source: Daodan/src/Oni_Character.h@ 475

Last change on this file since 475 was 473, checked in by gumby, 15 years ago

Added AI deafness for Shinobi mode
Turned on gl mod by default
Fixed gl mod
Fixed gamma ramp
Added typedef onibool
Added variable ai2_deaf

File size: 18.7 KB
[427]1#pragma once
[428]2#ifndef ONI_CHARACTER_H
[473]5#include "Oni.h"
[427]6#include <stdint.h>
[437]7#include <stdbool.h>
9typedef struct {
10 float X;
11 float Y;
12 float Z;
13} Vector3; //probably move to utilities...
15typedef struct {
[435]16 float X;
17 float Y;
18 float Z;
19 float W;
20} Quaternion;
22typedef struct {
23 float RotationScale[9];
24 Vector3 Translation;
[437]25} Matrix4x3;
27typedef struct {
28 Vector3 Center;
29 float Radius;
30} Sphere;
32typedef struct {
33 Sphere Sphere_; //fix this name
34 int Child1;
35 int Child2;
36} SphereTreeNode;
38typedef struct {
39 Vector3 Min;
40 Vector3 Max;
41} BoundingBox;
44enum { //action flags
45 Action_Escape = 1,
46 Action_Console = 2,
47 Action_PauseScreen = 4,
48 Action_Cutscene_1 = 8,
49 Action_Cutscene_2 = 0x10,
50 Action_F4 = 0x20,
51 Action_F5 = 0x40,
52 Action_F6 = 0x80,
53 Action_F7 = 0x100,
54 Action_F8 = 0x200,
55 Action_StartRecord = 0x400,
56 Action_StopRecord = 0x800,
57 Action_PlayRecord = 0x1000,
58 Action_F12 = 0x2000,
59 Action_Unknown1 = 0x4000,
60 Action_LookMode = 0x8000,
61 Action_Screenshot = 0x10000,
62 Action_Unknown2 = 0x20000,
63 Action_Unknown3 = 0x40000,
64 Action_Unknown4 = 0x80000,
65 Action_Unknown5 = 0x100000,
66 Action_Forward = 0x200000,
67 Action_Backward = 0x400000,
68 Action_TurnLeft = 0x800000,
69 Action_TurnRight = 0x1000000,
70 Action_StepLeft = 0x2000000,
71 Action_StepRight = 0x4000000,
72 Action_Jump = 0x8000000,
73 Action_Crouch = 0x10000000,
74 Action_Punch = 0x20000000,
75 Action_Kick = 0x40000000,
76 Action_Block = 0x80000000,
77 //used in second action field
78 Action2_Walk = 1,
79 Action2_Action = 2,
80 Action2_Hypo = 4,
81 Action2_Reload = 8,
82 Action2_Swap = 0x10,
83 Action2_Drop = 0x20,
84 Action2_Fire1 = 0x40,
85 Action2_Fire2 = 0x80,
[437]86 Action2_Fire3 = 0x100,
90typedef struct {
91 int32_t Actions1;
92 int32_t Actions2;
93} InputAction;
96typedef struct {
97 float MouseDeltaX;
98 float MouseDeltaY;
99 float field_8;
100 float field_C;
101 InputAction Current;
102 InputAction Stopped;
103 InputAction Start;
104 InputAction Stop;
105} GameInput;
107typedef struct {
[432]108 int Type; //'CHAR' etc.
[427]109 int ObjectId; //not needed
110 int Flags; //The flags of the object...not used for CHAR
111 Vector3 Position; //Position of Object
112 Vector3 Rotation; //Rotation of Object
113 int EditorCallbacks; //Lets try not to mess with it for now. :P
114 int field_28; //unknown
115} OSD_Header;
117typedef struct {
[435]118 int32_t Flags;
119 int32_t Frame;
120 int32_t field_8;
121 int32_t field_C;
122 int32_t field_10;
123 int32_t field_14;
124 int32_t field_18;
125 int32_t field_1C;
126 int32_t FILMInstance;
127} PlayingFilm;
129typedef struct {
[428]130 uint32_t Options; //A bitset. Someone had better define these
[427]131 char Class[64]; //Name of the ONCC we use. ONCCName in idb
132 char Name[32]; //Name of the character. ie: ai2_spawn Muro
133 char Weapon[64]; //Name of the weapon he holds. ONWCName in idb
134 char ScriptSpawn[32]; //Script function called when char spawns
135 char ScriptDie[32]; //Script function called when char dies
136 char ScriptAware[32]; //Script function called when char detects something
137 char ScriptAlarm[32]; //Script function called when char is alarmed at something
138 char ScriptHurt[32]; //Script function called when char is hurt for the first time
139 char ScriptDefeat[32]; //Script function called when char is at 1 HP
140 char ScriptNoPath[32]; //Script function called when char loses path. Broken.
