1 | #ifndef _OBJT_H_
2 | #define _OBJT_H_
3 |
4 | #define M3cNumBoundingPoints 8// Do not change without changing references below
5 | #define M3cNumBoundingFaces 6// Do not change without changing references below
6 |
7 | #define MUmVector_Add(dst, srca, srcb)\
8 | do {(dst).x = (srca).x + (srcb).x;\
9 | (dst).y = (srca).y + (srcb).y;\
10 | (dst).z = (srca).z + (srcb).z; } while (0)
11 |
12 | #define MUmVector_Scale(vec,s)\
13 | do {(vec).x*=(s); \
14 | (vec).y*=(s); \
15 | (vec).z*=(s); } while (0)
16 |
17 | typedef struct M3tPoint3D
18 | {
19 | float x;
20 | float y;
21 | float z;
22 | } M3tPoint3D;
23 |
24 | typedef struct M3tQuad
25 | {
26 | uint32_t indices[4];
27 | } M3tQuad;
28 |
29 | typedef struct M3tPlaneEquation
30 | {
31 | float a;
32 | float b;
33 | float c;
34 | float d;
35 | } M3tPlaneEquation;
36 |
37 | typedef M3tPoint3D M3tVector3D;
38 |
39 | typedef struct M3tBoundingVolume
40 | {
41 | M3tPoint3D worldPoints[8];// Must match M3cNumBoundingPoints above
42 | M3tQuad faces[6];// Must match M3cNumBoundingFaces above
43 | M3tVector3D normals[6];// Must match M3cNumBoundingFaces above- starting normals
44 |
45 | M3tPlaneEquation curPlanes[6];// Must match M3cNumBoundingFaces above- current plane equs
46 | uint16_t curProjections[6]; // Must match M3cNumBoundingFaces above
47 | } M3tBoundingVolume;
48 |
49 | typedef struct M3tBoundingSphere
50 | {
51 | M3tPoint3D center;
52 | float radius;
53 | } M3tBoundingSphere;
54 |
55 | typedef uint32_t OBJtObjectType;
56 |
57 | typedef struct OBJtObject
58 | {
59 | OBJtObjectType object_type;
60 | uint32_t object_id;
61 | uint32_t flags;
62 | M3tPoint3D position;
63 | M3tPoint3D rotation;
64 | OBJtMethods* methods;
65 | void* mechanics_class; //ONtMechanicsClass* mechanics_class;
66 | uint32_t object_data[0];
67 | } OBJtObject;
68 |
69 | #define OBJcMaxNameLength 63
70 | #define OBJcMaxNoteChars 127
71 | #define SLcScript_MaxNameLength (32)
72 |
73 | typedef struct OBJtOSD_TriggerVolume
74 | {
75 | char name[OBJcMaxNameLength];
76 | char entry_script[SLcScript_MaxNameLength];
77 | char inside_script[SLcScript_MaxNameLength];
78 | char exit_script[SLcScript_MaxNameLength];
79 |
80 | char note[OBJcMaxNoteChars + 1];
81 |
82 | M3tPoint3D scale;
83 | int32_t id;
84 | int32_t parent_id;
85 |
86 | M3tBoundingVolume volume;
87 | M3tBoundingSphere sphere;// not written to disk
88 | uint32_t team_mask;
89 |
90 | uint32_t authored_flags;
91 | uint32_t in_game_flags;// not written to disk
92 | char cur_entry_script[SLcScript_MaxNameLength];// not written to disk
93 | char cur_inside_script[SLcScript_MaxNameLength];// not written to disk
94 | char cur_exit_script[SLcScript_MaxNameLength];// not written to disk
95 | } OBJtOSD_TriggerVolume;
96 |
97 | typedef struct OBJtOSD_All
98 | {
99 | union
100 | {
101 | //OBJtOSD_Combat combat_osd;
102 | //OBJtOSD_Character character_osd;
103 | //OBJtOSD_PatrolPath patrolpath_osd;
104 | //OBJtOSD_Flag flag_osd;
105 | //OBJtOSD_Furniture furniture_osd;
106 | //OBJtOSD_Particle particle_osd;
107 | //OBJtOSD_PowerUp powerup_osd;
108 | //OBJtOSD_Sound sound_osd;
109 | OBJtOSD_TriggerVolume trigger_volume_osd;
110 | //OBJtOSD_Weapon weapon_osd;
111 | //OBJtOSD_Trigger trigger_osd;
112 | //OBJtOSD_Turret turret_osd;
113 | //OBJtOSD_Console console_osd;
114 | //OBJtOSD_Door door_osd;
115 | //OBJtOSD_Melee melee_osd;
116 | //OBJtOSD_Neutral neutral_osd;
117 | } osd;
118 | } OBJtOSD_All;
119 |
120 | #endif