | if (co->type == EXT_BOOL) {
| 413 | *co->value.extBoolVal = co->defaultValue.intBoolVal;
| 414 | }
| 415 | }
| 416 | }
| 417 | }
| 418 |
| 419 |
| 420 |
[994] | 421 | void DDrConfig_WriteTemplateIni()
[993] | 422 | {
[994] | 423 | FILE* fp;
| 424 | STARTUPMESSAGE("%s doesn't exist, creating", iniName);
| 425 | fp = fopen(iniName, "w");
| 426 | if (fp)
| 427 | {
| 428 | for (unsigned int s = 0; s < ARRAY_SIZE(config); s++) {
| 429 | fprintf(fp, "[%s]\n", config[s].name);
| 430 | }
| 431 | fclose(fp);
| 432 | }
| 433 | else
| 434 | {
| 435 | STARTUPMESSAGE("Writing %s template file failed", iniName);
| 436 | }
| 437 | }
| 438 |
| 439 |
| 440 | void DDrIniCallback(const char* section, const char* name, const char* value)
| 441 | {
[993] | 442 | static char curSection[20];
| 443 | char fullOptName[50];
| 444 |
| 445 | if (!_stricmp(section, "patch"))
| 446 | section = "patches";
| 447 |
| 448 | strcpy(curSection, section);
| 449 |
| 450 | strcpy(fullOptName, curSection);
| 451 | fullOptName[strlen(curSection)] = '.';
| 452 | strcpy(fullOptName+strlen(curSection)+1, name);
| 453 |
| 454 | ConfigOption_t* co = DDrConfig_GetOption(fullOptName);
| 455 |
| 456 | if (co)
[838] | 457 | {
[994] | 458 | char* buf = 0;
[993] | 459 | switch (co->type) {
| 460 | case C_INT:
| 461 | co->value.intBoolVal = strtol(value, NULL, 0);
| 462 | break;
| 463 | case C_BOOL:
| 464 | co->value.intBoolVal = !_stricmp(value, "true");
| 465 | break;
| 466 | case C_STRING:
[994] | 467 | buf = malloc(strlen(value)+1);
| 468 | strcpy(buf, value);
| 469 | co->value.stringVal = buf;
[993] | 470 | break;
[994] | 471 | case C_CMD:
| 472 | co->value.callback();
| 473 | break;
[993] | 474 | case EXT_BOOL:
| 475 | *(co->value.extBoolVal) = !_stricmp(value, "true");
| 476 | break;
| 477 | default:
| 478 | STARTUPMESSAGE("Config value type unknown: %d", co->type);
[838] | 479 | }
[995] | 480 | } else {
| 481 | char buf[50];
| 482 | sprintf_s(buf, sizeof(buf), " %s.%s\n", section, name);
| 483 | if (strlen(buf) + strlen(invalidCurParamaters) < sizeof(invalidCurParamaters) - 1) {
| 484 | strcpy(invalidCurParamaters + strlen(invalidCurParamaters), buf);
| 485 | }
[838] | 486 | }
[993] | 487 | }
| 488 |
[994] | 489 |
| 490 | bool DDrConfig_ParseCommandLine(int argc, char* argv[])
[993] | 491 | {
[994] | 492 | for (int i = 1; i < argc; i ++)
[993] | 493 | {
[994] | 494 | if (argv[i][0] == '-')
| 495 | {
| 496 | const char* section;
| 497 | char* optionsep;
| 498 | char* option;
| 499 | bool invertedOption;
| 500 |
| 501 | if ((optionsep = strchr(argv[i], '.')))
| 502 | // Is "section.option"
| 503 | {
| 504 | *optionsep = 0;
| 505 | option = optionsep+1;
| 506 | section = argv[i]+1;
| 507 | }
| 508 | else
| 509 | // Is just "option"
| 510 | {
| 511 | section = defaultSection;
| 512 | option = argv[i]+1;
| 513 | }
| 514 |
| 515 | invertedOption = (option[0] == 'n' || option[0] == 'N') && (option[1] == 'o' || option[1] == 'O');
| 516 | if (invertedOption)
| 517 | option += 2;
| 518 |
| 519 | if (i < (argc - 1) && argv[i+1][0] != '-')
| 520 | // Has value in next field
| 521 | {
| 522 | DDrIniCallback(section, option, argv[++i]);
| 523 | }
| 524 | else
| 525 | // Implicit value
| 526 | {
| 527 | DDrIniCallback(section, option, (invertedOption ? "false" : "true"));
| 528 | }
| 529 |
| 530 | if (optionsep)
| 531 | *optionsep = '.';
[993] | 532 | }
[994] | 533 | else
| 534 | {
| 535 | STARTUPMESSAGE("Parse error \"%s\"", argv[i]);
| 536 | return false;
| 537 | }
[993] | 538 | }
[994] | 539 | return true;
[993] | 540 | }
| 541 |
| 542 | void DDrConfig(int argc, char* argv[])
| 543 | {
[994] | 544 | STARTUPMESSAGE("Initializing standard booleans", 0);
[993] | 545 | DDrConfig_InitExtBools();
| 546 |
| 547 | if (GetFileAttributes(iniName) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
| 548 | DDrConfig_WriteTemplateIni();
[838] | 549 |
[993] | 550 | STARTUPMESSAGE("Parsing daodan.ini...", 0);
| 551 | if (!Inifile_Read(iniName, DDrIniCallback))
| 552 | STARTUPMESSAGE("Error reading daodan.ini, check your syntax!", 0);
| 553 | STARTUPMESSAGE("Finished parsing", 0);
| 554 |
[995] | 555 | if (strlen(invalidCurParamaters) > 0)
| 556 | {
| 557 | sprintf_s(invalidTotalParamaters, sizeof(invalidTotalParamaters), "In %s:\n%s\n", iniName, invalidCurParamaters);
| 558 | invalidCurParamaters[0] = 0;
| 559 | }
[993] | 560 |
| 561 | STARTUPMESSAGE("Parsing command line...", 0);
[994] | 562 | DDrConfig_ParseCommandLine(argc, argv);
[993] | 563 | STARTUPMESSAGE("Finished parsing", 0);
[994] | 564 |
[995] | 565 | if (strlen(invalidCurParamaters) > 0)
| 566 | {
| 567 | sprintf_s(invalidTotalParamaters, sizeof(invalidTotalParamaters), "%sOn command line:\n%s\n", invalidTotalParamaters, invalidCurParamaters);
| 568 | }
| 569 |
| 570 | if (strlen(invalidTotalParamaters) > 0)
| 571 | {
| 572 | char msg[3200];
| 573 | sprintf_s(msg, sizeof(msg), "Invalid parameters given:\n%sContinue launching Oni?", invalidTotalParamaters);
| 574 | int res = MessageBox(NULL, msg, "Parameters invalid", MB_ICONWARNING | MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON1);
| 575 | if (res == IDNO) {
| 576 | exit(0);
| 577 | }
| 578 | }
| 579 |
[994] | 580 | // DDrConfig_Print();
[993] | 581 | }
| 582 |