141 char ScriptNoAmmo[32]; //Script function called when char is out of ammo for the first time. Char must have ammo at spawn.
142 int32_t AdditionalHealth; //Additional Health given to the character
143 int16_t AmmoUsed; //Ammo given for the char to use
144 int16_t AmmoDropped; //Ammo the char drops
145 int16_t CellsUsed; //Cells given for the char to use
146 int16_t CellsDropped; //Cells the char drops
147 int16_t HypoUsed; //Hypo given for the char to use
148 int16_t HypoDropped; //Hypo the char drops
149 int16_t ShieldUsed; //Bullet shield given for the char to use
150 int16_t ShieldDropped; //Bullet shield the char drops
151 int16_t CloakUsed; //Phase Cloak given for the char to use
152 int16_t CloakDropped; //Phase Cloak the char drops
153 int16_t NCIUsed; //Don't use this...
154 int16_t NCIDropped; //Don't use this...
155 int32_t TeamID; //Team ID
156 int32_t AmmoPercent; //Percent of weapon ammo full
157 int32_t JobID; //Job ID...
158 //0 - none
159 //1 - idle
160 //2 - guard (never used in Oni)
161 //3 - patrol
162 //4 - teambattle (never used in Oni)
163 int16_t PatrolID; //patrol path ID (reference to the Patrol_Path.BINA file)
164 int16_t CombatID; //combat ID (reference to the Combat.BINA file)
165 int16_t MeleeID; //melee ID (reference to the Melee Profile.BINA file)
166 int16_t NeutralID; //neutral ID (reference to the Neutral.BINA file)
167 int32_t AlarmGroups; //Bitset.
168 int32_t InitialAlertLevel; //0 - lull, 1 - low, 2 - medium, 3 - high, 4 - combat
169 int32_t MinimalAlertLevel; //0 - lull, 1 - low, 2 - medium, 3 - high, 4 - combat
170 int32_t StartJobAlertLevel; //0 - lull, 1 - low, 2 - medium, 3 - high, 4 - combat
171 int32_t InvestigatingAlertLevel;//0 - lull, 1 - low, 2 - medium, 3 - high, 4 - combat
172 int32_t PursuitStrongLow;
173 int32_t PursuitWeakLow;
174 int32_t PursuitStrongHigh;
175 int32_t PursuitWeakHigh;
176 int32_t Pursuit5;
177 int32_t field_1FC;
178} CharacterOSD;
180typedef struct {
181 OSD_Header Header;
182 CharacterOSD OSD;
183} CharacterObject;
[435]185typedef struct {
186 Vector3 Center;
187 float Radius;
188} BoundingSphere;
190typedef struct {
191 int32_t ONCP; //probably pointer
192 int32_t field_4; //who knows?
193 int32_t Instance; //probably link to actual particle
194 int32_t Bone; //duh
195} AttachedParticle;
[435]197typedef struct { //Inventory
198 int32_t Weapons[3];
199 int16_t field_1A0; //10 bucks says this is the current weapon
200 int16_t AmmoUsed; //Ammo given for the char to use
201 int16_t HypoUsed; //Hypo given for the char to use
202 int16_t CellsUsed; //Cells given for the char to use
203 int16_t AmmoDropped; //Ammo the char drops
204 int16_t HypoDropped; //Hypo the char drops
205 int16_t CellsDropped; //Cells the char drops
206 int16_t field_1A; //who knows? InverseHypoRegenRate?
207 int16_t field_1C;
208 int16_t field_1E;
[470]209 char hasLSI;
210 char field_1B5;
[435]211 int16_t field_1B6;
212 int16_t ShieldUsed; //Bullet shield given for the char to use
213 int16_t CloakUsed; //Phase Cloak given for the char to use
[446]214 int32_t field_28; //probably bullet shield dropped
215 int32_t DoorKeys; //Lol. We can use this later for other sorts of items.
[435]216} Inventory;
[437]218typedef struct { //ActiveCharacter
[435]219 int16_t Number;
220 int16_t field_2; //probably Number is an int32
221 int32_t PhyContext;
[438]222 SphereTreeNode SphereTree1; //probably SphereTree[7]...
223 SphereTreeNode SphereTree3[4];
224 SphereTreeNode SphereTree2[2];
[435]225 int16_t field_B0;
226 int16_t field_B2;
227 int16_t field_B4;
228 int16_t field_B6;
229 Vector3 field_B8;
230 Vector3 AccelerateWith;
[470]231 int32_t field_D0;
[435]232 Vector3 field_D4;
233 int32_t field_E0;
234 int32_t field_E4;
235 int32_t field_E8;
236 int32_t field_EC;
[470]237 float SomePhyPosY;
238 int16_t field_F4;
239 int16_t IsInAirTimer;
[435]240 Vector3 FallingVelocity;
241 Vector3 JumpVelocity;
[470]242 char StartJumpPending;
243 char field_111;
[435]244 int16_t field_112;
[470]245 Vector3 field_114;
246 int32_t LastDamageSourceCharacter;
[435]247 int32_t field_11C;
248 int32_t field_120;
249 int32_t field_124;
250 int32_t field_128;
251 int32_t field_12C;
252 BoundingSphere BoundingSphere_; //fix this name
253 Vector3 field_140;
254 Vector3 field_14C;
255 int32_t field_158;
256 int32_t field_15C;
257 Vector3 Location;
258 int32_t field_16C[6]; //16C-184 ???
259 int32_t AkiraNode;
260 int32_t GraphNode;
261 int32_t PelvisHeight;
262 int32_t MovementStatePtr;
263 int32_t ActiveWeapon; //NOTE: FIGURE OUT THIS MESS OF INVENTORY...
264 int32_t field_198; //maybe weap 3, maybe not...
265 int32_t InventoryWeapon;
266 int16_t field_1A0; //unused?
267 int16_t AmmoUsable; //Ammo given for the char to use
268 int16_t HypoUsable; //Hypo given for the char to use
269 int16_t CellsUsable; //Cells given for the char to use
270 int16_t AmmoDropped; //Ammo the char drops
271 int16_t HypoDropped; //Hypo the char drops
272 int16_t CellsDropped; //Cells the char drops
273 int16_t field_1AE;
274 int16_t InverseHypoRegenRate;
275 int16_t ShieldDropped;
276 int16_t CloakDropped;
277 int16_t field_1B4;
278 int16_t field_1B6;
279 int16_t ShieldUsable;
280 int16_t CloakUsable;
281 int16_t field_1BC[9]; //1BC-1E0
282 int32_t NotIdleStartTime;
283 int32_t TimeToIdle;
284 int32_t field_1E8[1315]; //1E8-1648 what the hell is all this?
285 BoundingBox BoundingBox_; //fix this name
286 int32_t field_1660;
287 int32_t field_1664;
288 int32_t ShieldPower; //Same as Boss Shield Power???
289 int32_t field_166C;
290 int32_t NumberOfKills; //^_^
291 int32_t InflictedDamage; //^_^
292 int32_t field_1678[260]; //1678-1A88 more wtf
293 int32_t field_1A88; //here starts animation junk? It was 4 bools in idb O_o
294 int32_t Executor_AimingDirection; //possibly throw junk?
295 int32_t field_1A98;
296 int32_t field_1A9C;
297 int32_t Executor_ActualMovementMode;
298 int32_t field_1AA4;
299 int32_t field_1AA8;
300 int32_t field_1AAC;
301 int32_t Executor_HasFacingOverride; //a bool...
302 float Executor_AimingSpeed;
[473]303 onibool field_1AB8; //actually a bitset...
304 onibool Executor_HasMoveOverride;
[435]305 int16_t field_1ABA;
306 int32_t field_1ABC;
307 int32_t field_1AC0;
308 int32_t field_1AC4;
309 int32_t Executor_FacingOverride;
310 int32_t Executor_HasAttackOverride; //another bool :P
311 int32_t field_1AD0;
312 int32_t field_1AD4;
313 int32_t field_1AD8;
314 int32_t field_1ADC;
315 int32_t field_1AE0;
316 int32_t field_1AE4;
317 int32_t Executor_HasThrowOverride; //another another bool
318 int32_t field_1AEC;
319 int32_t field_1AF0;
320 int32_t field_1AF4;
321 int32_t Animation;
322 int16_t AnimationToState;
323 int16_t AnimationFromState;
324 int16_t AnimationType;
325 int16_t NextAnimationType;
326 int16_t field_1B04;
327 int16_t field_1B06;
328 int32_t Stitch; //bool
329 float StitchHeight;
330 int16_t InterpolationFromState;
331 int16_t field_1B12;
332 Vector3 StitchVelocity;
333 int16_t InterpolationCurrentFrame;
334 int16_t InterpolationLength;
335 Quaternion InterpolationStartRotations[19];
336 int32_t field_1C54;
337 int32_t field_1C58;
338 int32_t field_1C5C;
339 int32_t field_1C60;
340 int32_t Overlay;
341 int32_t field_1C68;
342 int32_t field_1C6C;
343 int32_t field_1C70;
344 int32_t field_1C74;
345 int32_t field_1C78;
346 int32_t field_1C7C;
347 int32_t field_1C80;
348 int32_t field_1C84;
349 int16_t Frame;
350 int16_t SoftPause;
351 int16_t HardPause;
352 int16_t field1C8E;
353 int32_t field1C90;
354 int16_t field1C94;
355 int16_t field1C96;
356 int16_t Dizzy;
357 int16_t field1C9A;
358 int32_t field1C9C;
359 int16_t AnimationVarient;
360 int16_t TimeToPeace;
361 int16_t NumAnimationAttachedParticles;
362 int16_t field_1CA6; //spacing
363 AttachedParticle AnimationAttachedParticles[16];
364 int32_t TRAMParticles;
[473]365 onibool FixedParticlesAttached;
366 onibool FixedParticlesStarted;
[435]367 int16_t NumFixedParticles;
368 AttachedParticle FixedParticles[16];
369 int16_t CurrentAnimationType;
370 int16_t field_1EB2; //spacing
371 int32_t field_1EB4;
372 int32_t field_1EB8;
373 int32_t field_1EBC;
374 int32_t field_1EC0;
375 int32_t field_1EC4;
376 int32_t field_1EC8;
377 int32_t field_1ED0;
378 int32_t field_1ED4;
379 int32_t field_1ED8;
380 int32_t field_1EE0;
381 int32_t field_1EE4;
382 int32_t field_1EE8;
383 Quaternion Rotations[19];
384 Quaternion OverlayRotations[19];
385 int32_t field_2150;
386 int32_t field_2154;
387 GameInput Input;
388 InputAction PreviousActions;
389 int32_t SprintTimer;
390 int32_t field_2194;
391 Vector3 field_2198;
392 int32_t field_21A4;
393 int32_t field_21A8;
394 int32_t field_21AC;
395 Vector3 field_21B0;
396 float HeadFacing;
397 float HeadPitch;
398 int32_t field_21C4;
399 int32_t field_21C8;
400 int32_t field_21D0;
401 int32_t field_21D4;
[473]402 onibool field_21D8;
403 onibool field_21D9;
404 onibool field_21DA;
405 onibool field_21DB;
406 onibool field_21DC;
407 onibool field_21DD;
408 onibool field_21DE;
409 onibool field_21DF;
410 onibool field_21E0;
411 onibool HasAlternateTrigger;
412 onibool field_21E2;
413 onibool ReleaseTrigger;
414 onibool ReleaseAlternateTrigger;
415 onibool TurningLeft;
416 onibool TurningRight;
417 onibool field_21E7;
[435]418 int32_t field_21E8;
419 int32_t field_21EC;
420 int32_t field_21F0;
421 PlayingFilm PlayingFilm_; //fix this name
422 int32_t field_2218[24]; //2218-2278
423 Matrix4x3 BoneMatrices[19];
424 Matrix4x3 WeaponMatrix;
425 int32_t field_2638[113]; //2638-27FC
426 int16_t ShadowIndex;
427 int16_t field_27FE;
428 int16_t field_2780;
[473]429 onibool ShieldParts[19];
430 onibool field_2815; //padding...
431 onibool field_2816;
432 onibool field_2817;
[435]433 int32_t field_2818[8];
434} ActiveCharacter;
[446]436//This struct is good.
[435]437typedef struct { //Character
[446]438 char Number;
439 char field_2;
[435]440 int16_t ActiveCharacterIndex;
441 int32_t Flags;
[446]442 int32_t field_8;
[435]443 int32_t ONCC; //change type to ONCC when we get that far...
[446]444 int16_t field_10;
[435]445 int16_t Team;
446 char Name[32];
447 float BodySize;
448 int32_t Health;
449 int32_t MaxHealth;
450 int32_t ASIA_ID; //might be 16 with 2 byte padding
451 int32_t field_44;
452 char ScriptSpawn[32]; //Script function called when char spawns
453 char ScriptDie[32]; //Script function called when char dies
454 char ScriptAware[32]; //Script function called when char detects something
455 char ScriptAlarm[32]; //Script function called when char is alarmed at something
456 char ScriptHurt[32]; //Script function called when char is hurt for the first time
457 char ScriptDefeat[32]; //Script function called when char is at 1 HP
458 char ScriptNoAmmo[32]; //Script function called when char is out of ammo for the first time. Char must have ammo at spawn.
459 char ScriptNoPath[32]; //Script function called when char loses path. Broken.
460 Vector3 Position;
461 Vector3 LastPosition;
462 Vector3 Location;
463 float Facing;
464 float DesiredFacing;
465 float CosmeticFacing;
466 float field_178;
467 float field_17C;
468 float field_180;
469 int32_t BNV;
470 int32_t GraphNode;
471 float PelvisHeight;
472 float field_190;
473 Inventory Inventory_; //is there a better way to do this?
474 Vector3 Velocity;
475 int32_t field_1D0;
[446]476 int32_t Recoil;
[435]477 int32_t field_1D8;
478 int32_t field_1DC;
[446]479 int32_t LastNotIdleGameTime;
[435]480 int32_t IdleDelay;
[446]481 int32_t Type;
482 int32_t field_1EC;
[435]483 int32_t CombatFlags;
484 int32_t JobId;
485 int32_t Goal;
486 int32_t field_1FC;
487 int32_t field_200;
488 int32_t field_204;
[446]489 int32_t field_208[428]; //208-8B8
[435]490 int32_t CombatState; //I think....
[446]491 int32_t field_8BC;
[435]492 int32_t PatrolPathOSD[10]; //actually another struct. Not needed atm.
[437]493 int32_t PatrolPathPoints[5][64]; //64 of another struct
[435]494 int32_t field_DE8[98]; //DE8-F70
495 int32_t CombatStatePtr;
496 int32_t KnowledgeState[4]; //Another struct
497 int32_t field_F84;
498 int32_t AlertDecayTimer;
499 int32_t field_F8C;
500 int32_t field_F90;
501 int32_t InitialAlertLevel; //0 - lull, 1 - low, 2 - medium, 3 - high, 4 - combat
502 int32_t MinimalAlertLevel; //0 - lull, 1 - low, 2 - medium, 3 - high, 4 - combat
503 int32_t StartJobAlertLevel; //0 - lull, 1 - low, 2 - medium, 3 - high, 4 - combat
504 int32_t InvestigatingAlertLevel;//0 - lull, 1 - low, 2 - medium, 3 - high, 4 - combat
505 int32_t StartleTime;
506 int32_t field_FA8;
507 int32_t field_FAC;
508 int32_t field_FB0;
509 int32_t PursuitStrongLow;
510 int32_t PursuitWeakLow;
511 int32_t PursuitStrongHigh;
512 int32_t PursuitWeakHigh;
513 int32_t Pursuit5;
[446]514 int32_t field_FC8[4];
[435]515 int32_t AlarmGroups; //a bitset
[446]516 int32_t field_FDC[17]; //FDC-1020
[435]517 int32_t DazeTimer;
[446]518 int32_t field_1024[17]; //1024-1068
[435]519 int32_t MeleePtr; //probably MELE. Looks somewhat important.
520 int32_t field_106C[270]; //106C-14A4 skipping lots of junk and a little pathfinding stuff that we might want later.
[446]521 int32_t MovementMode;
522 int32_t field_14A8;
523 int32_t field_14AC;
[435]524 int32_t MovementModifiers; //hopefully sprinting, pistol, rifle, etc.
525 int32_t field_14B4[101]; //14B4-1648 Glossing over a few other things we don't need having to do with AI direction.
[446]526 BoundingBox BoundingBox_;
527 int32_t field_1660;
[435]528 int32_t BossShieldPower; //a multiplier? or just a flag? who knows
529 int32_t field_1668[6];
530 int32_t CurrentConsoleActionMarker; //not sure.
[446]531 int32_t field_1684[7];
[435]532} Character;
[428]534enum {
535 team_konoko,
536 team_tctf,
537 team_syndicate,
538 team_neutral,
539 team_securityguard,
540 team_rougekonoko,
541 team_switzerland,
542 team_syndicateaccessory,
[453]545typedef enum {
546 chr_isplayer = 1 << 0,
547 chr_randomskin = 1 << 1,
548 chr_notprespawned = 1 << 2,
549 chr_noncombatant = 1 << 3,
550 chr_multispawnable = 1 << 4,
551 chr_unkillable = 1 << 5,
552 chr_superammo = 1 << 6,
553 chr_omniscient = 1 << 8,
554 chr_haslsi = 1 << 9,
555 chr_boss = 1 << 10,
556 chr_upgradedifficulty = 1 << 11,
557 chr_noautodrop = 1 << 12,
558 chr_dontaim = 1 << 13,
559 chr_nocollision = 1 << 17,
560 chr_noshadow = 1 << 24,
561 chr_invincible = 1 << 25,
562 chr_bossshield = 1 << 30,
563 chr_weaponimmune = 1 << 31,
564} chr_flags;
[441]566enum {
567chr_isplayer = 0x00000001, //is player character
568chr_randomskin = 0x00000002, //gets random skin from ONCV
569chr_notprespawned = 0x00000004, //isn't spawned at level creation
570chr_noncombatant = 0x00000008, //doesn't fight
571chr_multispawnable = 0x00000010, //can spawn up to 5 without forcing
572chr_unknown = 0x00000020, //
573chr_unkillable = 0x00000040, //can only be brought to 1 hp
574chr_superammo = 0x00000080, //infinite ammo
575chr_omniscient = 0x00000100, //touchofdeath
576chr_haslsi = 0x00000200, //drops an lsi
577chr_boss = 0x00000400, //is a boss character
578chr_upgradedifficulty = 0x00000800, //upgrade the difficulty if you play on med\hard
579chr_noautodrop = 0x00001000, //uses drop fields instead of has fields on death
580}; //
[432]582int16_t ONICALL ONrGameState_NewCharacter(CharacterObject* CHAR, void* AISA, void* flag, int* list_location);
[446]583int32_t* ONICALL ONrGetActiveCharacter(void* CharacterPtr);
[435]584//int16_t ONICALL ONrGameState_GetPlayerCharacter();
[470]586//probably need to name these better.
587#define char_unkillable (1 << 5)
588#define char_superammo (1 << 6)
589#define char_unstoppable (1 << 8)
590#define char_deathlock (1 << 10)
591#define char_dontaim (1 << 13)
592#define char_nocollision (1 << 17)
593#define char_noshadow (1 << 24)
594#define char_invincible (1 << 25)
595#define char_bossshield (1 << 30)
596#define char_weaponimmune (1 << 31)
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